"Does she?" Tom said, turning to Stuart and giving him a sly wink.

"Don't give me that 'does she' bullshit. You know she does."

"Lighten up, Miss Thing. It's not like I set you up on a blind date or anything. There'll be plenty of people around to protect you from her." He put a hand on her shoulder. "Besides, she's nice. Why not have a little fun until Miss Iceberg thaws out enough to give you a chance." He looked over his shoulder at Stuart and added. "If she ever does."

"She will."

"For your sake, I hope she does, sweet cake. But there's no law against having a little fun, is there? I mean it's just a party. No one expects you to go to bed with her, so relax. It'll be a blast." A song came on that Tom liked and he grabbed her hands and started dancing around the kitchen with her. Grace couldn't help but laugh and join in the fun.

"Hey, Grace, wait up."

"Hi, Tom."

"You have any more finals?"

"No, that was my last one. I can't believe it's finally summer. My

brain could use a break."

"You taking any summer classes?"

"No," Grace said. "I've got a chance to work at the Waterhouse full time."

"Oh, nice tips."

"I hope so," she said. "They're raising tuition next year, you know."

"Too bad for my parents," he said.

"You're so lucky you don't have to worry about money for school."

"Don't I know it."

"Well, I do get a week with Carey before my new shift starts. She’s going to her cottage for a fishing trip, and I convinced her to take me with her," Grace said. "Just us and a lake full of fish. I can't wait."

"Playing with smelly fish is not my idea of fun, sweet thing," he said, wrinkling his nose.

"I've never been fishing, but Carey loves it. I really don't care what she wants to do, as long as she lets me tag along."

"Hey, come out with us tonight. It's eighties night at the Straw. It'll be a blast."

"I shouldn't," she said. "You know I have to watch every penny."

"Let us treat."

"I can't do that," she said. "How much do you think it's going to cost?"

"No more than twenty bucks, and if it does, Stuart and I will cover it. Come on, Grace. It’ll be fun. A real blast." He batted his eyes at her. "Please?"

"Oh, all right," Grace said, laughing at his puppy-dog antics. "Where is it?"

"We'll pick you up. Do you have a tie?"

"Now why would I have a tie?"

"Because it's eighties night, silly," he said. "You have to wear a thin leather tie and a button-down shirt, preferably white. That was the style back then."

"I don't have anything like that."

"We do," he said proudly. "We'll swing by around seven thirty."

"I feel silly," Grace said as she stepped out of the car. "Are you sure I need the hat?"

"Oh you are one sexy dyke tonight," Tom said. "The girls are going to just fall all over you."

"I don't want the girls to fall all over me," she said. "You promised to show me how to play pool."

"I did," he said. "But don't be surprised when they start asking you to dance. Very déclassé to refuse." He nudged her shoulder. "See?"

Grace turned to see and colored instantly when the two women smiled at her. "Oh God. Tom, I can't do this."

"Oh yes you can," Stuart said, hooking his arm through hers. "You're going to die. It's absolutely fabulous in here."

Fabulous was not the word Grace would have used to describe the Last Straw. Dim, smoky, seedy, and loud were the terms that came to her mind. Once through the door, they had to navigate past the bar and what Tom explained was the "meat rack," a rail that ran along the wall opposite the bar where people looking for a companion would stand. Beyond the bar was the largest area, half decorated with neon lights and mirrors where everyone danced and the other half done in a combination of license plates and hubcaps where the pool table sat. The back section was the pinball machines and small tables that were used more for a place to put drinks down than to sit at. "I've got the first game," Tom said, walking over to the chalkboard and adding their names to the list.

"I'll get the first round," Stuart said. "What can I get you, Grace?"

"Do they have coffee?"

"In ten different flavors," he said. "I know what he wants, a virgin pina colada. Wait here, I'll be right back. I'll get you the mocha hazelnut, you'll love it."

Grace kept an eye on Tom as he stopped to talk to someone, unaware that she was being watched until she felt the warmth of another body pressing against her right side. "Hello," the soft voice purred. "I haven't seen you here before." The woman held her hand out. "Rachel."

Oh, easy on the makeup, Grace thought as she shook hands. "Grace."

"Would you care to dance, Grace?"

"No, thank you," she said. "Besides, how do you dance to this?"

"The DJ takes requests," the older woman said, her cigarette breath too close for Grace's comfort.

"Excuse me," Grace said, walking away and over to Tom. "Don't leave me alone again," she said. "That Rocky Horror reject just tried to pick me up."

"Rachel?" Tom laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't warn you about her. She's here every night. She likes the young ones."

"Apparently," she said. "What is that?" she asked, pointing at the television mounted high on the wall, the angle of which made it impossible for her to see it before. "Oh no, are they? They are. Tom, they're—“

"I know," he said with a grin. "We can't rent them in the video stores but we can come here and watch them for free. Guess that's not your cup of tea, huh?"

Grace looked away from the television. "Seeing two guys going at it is not my idea of fun," she said.

"Hang around," he said. "They show the girls around midnight."

Stuart arrived with the drinks, setting them on the wide rail that ran along the wall. "Isn't the music great?" he said. "I can't believe they're playing Puttin ' On The Ritz."

"He loves the era of glam rock and video music infancy," Tom said. "Ah, she sank the eight ball. I'm next. I'll win the table and then I’ll show you how to play." Tom walked over to the cue rack and selected the one he wanted, then introduced himself to the woman who currently ran the table. Grace watched, wondering what was taking so long. Then Tom and the woman approached. "She wants to play doubles."

