After the first rush of hunger was sated, Saphira turned to Ame, whose bruising was now muted shades of yellow and green. "How do you feel?"

Ame swallowed and nodded her head. "Better," she replied. "Not even a residual headache."

"Good," Saphira confirmed. "Are you going over to Charisma's today?"

"No... Sunday is my normal day off. She'd start asking questions if I just showed up there. Why?"

Saphira shook her head. "Who usually watches her?"

"Amber. She usually does a thirty-six hour stretch between Saturday night and Monday morning."

Saphira's eyes popped. "Well that explains a lot." She turned to Jade. "I want you over there today. Amber deserves a break and I don't want to leave Charisma alone."

"You got it, boss," Jade responded with a nod. Saphira shook her head.

"I'm not the boss. I'm just keeping an eye on things for her at the moment."

"Speaking of the boss," Ruby broke in. "How's Es doing?"

Saphira felt every eye in the room turn her way and she chewed slowly and swallowed before she opened her mouth to answer. "I'd like to say she's getting better, but I honestly don't know that. I know she felt a little better after the extra rest she got this week, but...." She shrugged. "Something's still not right."

"Is there anything we can do?" Opal asked.

"I don't think so," Saphira countered softly. "I think this is a wait and see thing. But if something comes up, you all will be the first to know."

"Just so you know we're here if you need us."

"Yeah, I know. We both do. So what are you guys planning to do today?"

"We're going to be tourists today. We thought we'd walk the Mall - maybe take in a few museums."

"Yeah, we figure Jas will let us know when we can come home."

Jas snorted. "Assuming Brianna decides to use the car today. I'm still waiting for a phone call to let me know when to pick her up this morning and bring her here. It wouldn't surprise me a bit for her to decide to hop the Metro."

"Me either," Saphira agreed. "She's just that independent."

"Wonder how long that will last," Opal murmured, drawing everyone's attention. "Most politicians can't wait to take advantage of all the perks."

"Given what I've seen," Indi contributed softly, "Brianna Walker isn't your normal politician."

"Now if she can just convince Charisma Tagherty of that," Esmeralda commented sleepily from the doorway of the bedroom. "What are you all doing up so early? And why didn't somebody," pinning Saphira's eyes with her own, "wake me?"

Ruby snorted. "As for the first," she replied without hesitation, "we're always up this early. It's pretty much a habit for us. And for the second...?" She cut her gaze in Saphira's direction and chuckled. "You're kidding me, right?"

Esmeralda sniffed and stuck out her tongue in Ruby's direction, causing laughter to ripple around the table. She tried to glare, but her sleep-rumpled appearance and a huge yawn made the effort less than effective. Instead, Saphira rose and patted the back of her empty chair, sliding her dirty plate off the table and putting a clean one in its place. Ruby poured her a fresh cup of coffee and the rest began passing the food in her direction.

Without a word, Jade rose from the table as well, giving Saphira a nod and heading out to relieve Amber for the day. Some minutes later, she came in the door, almost giving Esmeralda whiplash as her head jerk around.


She raised her full coffee cup towards Saphira and took an empty spot as the others began to file out of the kitchen to make their last-minute preparations for their day. Esmeralda simply sat and waited, looking back and forth between Saphira, Ruby and Amber. "Someone wanna fill me in this morning?" she prompted with a hint of acid in her voice.

"I sent Jade to Charisma's to give Amber a bit of a break. I know it was Coral's turn, but Amber's been doing this longer and Coral will get a break today anyway," Saphira offered quietly. "Even if Brianna uses the Metro to get here."

Esmeralda nodded. "Fair enough." She turned to Amber. "Straight up to bed with you, Missy."

"No arguments from me, boss. I'm beat."

Esmeralda frowned. "Something happen?"

"I didn't have to fight or struggle or anything like that, if that's what you mean. But watching Charisma last night... it was exhausting." She held up her hand before anyone could interrupt, shoveling the last of her meal into her mouth, then pushing her plate away and leaning back with her coffee cup cradled in her hands. Esmeralda pushed away her mostly untouched plated, causing a look of concern to pass between the other three before Ruby rose and took it to the sink.

She started the water running to wash the dishes, knowing the conversation would continue around her work. Saphira took a seat next to Esmeralda and waited for Amber to continue. Finally, Amber swallowed the last bite of food and took a deep breath.

"When I got there, Adam was having bath time. Actually, *they* were having bath time - Adam was just the only one undressed for it. But Charisma seemed to be enjoying it and Adam basked under his mom's attention. Once they were done and he was in his pajamas, Charisma slipped into a robe and they settled down for story time. According to Ame, they'd had quite a busy playtime, so it didn't take long or very much of Green Eggs and Ham for Adam to nod right on off to sleep. Still, she read the whole book and rocked him for a few minutes more before she tucked him in for the night. That's when things got interesting.

She went into her room and phoned Kent, but of course he was onstage and not able to take her call. Then she called her mother - I'm not sure who was the most surprised about that," Amber commented thoughtfully, cocking her head. "I'll come back to that," she promised.

"After a few minutes on the phone with first Okasa and then Patrick, Charisma got up and started pacing the floor. It went on for half an hour or so before she went down to her office and took out that album." Amber looked up at both Saphira and Esmeralda. "I wish you could have seen this - she was angry and frustrated and melancholy and sad - so many emotions roiling through her being. I half expected her to throw the album into the fire a time or two. But every time, she'd pull back... just short of doing any real damage.

