"In this case, yes," Brianna replied firmly. "Leave it alone, Esmeralda. You don't know what happened between Charisma and me."

"You're not going to able to avoid her forever, Brianna. You're from the same state; your offices are just down the hall from one another; and you belong to the same social and political circles. Eventually you're going to run into one another."

"I'm sure at some point we'll even have to work together. That doesn't mean we have to try to be friends again, Es. Far too much water has flowed beneath that particular bridge, I'm afraid. However, I am a consummate professional - I've spent years cultivating that persona in the courtroom - and I will deal with Senator Tagherty as such. She's done a lot of good in her position Esmeralda, and I admire that about her - I always have. I also appreciate the hard work and effort she's put into her career. Her focus was legendary in college and she's successful for that very reason. I've had to do much the same thing to be at the top of my profession." Brianna shrugged. "We don't have to be friendly to get things done."

"Wouldn't it be easier?"

"Probably. But it's not likely, so I'm happy just to maintain the status quo."

Esmeralda remained quiet for a bit, biting her lip in silent contemplation. Finally? "I think you're wrong, you know."

Brianna smiled sadly. "I know. It still doesn't alter the truth."

"Maybe," Es conceded as she started putting her cleaning supplies away. "Will you do something for me?"

Brianna eyed her warily. "What, exactly?"

"Let me reintroduce you. Nothing fancy? nothing public. Just a casual reintroduction here. She works late many nights? says she gets more done without all the interruptions daylight hours bring."

Brianna blew out a frustrated breath. She'd known when she'd accepted the appointment to this position that she and Charisma would have to meet face to face at some point. Would it be better to do so privately with only the two of them where things could turn personal and questions get asked that Brianna didn't have a ready answer she was willing to share? Or in a public venue where the hundreds of eyes surrounding them ensured that any interaction between them would remain polite and professional? Brianna scoffed silently to herself. She felt confident, given their history and the fact that Charisma had let her go without seeking her out for answers years ago, that as long as she did not assume the air of an injured party, things could remain cordial and cool between them. And since she freely acknowledged that she was the one that had set them on this course years ago, she decided that was the best she could hope for.

"I'll tell you what, Es. You talk to Charisma first. If she wants something like that, then I'll agree to it, all right?"

Esmeralda studied green eyes so like her own for a long moment, then solemnly nodded once. "All right." She pushed her cart towards the door. She stopped when Brianna called out to her again, then turned to look at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Why do you care? You don't know me? not really? and you don't know the story of what happened between me and Charisma or the circumstances surrounding our estrangement. So why?"

Esmeralda held her eyes for a long moment. "I've been where you are Brianna." She held up her hand to keep Brianna from interrupting her. "No, I don't know the details of what happened between you and Charisma, but the look you have in your eyes? I've seen that look in my own before. It was one of the darkest periods of my life? when I thought Saphira was lost to me forever. If I can do something to bring you a measure of peace, even if it is just be there to support you both when you meet again for the first time or listen when you need to talk, I want to do that. No one should be completely alone, especially in that much pain - no matter how bravely and stoically you try to bear it."

"Will you tell me the story one day?"

Esmeralda smiled gently. "Absolutely. I got my happy ending, you know."

"I know," Brianna agreed softly, remembering the feeling of family she'd felt surrounding the two of them the night before. "I hope you realize how lucky you are."

"I count my blessings every single day, Brianna. But I need to get a move on. I still have work to do, and I promised to meet Saphira at the diner when I'm done."

Brianna nodded, donning her professional facade once more. She rose and moved to open the door for Esmeralda, stopping her just outside the office with a touch on her arm. "Thank you, Esmeralda," her eyes conveying so much more than her words. Esmeralda simply smiled and nodded then headed through the outer offices towards the hall. Brianna watched her go, only closing the door when she was out of sight.

When she was in the hall, Esmeralda leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. Well, it could have gone better, but it certainly wasn't as bad as it could have been. Of course, there's still Charisma to talk to and after what Amber said?.

Esmeralda shook her head and sighed, pushing off the wall and slipping down the hallway to her next charge. This was turning out to be a far more interesting day than she'd expected. But at least her talk with Brianna had given her an inkling of hope about the possibilities of salvaging things. Time to beard the lion, she thought, and knocked softly on Charisma's door.

Only time would tell if her inklings were right.

Chapter XIII

Saphira noticed the distinct slump in Esmeralda's shoulders even in the darkness as she approached the diner. A swift look of concern passed between Joe and Saphira before Saphira headed to the door to meet Esmeralda. Es leaned her head against Saphira's shoulder and closed her eyes, smiling when the other woman's arms wrapped around her securely. She returned the hug without reservation, tucking her nose into the crook of Saphira's neck and breathing deeply. A chuckle made her pull back slightly to look into twinkling blue eyes.

"You were tickling me."

Es smiled briefly before tucking herself back beneath Saphira's chin. "Sorry," she said softly, though the smile was apparent in her voice. Saphira shifted to keep Esmeralda in a one armed embrace and turned them towards the seating area of the diner. She closed the door and locked it, drawing the blinds and flipping the 'open' sign off. Then they made their way to the counter and took a seat as Joe came around from the back with two laden plates.

