They leaned around on either side of Matilda. "Night, Joe."

He grinned and waved. "Night, lovelies. Be safe," he added before disappearing into the kitchen. Matilda urged them towards the door.

"You heard the old man," she said with a smile. "Be safe. We'll see you both tomorrow." She let them out the door and locked it firmly behind them, then waited for them both to turn and wave goodnight one last time before they headed for the subway. Only then did Matilda move away from the door and head to the back.

Saphira and Esmeralda walked in silence til they reached the station, swiping their cards and nodding to the attendants who recognized them. The train pulled in just as they approached the platform and they stepped aboard, finding a seat with ease and settling back for the short ride to their stop.

When they reached their small apartment, it was quiet and empty. Amber had long since headed out for her assignment and it was only the two of them in the house. Saphira took Esmeralda's coat and her own, hanging them neatly in the closet while Esmeralda put their cake on a plate and stuffed the rest of it into the fridge. Then they headed to their room together. A few minutes spent preparing for bed and they were soon curled up together in the middle of the mattress sharing the large slice of decadent chocolate cake. After they were finished, Saphira placed the plate on the nightstand and took Esmeralda in her arms.

"You ready to talk about it?" she asked quietly.

Esmeralda sighed and curled tighter into Saphira's body. "Some days, Phira," shaking her head and sighing again. "Charisma didn't show up for work - actually, that's not quite true. She wasn't there very long because Amber got a call to go looking for her. I'm still not sure?."

She broke off abruptly and when she didn't continue, Saphira prompted, "You want to start at the beginning, sweetheart? I'm a little lost."

Esmeralda sighed again. "You heard the announcement of Brianna's appointment," feeling Saphira nod her head above her. "According to Amber, Charisma's private reaction was less than welcoming - her words were 'fire and ice'."


"Yes - I suspect it wasn't pretty. Fortunately, Charisma was smart enough to keep it private."

She felt Saphira draw a deep breath and waited, knowing her partner was thinking things through. When she didn't speak immediately, Esmeralda tilted her head up to peer at Saphira in the gloom of near darkness, knowing her partner would understand the action from the movement.

"Okay? so, Charisma went to work, heard the announcement and disappeared for the rest of the day?"

"Essentially. Opal said she came in like usual, though she seemed preoccupied. After the announcement was made, Charisma had Opal cancel her appointments for the day and call for her car. Opal called Turq for the car and then called Amber to bring her up to speed on things."

"Why not you? This is your operation, after all."

Esmeralda smirked, knowing that even if the expression couldn't be seen on her face, the infliction would be clearly heard in her voice. "And they have strict orders from you and Amber not to disturb me if it isn't an emergency on threat of horrific bodily harm. They take that seriously." She felt Saphira duck her head in acknowledgement and cupped her cheek gently before brushing their lips together.

"How long? How long have you known?"

"Why do you think Amber is my second on this mission, love?" feeling the cheek beneath her hand crease into a smile. "I know as well as they do that I am not completely up to par yet and I appreciate everyone looking out for me. I know Amber would have called if I was needed; but the truth is that right now I am in the best place I can be for both of them and I shouldn't be seen outside of that capacity."

Saphira nodded. "So where did she go?"

"The riding stable. Apparently, she and Cleo ran until they were both soaked with sweat. Amber left her when she returned home knowing Ame was there to keep an eye on her. I am assuming she is still there since I haven't gotten a call from either Ame or Amber indicating anything different. Amber is with her now? not that Charisma is even aware of her presence."

"I think it might be time for a roundtable."

Esmeralda sighed and nodded her agreement. "I think you may be right. I'll contact those who aren't on the clock right now. Good thing we share a building, huh? Those that are sleeping will only have to come downstairs."

Saphira rose from the bed, kissing Es firmly before allowing her corporeal form to fall away and her wings to re-emerge. "I'll send Amber back as soon as I get there."

"Thank you, Phira. I don't think it will take long, but I need to know?."

"Shh? I understand, love. I'm the one who suggested it, remember? You need to know so we know what direction we need to head in to get these two back on track." She spread her wings and faded from mortal sight. "I'll be back."


"I'm sorry to call everyone here on such short notice, especially those of you are usually sleeping now," glancing at Turq, Ame and Opal. "Thank you for your quick response. I'd just like a brief recap of today's events from each of you and your take on them. Let's start with Ame's arrival at the house this morning and go through the events as they happened."

Ame told of her arrival as housekeeper, mentioning that Charisma seemed tired and a little distracted, but otherwise much as she was any other day. Turq made the same observations and then Es turned to Opal.

"It was like watching her freeze over. When she saw the news, she didn't move? she was barely breathing. She was exceptionally calm about it - she simply returned to her office and closed the door behind her. When she came out, she gave me the orders to call for Turq and cancel her appointments. Then she left."

"Turq, Amber - did she say anything? call anyone, once she was in the car?"

Turq shook her dark head. "No? neither time, actually. I took her to the stables and waited for her there; Amber kept an eye on her while she was out on Cleo, then I took her home and she dismissed me for the remainder of the day."

"And she stayed home the rest of the day?"

Ame nodded. "Playing with Adam. As soon as dinner was over, she sent me home. I had to shield myself from her gaze to remain with her until Amber arrived."

