"I don't know!" Saphira slammed her fists against the mattress. "How do you stand this?"

"Lots of practice?" reaching a hand over to cover the clenched fist closest to her. "Saphira, I know this is frustrating for you. But you have to try to be patient. As far as Brianna and Charisma are concerned, life is suddenly in flux. Things they have taken for granted as fact are suddenly changing."

"Oh c'mon, Es - all they have to do is be honest."

"Easy to say, Sweetheart - not always easy to do... especially if lying to yourself has become a way of life."

Saphira huffed. "So what now?"

Esmeralda shrugged and shifted so she was lying on her back. "We wait and we continue to be their friends. Not much else we can do until they reach a decision."

"And if they make the wrong one?" Saphira asked as she slid down to lay flat on the bed. Then she turned on her side so she could see Esmeralda. Saphira reached out a hand and stroked a lock of hair from Esmeralda's forehead when Esmeralda turned her head to face her. She smiled when Esmeralda brushed a kiss over her pulse point. "Isn't that what got us in this mess to begin with?"

"That's not our call, Phira. As much as we'd like to make the choice for them, they have to determine what is right for them. Because they're gonna have to live with whatever they decide. There won't be anymore chances when this is over."

"And He decides when it's over?"

"No... they do. When they finally make that choice, *then* we'll be done."

"I just don't get their hesitation. We made our choice to be together as soon as it was offered to us."

"Different circumstances, love." She tugged gently on the hand she still held, smiling when Saphira shifted and opened her arms. Esmeralda snuggled into her embrace and they settled down to sleep.


The next day was much like the ones that had gone before it, except that Charisma made it a point to speak to Brianna as opposed to avoiding any and all contact with her. It was only a brief meeting in the hallway, but it was enough to remind Brianna just how drastically things had changed between them.

"Senator Walker."

"Senator Tagherty."

They held each other's gaze for a moment before Charisma broke the tableau with an undignified snort. "Okay, this was *not* what I had in mind when I asked if we could renew our friendship. Even if we're going to start over from the beginning, I'm not sure I can do formal, because that puts us back on purely professional footing."

Brianna smirked just the tiniest bit. "Well, it's not like you don't know my name, Charisma."

Charisma smiled. "This is true, Brianna Brianna Walker."

"Just Brianna will be fine, Charisma," Brianna replied softly. She wasn't nearly ready to allow Charisma the intimacy of teasing yet.

The smile fell from Charisma's eyes, knowing they really were starting over from beyond square one, but happy they were being given a second chance at friendship. Still, the smile never left her lips and she nodded gracefully. "All right, Brianna. Are you free for lunch this afternoon?"

Brianna shook her head. "Lunch meeting with Senators Richards and Michaels. Committee stuff. Tomorrow maybe?"

"I'll have Opal call Indi and schedule it."

"Okay," looking at her watch. "I've got to get a move on, but remind me later to ask you how you've put up with this for twenty years."

"Oh, the stories I could tell you."

"I'll just bet. See you tomorrow, Charisma." Then she was down the hall and out of sight before Charisma could make a response. Charisma shrugged and turned back to return to her office.

"It's not much, but it's a start."


The following day, they met in the dining room and headed for the small, private table they had shared only a few days before. The same young man returned to take their order, nodding his understanding and leaving them alone as quickly as he could. Though it wasn't tense like it had been before, it was still awkward and he was happy to get away.

Brianna fussed with the place setting, tucking the napkin into place on her lap, then straightening the silverware with military precision. Only Charisma's light touch on her hand caused her to freeze and look up and meet bright blue eyes. She caught her breath, recognizing the same pained confusion she felt and relaxed. Brianna patted the hand covering hers.

"So tell me about Adam," she said, feeling Charisma relax even as she leaned back in her chair with a smile on her face.

"What would you like to know?" unable to keep her eyes from twinkling.

"Everything. He seems to be something of a pistol."

"I'm blaming that on Saphira," Charisma stated emphatically. "Honestly, he was such a calm child before Sunday," watching Brianna's brow rise in disbelief. "I'm not kidding. This was a child whose favorite activity was reading."

"Are we talking about the same child - the one who went streaking through the kitchen naked? The one who tried to take Esmeralda's tongue out of her mouth with potatoey fingers? Charisma, he hadn't even had a chance to play with Saphira at that point. And I seem to remember...."

Charisma narrowed her eyes at Brianna. "You're supposed to be on my side here, you know."

"Who said I wasn't? Now tell me about your son."

Charisma's grin was wide and genuine, and she began to speak about Adam at length. Neither of them noticed when their server interrupted them to place their food down or refilled their drinks. In fact, neither of them was even aware of the passage of time until Opal appeared at the table. Charisma looked up at her in surprise and a frown crossed her face.

"Opal? Is there something...?"

"I'm sorry to intrude, Senator Tagherty? Senator Walker," nodding slightly in Brianna's direction. "I tried to reach you on your phone, but you weren't answering," ignoring the slight flush that colored Charisma's cheeks. "You have an appointment with Senator Long in fifteen minutes, Senator. I didn't want you to miss it."

Charisma's eyes widened. She'd totally forgotten her meeting with the Senate Minority Leader - not good, considering the lengths she'd gone to secure it. She looked at Brianna, who shrugged and motioned her away from the table. Opal took the hint immediately and headed towards the door.

