"How so?"

"I was sleeping very hard... very deeply... to the point she was afraid I had fallen into a coma. The last time I slept like that was when I was so sick - I really was in a coma then. I think it scared her."

"I'm sure it did. Even as little as I actually know of you both, I can imagine her reaction to seeing you like that again, especially after being given a brief glimpse of the two of you together."

Esmeralda stilled her duster and turned to face Brianna directly. "How do you mean?"

Brianna chuckled and shook her head. "You remind me of my grandparents," letting her eyes glaze over in memory. "My grandmother and papa were married for forty-seven years before Grandmother passed away suddenly one night. Just... BAM! and she was gone. Papa couldn't do anything; she was gone before emergency services could get there."

"I'm so sorry, Brianna. She obviously meant a lot to you," Esmeralda offered sincerely.

"Thank you," Brianna said even as she shook her head. "But that's not what I meant." She sighed. "As upset as I was when Grandmother died, it was nothing compared to the loss Papa felt. Even now... years later, I can still tell he misses her fiercely. He gets this look in his eye when he thinks about her. It's like part of him is missing and nothing will ever fill that hole she left."

"Part of him is missing," Esmeralda replied sadly, "and it always will be. Nothing except his death will change that for him."

"That's my point - you and Saphira are a lot like my grandmother and papa were. I don't know how long you have been a couple, but to someone that has seen real love before and what happens to the one left behind when that bond is broken by death, I would say you're truly part of one another. And from what you told me of your story, you were near death before. I'm sure it hit Saphira hard seeing you like that again. So I don't blame her for being cautious where your health is concerned."

"I don't blame her." Esmeralda released a breath and turned back to her work. "I just wish there was a way to keep her from worrying so much. She's gonna make herself sick if she keeps trying to carry the world around on her shoulders."

"Just take care of yourself, Es. Knowing you're all right will go a long way towards alleviating that burden."

"When did you get so smart, Brianna?"

"Oh, I've always been this smart. I'm brilliant - like the stars that shine in the firmament." She was able to hold the lofty expression on her face for several long seconds before the look on Esmeralda's face made her burst into laughter. Esmeralda snickered.

Finally, Brianna's laughter tapered off and she pushed her hair off her face. "Thanks, Es... I needed that."

"I didn't do anything but stand here," Esmeralda insisted, moving to put her duster away and grabbing the small carpet sweeper.

"That was enough - trust me," Brianna claimed. She looked back at the pile of paper still on her desk. "Back to work for me, though."

"Will it disturb you if I finish my work?"

"Just make sure you say goodnight before you leave," Brianna requested.

"Absolutely," Esmeralda promised and continued working as quietly as she could. Brianna watched her a moment longer, then resumed studying the documents she had in front of her. She wondered when bureaucracy had become so paper-logged that they needed forests to keep them supplied. Then her mind focused on what she was reading, not even hearing the vacuum when Esmeralda started running it through the entire office. Only a light touch on her arm brought Brianna out of the quagmire of words her mind was rolling through.

"Leaving already?" she asked Esmeralda, looking up into sparkling green eyes. Esmeralda smiled.

"I've been here almost an hour, Senator Walker," chuckling when Brianna's eyebrow arched at her address. "I still have to go clean Senator Tagherty's office, but I promised to say goodbye before I left," not missing the shadow that passed over Brianna's face at the mention of Charisma's name.

Brianna rose from her seat. "Yes, you did," she agreed, squeezing the hand still resting on her arm. "I'm glad you're doing better. Try not to scare the lot of us like that again, all right? Politicians don't do well with change... I don't care what their rhetoric is."

Esmeralda smiled, returning the clasp on Brianna's arm. "I'll do my best to maintain the status quo, Senator. We'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yep. Oh... are we still on for Sunday or would you like to...?" stopping when Esmeralda held up a hand.

"We're still on for Sunday. We're not planning to do anything elaborate, and we're looking forward to it."

"So am I," Brianna smiled and opened the door for Esmeralda. "Have a good night, Es."

"You too, Senator," with a wave and a smirk at the mock-glare she got from Brianna with the second use of her title. Brianna just shook her head and closed the door and Esmeralda continued down the hallway to Senator Tagherty's office.


"Senator Tagherty?" Esmeralda called out as she poked her head in the door. "Charisma?"

Charisma's head popped up at the sound of Esmeralda's voice and a grin creased her face. "Es!" she said, waving the other woman into her office. "Come in! How are you? We missed you around here yesterday."

Esmeralda's smile was genuine. "Thank you, Charisma. It's nice to be missed."

"I guess you heard that from a lot of people today," smiling when Esmeralda blushed. Charisma took one of Esmeralda's hands in her own. "How are you doing... really?"

"I'm okay... really. I was just very, very tired yesterday. It scared Saphira and she insisted I stay home and get some rest," squeezing Charisma's hand lightly and releasing it.

"Can't blame her," Charisma commented as Esmeralda grabbed her cleaning supplies and got to work.

"No... and I don't. Besides," she admitted with a wry grin, "I think it helped. I feel a little better... a little more rested."

"That's always a good thing."

"No arguments from me. Everything all right with you?"

"Same ol', same old," Charisma said as she re-settled herself behind her desk. "Work, home - work, home. Adam was here with me day before yesterday," she confessed without raising her eyes from the work in front of her.