Esmeralda turned to Amber. "And tonight?"

"She was sitting in her office staring at her desk when Saphira arrived. And speaking of? I better get back there so she can get some sleep."

Esmeralda nodded. "Thanks, Amber? ladies. I appreciate your insights," folding her hands on the table. The rest took their cue and bid Es a soft goodnight before returning to their own apartments. Esmeralda waited until the door closed behind the last of them before rising and moving back to the bedroom to await Saphira's return.


Charisma sat at her desk, her eyes unseeing in the darkness, though she would have been unable to see Saphira's silent figure observing her regardless of the light factor in the room. A knock on the door didn't faze her - it wasn't until the door opened and a streak of light fell across her desk that she looked up and met Kent's gaze as he poked his head into the room. She stared at him without blinking and he tilted his head, frowning at her lack of expression.


It took a moment, but finally Charisma blinked and focused on Kent. She smiled at him, but it was sad? different from the sadness he was used to seeing. He stepped further into the room, but left the door open to shed some light in the room.

"Charisma? Are you okay?"

She blinked again and nodded slowly. "I'm fine, Kent," she replied, and after a tiny hesitation, gestured him inside. "What can I do for you?"

He shook his head awkwardly and cleared his throat. "Nothing. I just wanted to remind you I'm leaving for the city in the morning. I have several auditions over the next few days, but I should be back by the end of next week."

"All right," she agreed absently, then looked at him fully. "Break a leg, Kent. I hope you get the part you really want."

"You really do, don't you?"

Charisma nodded. "I want for you to have what you want in life, Kent. I'd like for you to be happy."

He paused, not saying what he wanted to, but turning the question around on her instead. "What about you, Charisma?"

"I'm happy, Kent - I'm just tired." She stepped from behind the desk and headed towards the door, brushing a kiss on his cheek when she passed by him on the way out of the room. He stood still and accepted the rare touch before following her out of the room and closing the door. He never saw the photograph lying in the center of the desk.


Esmeralda blinked sleepily when she felt the warm body curl up behind her and Esmeralda turned in Saphira's arms. "Sorry, I meant to wait up?."

Saphira removed her fingers from Esmeralda's lips when her words stopped. "It's all right, love. I expected you to be asleep."

"So nothing to report?" a sleepy smile in her voice.

"Nothing that won't wait until tomorrow," Saphira assured her. "Go back to sleep."

"Love you," Es mumbled before sleep overtook her once more. It was a little while longer before Saphira closed her eyes and joined her.

Chapter XIV

Saphira blinked against the brightness she could feel coming in the windows and sat up so swiftly, she nearly banged her head against the headboard. Only the weight of Esmeralda's warm body against her own kept her from leaping completely out of the bed. Saphira consciously slowed her frantic heartbeat and gentled her actions as she pushed Esmeralda's hair from her eyes and shook her shoulder with a light touch.

"Es... Esmeralda? Sweetheart, you gotta wake up. We overslept and I've missed half my first shift."

"Uh uh... Ruby's coverin'," Esmeralda mumbled, burying her face deeper into Saphira's belly. Saphira chuckled lightly, causing Es to lean back far enough to glare at her before trying to burrow back into Saphira's body. Saphira stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. Esmeralda huffed and rolled onto her back so she could look up into Saphira's blue eyes.

"What do you mean, Ruby's covering? Since when is Ruby part of this assignment? I thought we had already stretched the numbers too thin with this operation."

Esmeralda shrugged. "I thought so too, actually, but apparently having to cover two such prominent and active individuals means we get more help."

"Did you ask for it?"

"No, Phira. He supplied it."

"Any explanation?"

"Only that He deemed it necessary and timely. Jas' words were 'He supplied your need in His time'."

Saphira only just contained the snort she wanted to release and instead nodded her head solemnly. She knew what Jas had said was true; it was just that her time would have been much sooner than His time... especially considering Esmeralda's slow recovery and the magnitude of this particular project. "Well, I for one will be glad of the help. Maybe we can all get a little more rest so we don't mess things up by being careless."

Esmeralda nodded. "I think that is the idea. Ruby said she'll be taking the morning shift at the diner, so you'll only be working one shift from now on." Es shifted until she was sitting beside Saphira, wrapping her arms around her waist and holding Saphira in a loose embrace. "I can't tell you how glad I am for that, Phira. I know being here with me like this is part of your restitution and punishment, but I've worried about the toll this has taken on you."

Her touch was gentle, but her eyes were fierce when Saphira tilted Esmeralda's head up. "Me?? What about you, sweetheart?? I'm not the one who got sick and almost died!!" Esmeralda could hear the near panic in Saphira's voice and feel the racing of her heart. She put a hand over Saphira's heart even as she leaned forward and brushed their lips together.

"It's all right, Phira. I didn't die and I'm getting better every day... a little stronger every day. Besides, this is my job. I'm a little more used to the aggravations and frustrations that go along with being a clean-up angel."

"Yeah, but He still shouldn't have sent you...."

"Don't question His reason, love," Esmeralda chided. "I had to be the one to do this... *we* had to be the ones to do this. They need us." She paused. "Besides, I'm the best at what I do."