Colt dropped the beer and opened his mouth but Jack threw up his hands in a gesture of surrender.
“That’s all I’m sayin’. You’re a man now, you play it as you see fit.”
Before Colt could speak, Jack’s eyes went over Colt’s shoulder and he followed something around Colt’s back.
Colt twisted and saw Feb heft up the hinged portion of bar and slide through, dropping it behind her.
Her eyes caught Colt’s and before she turned away she said, “Hey.”
Another new one.
She never said anything in greeting, not even “hey”.
Then she turned away and walked down the bar. Colt’s eyes followed her ass as she did it. Then they sliced to Jack who he caught grinning at him.
Jesus fucking Christ.
“Not smart, old man, gettin’ your hopes up,” Colt told him quietly.
“My age? Hope’s about all I got left,” Jack returned and headed down the bar.
Jack was so full of shit. The man had everything.
Colt nursed his beer and scanned the bar, cataloguing the customers, going through what he knew about them in his mind and understanding Feb’s hesitation at pointing the finger at anyone. Most everyone there he knew. Most of those he knew his whole life.
There were a few drifters. Jack was a biker, he’d owned a hawg all the time Colt knew him. He had a “biker friendly” sign in the front window. He liked his Harley brethren to come in, take a load off, shoot a game of pool and drink a few rounds in his place.
Morrie and Feb continued the tradition.
Morrie owned a Fat Boy and Feb had more Harley Davidson t-shirts than were probably carried in a single store. At the back, under the collar, if she lifted her hair up or, in the summer or when the nights got too busy and she pulled it into a knot or ponytail on the top of her head, you’d see the story of her last fifteen years laid bare there. In a small decal under the collar, Harley tees announced what store in what city and what state the tee came from. She’d been to Harley stores all over the country. Hell, she had several from the Harley golden triangle, Deadwood, Rapid City, and the granddaddy of them all, Sturgis. She’d worn one the other night and tonight she had on a Sturgis Motorcycle Rally t-shirt, its army green fabric featuring a display of grinning skulls interlinked with flowers at the chest.
Her choker tonight had oblong brown beads.
She was four people down when she felt his eyes on her.
She lifted her head then pointed her chin at his beer. “You want another?”
This wasn’t unusual. She may not have been exactly friendly for the last two years but she owned a bar, she’d brought him a beer.
She came closer, grabbed a beer out of the fridge, stuck it in the bottle opener under the bar and yanked off the cap. She placed it in front of him and surprised him by lifting his old bottle and eyeing the swirling dregs in the bottom. Then with practiced ease she tossed it with a crash into the tall, thin, gray plastic glass recycling bin.
Her eyes came to his. “Jack chaser?”
This was unusual. She may have brought him a beer but she hadn’t cleared the old one away and she never furthered the discourse in any way.
“Feelin’ like keepin’ my faculties tonight,” he told her.
She nodded, her gaze sliding away. “Good call. Feds in town. Psycho on the loose. Faculties would be good.”
Jesus. Who was this woman?
Before he could figure it out, she said, “Yell if you change your mind. Stayin’ in Mom and Dad’s RV with them tonight. You feel like gettin’ a buzz on, Dad’ll pour you in the back of my car.”
She started to move away but he caught her by calling her name.
She turned back to him and he asked, “Why’re you stayin’ in the RV?”
She’d looked at him but again her eyes slid away though not before he saw them light in the dark.
“Jimbo’s a bit allergic to cats. Woke up with his eyes matted shut, sneezin’ like crazy.” She looked back at him after she’d hid her humor at this piece of news and said, “Jessie wanted to kick Jimbo out but I explained that a psycho would probably not be afraid of two women wielding one of her many cans of hair spray and a lighter. Wilson and me are homeless for awhile. Slummin’ it in the RV.”
Colt didn’t find this funny.
“Jesus, Feb, just move in with me.”
Feb’s expression told him she did not find him funny either though his intention wasn’t to be funny.
“Colt –”
He cut her off. “There’s no reason to fuckin’ argue.”
She took a step toward him and lowered her voice. “You’re off the hook. Mom and Dad and me are movin’ into Morrie’s if things go okay with Dee and this reconciliation lasts longer than a night.”
“You know how I feel about Jack but he’s not a young man anymore.”
“Maybe not but he’s not stupid either. Something happens he’ll know what to do.”
“Not like a cop would know what to do.”
Her head tilted with her question and her burgeoning impatience. “How much do you reckon I have to be worried?”
“None, you stay with me.”
“Colt, you don’t even like me. Why the fuck would I move in with you?”
“Who says I don’t like you?”
She stepped back on a foot like he’d shoved her shoulders and her face carried an expression like he’d perpetrated a surprise attack.
“Feb –” Colt started.
“February! Woman, what’s it take to get a drink around here?” Sheila Eisenhower shouted from the other end of the bar, standing by Joe-Bob who was staring at her with mild affront and it was highly likely she’d interrupted Joe-Bob’s evening nap.
“I got her,” Jack called, hustling down to the other end of the bar, leaving a stunned Tony Mancetti staring at the half-pulled mug of beer that Jack left sitting on the bar in order to rush to shut Sheila up and give Feb and Colt time to have their conversation.
“Brilliant, just brilliant,” Feb muttered as she started toward Tony.
“Feb, we’re not done talkin’,” Colt stated, his tone short and clipped.
“We so are,” Feb threw over her shoulder and hightailed it to Tony’s beer.
