"And those that dismiss her miss out on so much - *that* is why I'd like to be her." She paused. "Is there anything else, Senator?"

Brianna gazed at Indigo for another moment before nodding her head. "Thanks, Indi," dismissing her before turning back to the work she'd been engrossed in before Charisma's phone call. Indi nodded and went back to her desk.

Things were finally starting to move - she needed to get ahold of Esmeralda soon. But first she was going to call Opal. They might as well be on the same page before they brought Esmeralda into it.


Opal sat quietly taking care of her work and directing the work of the other aides while Charisma remained conspicuously silent behind closed doors. She wondered at the lack of reaction, but like the others in the office, she was just counting her blessings.

For a little while, they just went about their business quietly, so the phone ringing caused everyone to jump slightly. Opal glared at it briefly before lifting the receiver to her ear. "Senator Tagherty's office. This is Opal - how may I help you?"

"Op... it's Indi," her voice quiet across the wire.

"Hey, Indi... what's up?" equally cautiously.

"What's happening on your end?"

Opal glanced at the still closed door. "Nothing."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, Indi. Not one thing."

"I don't understand." Opal rolled her eyes.

"What do you not understand, Indi? Nothing is happening here. Brianna left and closed the door behind her and we haven't heard anything from Charisma yet. She hasn't even asked for coffee yet. Why? What's happening on your side?"

Opal couldn't see it, but she heard Indi shake her head. "It was weird. Brianna kept me in her office for a few minutes; we had a very cryptic conversation about Es and then she shooed me out to go back to work."


"And? That's it."

Opal pulled the phone from her ear and looked at it strangely for a long moment, glad that the rest were too involved in their own work to pay attention to her conversation. Then she tucked the phone back between her face and her shoulder and turned back to her computer.

"All right, Indi. I want you to start this dialogue over; step-by-step and don't leave out any of the details. Then we can decide what to do next."


"Es, this is Opal and I've got Indi conferenced in. Have you got a few minutes?"

"Talk to me, ladies. What's going on?"

First Opal told her side and then Indi shared hers. Then for several long moments they sat silently while Esmeralda considered their words. Finally, though....

"Es? You still there?" Opal asked since no sound could be heard from Esmeralda's side of the phone.

"She's here," Saphira answered.

"Is everything okay, Saphira?"

"I think so. Es is kind of in her own zone at the moment. Not sure I want to mess with that. Do you want me to have her call you back when she comes out of it?"

"No," Esmeralda said. "I'm good." She sighed. "All right. Thank you both. Keep your eyes and ears open, but I doubt you're gonna have anything to worry about for the rest of the day at least. If I'm wrong, though, feel free to let me know," her voice dry and droll.

Opal and Indi chuckled. "No thanks, boss. We're going with the 'Es is always right' theory on this one," Opal stated. "I can't speak for Indi, but we're enjoying the peace in Charisma's office."

Saphira snorted; Esmeralda just shook her head. "All right. You two get back to work. I'll be in at my normal time tonight."

"Nothing special planned tonight Es?"

"No. They're talking to one another... sorta. I can't mess with anything if they're making an effort."

"Even if their efforts suck?"

"At least it's an effort," Saphira commented wryly.

"At least it's a start," Esmeralda corrected. "As long as they're talking...."

"And if they stop?"

"I have an idea how to move things forward. But if I don't have to, I won't. All right, guys. Back to work. Thanks."

"Later, Es." Then Esmeralda and Saphira were left with nothing but a dial tone.

Esmeralda covered her face with her hands and she leaned into Saphira's body when strong arms wrapped around her middle. Saphira didn't speak - she simply rocked them gently together, humming an old lullaby she knew was a favorite of Esmeralda's.

When Esmeralda dropped her hands from her face, she turned in Saphira's arms and twined her hands into the dark hair. "Thank you."

Saphira smiled and hugged Esmeralda to her for a long moment. "C'mon," she invited. "Let's go enjoy the sun for a little while before we head for work."

Esmeralda pulled Saphira's lips down to meet her own briefly. "I'd like that, love. I'd like that a lot."

They were out the door in record time and Esmeralda locked her arm with Saphira as they walked against the wind. She took a deep breath. "This is nice," after a long stretch of silence.

"Yeah, it really is." She paused. "You all right?"

Esmeralda smiled. "I am. I will be interested to hear their points of view if they decide to share though. I'd like to know what was said in that office and I'll admit to being a little curious what Brianna was thinking about when she talked to Indi."

Saphira snorted. "I'd like to know that myself."

"Well, I promise if I find out, so will you."

"Sounds good. In the meantime...."

"In the meantime, we've got to get to work. Who knows what adventures await us today."

Saphira just shook her head, and guided them to the nearest metro stop.

Chapter XXIV

Saphira noticed Mal first and she squeezed Esmeralda's hand lightly to get her attention before jerking her head in Mal's direction. With a nod, they edged towards the nearest coffee shop and Mal followed them inside. She gestured towards the sitting area and Saphira led Esmeralda towards it. Esmeralda rolled her eyes good-naturedly at the pampering, but allowed Saphira to seat her comfortably before she stepped up beside Mal to help carry their coffee back to Esmeralda. Esmeralda accepted hers gratefully and turned to Mal expectantly. "What news?"

