Another family of tourists moved closer to where we stood and broke our moment. We made our way out of la Chiesa and started strolling down la via Francesco Raimondi. I loved saying all these names out loud and let the foreign words caress my tongue.

We were careful to avoid the midday heat, so all the sightseeing was scheduled for the morning or late afternoon. In another nearby chiesa, the clock struck five. In Sicily, even the sound of a freakin’ bell had a touch of magic about it.

“Can we go to the market now?” Lucas begged. He looked up at us with his perfect pout that made my heart melt and burst at the same time. Wherever we went, he’d taken the habit of inserting himself between us, clutching our hands tightly. Josh and I missed holding each other’s hands though. So during our ‘date’ nights—and by ‘date’ I mean a quick bite out at a local place—our hands stayed glued together as if some Hubba Bubba had gotten stuck between our palms.

“We promised you we’d go there and you’ve been so well-behaved, you might even get a treat.”

My answer made Lucas squeal and jump up and down a couple of times. Soon we turned into Il Mercato di Capo. It was a long street market alive with hustle and bustle. I’d never seen anything like this before: a jumble of vendors’ stalls, selling everything delicious under the sun, from oranges to tomatoes to freshly baked bread and fish that swam in little buckets.

“Yucky!” Lucas grimaced. “It stinks.”

“Lucas!” I gently scolded him. I had to say though, it did stink. I’d never liked fish.

We hurried away from the area where the fishmongers were gathered. Twice Josh guided us out of the trajectory of those cute, murderous little Vespas. They bolted along the market streets, from one narrow alley to another, as if nothing or no one was standing in their way.

I let out a stressed breath when we escaped from Il Capo and plopped down at a table outside a coffee shop, with Josh and Lucas on either side of me. By that point, I was craving an Italian ice cream as badly as my son was. Lucas settled for his new fav—fragola and pistachio—and I indulged in a cioccolato fondente. When we came back to our table, Josh had ordered a Coke for himself.

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” I tempted him by rolling my eyes after my first bite. The corner of his mouth curled upwards. There was a couple of silent seconds which were soon shattered by Lucas.

“My friend Charlie, he’s allergic to fish and, if he eats some, he has all these yucky spots popping on his skin, like EVERYWHERE.”

Josh started asking Lucas questions, but I struggled to keep my attention glued on poor Charlie’s story. Cioccolato fondente was about as good as it got. I enjoyed how the ice cream melted on my tongue. It managed to feel both cold and smoldering.

Cioccolato fondente was good, but watching my two men lost in their own chit-chat topped the happiness chart. Lucas had come to live with us for good February last year and the adoption had been legalized right before last Christmas. I savored every second of our time together.

It was now two years since Gran had passed away, which had soon been followed by Alfredo’s death. We’d kept our promise to him and, as soon as the summer holiday and a break in Josh’s work schedule had allowed, we’d flown to Sicily. The Guidi family had come from a village an hour’s drive from Palermo and we were heading there tomorrow.

My eyes rolled once again, but this time it was to check the tiny slice of sky visible between the tall buildings bordering the narrow alley. I winked at Gran and Alfredo and, deep in my soul, I knew they were at peace. Our life was not perfect. Dammit, our family sure wasn’t perfect, but we were together and I was plain grateful for it.

If we were here today, enjoying a gelato in Palermo, it was also thanks to those who remained and who loved us: Josh’s mom, Miranda, back in Steep Hill; Woodie and Clarissa and their sweet, red-haired little girl, Quinn.

I was thankful to Shawn and Sam who had flown to Kansas City to meet Trisha and the judge after the photo debacle. Even Will, my agent, had put a good word to explain my relationship with Shawn. And it was all Josh’s doing. He’d orchestrated that while I’d been in Steep Hill. I’d seen a lot of Shawn over the last year since we were co-writing most of the songs on his latest album. I’d penned a few songs for myself too... One of these days, I might come back on stage.

Andrea Loretti and her husband had backed down from their crusade to adopt Lucas. I think Josh had something to do with that too. Andrea was fostering now. Lucas and I had visited her a couple of times and, of course, she’d baked us a truckload of chocolate chip cookies.

“Mom, have I been here with my mommy and my daddy before?” Lucas’s question startled me.