Colt took an angry pull off his own beer mainly because the cool of the bottle soothed the itch he now had to wring Sheila Eisenhower’s neck.
Feb didn’t get near him for the next twenty minutes and Colt played the only card he had in his hand.
“Jack!” he called and Jack jerked his head at Colt to tell him he’d heard him, finished the order he was filling for Ruthie and then walked to Colt.
“She can stay in the RV with you tonight but I want Feb and you and Jackie with me by tomorrow night.”
“Son, your second bedroom is full of junk and Jackie and me slept on your pull out last Christmas. Hate to tell you this, boy, but it’s lumpy.”
“Pull the RV up outside but Feb’s inside.”
Jack pressed his lips together before he said, “Found out yesterday my girl’s got a problem with insomnia and, I’ll repeat, your pull out is lumpy.”
“I won’t pull it out when I’m sleepin’ on it.”
Jack’s eyes grew wide. “You’re givin’ Feb your bed?”
“A man with a hatchet comes into the house I don’t want Feb on the couch.”
Jack threw him a look that Colt just caught before Jack turned away.
Colt had seen that look from Jack many times in his life. After football games. The four proms he took Jack’s daughter to. After Colt graduated from Purdue. The first time Jack had seen him in a police uniform. The day they made him detective.
The weight he’d been carrying in his gut grew lighter.
Jack looked back at him. “She ain’t gonna like it.”
“She doesn’t have much choice.”
Jack grinned. “She comes with a cat.”
This was not a pleasant prospect. Colt was not only a dog person, he didn’t much like cats.
“It stays out of my way, I won’t skin it.”
Jack threw his head back and laughed so loud, February, bending to pick up a fallen towel from the ground all the way down the bar, twisted her head to look at them. She was too far away, the light too dim, Colt couldn’t tell if her expression was anxious or angry.
Probably both.
“I’ll have a word,” Jack said, still chuckling.
“Have as many as you need but get her ass in my house.”
Jack threw him another grin and Colt hated what he had to say next but part of his job was saying shit like this. He didn’t like doing it at all but he really didn’t like doing it with people he cared about.
“Don’t get too comfortable with all this, Jack. The profilers profiled the guy. I want her at my house because she’s not safe. You hear what I’m sayin’ to you?”
Jack sobered instantly and leaned in.
“I hear you, you got more to say?”
He did so he said it. “He’s her age, probably went to school with us. Highly intelligent, organized and fixated. A sexual deviant. Likely he has a good job and is good at doin’ it. It’s probable she knows him. It’s likely, with his level of intelligence, he doesn’t think anyone’s smart enough to catch him and he’s good at hiding his perversion. He wants her attention. She goes off target, does anything he doesn’t like, say, movin’ in with me, his focus can shift from those who did her wrong to what he perceives as her doin’ him wrong. This is a profile, not set in stone, but those guys are good at what they do and we’d be fools not to listen to what they say.”
“Maybe she shouldn’t move in with you.”
“Maybe not, but you happy with any other place she could be?”
Jack read his meaning Colt saw it written in turn on Jack’s face.
“He’s been fixated on her for over twenty years,” Colt reminded him. “Something happened to set him off and it wasn’t her comin’ home. You hear anything, someone around her age, good job, good income, smart guy, who had something happen, say he got laid off, his wife left him, anything, you let me know and I’ll let Sully know.”
“His wife?”
“He’s good at hiding his perversion, Jack. He’s married, she wouldn’t have a clue.”
“Get her ass in my house tomorrow night and sleep with one fuckin’ eye open tonight.”
“Don’t think I’ll be sleepin’ at all, son.”
“I wouldn’t either.”
“They gonna catch this fucker?”
“They’ll catch him but only because they think he won’t stop until he gets caught.”
“She don’t have that many enemies, Colt. Hell, she’s only really got one and he’s already dead.”
“He’ll make them up.”
Colt decided to finish it. “I know what you think this is, Jack, and it’s not that. It’s just me keepin’ my family safe.”
Jack turned fully to him and looked him straight in the eye. “Listen to what you say, son. What you just said tells me this is exactly what I think it is.”
He gave Colt no chance to reply before he walked away and Colt found himself at the end of a bar that now both Jack and Feb were avoiding and he needed another beer.
Five minutes later, Darryl hefted up the hinged portion of bar and slid through.
“Get me a beer, will you, Darryl?”
“You got it, boss,” Darryl replied, pulling out a beer, setting it in front of Colt and moving off without snapping off the non-twist cap.
Colt watched Darryl move away thinking they really should get rid of that guy. Two and two did not make anywhere near four for Darryl.
He reached over the bar, twisted to use the bottle opener underneath it and when he sat back down he saw Amy Harris making her way to him.
This sent a chill up his spine.
He’d known Amy for thirty years; she was between him and Feb in school.
She was very pretty and petite but had always been painfully shy. She got out of high school and got a job as a teller in the bank across the street from J&J’s. She’d been in that job ever since, never moving up, never moving on. Even as pretty as she was, she’d never had a boyfriend that Colt knew of, not that he paid much attention to Amy. In fact, he rarely saw her, even though he’d lived in the same town as her for three decades. He’d see her at the grocery store, the post office, driving down the street but not often.
He’d never seen her in J&J’s.
She swung her head around and looked down the bar and Colt followed her eyes.
She was looking at February who was talking to a biker while she poured him a draft.
That chill slid round to cover his entire torso and locked in.
When he looked back at Amy, she was close.
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