He crossed over to the bar and poured himself a drink, taking a swallow and refilling it before moving to look out the window. He stood there for a while, watching the sun sink lower towards the horizon. When it disappeared from sight, Kent turned back to the room. He set down his now empty glass and headed into his bedroom. He wanted a shower and some dinner. Then he had some decisions to make.


Charisma and Adam reentered their home several hours after having left it and Charisma still wasn't quite sure how she felt about their outing. On the one hand, it had been... well, if not fun, at least it hadn't been unbearable. And it had been enlightening... to a point. Obviously Brianna was upset with her about something, but her innate good manners hadn't let her do more than let Charisma know there was an issue that would have to be resolved privately between them.

Charisma looked down at her sleepy son. Adam had been wonderful - not only had he broken the ice, he had positively charmed everyone... including Brianna. And that brought her focus right back to Brianna. But before she could pursue that train of thought, Adam smiled up at her.


Charisma couldn't stop the smile he brought to her face, and she brushed his hair off his forehead then tugged his bedcovers up a little higher. "Hmm? What, Sweetie? Did you have fun today?"

"Yes!" he confirmed stoutly, though he was too tired to be more enthusiastic about it. "Br'anna good. Es good. Phira fun."

Charisma laughed. "She was, huh? Did you like playing with Saphira?"

"Yes - go play again," he demanded with an impish grin.

"Not today," Charisma replied with a light chuckle against his neck that made Adam giggle in response. "We'll have to invite them over to visit us so you can share your toys with Saphira. Would you like that, son?"

"Br'anna too?" he asked seriously.

Charisma tilted her head. "Why?" watching Adam scrunch his forehead up in a frown. "Why do you like Brianna so much?"

"Br'anna good," he stated plainly, as if that explained everything. And as far as Adam was concerned, it did. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Br'anna good," he repeated as he nodded off. Charisma sighed, wondering again what kind of spell Brianna Walker had cast over her son. Then she leaned forward and brushed a kiss over his forehead before turning out his bedside lamp and standing up. She left his room, pulling the door closed without shutting it completely and heading back downstairs to her study. She had work to do.

Charisma crossed the hall and reached for her key even as her hand touched the doorknob. She frowned when she realized it wasn't locked and let her mind wander over the morning. Then she remembered she hadn't bothered in her haste to get both herself and Adam ready to go visit Esmeralda and Saphira. She shook her head at her carelessness and then pushed the door open.

She looked around her office briefly as she always did when she crossed the threshold of this room. This space, more than any other in the whole house, was hers and she reveled in the sense of peace she got when she entered.

So Charisma sighed in contentment and left the door open in deference to being alone with her sleeping son. She moved over to her desk to start working on the bills she still had to read over before she went to work on the morrow. Then her attention was grabbed by the photo album she'd left resting on the coffee table that morning.

She folded her hands and focused her eyes on it for long moments. Then Charisma deliberately turned her back on it and snatched up the first stack of legislation she needed to review. It didn't take long, however, before she found herself facing the table again... and subsequently, the album.

Charisma looked back down at the paperwork she was supposed to be concentrating on and realized the futility of her actions when she didn't even recognize the bill she had hypothetically been studying for the last thirty minutes. Heaving a disgusted sigh, she ran her hands through her hair and gave into the inevitable.

Laying her paperwork aside, Charisma pushed back from her desk and crossed to the divan. She leaned over the coffee table, gently caressing the leather cover before she dropped onto the couch and pulled the book to her. Then she laid back with her head against the arm and opened the album to the first page. Her eyes sparkled with tears even as her lips curled into a smile.

"Oh Bri... what happened to us?"


Brianna sighed deeply as she exited the bathroom that billowed clouds of steam out behind her. She was comfortably wrapped in a thick, warm robe, hair up in a towel and fuzzy slippers on her feet. She made her way into her kitchenette, grateful for the microwave. She filled a cup with water and set the time, then pulled out a bag of her favorite tea, the honey and milk while she waited for it to heat. When the machine beeped its readiness, she quickly prepared her tea, letting it steep while she removed the towel from her head.

After a few minutes, she took the towel to the bathroom, grabbing her comb in its place and retrieved her tea... minus the bag. Then she moved into her bedroom and curled up under the warm blankets with a sigh. It had been a hell of a day, and not at all what she expected. She was surprisingly - and not at all pleasantly - exhausted.

Brianna had just finished drying her hair when the inner phone buzzed. She sighed and looked at the clock, wondering why security was calling her so late. Then she realized it wasn't nearly as late as she felt like it should be, and she seized the handset.


"Senator Walker? This is Sergeant Orwin downstairs. I'm sorry to disturb you, but we have a cleared guest who is asking to see you."

Brianna frowned until the creases of her forehead squeaked with her effort. "Sergeant, if they are on my cleared list, why are you calling me?"

Orwin cleared his throat. "Actually ma'am - we have to call if anyone stops in without being scheduled to make sure you are available and willing to receive them." Brianna flushed at the slightest hint of scolding in his tone and recognized the reality of his words. But before she could apologize, he continued. "But in this case, the visitor has been cleared by another senator... not you."

"Excuse me?" waving her hand though she knew Orwin couldn't see her. "Sergeant, who is downstairs?"