"Sorry it took so long. This is the first chance I've had to get here."

"Easier than just calling?"

"Coming here via the heavenly express takes about as much time as making a phone call and I knew I could catch you in person at this time of day."

"So what's up?"

"Well, first you need to know Kent's going to be gone for a little while longer. He has actually been legitimately busy with his theatre gig. He's at the theatre as we speak - the show is already in dress rehearsals, and he's signed for at least three months."

"Does Charisma know?"

Mal shrugged. "I don't know. He hasn't called her since I've been with him." Saphira and Esmeralda exchanged glances and Mal simply watched them communicate silently for a long moment before they turned back to her simultaneously. Her eyes widened. "What?"

"What else?" Esmeralda asked. "If that was all you knew, you'd have just called and left a message with someone, knowing I'd get it fairly quickly."

Mal smiled crookedly. "Some days you're just too smart for your own good," shaking her head and taking a sip of her coffee. "You're right - there's more... I'm just not sure how much more." She sighed and took another swallow of coffee, aware that the impatience in Saphira's expression was the antithesis to the serenity Esmeralda wore.

"Well?" Saphira prompted, only to clamp her lips together when Esmeralda laid a comforting hand on her arm. "Sorry," Saphira mumbled after taking a deep breath. "I'm just...."

Mal smiled and patted her other arm. "Trust me, Saphira. We've all been where you are and felt like you've felt. No one wants this settled soon more than we do - even those of us who haven't been on this assignment as long as you and Es have." She turned back to Esmeralda. "I'm still working on what the more is. I think he's invested in some sort of fledgling business... at least he seems to be spending most of his free time away from the theatre there. I'm still trying to ascertain if he's interested in the business itself or someone in particular there."

"What's the business?"

"It's a bar/restaurant."

"Like a sports bar combo?"

Mal shook her head. "No. It's more upscale. They're completely separate yet part of the same building."


"I don't think I've got enough evidence to support anything at this point... not even impressions. Give me another day or two and I'll get back to you with something more concrete."

Esmeralda nodded thoughtfully. "All right, Mal. Good work, thanks."

"You know it, boss. I'll be back as soon as I have something more to report," she added as she rose and emptied her cup before she nodded to them and headed out the door. Esmeralda and Saphira remained where they were, hands still cradling their coffee cups. Finally, Saphira spoke.

"How do you stand this?"

Esmeralda gave her a smile and leaned her head on Saphira's shoulder. "Lots of practice." She patted Saphira's leg with her free hand. "C'mon," she continued after a moment, sitting up straight once more. "We're gonna be late." She slid forward and stood then offered her hand to Saphira.

Saphira accepted the proffered hand and stood, keeping Esmeralda's hand in hers as they exited the shop and headed for the metro once more.


Esmeralda slowly pushed her cart through the hallway, stopping at each office to clean as she made her way towards Charisma's office. Opal had given her an update as soon as she arrived on the floor, ensuring Esmeralda knew Charisma had yet to emerge from her office after Brianna's visit.

She interacted with everyone that she encountered, spending a little time with the people in each office as she went along... like she did every working day. However, the later it got, the fewer people she met - until she was sure she was the only one left on her floor.

Still her training held and she knocked on each door before she entered either outer or inner office. When she reached Brianna's office, she wasn't really surprised to find it empty. Given what Indi had shared with her earlier, she'd have been more surprised to find Brianna waiting for her. She was a little stunned at how much Brianna's sudden doubts hurt.

Esmeralda bit her lip and shook her head. She knew better than to take anything personally - in her job, she couldn't afford to. But it was hard not to in this case. So much of this *was* personal and familiar and it made her heart hurt on a number of levels. She wondered, however briefly, if what she felt now was part of His punishment, but she didn't dwell on it. She couldn't afford to... not now. Later maybe, when this was resolved, she would be able to give the idea more consideration.

She turned her attention back to her work, cleaning methodically and quickly. Only when she reached the rogue's gallery of pictures did Esmeralda slow down and take a good look at the images in the photographs. She didn't even hear the door open and close behind her.

"Do you see any answers, Es?" Brianna asked as she leaned casually against the door. She had to smile - except for the slightest hesitation at the initial sound of her voice, Esmeralda hadn't reacted to her unexpected presence at all... not even a flinch at the vaguely accusing tone.

"It would probably help if I knew what the questions were first, Brianna," Esmeralda replied evenly, continuing to study the pictures for another moment before she looked up to meet green eyes. She shrugged. "I know what I see."

Brianna cocked a brow. "And what is that?"

"I see two women who have lost the ability to communicate with one another... on the most basic level."

Brianna glared. "How do you do that?" slapping her palm against the door before crossing her arms over her chest. "How do you know...?" She held up a hand before Esmeralda could respond. "Who are you, Esmeralda? Who are you... really?"

"No one, Brianna. I am no one."

"Nuh uh. Not buying it."

"I'm not sure what you want me to tell you, Brianna."

"The truth, Es. All I want is the truth," her tone one of frustration tinged with anger, though Esmeralda wasn't sure at whom the anger was directed.

"I haven't lied to you, Brianna. I wouldn't lie... not about something this important."

"See? There you go again! Why is this important? After all, I've lived with this for almost twenty years. So why does it matter to anyone besides me at this point? It hasn't up to now!"