"What did you do?"

Esmeralda shook her head. "Nothing you want to try, Brianna. I fell deathly ill. Saphira was the one who did all the doing."

"And what did she do?"

"She stood up and demanded something different."

"I'm not sure I understand," Brianna admitted. "Would that apply here?"

"I don't think so. What does your gut tell you?"

"That I would like to hear your story. And then I would like to discuss ideas with you."

"I can do that, but I need to finish the rest of the floor first. That will give us whatever time we need."

Brianna waved her off. "Go do what you need to do. I will be here when you get done."

Esmeralda nodded and put things away. Then she edged her cart out the door. "I'll be back shortly," she promised.

"I'll be here," Brianna answered as she watched Esmeralda leave, then rose and went back to her desk, focusing on her work once more. Suddenly, she felt better.

Chapter XXII

"Wow, that's amazing," Brianna said quietly when Esmeralda finished relaying the story she had also shared with Charisma. "She really stood up for you... gave up everything??" Esmeralda nodded solemnly.

"She did. She actually gave up more than I did. She literally gave up everything - her home, her title and wealth, her occupation... everything. I kept my job and actually ended up with a promotion of sorts."

Brianna's lips twisted wryly. "Yeah... those 'of sorts' things can get you into real trouble - usually more work and responsibility for less money. But Es, from what you said she didn't give up her home. She fought for that."

Esmeralda tilted her head in confusion. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Brianna. I know the home she had before... the home we shared. We don't live there anymore."

This time Brianna smiled. "Oh Es... that was just a house. The home she shares is with you, and she refused to give that up." Esmeralda covered her lips but couldn't contain the gasp that escaped. Brianna patted her free hand. "See, I got the important parts."

"Even better than I did, apparently," Esmeralda replied self-deprecatingly. "Sometimes I am such an idiot."

Brianna snorted. "Sometimes we all are, my friend. Otherwise, the world would be a much nicer place to live, and I wouldn't be sitting here trying to figure out what to do about the woman I have been in love with for more than half my life."

"What would you like to do?"

"Kiss her senseless??" Brianna replied immediately, then promptly blushed. "I mean...."

Esmeralda smiled. "Oh, I think you meant exactly that, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm just not sure it's the right thing to do in this case at the moment." She paused. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Brianna said good-naturedly. "It's not like I have to answer, and it's not like I couldn't use some help here if you've got any ideas. Go for it."

"You're considered out, aren't you? People know your orientation?"

Brianna frowned. "Pretty much, yes. I mean... I didn't announce it over a PA system like Ellen did, and I don't introduce myself as Brianna Walker, lesbian, but it's pretty common knowledge as far as I know. I haven't used a man as an escort since my first year out of college and I have been seen with women publicly - both for professional reasons and in my personal life." She hesitated, then continued. "I'm no blushing virgin, if that's what you're asking."

Esmeralda's brows went into her hairline. "Um, no... that wasn't what I was asking, but thanks for sharing," grinning when Brianna stuck out her tongue. "No... I was asking because - would you go into the closet? Would you hide your relationship to be with Charisma?"

Brianna held green eyes that matched her own for a long moment, then shook her head. "I don't think I could," she said honestly. "I don't think I could be someone I'm not to be with anyone." She shrugged. "If I can't be honest and be who I am with the person who is supposed to love me unconditionally, what kind of foundation are we going to have together? So no. Besides," she added, clasped her hands together in her lap. "Charisma is married and that makes her off-limits to me. I'm not a home wrecker... ever."

"All right - I can appreciate the sentiment. I actually agree with you... about all of it. And as bad as I hate to say it, and as much as you don't want to hear it, I think your very best option at the moment is to become friends with Charisma again. She'll fight it and she'll resist you, but she needs you. She needs your friendship. Nothing has been quite right for her since you left, and she knows that in her heart of hearts whether she admits it anywhere else or not. It's gonna be an uphill battle though."

"Of course it is," Brianna grumbled.

Esmeralda studied her speculatively for a long moment. "If I gave you an opportunity to get your foot in the door, would you take it?"

"What are you talking about?"

Esmeralda shook her head. "Uh uh... blind faith. If I can arrange it so she gets to see the friend she loves and remembers, will you take the chance?"

"Of course, Es. I'd do anything - short of breaking the law or breaking up her marriage. As much as I love her... have always loved her... I miss her friendship in my life. There were a lot of times in the past twenty years when I wished for her advice and counsel."

"All right," Esmeralda nodded. "You just keep doing what you've been doing - be polite and kind and friendly. I'll do what I can on my end."

"How will I know?"

"You just will," Esmeralda promised. "It'll feel right."

Brianna looked at her askance, but slowly nodded her agreement. "All right... If you say so."

"I say so."

Brianna snickered. "You sound like my grandmother." She chanced a look at the clock. "Holy crap! Saphira is going to kill me for keeping you here so late. She's gotta be worried. C'mon," she encouraged, holding out her hand and tugging them both to their feet. "We need to get you to the diner before she sets the entire DC police force out after me."

Esmeralda giggled and lightly squeezed the hand she held. "It's all right, Brianna. I called her before I came back in here. She's already headed for home. I'll just go straight there tonight."

Brianna looked her over shrewdly. "And you'll let me drive you home, right? I don't feel right about you being out by yourself at this time of night."