"I'm sorry I missed him," Esmeralda responded without turning around. "He's such a good kid."

"Yes, he is," Charisma agreed without a hint of modesty. "But I have to tell you - having him here all day gave me a lot more respect for Ame and the job she does day in and day out. That boy is a handful - very much like I was at his age, I imagine."

"Isn't that known as the mother's curse?"

Charisma snorted. "Probably." She shook her head, even though Esmeralda couldn't see it. "I should have a word with my mother."

This time Esmeralda did turn to face her, eyes dancing with mischief. "Her only word for you is gonna be howling laughter."

"More than likely," Charisma admitted wryly. "Of course, he was really well-behaved all things considered. And it was a little bit amusing watching Luke pull his hair out trying to keep up."

"That's just mean, Charisma. That young man doesn't have the hair to lose to such an unfortunate incident."

"True," Charisma agreed with a chuckle. She looked up at Esmeralda and thoughtfully tilted the head propped up on her hand. Esmeralda arched a brow, but continued working.


"Why don't you and Saphira plan to come out to the house one day? I'd love the chance to talk to Saphira more and I know Adam would love to see you again."

Esmeralda nodded. "I'd have to talk to Saphira, but I'm pretty sure we could work something out. It would probably need to be on a Sunday. That's the only day we have off all day together."

"Are you sure? I don't want to take away from your couple time together."

Esmeralda smiled. "Charisma, every time we're together is couple time for us. Why do you think we meet at the diner and go home together every night? Are you certain we won't be cutting into your family time?" Charisma shook her head.

"With Kent in Manhattan for the duration, it's just me and Adam on Sundays. I'm pretty sure he'll appreciate the company... especially since he already made friends with you. I imagine he thinks of you as a big playmate."

"Oh dear," Esmeralda exclaimed, shaking her head and drawing a frown from Charisma. "If he thinks *I* am playmate material, wait til he gets a load of Saphira."

Charisma's eyebrows shot into her head. "Really? I never would have thought - I mean, she seems so serious."

"Oh she is - when it comes to work or taking care of me, she's absolutely no nonsense. But put a child in her vicinity...."

"I'd like to see that. How about this weekend?"

Esmeralda sucked in a breath. "We can't this weekend. Brianna is coming to our home." She paused then pushed on. "Would you like to join us?"

Charisma removed her head from her hand and let her eyes drop back to the desk before she peered up at Esmeralda from beneath her lashes. "I don't think that's a good idea," she finally offered.

"Why not?" Esmeralda inquired plainly. "As I see it, it'd be the safest bet in the world."

Charisma jerked her head up and frowned. "And just how do you figure that?"

Esmeralda gave Charisma a knowing look. "It gives you and Brianna a place to meet that is basically neutral ground. And then of course there is the built-in babysitting factor."

"Why would you assume we need a neutral place to meet? Why assume that we even want one?" Charisma asked on a huffed out breath. "I am perfectly content with the status quo, Es. I thought I'd made that clear to you already."

Esmeralda stared at Charisma for a long moment, then shrugged her shoulders. "As you say," was her only comment, then she resumed her work once more.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Charisma snapped defensively.

"Nothing, Charisma. Not a thing. The invitation still stands. I'll talk to Saphira and get back with you on a date for us to visit with you and Adam one Sunday."

Charisma nodded slowly and gave Esmeralda the tiniest hint of a grin. "I'd like that."

"So would we," Esmeralda assured her as she pulled the small vacuum from her cart. "Is it all right...?"

"Oh, sure. It's just a little more white noise," Charisma said with a smile. "Should help me focus," motioning at the work she still had left to go over.

"Good luck with that," Esmeralda replied seriously. "I'm pretty sure it would make me want to scratch my eyeballs out."

Charisma chuckled as she stretched her arms over her head. "It's not all bad."

Esmeralda smiled and shook her head. "If you say so. I'll stick with what I'm good at," turning on the vacuum and making conversation almost impossible. Charisma watched her for another moment, then gave her work her full attention.

After a few minutes, Esmeralda was done with the vacuuming and she moved quickly to finish up the remainder of her work. When she was done, she moved to the door.

"I'm on my way out, Charisma," Esmeralda said quietly, not wanting to disturb her but knowing Charisma would be upset if she left without saying anything at all. Charisma looked up from her work.

"Hang on just a minute and I'll walk out with you. I've looked at this stuff about as much as I can tonight."

Esmeralda nodded and waited for Charisma to gather her things together. Then they walked out the door and down the hallway in silence. Finally, Charisma cleared her throat awkwardly.

"I appreciate you inviting me and Adam to your home, Es. I just... I just don't see the point in...."

"It's all right, Charisma," Esmeralda replied as she pushed the button on the service elevator. "I know how you feel about the situation and I shouldn't have pushed you like that." The elevator door opened and Esmeralda pushed her cart in while she remained in the doorway. "Have a good night, Senator Tagherty," she said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Es," Charisma offered with a wave of her hand, then slowly strolled back to the large public elevator at the other end of the hall.


"So Es is doing better?" Matilda asked Saphira as they closed up the diner.

"Well, she got some good rest yesterday," she responded with another quick peek out the window. "So, yeah... I think she's doing better. She's still not well, though," she continued with a resigned sigh.