"No," Saphira stated fiercely. "Don't lose your faith now, Es. She needs this push. You know and I know that everything has to blow to hell and back between Brianna and Charisma before anything real can happen for them here in this time and place. They are too pigheaded stubborn to allow it to be easy. But we're gonna make sure to give them that chance if we have to drag them to it kicking and screaming."

Esmeralda chuckled, feeling better by the minute. "And once we get them there?"

Saphira smiled smugly and briefly she allowed her true self to flash across her person - spreading her wings to their fullest extension and grasping the sword in both hands as the flame raced from hilt to tip. She held the pose momentarily, then reverted to her human form, waggling her eyebrows rakishly. "I don't think keeping them there to work things out will be a real problem, Es. If the wings don't stun them, the fiery sword will."

"Well it would certainly get their attention," Esmeralda commented after clearing her throat delicately and wiping the smile from her face. "But I'm not sure He would accept the results that sort of convincing."

Saphira smirked, though her shoulders fell and her eyes lost their twinkle. "Probably not. He has a knack for taking the fun out of things."

Esmeralda wrapped Saphira in her embrace, gratified beyond words when Saphira returned it without hesitation. "You know it has to be their choice, love. Putting the fear of Him into them like that eliminates their free will - and that negates all of our efforts as well."

Saphira sighed. "I know. Doesn't make the prospect any less tempting." She pulled back just slightly, enough to duck her head and capture Esmeralda's lips in a fervent kiss. "Try to get some rest today," she chided as they separated. "The place couldn't get any cleaner if He came in and did it Himself, and you still look tired."

"I am a little, but so do you," Es confessed as she pushed dark bangs out of Saphira's eyes. "You need a trim."

Saphira blew out a breath, fluffing her bangs up briefly and drawing a smile from Esmeralda. "I know," she replied drolly, but unable to keep herself from responding to the happiness in Esmeralda's eyes. "You do what you need to do to make this work, Es," returning to their original discussion. "I'll follow you."

"Walk beside me, Phira. That's all I ask."

"Sounds like a plan, Es, but I've gotta go before I'm late." She brushed their lips together once more. "I'll see you tonight?"

"As soon as I can get there. I'll call if it looks like I'm going to be late."

Saphira nodded and headed out the door. Esmeralda watched her go, then lay down on the couch, hoping for a few minutes of rest before she needed to get up to run a few errands before heading in to work. She was therefore more than a little disconcerted to open her eyes what felt like mere moments later to find a couple hours had passed and someone was knocking on her door.

She blinked sleepily, trying to kick-start her brain, even as she rose from the sofa and made her way towards the door. She peeked through the hole and smiled, opening the door to let Amber in. Amber cupped Esmeralda's face in her hands and let her golden eyes roam over Es' features. Esmeralda captured Amber's hands in hers and smiled.

"I'm all right, Amber. I just fell asleep."

"Best thing for you," she stated unequivocally. Esmeralda rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the grin that crossed her face.

"I know - you sound just like Saphira."

Now it was Amber's turn to roll her eyes and she did so with gusto. "Imagine that," she said drolly. "You'd think we were related or something."

"Or something for sure," Es chuckled. "How'd things go last night?"

"About like you'd expect. Charisma went home and put Adam to bed. Then she went into her study and stayed there for a long time." Amber looked at Esmeralda's expectant face and she sighed. "There was no way for me to see clearly without literally climbing into her personal space - she was curled around them protectively."


"But she got out an album of pictures. And from the frantic way she searched for them and the possessive way she safeguarded them even in the privacy of her own home, I'd say it was *the* album? the pictures from her European trip with Brianna."

Esmeralda gnawed her lip thoughtfully as she considered Amber's words. "Only those?" she finally asked.

Amber gave an exasperated sigh. "I don't know, Es. I really couldn't see. But if I was to offer a guess, I would say yes - only those. I will try to get a look tonight."

"And Kent?"

Amber shook her head. "He got in late, but he didn't disturb her. He went straight to his room and settled in for the night. Charisma didn't even give him a thought when she finally went upstairs last night. She re-hid the album in her office then went right to her room, but she didn't sleep - at least not for a long time. It was almost dawn before I saw her eyes flutter closed. And even then it wasn't particularly restful."

"So how did she take the announcement?"

"Do the words fire and ice mean anything to you?"

"Oh boy."

"Yeah? although I'll admit that my first thought was duck and cover."

"Great. Well, I guess tonight should be interesting."

Amber chuckled. "You, my dear, are a master of understatement."

Esmeralda glared at her compatriot briefly before she closed her eyes and whispered a short prayer. "Well," she said when green appeared again. "We knew it was coming. The sooner we get started?."

"? the sooner we get this mess fixed. At least you know she won't take it out on you."

"Yes she will, Amber. I will be the closest, safest target. That's one reason I am where I am."

"What?? How do you figure?"

"C'mon, Amber? how many times have we been through this? She can't have a public reaction of any kind - it would invite too many questions from constituents and opponents alike. She would never take it out on Adam, and Kent is immune because she needs to cling to the facade of her marriage, especially now that Brianna Walker has been forced into her life again, however benign their interaction. She trusts me - it may take a little while, but eventually she is going to need to vent, and I am the most logical person for her to talk to. She knows I know how to keep her secrets; I already have to some extent."