"Mrs. Okasa Tagherty - Senator Charisma Tagherty's mother."

Brianna would have slapped her hand over her face had she not held a cup of hot tea in it. As it was, she was cognizant enough to be thankful for her restraint before she took a deep breath. "Thank you for calling me, Sergeant. Please allow Mrs. Tagherty to come up."

"Yes ma'am," he replied. "Have a nice evening ma'am."

"You too, Sergeant," she answered, then clicked off the phone before returning it to the cradle beside her bed. She contemplated getting dressed - for all of thirty seconds - then decided that since Okasa had seen her in her pajamas and robe before, it probably wouldn't bother her now.

Instead she went looking to see what she had to offer a guest in her home... even if the guest was practically family. She realized pretty quickly that there wasn't much, so she shrugged and pulled out the fig newtons she used as a quick breakfast until she got to work. They would have to do in a pinch. Then a knock was sounding on her door, and she crossed the room to answer it.

Okasa stood on the other side, large Rubbermaid container in hand and a nervous air around her entire being. Brianna wondered what on earth she had gotten herself into when Okasa dropped the box and launched herself at Brianna.

Brianna, used to such outlandish greeting, simply braced herself and held on. Okasa hugged her fervently and for once Brianna returned the hug with all the strength she could muster. Today had battered and beaten her black and blue, and Okasa's unreserved affection went a long way towards soothing her soul.

After a long moment, Okasa stepped back and cradled Brianna's face in her hands. Her eyes searched Brianna's, nodding when she was finally satisfied with what she found. Then she turned and picked up the box and stepped into Brianna's apartment, closing the door behind her.

"Come in, Mama O," Brianna gestured gracefully, even through her confusion. "Can I get you something? Tea? Milk? Newtons?"

Okasa set the box on the small table in the living area, then turned and covered Brianna's lips with her fingertips. "Shh," she instructed. "I know you're confused and wondering why I'm here... now. I promise to tell you everything, but first things first. I need the little girls' room."

Brianna pointed her to the correct door and took a seat on the small sofa. Whatever Okasa wanted, it wasn't life or death. So Brianna closed her eyes and focused on getting her heart rate back to normal. For a few minutes, she'd been terrified something had happened to...

She stopped herself. She wasn't going to allow herself to walk that particular path. A touch on her shoulder made her jump and her eyes shot open to find Okasa looking at her in concern.

"Little Bri? Are you all right?"

Brianna took a deep breath. "I was going to ask you the same thing Mama O. Didn't I just talk to you this morning?" seeing Okasa nod. "Has something happened?"

"Sort of," Okasa confirmed, "but not like you're thinking. Everyone is fine - Paddy is with me here in town. He went to get us a room for the night," watching the confusion wash over Brianna's face. "I'll explain, I promise."

Brianna nodded. "And the boys are okay?"

"Well, they're gonna be jealous as all get out when they find out Papa and I will get to see you when they don't, but otherwise they're all fine."

"All right," Brianna agreed slowly. "Then what's the problem? Why are you here? Or rather," realizing how rude that sounded, "what problem has brought you to my door this late in the evening that I can help you with?"

Okasa chuckled. "Ah, Brianna - how I miss you. I know... I know - but even when you were close it was hard to see you. Not your fault," Okasa added when Brianna's eyes dropped to the ground. "It's just the way of life. Kids grow up - they move on and move away. Doesn't mean we miss them any less."

"So you're here because you miss me?"

"That too," Okasa admitted. "But I am here now because I made you a promise twenty years ago, and I'd like you to promise me something now."

Brianna looked at the box and then back to Okasa, a feeling of sick dread filling her belly. "I won't make a blind promise Okasa."

"I'm not asking you to, Little Bri," knowing Brianna had her hackles up. "I'm asking you to listen to what I have to say first... then make me a promise."

"I promise to listen, Okasa. But beyond that...."

Okasa nodded. "That's all I can ask."


Esmeralda and Saphira looked up from the table as the rest of the angels returned from their day out. Without a word, they circled around and took seats at the table, then stood around the periphery of the room where they could see Esmeralda when she spoke. Esmeralda nodded to Ruby who started ladling out bowls of hot soup, passing them along until everyone had food in front of them. Only when they were all served did Esmeralda finally speak.

"First, did everyone have a good day out?" asked with a tender smile and genuine interest. Looks were exchanged and they all nodded, but no one spoke. Esmeralda and Saphira traded wry looks. "Guess we're gonna have to tell about ours before we hear about theirs, huh?" garnering soft chuckles from around the room. "Okay then... everyone dig in while it's still hot and we'll tell you all how our day went."

"First, however, I want you all to know you own a huge debt to Brianna and Charisma. They did leftover dishes duty. Ruby decided to clean out the refrigerator while they were here."

"You didn't!"


"Are you serious??"

"How could you??"

Ruby looked back at them in all innocence and shrugged. "What??" she protested. "It was time. Besides, you didn't see the groceries Brianna brought that we had to make room for. I had to do something with all that stuff," holding up her bowl of soup. "And I'm not hearing any complaints about supper."

"Yeah," Indi agreed, "but still...."

"But still nothing. At least it kept them busy doing something besides skirting around each other for a change."