When they reached the outer door, Saphira and Esmeralda placed Brianna's bags beside her and stepped away. Brianna looked her question at them.

"We can't go inside," Esmeralda commented. "It's a secure building and we haven't been cleared for admittance."

"You won't lose touch with me, will you? It's nice to know good people for a change."

Esmeralda smiled and wrapped an arm around Brianna's shoulder. "You know where to find us, Brianna Walker. And if you invite us to visit and clear us to be here, we'll be here. Fair enough?"

"Fair enough," Brianna grinned. "And I'm going to hold you to it."

"We hope you do," Saphira confirmed softly. "It's nice to have met someone who? well, let's just say you've been a breath of fresh air for us as well. Too many think it's their place to look down and judge."

Brianna smiled sadly. "Despite my time in the prosecutor's office - or maybe because of it, I've learned to try not to judge people in my personal life. I would miss out on so many experiences if I only accepted people who were just like me. And honestly? wouldn't life be boring if we were all cut out of the same exact cloth?"

"Maybe," Saphira answered slowly, "but there would probably be less hatred and bigotry in the world if we were."

"Perhaps," Brianna conceded. "But for all its faults, I am thankful for the mishmash of humanity that exists. It allows me to meet people like you - people who bring something new and fresh into my life that makes me a richer, better person for it." She paused. "I think God sent you to me? just when I needed you most."

Saphira and Esmeralda exchanged startled glances before looking back at Brianna. Esmeralda took Brianna's hand in hers. "I think God sent us to each other, Brianna. We're happy to have made a new friend."

Brianna pulled Esmeralda into a brief hug and reached out a hand to Saphira that she took without hesitation. "So am I," she said with a hint of wonder in her voice. "I don't usually trust this quickly, but my gut's telling me you two are the real deal. And my gut rarely lies."

Esmeralda chuckled. "Go with the gut then - and come see us when you get settled in."

Brianna nodded. "I will. It might take a little while - I have a feeling this new job is going to take a bit of time to adjust to, but don't lose faith. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"We'll keep the light on for you." Then Saphira took Esmeralda's hand and pulled her from Brianna's embrace, wrapping a possessive arm around her waist. They stood together watching as Brianna gathered up her luggage and headed inside, nodding at the doorman who suddenly appeared to help. He gave them a brief glance before relieving Brianna of her bags and she turned to wave goodbye once more as she disappeared.

Saphira turned to Esmeralda, finally letting her exhaustion show. "Home now?"

Esmeralda nodded with a tired smile. "Home now, beloved."


The ride was silent; they had no need to fill it with meaningless chatter and anything they needed to say would wait until they were in the privacy of their home. Saphira unlocked the door and motioned Esmeralda in ahead of her. Then she closed and locked the door behind them and followed Es into their tiny bedroom.

Both women slipped out of their shoes with a tired groan and it was with a sense of relief that they showered briefly before curling up into bed together. When they were tucked in and the lights were turned off, Esmeralda spoke.

"Well," she said softly into Saphira's neck, "it's started."

"That it is," Saphira agreed, feeling completely out of her depth. "The question is - what now?"

"As in what will happen now or what do we do now?"

"Either? both? I'm not sure. You know this isn't generally my gig, sweetheart." She shook her head and felt Esmeralda's smile against her skin at the action. "Honestly, I don't know how you do this kind of work? how you've managed to do this for so long without violence. Don't you just want to shake some sense into them? Or I don't know - tie them up and make them sit and talk til they work it all out on their own?"

Esmeralda chuckled and Saphira smiled even as she sighed in relief. Things had been tough for them for a while - what with her job issues and Esmeralda's sickness. It was a blessing to hear Es laugh again, even if it was due to her complete frustration with their current assignment. And truth be told, Saphira couldn't even resent the assignment or their situation too much - not as long as she and Esmeralda were still together.

Esmeralda blew out a warm breath against Saphira's chest and she shivered in the wake of the goosebumps that followed. She felt Es grin again and trace a path along her suddenly burning skin.

"Sometimes," she admitted, "it would be a lot simpler if we could just bang a few heads together and be done with it. It would also probably be a lot more satisfying. But unfortunately for us, and luckily for most of our charges, it doesn't work that way. It requires patience and subtlety and?."

"? and a lot of teeth grinding."

Es nodded. "Sometimes. But when it works - when we're able to bring everything together and fix whatever it was that went so wrong - Phira, there's nothing like it. It makes all the frustration and head banging worth it."

Saphira chuckled soundlessly and shook her head again. "I'll take your word for it, Es. I'd just as soon smack their heads together and be done with it."

Esmeralda tilted her head back slightly and brought her hand up to cup Saphira's face. "I know, love. It's in your nature. That passion is just one reason I love you. But I do appreciate you being here for this one. I have a feeling it's not going to be easy."

Saphira snorted. "Like any of your assignments are," turning her head and kissing Esmeralda's palm.

"True," sliding her hand into Saphira's dark hair and gently massaging her scalp. "But I think one is going to be more difficult than most. So many people involved and my two protagonists?." She shook her head before tucking it beneath Saphira's chin once more without missing a beat in her gentle scratching.


"Let's just say they remind me greatly of you."