"You don't think she will do something stupid?"

"It's my job to make sure she doesn't," Es sighed. "You crashing?" she asked, watching Amber's golden eyes start to droop shut.

"Yeah? long night." Her shoulders slumped. "I don't know, Es. It was disheartening? or maybe I'm just tired from being up all night and half the day besides." She rotated her head and shoulders in an attempt to relieve the stress she felt. "How do humans put up with this?"

Esmeralda gave Amber a long look. "They don't know any other way? At least you don't have to be corporeal for most of your work in this case? although I know staying in an invisible observation state for hours on end is draining." She motioned towards Amber's teensy bedroom. "Go get some sleep. I've got a few errands to run before I go to work. I'll leave you something for supper."

Amber nodded before walking into her room and falling face first into her bed. Es just smiled and shook her head, then closed the door softly. She gathered up her purse and coat, wrapping her scarf around her neck and pulling on her gloves. With a final look around the spotless apartment, Esmeralda stepped out into the cold and headed out to take care of her errands.


When Esmeralda came home to drop of her few packages, she checked on Amber only to find that her fellow guardian hadn't stirred an inch. She shook her head, understanding all too well the exhaustion Amber felt, then she turned to the kitchen and started preparing a simple meal. She ate her portion, then covered the rest and left it for Amber when she got up. Then she gathered her things and headed out again, this time making her way to work at the Senate Building.

She passed through security, nodding to the guys she saw every night and waving to her fellow custodians. Esmeralda went directly to her cleaning closet, collecting her cart and checking her supplies before starting her nightly rounds.

"Esmeralda?" Her boss calling her name pulled Es out of the brown study she'd fallen into as she did her restocking by rote. She looked up and smiled. Rick had been a good friend to her since she'd come to work for him and very understanding about her medical issues.

"Hey Rick? what's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that you've got to cover the new Senator." Her brows rose in question and Rick continued speaking. "You know that Senator Whitman retired because of his health. Well, his replacement has been installed in his office. I know it's unusual, but someone managed to pull some serious strings for the new senator to keep her there for at least the length of his remaining tenure. So, you've got the new kid, kid," he added with a waggle of bushy gray eyebrows.

Esmeralda nodded. "All right, Rick. I'll take care of her. Do you know?? Nevermind."


"I was wondering if you knew her work habits - whether she worked late or not. But she hasn't been here long enough for us to have even heard anything yet? to say nothing of having any practical knowledge."

"No, but from what I have heard of her time as a District Attorney, I'm thinking you probably have another Senator Tagherty on your hands." Green eyes flew open wide and Rick chuckled. "I know," he said in response. "If they all worked that hard, the world would be a much better place."

"Yes, but I'd never get *my* work done in that case," Es confided with a wry chuckle.

"And on that note," Rick said as he stepped away from her cart, "I'll let you get to work."

"Thanks for the heads-up, Rick."

"Anytime, Es. Tell Saphira hello from me."

"Will do."

She watched him walk back towards his office and shook her head at the way things were falling into place. Then she gathered up her supplies and started forward to make her rounds.

Most of the senators were in session or in meetings or otherwise out of the office at this time of day and it didn't take Esmeralda much time to tidy and clean each of these office areas. The spaces that had pages and other political assistants taking care of various duties went a little slower, but the employees recognized Esmeralda and greeted her cordially.

As darkness fell around her and evening gave way to night, Esmeralda slowly made her way through the offices she was assigned to, saving Brianna and Charisma for the last.

She knocked on the door like she always did before entering a senator's private office space, not even a little surprised to hear Brianna's voice bid her entrance. Esmeralda opened the door and pushed the cart in ahead of her, turning to close the door behind her before facing the woman currently seated behind the desk.

"Esmeralda?" Brianna asked as she rose from her seat. "What are you??" She held up her hands to stop her question and Esmeralda's answer. "Sorry - obviously you're working. I just didn't realize?."

"I can come back if my being here is a problem, Senator Walker."

Brianna frowned. "Senator Walker? What happened to Brianna?"

"It's not my place to assume that sort of intimacy inside these walls, Senator."

"And if I insist?"

"I am happy to be recognized as a friend, Brianna."

Brianna smiled and stepped forward, embracing Esmeralda briefly before moving back and crossing her arms over her chest. "Always, Esmeralda. You're the nicest surprise I've had all day."

"Rough first day?"

"Just a lot of politics - story of my life for a while, I'm afraid. But seriously, it is great to see you. Did you know??"

"That you'd be here? Not until I got to work this evening. Rick told me someone pulled strings to keep you here." Brianna tilted her head. "Normally, junior senators don't start off here. This building is considered premium real estate and most senators wait for years before having the opportunity to occupy an office here. Some never do. So someone worked a deal somewhere to keep you here."

"So I've already started out owing favors?"

Es shrugged. "It's the way of things here - business as usual." Brianna didn't comment, but went around and sat back at her desk. "So is it all right??" motioning to her cart. "I won't get in your way." Brianna nodded.