Finally, she slammed the book shut and raced upstairs. She threw on some ratty old workout clothes - real old... like college old - and headed into the gym. That was something. She must have been in that room for the better part of four hours. When she finished, she could hardly make herself move up the stairs to her room. She took the album up with her." Amber turned golden eyes to Esmeralda.

"Es, that's the first time that book has been out of her office since we started this."

"What happened?"

"Charisma took a shower and crawled... almost literally... into her bed. Then she sat looking at that album til she fell asleep. Es... she was crying."

Esmeralda pinched her lips thoughtfully and covered Amber's hand. "Thank you, Amber. Can you let Ame know she's likely to get a call to go in to work today? Then go get some rest. You look as tired as I feel."

Amber smiled. "As long as I don't look as tired as Charisma feels, I'll be all right. Call me if you need me, all right?"

"Go on. We'll be all right. Ruby's here and Brianna will be here shortly. The rest... you know my motto."

Amber nodded as she stood and stretched. "Yeah, but I think we're down to taking it a minute at a time right now. Night, guys." They watched her head up the stairs and turned back to the table thoughtfully, each wondering what else the day might bring.

Chapter XXXI

"Hello?" Brianna yawned into the phone as she blinked her eyes open, glad for the darkening shades in her bedroom.

"Brianna? Did I wake you up, sweetheart?" The voice on the other end of the phone caused Brianna to shoot up into a sitting position.

"Mama O??" rubbing her eyes and trying to force a wakefulness she simply didn't feel, even with the rush of adrenaline hearing Okasa's voice had caused. She pushed her hair off her face and rubbed the back of her neck. "Is everything okay?" yawning again.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. What's going on down there? I got the strangest phone call from my daughter last night...."

Brianna blinked rapidly. "Um...."

"I did wake you up, didn't I? I'm sorry, Little Bri," the nickname bringing a smile to Brianna's face. "I didn't stop to think that you might have had a late night last night. I know about some of those parties and things that go on down there, you know," with a hint of a smile in her tone.

Brianna yawned and shook her head, even though Okasa couldn't see the motion. Then she slid from the bed and headed towards the kitchen. "Oh, Mama O - it's nothing nearly that exciting. I've been working really long hours here trying to catch up on all the stuff I'm supposed to be working on - either in committee or just generally speaking. I'm actually taking the day off today. A friend invited me over for lunch with her and her partner. That's why I was still in bed when you called."

"And I messed up your sleep-in," Okasa tsked. "I'm sorry, Brianna."

"Don't be, Mama O. It's good to hear from you."

"The phone does work both ways," she replied tartly, drawing a chuckle from Brianna and smiling in response. "However, I do understand you're still settling in - so I'll forgive you this time... as long as you promise it won't be too long before you call me."

"I promise, Mama. You know I'm good for it." She flipped on the coffee maker and started dumping things into her cup as she waited for it to brew. Then she snagged a banana for breakfast.

"I do indeed. Now what is going on down there... really? Charisma called me last night."

Brianna waited but when nothing more was forthcoming, she felt the need to prompt Okasa. "All right... and this is unusual how? Okasa, she's your daughter. Surely you talk on the phone occasionally."

"No one likes a smartass," Okasa muttered, "especially this early in the morning." Brianna arched an eyebrow and snorted.

"Then you shouldn't have called so early, Mama O. You know what a smartass I am after coffee. Why would you think a lack of it would make it better?"

"Good point," Okasa agreed with a hint of light laughter in her voice. Then she cleared her throat and Brianna could hear the worry in her tone. "I'm... concerned, Brianna. Charisma sounded upset."

Brianna frowned. "Did she say anything, Okasa? Give you any idea what she was upset about?"

"No. She didn't *say* anything - seriously. We talked about absolutely nothing - the weather, the traffic, Kent's new show. That's part of the reason I'm worried. There is always something real for us to talk about - her work, my work, the family. Her daddy thinks I'm crazy... insists that I'm imagining things. But I'm not - a mother knows when something is wrong... especially when...."

"Especially when what, Okasa? You can't just stop there. And doesn't Kent count as family? He is her husband and Adam's father, after all."

"Yes, he does and yes he is. But we didn't talk about Kent... just his show."

"Especially when what?" Brianna prodded again when Okasa didn't continue. "If you want me to try to give you answers, Okasa, I need to know the whole truth."

"Last night was the first time we had heard from her since you arrived in Washington. There was something different - her voice... her attitude." Okasa sighed. "It's hard to explain. Paddy would have recognized the difference if he'd been on the phone with her. Instead, he thinks I'm a lunatic."

"That's not fair, Mama," Brianna heard across the wire and the gentle brogue brought a smile to her face. "That's not what I said at all," Patrick protested, making Brianna chuckle. Okasa huffed.

"Little Bri, you're on speaker now. I'm not going to play go-between while Paddy argues his case."

"Hi, Brianna," Patrick offered a touch sheepishly.

"Good morning, Papa," she returned cheerfully, pouring her coffee into her cup and relishing her fist sip after she'd stirred everything in. "Why do you doubt Mama?"

"He doubts, Little One, because the only thing he said to Charisma was 'I love you' and because if he agrees with me it means there is something wrong with his baby girl that he didn't catch. That is bad enough. The fact that she hasn't come to us about it just makes it worse."