"No... it's not...."

"Enough," Esmeralda cut her off tiredly. "We can argue fault later. Now tell me."

"He's supposed to be in at the end of the week, but he hasn't been in touch with Charisma yet to let her know for sure when he'll be home," Ame started.

"And...?" Esmeralda prompted.

"And he's got more than theatre interests in the City," Turq replied. "When I was driving him to the airport, I overheard him making plans to meet up with someone. It sounded pretty serious."

Esmeralda pinched her bridge of her nose. "And you didn't think I needed to know about this?" She shook her head and blew out a breath. "Sorry? that was uncalled for."

"Actually, we didn't start putting it together until this week," Opal said, taking charge again. "We don't have anyone keeping an eye on him. It's not like he's been much of a player in this whole drama."

"And he is now?"

The three looked at one another again and Ame and Turq gave Opal a brief nod. "As I said, we've only just started putting pieces together. But we don't think he will ever be much of a player as far as Charisma is concerned."

Esmeralda cast her glance around the table, noting the attitudes of attentive listening among all the women gathered there. Even those who'd just joined her team seemed to be fully invested in what was going on. She nodded in satisfaction and turned her attention back to Opal.

"Is there any fact to back up your thinking or is it just a gut feeling at this point?"

"A little of both, actually. We know he's never been much of a factor in Charisma's life. She married him because she wanted a baby and she needed a husband. They were compatible and he was willing."

"And you don't think he's willing anymore?"

"If I was to hazard a guess?" waiting for Esmeralda's nod. "I'd say he still cares for her very much - she is the mother of his son, after all. And in fairness, she was completely up front with him about her career coming first before they married."


"But I think he may have found someone willing to put him first instead."

"I have a question," Ruby spoke quietly, causing all eyes to turn her way. Esmeralda gestured for her to proceed and Ruby cleared her throat. "Has anyone considered that Charisma may be as much of a beard for Kent as Kent is for her?"

Everyone stared at her and Ruby felt compelled to continue. "I just think it's something that needs to be considered. After all, we know one thing that appealed to Kent about Charisma was the fact that he knew his mother would approve of her as a suitable wife. The fact that Charisma desperately wanted a child made her even more attractive, because he knew he would be able to give his mother at least one grandchild. The fact that he and Charisma liked one another was a bonus and since she was attractive, he was willing to give it a go."

"You don't think he loves her?"

"I didn't say that. Given what we saw of their courtship, I believe Opal's right - he cares for her very much."


"But I don't know if there is more than caring involved. And to be completely honest, we don't know that much about Kent. At least," motioning to her compatriots, "*we* don't. Our briefings before we arrived centered on Charisma and Brianna."

"Ours as well," Ame concurred, crumbling a bit of toast onto her plate. "Kent was seen as something of a bit player to the real drama that was playing out between our two protagonists."

Esmeralda picked up her coffee cup and took another sip, letting her focus go to the window where the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. She lifted the cup to her lips again and sighed once she'd swallowed. "It would be really nice if we didn't have to dig for answers. All right, Mal - I need you to go shadow Kent. Ame should be able to get you the information you need to find him in the City. I just need to know if he has interests there other than the theatre."

"You got it, Es."

"Thanks, Mal. Now, what about the rest of you? How are things going? What's going on with Brianna?"

They looked at one another and Ruby gestured for Indi to start. "She's been very tame... very sedate - at least with me. She comes in early and we tackle whatever's on the agenda for the day. She's learning her job quickly and is already gaining allies. She's making a real effort to do the job she's been appointed to."

"That's it?"

"For me," Indi said. "She's been sending me home at what she calls a 'reasonable hour', so Coral's been pulling some long shifts."

Esmeralda nodded. "I know. I talked to both her and Amber yesterday." She turned to Jasper. "What about you, Jas?"

"There's not much to tell, Es. She's only just started using me with any regularity. I pick her up in the morning and take her to the Senate building. I pick her up again in the late afternoon when she sends Indi home and take her back to her apartment for an hour or so and then take her back to the office for a few hours in the evenings. She hasn't said much."

"Have either of you observed anything unusual in her behavior?" watching them exchange puzzled glances, then shake their heads at her.

"To be honest, I'm not sure what unusual behavior would be for her. But she hasn't gone ballistic; she's not having a come apart. It all seems pretty normal."

"Does she spend any time brooding?"

They cocked their heads at her, then traded looks before turning back to Esmeralda. "Um... no?"

Esmeralda chuckled. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

"A little of both maybe?" Indi replied. "She hasn't done anything that we would consider brooding, but we're still learning her quirks. I do know that whatever happened with you and Saphira Friday night changed her behavior somewhat - I mean... that's when she started this new schedule."

"It's like she's thrown her focus into her professional life."

Esmeralda pinched her bottom lip between her fingers in thought. "Have you noticed her studying any of the photographs in her office?" fixing her gaze on Indi. Indi just shook her head.

"Not at all. As I said, she's been very focused... very professional."

Esmeralda nodded her head and took her last swallow of coffee, grimacing at the lukewarm beverage. Ruby held up the pot in silent question, but Esmeralda shook her head. Without missing a beat, Ruby poured her a glass of cold milk. Esmeralda rolled her eyes, but dutifully picked up the glass and took a big swallow. "Thanks, Ruby. What about you?"