"Go on. I know what a pompous as... windbag that old fart is. If you've got an appointment with him, you don't want to miss it."

Charisma snorted. "I take it you've had to deal with him already?"

"Oh my God, YES. But it's a story that will keep for another day. Go on... before you're late."

"Thanks, Bri. And thanks for the company. I had a great time."

"So did I, Charisma," refusing to give into too much informality too soon.

"So we can do this again?"

"I'd like that," Brianna admitted honestly.

"Good. I'll have Opal talk to Indi to make sure your schedule is clear. OH! And Adam and I'd like you to come over next Sunday. We've invited Es and Saphira to join us as well - which is why it's next Sunday and not this one. I figure they probably need to recuperate from the last one first. Just think about it," Charisma instructed without giving Brianna a chance to reply. "In the meantime...."

"In the meantime, you need to get out of here before you're late."

"See you later?"

"You bet," and Brianna watched Charisma and Opal leave the dining room together. She turned back to her coffee, sipping it slowly as she closed her eyes.

"Well, well..." came an amused voice from behind her. "Aren't the two of you terribly chummy all of a sudden?" Scott Patterson asked. "How'd you manage to melt the Ice Queen?"

Brianna turned around and gave him a mild look. "Excuse me?"

"Come on, Senator. Charisma Tagherty has never been friendly with any of us like she is with you and we've been trying for years. So what's the story?"

"Maybe you should ask her," Brianna replied with a smirk. Patterson chuckled.

"Maybe I will." He put his hands on the back of her chair. "Now c'mon. It's time for our committee meeting," tugging gently until she relented and helped him ease the seat away from the table.

Brianna sighed and rose. "My days seem to be endless committee meetings."

Patterson snorted. "Welcome to Washington."

Brianna rolled her eyes. "I should have stayed home." Then she laughed at the scandalized look Patterson wore. "Get over it, Scott," she admonished as they headed out the door. "I didn't run for my seat, remember? It doesn't mean I won't do my best for the people of my state while I'm here, but it doesn't mean I'm all that thrilled to be here either."

Patterson stared at her with something akin to amazement on his face. Then he shook his head and led the way out the door.


The weekend passed quietly for everyone, much to Esmeralda's relief. They saw Mal briefly, but it was mostly to confirm what they already knew - Kent was in town, but Charisma had no knowledge of his visit. He wasn't doing anything except watching Charisma, but according to both Mal and Amber, there was nothing to see.

Charisma had spent her Saturday looking over legislation, making phone calls and generally doing what she did during the rest of the week. And Sunday was dedicated to time with Adam. They read and played chase and made lunch and took a nap. And after a bath, after Adam had been rocked and read to and hummed to sleep, only then did Charisma go to her study.

Kent observed as she poured herself a glass of wine and moved to the sofa. For a while she simply sat, staring into the fireplace, watching the flames snap and flicker. Only when her glass was empty did she shift her attention away from the fire. She turned to the coffee table and lifted the album from the place it had been sitting since the previous Sunday when she'd shared it with Adam.

Once more she opened the book and simply gazed at the pictures within. Kent watched until Charisma fell asleep, still holding the book cradled in her arms. Then he left and headed back to the City.

Otherwise, the days were unexceptional and everyone took the chance to rest and relax and gear up for the coming week.


Charisma and Brianna met again for lunch on Monday afternoon, amidst a flurry of appointments and meetings. It was a welcome bit of respite in an otherwise hectic day, and both women were glad for the downtime. It was made nicer by the chance to spend it together, though neither of them was particularly willing to admit that fact aloud to the other.

When Esmeralda came by much later that evening, they were both anxious to talk and Esmeralda was more than willing to listen. And once she did, she was anxious to share with Saphira.


"Essie... c'mon in here," Matilda beckoned as Saphira held open the door to the diner for her to enter. "I've got something new I want you to try."

Esmeralda allowed Saphira to take her coat even as she cast a questioning glance her way. Saphira barely shrugged, shaking her head. "I dunno," she whispered in Esmeralda's ear as she brushed a kiss over the soft cheek under her lips. She felt the trembling in Esmeralda's frame and pulled back to stare at her with concerned eyes. "You all right?"

"Busy night," she responded softly, though not soft enough for Matilda not to hear.

"Must have been a good busy," she commented as she brought her latest concoction out of the window where Joe stood watching the three of them with a grin on his face. "You've got color in your cheeks, and I don't think it's from the cold." Matilda raised a hand to Esmeralda's forehead, then leaned forward and kissed it. "I don't think you've got fever either."

Esmeralda smiled and captured Matilda's hand in her own. "No fever," she promised. "Just a good night and we got plenty of rest this weekend, which helped a lot, I think."

"Yeah, Saphira told us about that little hellion of that Senator friend of yours. That little guy sounds like quite a handful," Matilda added as she put the plate in front of Esmeralda.

"He is, but he's a good kid. I think he just liked having a grown-up playmate."

Three sets of eyes turned to look at Saphira, whose eyes grew wide as she returned their stares. "Whaaaaat?" she whined. "I didn't do nothin'," she complained, sitting down next to Esmeralda and picking up a fork before digging into the potpie with single-minded focus.