Esmeralda cocked an eyebrow at him. He grinned and set one between them and put the other in front of himself. Saphira rose and filled three glasses with milk, placing them on the counter before resuming her seat beside Esmeralda.

"Thank you, Joe," Es said as she picked up half of the huge club sandwich.

"Anytime, Essie. You eat up. Matilda should be here in a few and you don't want her to see you picking at your food. She already worries about you enough," he said with the merest hint of chiding in his voice.

"I know. I'm sor?." She stopped speaking when Joe held up his hand.

"I'm not saying it to make you feel bad, Essie. I just want you to know you're important to more than just Saphira. You were sick for a long time, and we worry about you... both of you. You've been like family to us since you came here and we just wanna see you get back to full health again."

Esmeralda smiled and covered his hand. "I'm getting better every day, Joe."

"If you're gonna be holding hands with my hubby, I think I'm gonna be stealing me a kiss from your best girl," Matilda declared as she came around from the kitchen and brushed a kiss over Saphira's cheek before coming around to cup Esmeralda's face in her hands. "How're you doing, Essie? I missed seeing you yesterday."

Es patted the hands that held her face and kept her eyes locked on Matilda's deep brown ones. "I'm better, Matilda? really. Just a little tired."

Matilda studied the green eyes that held hers, brushing a lock of blonde hair from her face. "You're working too hard. Are those big shots on the Hill working you to death?"

"No, Matilda. My work isn't stressful and the Senators that I work for are very kind to me. Besides," she added impishly, "I get the best gossip you know. I could probably make a fortune if I ever decided to become a tell-all author."

"You probably could," Matilda snorted, holding her eyes for another long moment, then nodding her head. "All right. Now eat up," motioning to the unfinished sandwich and the fries Saphira hadn't eaten. "I have chocolate cake for you to take home with you," chuckling as Esmeralda's eyes widened comically. "Please? like I don't know exactly what it'll take to fatten you up. It's in a box in the fridge. Uh uh," she continued when Es made as if to get up to go retrieve it. "Food first? then cake. And don't even try it," Matilda instructed when Esmeralda's bottom lip threatened to make an appearance. "You act like I didn't learn all the tricks with my own kids," she added with a snort. "You're gonna have to get a lot older before you get old enough to put one over on me, young lady. And you should already be old enough to know better than to even try."

"Yes, Matilda," Esmeralda agreed with a smirk green eyes twinkling merrily. Matilda snorted again and shook her head. She turned to Saphira who was swallowing the last of her milk. "You better keep an eye on this one, Phira," she commented. "She's getting saucy again."

Saphira grinned. "Good? I've missed the sauciness. Saucy means she's feeling better."

Esmeralda swallowed her mouthful and glared at them both balefully. "I'm sitting right here, you know." Saphira wrapped an arm around her shoulders and Esmeralda relaxed into the embrace.

"We know? that's what makes it easy."

Esmeralda didn't deign to speak again; instead, she concentrated on finishing the food Joe had prepared. With a contented sigh, she popped the last fry into her mouth and chugged the last of her milk. She deliberately snatched up her napkin and wiped the milk mustache covering her upper lip.

"Feel better?" Saphira asked with real concern in both eyes and voice. Esmeralda's lack of response to Matilda's teasing meant one of two things - either she had just been peckish and needed to eat, in which case she would soon make a snarky remark as payback. Or something deeper was wrong. And given her slumped posture as she approached the diner earlier, Saphira was inclined to lean towards the second option. "Es?"

Esmeralda turned her face into Saphira's neck for a long moment, closing her eyes and accepting the wordless comfort she found there. When Saphira's arms tightened convulsively around her, she sighed and pulled back and looked into troubled blue eyes. Esmeralda smiled gently.

"I'm fine, Phira. Just been one of those days."

Saphira cocked an eyebrow, but she realized Esmeralda couldn't elaborate in front of their mortal friends, regardless of how much they loved and trusted Joe and Matilda. Angel business was strictly that, and not losing face in front of the mortals they interacted with was one of the first rules they tried to abide by.

Matilda leaned over and placed a hand on Esmeralda's forehead, briefly checking for fever before brushing a kiss over the self-same spot. She exchanged glances with Saphira and pushed away from the counter to head back towards the kitchen. Saphira followed suit, gathering the empty plates, only to have Joe take them from her. So she turned back towards Esmeralda, waiting for her to stand before helping her on with her coat. Es was returning the favor just as Matilda returned from the kitchen with a box in hand.

"Here," she offered and Saphira accepted the box. "There's a big piece in there for you to share tonight and three smaller pieces - one for each of you to have tomorrow and one for Amber. You go home now and get some rest, all right?"

Esmeralda smiled and leaned forward to brush a kiss over the older woman's cheek. "Thank you, Matilda. You're the best. God will repay you in kind one day."

The woman shook her head slightly as though to brush off the words. "I dunno about that, Essie. But I do know what goes around will come around and it don't pay to kick folks when they're down. And I know you and Saphira have had more than your share of trials and tribulations." She chuckled at the bewildered look on the two that stood facing her. "I know you don't say much, but we know," motioning between her and Joe. "We've been there a time or two before ourselves and I recognize the look. Now," shooing them towards the door unceremoniously, "home? both of you."