“You mean here, like this exact gelato place?” He nodded. “I don’t know if you came here, here before, but you travelled to this city with them when you were a baby.”

He chewed on my answer while he finished the fragola of his ice cream. It was still difficult for him to reconcile his fading memories of Jenna and Chris with our life in D.C. Coming to Sicily was a way to keep that part of him alive and build new memories.

A man dressed all in black with a white mask had started a street mime performance a few yards away.

“Can we stay and watch him, please?” Lucas asked.

Josh took a napkin and wiped away the ice cream that was smeared over Lucas’s face. “Go, but stay on this side of the crowd so that we can see you.”

Lucas climbed down from his chair and hurried away.

“A penny for your thoughts” Josh took a sip of his Coke.

“Nothing. I was totally fixated by Charlie’s fish acne.”

“You’re not fooling me, Cass.”

I shrugged. “I was thinking of the family we’ve made, the three of us, and the one we have with our friends.” Josh extended his arm and entwined his fingers with mine. I gazed down at our hands joined…hopefully forever. “In the end, family is much more than just blood.”

The sound of Lucas giggling drew my attention back to him.

Josh brought my hand to his lips and kissed it with the same gentleness he’d done in the church. “Family is about love, and love is something we have plenty of.”

Fast Forward (Second Chances # 2)

If you feel like leaving a review for Fast Forward, you can do so on Goodreads or wherever you purchased it.

Thank you,

Marion ❤

You Turn (Second Chances # 3)

Are you intrigued by the mysterious Zach Murdoch? Want to know more about him? Then let’s travel to Paris, France, in May 2014 and find out about Lenor’s second chance at love…

Second Chances # 4

Many readers of Oxford Shadows (The Oxford trilogy # 2) and No Reverse have shared with me their ‘affection’ for the deliciously roguish Sam Blackhawk. Let’s follow him when he looks for his own ‘Forever’ in August 2014.


I would never have written Cassie and Josh’s story without the support of some very kind-hearted, inspiring, passionate people.

… Claudia at PhatPuppyArt and Teresa Yeh at Teresa Yeh Photography, for making Josh and Cassie look so cute and sexy;

… Chris Eboch, for your calm and positive attitude;

… Steve Parolini, for being a hero (yes, you are!);

… L.J. Anderson at Mayhem Cover Creations, for dancing the tango with me;

… Sara O’Connor at Gliterary Girl, for your flair and making my website look so very ‘gliterary’ too;

… Julie at AToMR, for answering my long emails and being always so professional and thoughtful;

… Teresa, for being a rock;

… Ginny H., for being an early fan and your delightful, dry sense of humor;

… the Ballet Gang moms for being simply awesome women;

… my parents, for always asking for updates on ‘the’ book and getting an exasperated sigh in response;

… my little girls, for the strength you give me, ALWAYS;

… Hector, well, for EVERYTHING and inspiring some of the best lines;

… All the bloggers, who spread the word and warmed my heart: Autumn at The Autumn Review, Damaris at Good Choice Readings, Ing at As The Page Turns, Ellen at Always YA At Heart, Raina at The LUV’NV, Nathalie and Ali at SeekingBookBoyfriends, Chucha at BookFreak, Savannah at Books With Bite, Sarah at Head Stuck In A Book, Sonia at SBookLover, Carrie at The Muse Unleashed, Brenna at Two-Tall-Tales, Jessica at Lovin’ Los Libros, Jenee at Jenee’s Book Blog, Katie at Katie’s Books, Bethany at The Reading Vixens, Ashley at Chiquita Blog, Cerian at The Rookie Romance, Shelley and Courtney at ReadingBooksOrDie, Jennifer at The Tale Of Many Reviews, and so many more.

The publishing revolution would not have happened without you gals, so thank you!

… and, of course, to all the readers who read No Reverse, talked about it, took the time to rate it on Goodreads or Amazon, even wrote a review, and shared their thoughts and emotions with me.



Marion loves to share happy vibes, talk book crush, fictional boyfriends and sexual chemistry with like-minded people. And because she spends most of her days on her own deep inside her writing cave, you are welcome to come and say “hello” from time to time. Just to make sure she doesn’t sink into insanity.

Her friends, family and arch-enemies (there are quite a few) will be forever grateful for your help.