“I didn’t win anything. I told you, I don’t want the position.”

“Are you scared, little Lolita?”

“Scared of what?” I took another step back as he took a step forward. I couldn’t allow him to touch me again. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from responding if he touched me again.

“Scared because I know who you are.”

“I don’t know what you think you know.” I looked him in the eye. “And I’d never be scared of an asshole like you. I accept the position.”

“Good.” He smiled and walked back to his desk as if nothing had just happened. He picked up his briefcase and pulled out his cell phone. “What’s your phone number?”

“Why do you want my number?”

“So I can text you my address.”

“Why do I need your address?”

“Because that is where my office is.”

“What? It’s not here?”

“No.” He shook his head. “It’s in Knightsbridge.”

“Can’t I just meet you here?”


I frowned. “But why were you in a hotel the other night—”

“What is your number, Lola?” He cut me off and handed me his phone. “Input it here, I’ll text you my address, and I’ll expect you in the morning. Don’t be late.”

“I don’t even know what to say,” I mumbled as I put my number into his phone.

“No need to say anything.” He took the phone back from me and put it in his pocket.

“What am I going to be doing for you?”

“We’ll discuss it tomorrow.”

“Oh God, you don’t expect me to be your assistant-slash-lover, do you?” I blurted out. “I’ve read books about this, you know. Man in power hires poor, innocent girl to be his assistant, but really she’s his sex toy to have sex at his whim. Just because I slept with you once doesn’t mean you can bend me over a desk at your will. Contrary to what you may think, I’m not a slut and I can’t be bought.” I took a deep breath and continued, ignoring the sudden light shining in his eyes. “You’re my professor. You can’t do this. I can get you fired. This is sexual harassment.”

“See, Lola,” he spoke quietly, “this is why you shouldn’t study literature.”

“What?” I frowned at him. That was his response to my entire diatribe?

“What kind of books are you reading?” He laughed. “I’ve never heard of any great literature with the premise of ‘easy girl becomes sex slave to powerful man.’ Put down the Harlequins and learn about real life, Lola. I neither want nor need you to do any sexual favors for me.”

“I ...” I mumbled, flabbergasted at his words. “I don’t read Harlequins.”

“Good. I wouldn’t want you to go getting any dreams in your head about this situation. I know how you girls are. You will never have a relationship with me or my brother.” His eyes flashed at me. “And while I admit you were good for a night, I’ve no need to repeat it.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“I’ll see you in the morning, Lolita.”

And with that, he sauntered out of the room, leaving me standing there, wondering what the hell was going on.

* * *

His View

I was excited for the first day of class. I wanted to see her face when she realized I was going to be her professor. Would her face go red? Would she run out of the room? Maybe she’d pull me out of the classroom and argue with me. Maybe I’d push her against the wall and lift her up and press myself into her, so she could feel how much I’d missed her.

“Don’t be crazy, Xavier,” I lectured myself. I knew I was treading in murky waters. Lola was going to be my student. I was her professor. It was already pretty scandalous that we’d slept together. I’d be crazy to sleep with her again as her professor—but then, I liked crazy. I had only taken this job as a favor to the president of the university. And it was a study abroad program. I was sure that the rules weren’t as strict about professors and students dating. And it wasn’t like I was in it for the dating part anyways.

* * *

I walked into the classroom and called out my name. I saw Lola right away. I felt my cock hardening as soon as I saw her. She looked at me in shock and I tried not to grin. Then I saw my brother, Sebastian whispering in my ear and I felt a jolt of jealousy. Had she already moved on? I frowned as I watched them together. Their body language indicated that they already had some sort of friendship. I was furious inside. I couldn’t believe that she had already found my brother. I had been sitting at home all weekend, excited about the possibility of seeing her again, but she had already moved on.

“Prostitutes,” I shouted out to the class. “Yes, let’s start with prostitutes.” I looked directly at Lola and watched as she squirmed in her seat. Her face was bright red and her eyes were furious as she looked at me. My heart thudded as we made eye contact. There was beauty in her anger. There was satisfaction in her anger. I wanted to make her feel it. I wanted to make her worry. I was pissed that she was so cozy with Sebastian. He was my brother and I loved him, but he was not going to take my Lola.

Class seemed to drag on and it was all I could do to not end it early. I wanted to pull her into my arms and ask her if she missed me. Instead, I told her I needed to talk to her about being my assistant. I needed a reason to talk to her that didn’t show her how eager I was to spend more one-on-one time with her. I was Xavier, Prince of Romerius. I could have any girl I wanted. I wasn’t sprung on her. Hell, no!

* * *

The fire was in Lola’s eyes as soon as she started talking to me. She was still angry at me and she was embarrassed. I saw her staring at my chest furtively and I knew that she was remembering that night. I couldn’t resist the slight tremble of her lips as they beckoned me and I grabbed her and kissed her hard. Her lips felt supple beneath mine and I knew that the beginning of our sexual journey together was about to start when I felt her fingers running through my hair. Her breasts were crushed up against my chest and I wanted to turn her around and bend her over. I was about to grab her ass, when I stopped. This wasn’t the way I wanted this to go down, so I pulled back from her and stopped the kiss. She looked bewildered and lost, and I smiled. This was going to be like taking candy from a baby.

Chapter 7

“I can’t believe they went out for dinner,” Anna whispered from her position on my bed.