"I have a guardian angel," Esmeralda stated without compunction knowing Coral was waiting out of sight not too far away. "But if it'll make you feel better, I'll be happy to," she added with a smile before Brianna could protest.

"Good," Brianna muttered. "Glad we got that settled," going around behind her desk. "Give me a minute to call Jasper and we can head out."

"I still have to put my cart away. Would you like me to meet you somewhere or...?"

"I'll walk with you; then you can walk with me."

Esmeralda nodded. "That sounds good," waiting as Brianna made her call and shut down her office for the night. Then they headed out together.

Brianna looked around in wonder, never having seen that part of the Senate Building. It was positively plain, though it was also spotlessly clean. "So different," she murmured. Esmeralda smiled at her words.

"Isn't that the way things are in life as well?" not specifying what she meant, but Brianna nodded anyway.

"I suppose it is," she agreed softly. "Now c'mon... let's get you home."


"So are you any closer to understanding?" Saphira asked when she closed the door behind Esmeralda. Brianna had been as good as her word and dropped Esmeralda off at home, waiting until she was inside and had turned and waved before instructing Jasper to take her home. Esmeralda blew out a breath and leaned against the closed door with her eyes closed for a moment. Saphira tenderly cupped Esmeralda's cheek and leaned down until only Esmeralda would hear her bare whisper. "Sweetheart?"

Green eyes blinked open and Esmeralda gave Saphira a wan smile even as she covered the hand on her face. "I understand that I'm an idiot," causing Saphira to frown. She giggled tiredly. "However... that's neither here nor there at the moment as it had nothing to do with this assignment. I do have an idea that may help jumpstart things for them. Have we heard anything from Mal?"

"No," Saphira supplied, leaning forward and kissing Esmeralda briefly, surprised when Esmeralda held on and deepened it for several minutes. Despite their interlude only a few days previous - their first since Esmeralda had started on the long road to recovery - things were still not very physical between them. Esmeralda still tended to exhaustion most days and Saphira refused to push. She was able to hold Esmeralda in her arms every night, and that was a blessing beyond price.

Still, she rarely considered herself to be stupid and when Esmeralda offered as she was doing now, Saphira simply wrapped Esmeralda in strong arms and held on for dear life.

Slowly, Esmeralda pulled back from Saphira until she could look into the blue eyes she treasured so much. Esmeralda reached up a hand to cup Saphira's face, smiling when Saphira leaned into her touch.

"I love you," Esmeralda said gently. "So much."

Saphira left her hands on Esmeralda's waist and turned her face until she could brush Esmeralda's palm with her lips.

"And I love you, Esmeralda."

"I know, Saphira. I know by your words and your actions and the look in your eyes. I just don't want you to ever wonder about how I feel about you."

Saphira smiled. "I've never doubted you, Esmeralda." She let her smile become a leer. "But anytime you'd like to remind me like that," licking her lips, "please feel free." Esmeralda chuckled and threw herself into Saphira's arms. Saphira caught her and held on, rocking them back and forth. "You wanna tell me what brought this on?"

"Brianna. We had an interesting talk tonight. And she reminded me that I have everything I need in my life - I have you."

"I hope you never have cause to doubt that," Saphira said quietly. "I hope I never give you a reason to."

"You won't," Esmeralda affirmed. "Not after everything we've been through." She slid out of Saphira's arms and let her feet touch the floor. Then she linked her fingers with Saphira's and tugged her towards the bed. "I want to hold you tonight. Tomorrow I'll tell you what I'm thinking about all this."

"Sounds like a plan."


It was later than they normally got up. Already the day crew was up and gone; Amber and Coral had returned some minutes ago and were in the kitchen preparing something to eat. Still they lay together while Esmeralda told Saphira about her conversation with Brianna the day before.

"Are you sure you want to get involved like that?" Saphira asked when Esmeralda laid out her idea to help facilitate the building of the friendship between Brianna and Charisma. Esmeralda leaned up from her spot on Saphira's chest where she'd been listening to the strong heartbeat beneath her cheek. The disbelieving look on her face spoke volumes and Saphira waved her hands to stop her speech before Esmeralda could make a comment. "You know what I mean."

Esmeralda shook her head. "I'm not sure I do, Phira. We're already involved in this... up to our eyeballs."

"I know, Es, but this is different." She paused. "Isn't it?"

Esmeralda shook her head. "No, Sweetheart. We're just expanding our horizons by...." Whatever her thought was going to be, it remained incomplete as there was a rapid knock on the door mere seconds before it opened and Amber stuck her head in, eyes firmly closed.

"You need to come quick, Es. Opal's on the phone. I think there's trouble in paradise again."

Esmeralda sat up and reached for her robe, slipping into it before she stood and tying it as she made her way towards the door with Saphira right behind her. Esmeralda nodded at Coral who put the phone on speaker so they could all hear Opal's conversation.

"Opal? What's up?"

"I'm not sure Es," Opal practically whispered into the phone. "Charisma had me call Brianna in for a meeting."

Four sets of eyes around the table widened comically and they exchanged flabbergasted expressions before Esmeralda cleared her throat. "Excuse me?"

Opal sighed. "You heard me. Charisma had me call Indi and set up a meeting between them. She should be here in.... Hello Senator Walker. Thank you for your rapid response. Allow me to announce you to Senator Tagherty." Through the connection, they heard Opal knock on the door and inform her of Brianna's presence, then Opal ushered Brianna into the inner sanctum before she resumed her seat and picked the receiver up once more.