Saphira pushed off the counter and turned to grab three plates as Esmeralda removed the skillet from the heat. She set one in front of Amber, then placed the other two on the table for herself and Es. "Something happened?"

"Grab a seat," Amber instructed. "I'll bring you up to date."

Chapter XV

"By the time I got back and went upstairs, Charisma was already in bed; I figured she was asleep."

"She wasn't?"

Amber shook her head. "No... not at first, anyway. She was curled around her pillow, eyes closed. Only when I got closer did I see the tears rolling silently down her cheeks."

"Did she sense you?" Saphira asked. Amber blinked at her.

"Excuse me?"

"Charisma... did she sense you?" Amber frowned.

"No... why would she?" Her golden eyes widened. "Wait... you're saying she could sense you?" Saphira nodded. Amber turned to Esmeralda. "Has she ever...?"

"No, but as Saphira pointed out to me, I have only been a human mortal around her. I've never observed her as an angel."

"Weird." Amber bit her lip thoughtfully. "Maybe it has to do with our classifications?" watching as Saphira's and Esmeralda's brows rose in tandem. "Well, think about it - I'm a guide guardian... I'm not supposed to be noticed as more than a feeling or an influence. You're a clean-up guardian, Es - your job requires you to be human... no interaction as an angel while you're on a job. But Saphira's an Angel of Retribution - she's supposed to make an impact as an angel. If Charisma is sensitive at all, she might be able to feel the strength of that impression."

Esmeralda and Saphira exchanged brief stares. "Well, that would explain a lot." They turned back to Amber. "So what else happened?"

Amber sighed. "Her breathing changed, so I know she fell asleep, but the tears didn't stop. After a bit she seemed to fall into a dream... or a nightmare; it's hard to say without knowing any details. I do know she shot up out of bed gasping for breath." The three swapped looks, knowing full well that could indicate any number of things. "Then she got up and went back downstairs to her study. She stayed there the rest of the night - caught between pacing the length of the room and studying the pictures on her desk."

"Pictures? Plural?"

Amber nodded. "Yes. She recovered the album from her safe and went through them slowly... one at a time."

"Did you get an opportunity to see them?"

"Yes. And I don't believe she doesn't know. It was there in every single photograph."

Esmeralda blew out a breath. "Today should be interesting."

"I know Turq and Opal weren't looking forward to it. Ame apparently warned them Charisma was being a bitch on wheels." Amber nodded at Es' raised eyebrows. "She was - yelling, impatient, frustrated... if I hadn't known better I'd have thought she was upset because Kent was leaving."

"Are you sure she wasn't?"

The look Amber gave Saphira could have cut diamonds. "I'm sure. For the most part, she completely ignored him, except to wish him well and say goodbye. If she was upset with him, she wouldn't have bothered to speak to him at all - or she would have focused her anger in his direction." She shook her head. "It's hard to explain if you haven't guided humans as long as I have; you kind of get to know how your charges think after a while. And while all humans are individuals and I will never claim to understand them, they still have a lot of traits in common with us. So it makes it a little easier to relate to their actions as well as their reactions."

Esmeralda chanced a look at the clock. "You should get some sleep, Amber. If today is as much fun as I expect it to be, your night will probably be another long one."

Amber blew out a breath and nodded her head wearily. "Probably." She rose and took her plate to the sink. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Little One," leaning down and brushing a kiss over Esmeralda's forehead. "Leave the dishes. I'll do them when I get up. Goodnight, guys."

"Goodnight, Amber," they replied together, watching her disappear into her room. Then they turned to one another. Saphira took her plate and Esmeralda's to the sink and extended her hand.

"C'mon, Angel mine. We've got to get to work."

"And you still have to share your epiphany with me."

Saphira nodded. It was time.


"The picture that had Charisma so mesmerized last night - the one of her and Brianna," waiting for Es to nod her head before continuing. "It brought home so many truths to me. I know I told you that even He couldn't have kept us apart... and I meant that, Es. I meant that with my whole heart, even before...." She blew out a breath and clasped Esmeralda's hand tighter in her own. "I saw what this separation has done to Charisma to the smallest extent and it's by her choice! I can't fathom... I won't let that happen to us, Es. I can't. I wouldn't survive it!"

Esmeralda pulled them to a stop, heedless of the odd looks and stares they garnered. She brought her free hand to cup Saphira's face, gratified when she immediately leaned into the touch. "Neither would I, love. And He knows that."

"Why would she choose this, Es? Why would she deliberately turn her back on happiness?"

"I can't answer that, Phira - not yet. I'm not sure she remembers what happiness feels like any more. She's content in her life... or she was until yesterday."

Saphira shook her head. "This is my stop. I'll see you tonight?"

Esmeralda grinned. "Don't you always? Have a good day."

"You too, Sweetheart. Love you."

"Love you more," Es quipped just as the Metro door closed between them. She laughed at the face Saphira made at her before the train pulled away headed to its next stop. Then Es took a deep breath to center herself. It was shaping up to be a hell of a day.


Esmeralda entered the building and waited her turn to step through the security. When she reached the metal detector, Derek greeted her. "Hey, Es. Glad it's Friday?"

She gave the security agent a smile. "Always, Derek. Aren't you?"