"Oh," Grace said, looking at Stuart. "Go ahead. I'll watch."

"No," Tom said. "You and me against the two of them."

Grace smiled and shook her head. “I don't know how to play."

"That's okay," the beefy teen with straight black hair and gothic makeup said. "Mary doesn't know how to play either." She held out her hand, pale white in stark contrast to the black fingernails. "I'm Cassie."


"Nice to meet you, Grace. You guys rack."

"I'll do it," Tom said, reaching above the light for the triangle.

"They get to break," Stuart explained. "Then you and Tom alternate shots. You'll either be going for the high balls or the low balls based on what they end up getting. The low balls are solids and the high balls are stripes."

Grace nodded, taking a sip of her flavored coffee while Tom set the balls on the table, then stepped back. Cassie made the break well, scattering the balls all over the table. "Stripes."

"So you two have solids," Stuart said. "Now watch how Tom's holding the cue stick. See the fingers? Nice and smooth, just line up your shot and let it go." Tom sank two, then missed. Mary took her shot sending the cue ball into the pocket. "Your turn," Stuart said.

Grace took the offered cue from Mary, then walked over to Tom.

"Now what do I do?"

Tom took the cue ball and set it on the table, lining up an easy shot at the two ball into the comer. "Okay, come over here, lean over, and just hit it straight on." He positioned her fingers. "Not too hard and not too soft."

"And I'm supposed to know what's too hard and what's too soft, right?" she asked, giving him a bump with her hip.

"Just hit the cue ball hard enough to send it into the two ball."

"The white ball into the blue, right?"


Grace looked down the line of the cue stick, the tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips. Pulling the cue back, she sent it forward with what she thought was a good medium force. The cue ball smacked into the two ball, then bounced off the table.

"Scratch," Cassie said.

"Shit," Grace said, handing the stick back to Mary.

"A little softer next time," Tom said, handing her drink to her. Grace brought the mug to her lips just as Cassie moved close and whispered in her ear.

"Hey, sexy, there's some smoke going on out on the deck."

"Thanks, but I'm fine here," Grace said.

"Open invitation," Cassie said, moving to the other side of the table to make her shot.

"Having fun?" Tom asked.

"Sure," Grace said. "I've been propositioned by a Rocky Horror reject, seen a gay porn video, and had a joint offered to me."

“Oh good, and Stuart was worried you wouldn't have any fun," Tom said. "Your shot."

"Okay," Grace said, looking at the half dozen balls on the table.

"What should I go for?"

Tom frowned. "You don't really have any decent shots," he said. "It's a long shot but you could try for the four in the far corner."

Grace tried to position herself. "It's too far away."

"Lean over the table," he said. "Just don't move any of the other balls."

Grace looked at the shot again. "All right, but don't yell at me when I miss." Carefully she leaned over the table, then situated the cue stick where she wanted it. Don't miss. Don't miss. Nervously she sent the cue forward, connecting with the white ball and sending the four ball into the pocket. When she straightened up, it was to the sound of a wolf whistle and clapping from behind.

"Thank you," Mary said when Grace turned around.

Embarrassed by the blatant action, Grace nodded and quickly walked

over to Tom and Stuart. "I can't believe you didn't warn me she was standing there," she said, lightly punching Tom's arm.

"That's Mary Barracuda," Tom said. "She goes after all the ladies. Come four O’clock if she's still here she'll go after Rachel."

Grace shuddered. "Ugh. I wouldn't touch her if she was the last woman on earth."

"Enough to send you straight, eh?" Stuart joked. "No way," she said. "I'd just stock up on batteries."

"And rent a lot of adult movies," Tom added.

"I don't have a VCR," she said. "Just the thirteen-inch TV my Dad got me." She smirked. "Maybe I should ask for a VCR for my birthday." She turned at the light touch on her shoulder.

"Would you care to dance?" Mary asked.

"Actually, I—“

"One dance," the redhead said, tugging Grace's arm. Grace reluctantly followed the redhead to the dance floor just as the music changed. No, not a slow song, she groaned mentally as a Marvin Gaye classic began to play. Hands went around her waist, pulling her close enough that their bodies touched.

"You're very pretty," Mary said, her hands moving to Grace's hips. "I'd love to go out with you sometime."

"Thanks, but I'm interested in someone," Grace said, taking a step back to put some distance between them, her hands barely reaching the redhead's shoulders.

"In the meantime, you're here, I'm here, why not have a good time?" Mary said, her roaming hands moving up Grace's sides.

"No," Grace said. "I told you. I'm interested in someone."

"Lucky her," Mary said, her fingers tracing the waistband of Grace's jeans. "So there's no chance?"

"It's look, don't touch," Grace said, politely but firmly removing the redhead's hands. “I’m taken."

"Close your eyes," Carey said, and Grace complied without asking why. The sun was setting and Carey could see the color spreading across the sky. She knew the lake would be breathtaking with a sky like that reflected in all its glory in the shimmering waters. They emerged from the woodland and Carey pulled the truck to the side of the road. Below she could see the small community of Packard, and she smiled. "Keep them closed. I'm going to come around and get you."

Grace couldn't help but giggle and wonder what her mentor was up to. The truck door opened and Carey took her hand and helped her out, then led her to the perfect spot to view the panorama below them.