"Hey!" Saphira protested, though she really didn't argue the point. "It sounds like you've got your work cut out for you."

Esmeralda sighed. "We all do. I just want this to work out." She paused. "Phira, they remind me so much of us? of what we could easily have been if things had worked out differently. We would have been miserable without each other, and for a while there, it was a near thing."

"No matter what," Saphira's fierce possessiveness lighting a fire along Esmeralda's nerve endings. "No matter what - we would have been together, Es. Anything else was never, ever an option and He knew that. They all did. I made that clear at the outset."

Esmeralda shifted until she could look into Saphira's eyes that glowed clearly in the otherwise thick darkness surrounding them. "Did you really?"

"Absolutely. Short of you choosing not to stay with me, nothing would have separated us."

Esmeralda snuggled closer into Saphira's body. "That means? everything." Saphira brushed a kiss over the top of her head and felt Es sigh against her.

"What?" she whispered into the blonde hair.

"I don't understand them, Phira. We came so close to losing this; we'd have done anything? everything? to keep it. You did - you stood up to Him and them for us. Why would they just throw something like this away?? Why give it up without even giving it a chance??"

"You can't miss what you've never had, sweetheart, and I don't think either of them have had it? not really."

"I think Brianna is aware of it - that's why she left. She loved Charisma enough to leave."

"But not enough to fight for her - I don't understand that."

"That's because you're a warrior by nature, my love."

"Well, I hope one of them figures out how to be a fighter sooner than later. I don't think I'm cut out to live among humans for any length of time? especially as a waitress. This has to be the hardest work I've ever done - worse than fighting a legion of demons locked in an eternal struggle."

Esmeralda couldn't stop the laughter from escaping. "That bad, Phira?"

Saphira growled. "That bad." Then she felt Esmeralda's hands soothing her belly. "Although that's making it much better."

"You pleasure hound you."

"Like you didn't know that already," Saphira snorted, then shifted on the bed until she was spooned around Esmeralda wrapping her in a total embrace. "C'mon, sweetheart. Despite our heavenly nature, we've still got to get some rest while we're on the earthly plane. You especially - I don't want you getting sick again."

"Neither do I. Too much work still to do."

"Close your eyes," Saphira commanded then began humming a lullaby. It was the last thing Esmeralda heard before she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter XI

"It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce District Attorney Brianna Walker as Senator Richard Whitman's replacement here on the steps of our nation's Capitol Building," the Governor droned on, pausing only for the smattering of polite applause. Brianna was tempted to look at her watch, but her ingrained training held as she turned her attention back to the Governor's words, hoping she hadn't missed too much. "Senator Whitman has served our state long and faithfully and it was with his input and blessing that we chose Ms Walker to represent us for the remainder of his term. It is our hope and firm belief that by taking this reprieve Senator Whitman will be able to recover his health."

Another smattering of applause and the Governor smiled, knowing it was time to wrap things up. "Ladies and gentlemen, Senator Brianna Walker." Flashes snapped as Brianna accepted the Governor's proffered hand, then she stepped behind the podium that had been set up for the press announcement.

"Thank you, Governor," she accepted graciously. "I won't keep you all out here in the freezing cold spotting platitudes and rhetoric and party line. I know you'll be keeping an eye on me for a little while at least. I'll let my actions speak louder than words."

This garnered Brianna some real applause and some smiles before she waved and stepped back from the platform as the flashes popped off again. She was quickly escorted to a waiting car and the Governor followed her and she directed the driver to take them to the airport.

"Are you sure you can't stay, Michael? I understand the President invited you to the luncheon today."

"If Jenny had come with me, I would have said yes, but she would never forgive me for going without her. Surprisingly, the President understood that and graciously offered to extend an invitation to both of us another time."

"Probably why he and his wife still actually give the appearance of happily married - he knows how to keep her happy."

Michael chuckled at her dry tone and as the car reached the drop off area for private jets, he reached over and covered her hand. "You'll have to let me know your thoughts after you sit down with him. In the meantime, don't stress too much over this, Brianna. You can do this job - it's why you were chosen. Just use the same tenacity you were famous for in the courtroom. There won't be a senator on the Hill that will be able to push you around."

He saw the shadow flash across her eyes, but it was gone before he could question its validity.

"Tell Jenny I'm looking forward to the two of you visiting together."

"Will do," Michael said as she opened the door. "Keep us in the loop, and let us know if you?."

"I'll be fine, Michael. Go home to your wife."

He rolled his eyes, but slid out of the car, giving Brianna a wave before closing it behind him. They watched him out of sight, then Brianna told the driver to go on. They pulled back into traffic and headed for the Senate. It was time to go to work.


"Well, that was interesting," Saphira said as she dressed for the lunch shift at the diner. Esmeralda put the last of their breakfast dishes away and dried her hands before turning to look at Saphira.

"It was something, but I'm not sure exactly what it was supposed to accomplish."

"It was an introduction. It was meant to get people's attention. I'm pretty sure it did that. And I'm pretty sure you'll probably get an earful about it sooner or later."

Es sighed. "I hope this doesn't backfire, Phira." Saphira cocked her head. "This could push Charisma right over the edge."