Esmeralda held Brianna's gaze for a long moment before she answered carefully. "I can't really say anything about that... I'm not God, you know. But you know why it matters to me - I would never see anyone suffer what Saphira and I have to be together."

"Why would you think Charisma would even care? She hasn't given me any sign that it makes a difference to her except how her career is concerned. And yet you're certain she does care beyond her career aspirations, aren't you?" She paused. "Who are you really, Es? And how do you know this stuff?"

Esmeralda tilted her head and gave Brianna a tiny smile. "Would you believe I'm an answer to prayer? That I was put here in this time and place for a reason?"

The unexpected reply caused Brianna to start, then freeze as her mind processed Esmeralda's words. Esmeralda stood still and let Brianna think about what she said, waiting for the deep breath and exhalation she knew was coming. When it happened, Esmeralda smiled at the wonder that filled Brianna's eyes.

"You know what?" Brianna finally said after a long moment. "I would actually believe that. I'm a firm believer in karma... that everything happens in its own time and way for a reason." She dropped her eyes and shook her head. "I don't know who you are, Esmeralda or who sent you here, but I guess it really doesn't matter. I truly am glad to have met you."

"I'm glad to have met you too, Brianna."

Brianna pushed off the door. "Do you have a few minutes?"

"For you? Absolutely." Esmeralda paused and waited for Brianna to cross the room and take a seat on the couch before moving over to join her. "What can I do for you?"

"Tell me more about yourself... or about you and Saphira."

Esmeralda frowned. That hadn't been what she'd expected to hear. "What would you like to know?"

"Anything you'd like to share. You know so much about me, and yet I know next to nothing about you. I'd like to change that."

"Level out the playing field a little?"

Brianna shrugged and blushed faintly. "Maybe," she conceded.

Esmeralda looked at her for a moment, then rose from her spot on the couch to resume her work. "I have a better idea," she said as she grabbed the duster and began her next round of cleaning, paying special attention to the pictures Brianna treasured. "Why don't you come to visit Saphira and me this weekend? We have a few hours on Saturday or all of Sunday together, and we'd be glad to have you join us for a meal and some conversation."

Brianna's eyes widened. "I'd like that."

Esmeralda smiled and nodded. "All right." She picked up a pen and carefully wrote the address on a piece of Brianna's letterhead, then passed the folded paper to Brianna. "You let me know when you 're available and I'll make sure Saphira and I are too."

Brianna accepted the missive with a watery smile, touched by Esmeralda's guileless generosity. "Thank you," she nodded. "Could we try for Sunday? I promise not to take up your whole day off."

Esmeralda smiled. "Sounds good. It means we don't have to rush."

Brianna reached a hand over and placed it on Esmeralda's arm, squeezing gently. "Thank you," she said again. Then she chuckled and nudged Esmeralda out from behind her desk before taking her seat and slipping on her reading glasses. "Guess if I'm going to play hooky on Sunday for a little while, I better spend a little extra time here the rest of the week so I don't get behind, huh?"

Esmeralda smirked and moved back towards her cart. "Whatever it takes. Have a good night, Senator Walker," causing Brianna's head to pop up in response and laughing at the glare and finger wag it garnered her. She gave Brianna a grin, laughing at the comical expression she got in return. Then she opened the door and headed out to finish the rest of her day's work.


Charisma checked her watch when the knock sounded on her door, muttering, "Come in," without ever removing her eyes from the documents in front of her. Esmeralda poked her head into the office, not surprised to find Charisma engrossed in some piece of legislation.

"Excuse me, Senator Tagherty. Is it all right if I come in and clean up in here?"

Esmeralda's soft question got Charisma's attention immediately and she raised her eyes from the papers in front of her. "Of course, Es. Please," motioning her further into the room. "I know you've got a job to do here too."

"Yes, but it can wait until you're done if it needs to, Senator," putting emphasis on her title. Charisma smirked wryly and shook her head.

"Not really, Es... and you know that."

Esmeralda grinned. "I know. But your work has to come first."

Charisma shrugged. "Maybe," she granted as she pushed her chair back from the desk and stood. She straightened up the papers she'd been studying and shoved them into her briefcase, then set about shutting down her computer for the night. "But I can take mine home and work on it there. You literally have to keep your work at work, because I'm pretty sure you'd get arrested if you tried to take my office home with you."

"I'm pretty sure that'd give me a hernia," Esmeralda joked, smiling when Charisma chuckled softly. "Besides," she confessed, "I like not being able to take my work home. It means when I leave here, I'm done til I come back and Saphira and I have time to be together."

Charisma tilted her head. "What's that like?"

Esmeralda's eyes widened. "I beg your pardon?"

"Having time together... wanting to have time together." She paused. "It's never been that way with Kent and me. I don't mind spending time with him, but neither of us goes out of our way to make it happen either." She turned and closed the laptop, slipping it into her bag as well, then locking it shut. "He called a little while ago - Kent did," Charisma clarified and waited for Es to nod her understanding. "He got the part he wanted. He'll be staying in the city for the next few months."

"How do you feel about that?" Esmeralda asked when she realized Charisma was waiting for her to comment.

"I'm glad for him," Charisma said instantly. "He really wanted this and I want him to have the things he wants out of life. I'd like him to be happy."