“I know. I thought it would never happen,” I whispered back, laughing. I felt almost delirious that we had the house to ourselves for the evening.

“I didn’t think it would be like this,” Anna sighed.

“It was all we could afford,” I mumbled, and we both stared at each other for a few seconds before lying back on the bed.

Anna and I were renting rooms from a family in an area called Streatham. It had been the only affordable option for us when we had decided to come and study abroad, but it certainly was a different experience.

“Why couldn’t we have been rich?” She turned and looked at me. “If Phillipa comes and asks me if I want to play tea party again, I may scream.”

“At least she doesn’t come and sleep in your room like Allison does,” I groaned, thinking of the little girl who spent as much time in my room as she did in hers.

“At least you didn’t find her lying on your bed, picking her nose.”

“You did not? Ewww,” I moaned in sympathy.

“It’s not the European experience I was looking forward to.” She laughed. “If I wanted someone else’s bodily waste in my bed, it certainly wouldn’t be a little girl’s bogeys.”


“Well, you know.” She jumped off of the bed. “I want to be woken up by a guy who can’t keep his hands off me, not by someone’s mom screaming at them to get up for school.”

“We should say something.” I yawned. “I can’t deal with being woken up every morning like that.”

“If you want to say something—”Anna made a face “—please feel free.” She laughed and walked to the door. “I’m going to take advantage of the fact that we have the house to ourselves right now.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I smiled at her and grabbed my journal from the nightstand.

“You want to watch TV?” Anna stopped at my door. “Come Dine With Me is on tonight.”

I looked up from my journal. “I thought that was on Friday nights?”

“Oh, yeah. Maybe there will be some repeats on.”

“I think I’ll skip TV tonight.” I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

“You can’t let him do this to you, Lola.” Anna walked back into the room and climbed onto the bed next to me. “He’s using his power to control you. Go to the dean or complain to Henrietta. She’ll know what to do.”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “I don’t want to do that. Henrietta seems like she’s enamored with him.”

“Look. You had a one-night stand. It’s not illegal. It’s not right for him to talk to you like that.” Anna’s voice was passionate and loud. “Tell him to stuff his assistantship and to take it up with the school administration if he has a problem.”

“It’s not that easy.” I looked away from her, and I knew from her groan that she understood why.

“Oh, God, Lola. You don’t like him, do you?”

“No, I don’t like him.” My voice rose. “He’s a pompous asshole.”


“Oh, Anna, I don’t know what it is, but when he looks at me, I feel like my insides are burning up and I’m going to catch on fire.”

“He was that good, huh?”

“It’s not that he’s hot. Or that he was good in bed. He’s just ... Oh, I don’t know how to explain it. He excites every part of me.”

“That’s called lust, Lola. And he’s your professor.” Anna made a face. “You could get into trouble.”

“He doesn’t seem concerned.” I shrugged.

“That’s even scarier. Why doesn’t he care?” She looked thoughtful. “We should ask Sebastian what his story is.”

“I’m not asking him about his brother. What if he asks why?” I shook my head. “No way do I want him knowing I slept with his brother.”

“Do you think he’s going to try and use his position to get you to do things?”

“Oh, Anna.” I laughed slightly, though I wasn’t really amused. “He wouldn’t have to use his position to get me to do anything. I can’t help myself when I’m around him. He’s so hot.”

“So just go for him, then.” She grinned wickedly at me. “Have a torrid affair with him.”

“He’s also an asshole.” I shook my head. “Not that makes much of a difference because it’s not really up to me. But he doesn’t want me anyways, and even if he did, it would only be for sex, because I can’t stand him.”

“You don’t like anything about him?”

“Well, he does seem intelligent and he does like art.” I sighed. “But let’s just say he’s no Prince Charming.”

“Oh, you’re still waiting for him, huh?” Anna smiled at me gently. She knew that all my life I had had a list of qualities I wanted in a man. In the man—the man who would become my Prince Charming. “He called a few hours ago. His horse broke down in the West End.”

“Tell him to hop on another horse then.” I laughed. “Tell him to forget the gentle white steed. He needs a stallion.”

“Yup. Let me call him now.” Anna grabbed my phone and pretended to make a call. “Hello, hello? Is that you, Prince Charming? Lola’s best friend Anna here. She’s waiting on you to arrive. And I’m waiting on your even handsomer cousin, Prince Even More Charming. We wanted to tell you both to get your asses off the slow white steeds and trade them in for some stallions. And don’t trot over to us. Please gallop. Crack that whip and gallop.” Anna’s voice rose dramatically as she got into the scene, and I started giggling. “We’re waiting here, kind of impatiently. My top’s about to fall off and Lola’s already on the bed waiting to welcome you.”

“I’m here! I’m here!” I fanned myself as I lay back. “Please hurry.”

“There.” Anna giggled as well. “That should do it. Both Prince Charmings should be on the way now.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

“Do you think you’ll sleep with him again?” Anna blurted out, and I rolled my eyes.

“No way.”

“Are you excited for tomorrow?”

“No,” I lied.

“I can’t believe he lives in Knightsbridge. He must be rich.”

I shrugged. “I suppose.”

“I wonder if Sebastian lives with him?”

“God, I hope not.” I shuddered at the thought. “I can’t even believe that they are brothers. Sebastian is so sweet and polite, but Xavier is so rude and hateful.”