He looked around conspiratorially. "Yeah, but especially today. Word has it Tagherty is on the warpath." Esmeralda's eyes widened. That's not good. Derek nodded his head at her unspoken thought. "Just watch yourself, Es."

She nodded. "You know it. Say hi to Doc Janie for me."

"You betcha. She expects to see you next week, you know."

"I know. I've got an appointment."

"Make sure you keep it," he warned with a smile. "You know we'll both hear about it if you don't."

"Worse," Es countered with a grin. "She'll sic Saphira on me."

"True. Here comes your boss - have a good night."

"You too," she replied as she walked away from security to be intercepted by Rick. She noted the frown on his face. "Something wrong, Rick?"

He pinched his lower lip even as he accompanied Esmeralda to the supply closet that held her cleaning cart. He observed her checking everything, making sure she was fully stocked before starting her cleaning rounds. When she realized Rick still hadn't responded, she faced him, arching an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips.


"Senator Tagherty is in quite a mood. Just watch yourself, huh? I'd hate to see anything happen to you."

Esmeralda nodded. "I will. Who knows... maybe she'll be gone by the time I get to her office."

"We'll hope so. You call me if you have any problems, all right?"

"I will, Rick... thanks."

Rick gave Esmeralda a nod, then left her to start her rounds. She wondered what Charisma had done to warrant her being warned not once, but twice about her mood. She hoped she'd get a chance to talk to someone on the team assigned to Charisma before she reached the Senator's office.


Opal stepped from the office the second she heard Esmeralda walk by the door. At the moment she was thankful for the respite she'd been given, as she had been the main target of every outburst Charisma'd had since she'd walked into the office that morning. It was just as well, she reasoned - the few non-angel personnel Charisma had working for her would have long quit had they been subjected to her ire that day.

"Es?" Esmeralda stopped and turned back to Opal, eyes widening at her weary countenance. She hurried back and put a concerned arm around her shoulders, smiling sadly when Opal tucked her head into her neck and sighed in exhaustion.

"You okay, Opal? You look...."

"I am," Opal nodded and confessed at the same time. "Been a long, LONG day," she added for emphasis. "I've spent the entire day running interference for everyone to ensure that Charisma still has a staff tomorrow."

"Feel a little black and blue?" Opal nodded, then stiffened when she heard the clearing of a throat behind her.

"Opal, is there a reason you're standing out in the hall instead of taking care of your work? I'm sure I can find someone who would be thrilled to be promoted to your position if you feel you can no longer handle your responsibilities with timeliness."

Opal sagged briefly in Esmeralda's arms at the cutting words and tone before she straightened and put a bit of space between them. "No, Senator Tagherty. I'll get back to it." She risked a glance at Esmeralda. "Thank you, Es," her words pulling a surprised reaction from Charisma. Esmeralda smiled gently.

"Anytime, my friend," she assured before Opal disappeared back into the office. Charisma remained where she was, her blue eyes studying Esmeralda carefully.

"Is there anyone you can't make friends with, Esmeralda?" letting her eyes roam around the hall and briefly rest on Brianna's door before returning to meet Esmeralda's green ones squarely.

"I've found that one can never have too many friends, Senator."

Charisma's eyes shuttered and she bit her lip thoughtfully before nodding briskly. "I suppose you're right. If you'll excuse me...." her tone almost cold. Charisma winced when she saw the hurt flash across Esmeralda's face before she could school her expression into a polite mask.

"Of course, Senator Tagherty. I have work that needs tending. Have a good evening, Senator." Esmeralda gave a respectful nod of her head and moved her cart towards the far end of the hall to begin her cleaning. Charisma chewed on her inner lip a moment longer.

"Esmeralda?" Es turned at the first syllable of her name being called down the hall.

"Yes, Senator?"

"Will you be by later?"

"Of course, Senator - it is part of my responsibility to take care of your office suite."

Charisma nodded, not sure what to say at this point - anger and hurt warring in her expression. Then without another word, she went back into her office and closed the door. Esmeralda shook her head and got to work.


"Senator Walker?" Esmeralda called out as she knocked on the door - just as she always did before entering an office. Then she used her passkey and stuck her head in the door, only to instantly recognize that Brianna's office was empty of her presence. Es walked further into the room, pushing her cart ahead of her and idly wondering if this was going to be the way of things for the next two years - with the two of them doing everything they could to avoid one another. She blew out a frustrated breath and took a good look around.

Clearly her words from the previous day had made an impact on Brianna; nothing was out of place. All the boxes had been emptied and the things in them put away neatly in their designated spot in the office. The boxes had been flattened and marked for recycling beside a mostly empty trash can. Otherwise, there was little out of place in the room.

Knowing Brianna was more than likely gone for the day, Esmeralda set to work. She still had plenty to do before she could meet Saphira at the diner.


Esmeralda knocked lightly on the door of Senator Tagherty's office, fairly confident Charisma was waiting inside. "Senator Tagherty?" She got no answer, so Es pushed her cart in and stepped into the office behind it. She saw Charisma sitting at her desk in the dark, but ignored her, knowing it was up to Charisma to make the next move. It didn't take long.

"You know, don't you?" she asked softly, though her tone was cutting.

Esmeralda, having been engrossed on keeping her attention on her work, started slightly before she looked up at Charisma. A look of confusion crossed her face. "Senator?" watching hurt flash in blue eyes. "Charisma?"