"What about me, Es? I'm just here to give Saphira a break and keep an eye on the rest of you." She arched a brow. "Someone has to make sure you girls eat right and get some rest."

"Den mother, huh?"

"You bet your sweet bippy, sweetheart." Ruby pushed the hair out of Esmeralda's face. "You worry about taking care of the assignment. I'll look after the lot of you."

Esmeralda covered the hand that cupped her cheek. "Thanks, Ruby," her smile tired but sincere.

"And on that note," Ruby said, looking at her watch, "we've got to get our day started and you need to go back to bed before Saphira bodily picks you up and carries you to the bedroom." She nodded her head towards the doorway where Saphira had been standing during the entire meeting, arms crossed over her chest. "We'll keep you in the loop, especially if anything changes."

Esmeralda nodded and rose, finishing her milk before handing the empty glass back to Ruby. "I appreciate it, Ruby." She turned to Jas. "I need you to have some sort of mechanical trouble today - just enough to give me a chance to speak to Brianna."

"Got it covered, boss."

"And you'll let me know what's going on with Kent?" to Mal.

"As soon as I have something to report, boss."

Esmeralda nodded. "Good work, ladies. I think we're on track. Once I talk to Brianna, I should have a little clearer picture. But I expect things to start moving pretty quickly."

"Es?" Ame asked, causing everyone to stop moving and Esmeralda and Saphira to turn back from the bedroom doorway they'd just opened. Esmeralda tilted her head in question while Saphira merely cocked her eyebrow. "I was wondering if you had any idea how this was going to turn out... really."

"In what way? I'm not omniscient, Ame - you know that."

"No... I know that. But this situation has the potential to go out of control so easily." She bit her lip. "I don't want Adam to get hurt. He's just a child."

Esmeralda tapped the strong arms that had embraced her when she had moved from the table and Saphira released her hold. Then Esmeralda crossed to stand in front of Ame, cupping her face gently. "He'll be all right, Ame. He still has two parents and three grandparents who love him dearly and who knows - there might be one or two more before this is all said and done."

Ame nodded, but her shoulders slumped. Esmeralda lifted Ame's chin, drawing her face back up until their eyes met. "There aren't any guarantees here, Ame - you know that. We can only give them a second chance and do our best to make sure it comes out right."

"I know. I just... we usually don't come into situations this late. There aren't any kids involved." She leaned forward and brushed a kiss over Esmeralda's forehead. "Go to bed - before your mate loses what's left of her patience with me."

Esmeralda smiled and the rest chuckled, knowing none of them wanted Saphira on the warpath with them in her sights - not given that she'd stood up to Him for Esmeralda. They waved goodbye and left to begin their day.


"So you're the reason Jas called me with car trouble?" Brianna asked when she beckoned Esmeralda into her inner sanctum many hours later. She didn't appear angry... just a little chagrined. Esmeralda nodded her head sheepishly.

"I asked her to. I wanted to check on you."

"I'm all right," Brianna assured Esmeralda. "I've just been... I've been trying to figure things out. I need to do something. I just need to figure out what that something is."

"And you need to do that on your own," Esmeralda stated.

Brianna shrugged. "I don't know. I really... it seems like I should, you know? I mean, this is my life... our lives. Seems like we should be the ones...."

Esmeralda smiled as she moved around the room, dusting as she moved. "I understand, Brianna. I really do. But I know sometimes you just need an impartial ear and if you find you need someone to talk to, you know where to find me."

"How do you do that?" Brianna asked after a few minutes of silence as she watched Esmeralda dust around the room then return to her cart for a spray bottle and clean cloth to start a second round of cleaning. Esmeralda turned back and looked at Brianna with a confused frown.

"Excuse me?" glancing at her cleaning tools.

Brianna chuckled. "No... sorry. I understand the cleaning thing, even if I'm not nearly as thorough as you are," grinning at the unexpected blush that chased up Esmeralda's fair skin. Then she sobered. "No," she said, her voice dropping. "How do you know just what to say? I mean, it's true - I have been busy this week trying to settle in and learn this job as quickly as I can. But I've also been avoiding you because I didn't know what to say after what happened at the diner the other night," hanging her head down so her hair hid her face.

Esmeralda looked at the stuff in her hands and sighed, then she put it down and crossed to Brianna's desk and extended a hand to her. When she realized Brianna couldn't actually see her hand, she touched Brianna's hand, gratified when warmth closed around hers immediately.

"Come sit with me a minute." Brianna rose without argument and followed Esmeralda to the couch, taking a seat at one end and releasing her hold on the hand she held to let Esmeralda sit down on the other. "Brianna," waiting for green eyes to track to hers. "Do you remember what I told you just last week - your first day in this office? About being a student of human nature?"

"Of course, Es. You proved it pretty spectacularly."

Esmeralda chuckled. "I've had a lot of practice at trying to say the right thing as well. I don't always get it right, but I keep trying. But in your case... well, I've been there, done that."

"How so?"

"When it looked like Saphira might be lost to me, it was... oh heavens... it was so many horrible things wrapped up into this tight little ball of misery that sat in the pit of my stomach and made it hard for me to breathe, much less anything else. And the worst part was everyone who knew us knew what was happening, even if they couldn't begin to know what I was going through. So I know what it feels to be embarrassed and humiliated and confused and angry and any other number of emotions that you've probably run the gamut on as well. Helps give me a little more insight to your situation."