"And it doesn't bother you to be separated?"

Charisma shook her head. She picked up the phone and made a brief call to Turq then turned back to Esmeralda. "No... why would it? It's only a few months and he's only a couple hours away if something comes up here. Our military men and women are separated from their families for much longer and without the access I have." She looked hard at Esmeralda. "You still haven't answered my question."

"I'm sorry, Charisma. What was the question again?"

"What's it like... wanting to have time together?"

"You already know, Charisma. Don't you wish you had more time with Adam?"

"Not the same thing, Es - Adam is my son, not my mate," remembering Esmeralda's discourse. She picked up her briefcase and headed towards the door. By the way," she said casually as she reached the same spot Brianna had earlier in the day, putting a hand on the doorknob and turning partially to give Esmeralda a view of her profile. "I spoke to Brianna today."

"That's a good thing, right?"

Charisma shrugged. "Time will tell." She turned until she could look fully at Esmeralda. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Charisma." Then Esmeralda turned back to her work, not noticing she remained under Charisma's regard for another long moment before the door closed.


"So we're having company Sunday?" Saphira said as she and Esmeralda walked home from the metro station closest to the house they shared.

"Yeah - I hope the rest won't mind disappearing for a while."

"Well, except for Amber and Coral, it shouldn't be a problem. And they'll both be asleep upstairs. We'll manage."

"We always do." Esmeralda smiled as she spoke.

"What about Charisma?"

"I don't know, Phira. She's harder to read than Brianna is. She's been hiding a lot longer... from herself as well as everyone else."

"And when she finds out Kent has been hiding from her?"

"I don't know," Esmeralda repeated. "She won't make a scene, but she may use it to push him further out of her sphere. I think it'll depend on what he's been hiding."

"Well, hopefully Mal will find out soon - and before Charisma knows. It'd be nice to be ahead in this situation for a change and be able to make plans accordingly."

Esmeralda chuckled as they mounted the steps to their abode. "It never hurts to hope, I guess," she said quietly as they entered the house, taking care not to waken the other occupants. It wasn't long before they were settled in bed and silence descended once more.

Chapter XXV

Brianna glanced at the clock, eyes widening comically when she realized how late... or how early, depending on your point of view... it actually was. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, then tilted her head from one side to the other, sighing in satisfaction when it popped back into place. Brianna dropped her glasses onto the desk and stood, stretching and groaning when her back cracked unexpectedly.

"Well," she said to the silent office. "At least I'll be able to enjoy my Sunday with Es and Saphira without feeling any guilt," she said with a little chuckle. She debated going home, knowing she needed to be back relatively early to attend several committee meetings. But her desire for a hot shower won out over the need for a couple hours sleep on the couch, so she lifted the phone and put in a quick call to Jas. In minutes, she was being whisked to her apartment.

"Feel better, Senator Walker?" Jas asked as Brianna approached her car sometime later with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face.

"Much, Jas. I'm sure I'll regret the lack of sleep later, but at the moment I feel like I could take on the world and win." Jas grinned and nodded at Brianna's enthusiasm, shutting her door carefully and sliding into her place behind the wheel. "Were you up all night waiting on me, Jas?"

"I caught a good nap, Senator."

"Uh huh. I want you to go home after you drop me at the Senate Building and get some rest. I'll call you before I need you to let you know when you come pick me up again."

"But Senator...."

"Jas, don't make me make it an order. I'm not going anywhere today - at least not for a while. Long enough for you to get some decent sleep, all right?"

"You're the boss, ma'am."

Brianna smirked. "And don't you forget it." Then they were arriving back at the Senate Building and Jas opened Brianna's door and waited for her to disappear inside the building before she resumed her spot in the driver's seat and headed the car towards the house. She idly wondered who'd still be home when she arrived and then simply focused on getting there in the still heavy darkness.


"Dammit!" was the muttered curse Brianna heard as she made her way down the hallway towards her office after having enjoyed a full breakfast in the Senate dining room. She sped up her steps, wondering who'd found it necessary to be cursing in the building at daybreak. What she saw caused her heart to hesitate but her steps to speed up.

"Let me help," she offered, seeing Charisma struggle to hold onto her briefcase, unlock the door and juggle a cup of coffee while cradling her still sleeping son to her chest. Before Charisma could even think to protest, Brianna relieved her of her briefcase, coffee cup and keycard, swiping it quickly and pushing the door open so Charisma could enter the office ahead of her.

Charisma nodded her thanks, making her way from the outer office and towards her inner sanctum. Without a word, Brianna swiped the card again, unlocking the second secure door and opening it so Charisma could pass in front of her once more.

Charisma made her way to her couch, laying Adam on it and covering him before she turned to find Brianna's eyes on them. She straightened, but before she could clear her throat to speak, Brianna whispered, "He's beautiful, Ri."

Charisma smiled, then bit her lip to keep the tears from falling unchecked down her cheeks. She turned back to look at Adam still sleeping so peacefully. "He's my pride and joy."

Brianna smiled. "I can see why," causing Charisma to look at her again.

"Oh for... give me that stuff," Charisma demanded curtly, holding out her hands. "I didn't mean for you to stand here holding it like some sort of pack mule."