"Give it up, Saphira," Joe admonished with a laugh. "We all know better."

"So what do you think?" Matilda asked after they had eaten for a few minutes. "It must be pretty good - you're actually eating. Or are you feeling better?"

Esmeralda smiled. "I am feeling better, but this is really good too. Are you adding it to the menu as a blue plate special?"

"I'm thinking about it. Opinion?"

Esmeralda chewed slowly, her eyes thoughtful. "I would," she finally said. "But I wouldn't do it too often. This should be a special blue plate special - you know... the kind that only gets offered once in a while because of the work involved in preparing it. Because if I'm guessing right, this took hours, if not a couple days, didn't it?"

Joe nodded. "It did." He looked at Saphira who was methodically making inroads on her portion. "What do you think?"

"I think this is really good, and I would like to selfishly keep it all for myself," she replied with a grin. "But I think it will do well if you put it on the board."

"All right then," Matilda said. "You two finish up while I wrap you up a piece of pie to go. You need to get home and get to bed and so do the old man and I. We don't want you losing that color in your cheeks," she added, shaking a finger at Esmeralda.

"You're a sweetheart, Matilda. God will be good to you for looking out for us."

"Maybe. I'll just be happy for you to keep coming round. That's thanks enough."

Esmeralda smiled. "You just like hearing all the good gossip," she teased.

"That too. Now c'mon," noticing Esmeralda had stopped eating. "Let me box this up so you two can go home. I'm sure you've got more interesting things to do than talk to old folks like me and Joe all night." And in minutes, she had shooed them out the door headed home.

"I doubt this is the interesting Matilda had in mind," Esmeralda said as they soundlessly entered the house and made their way straight to the kitchen. "But do I have a lot to tell you."

Saphira chuckled. "You heat the water and I'll go turn on the blanket. Then we can curl up together while you share what happened tonight."

"You've got yourself a date, Sweetheart."

Chapter XLII

"So things are moving satisfactorily then?" Saphira asked as she set their cups on the nightstand. Esmeralda nodded slowly.

"At least things are moving forward. They're at different places with this whole state of affairs between them - Charisma seems nervous and unsure and yet she's become the pursuer, determined to have Brianna as part of her life again. Brianna is more resigned to the whole situation; she's not moving away from it, but she seems unwilling to advance it at the moment either. She believes it will eventually come back to bite her in the ass, so she's willing to take what she can get from Charisma until Charisma learns the truth. She's convinced that circumstance will remove her from Charisma's life completely and for good."

"I don't understand why she doesn't stand up and fight for what she wants. Isn't she sick and tired of always giving in to what she thinks is best for Charisma? Why not fight for them to be together if it'll make them both happy?"

"I dunno, love," Esmeralda shrugged. "Maybe we'll be able to figure it out a little better next Sunday. We've been invited to Charisma's and Brianna is supposed to be there. Charisma thinks our presence will make it easier for them to become friends again."

Saphira pinched the bridge of her nose. "I feel a headache coming on," she mumbled, smiling when she felt Esmeralda's lips brush against her temple.

"I totally understand," tugging gently on Saphira's arm until they were laying flat on the bed. "On the plus side, it is progress."

"And on the down side is they're gonna drive us all nuts in the meantime," Saphira postulated darkly.

Esmeralda snorted. "Not a very far trip for most of us, Phira."

"I know - I wouldn't even make it out of the driveway most days."

Their chuckles were silent and they fell asleep with smiles on their faces.


It was Thursday before Charisma and Brianna had the chance to get together for lunch again, and Charisma blessed her foresight in having Opal and Indi coordinate things between them. There was a big push to get as much done as possible before the upcoming holiday break and every minute of the day seemed to be crowded with things that just couldn't wait. Even lunches became more like meetings and less like mealtimes, so Charisma was especially thankful to have a little time carved out that *wasn't* dedicated to more politics.

It floored her to realize she was more than a little put out by the political machinations that seemed determined to keep her and Brianna apart and wondered when and why her priorities had changed so drastically. After all... politics had been her life her whole life, and she'd done without Brianna's presence for almost twenty years after only having it for four.

Still, she was honest enough with herself to recognize the resentment she felt. She didn't take the time to examine it any further, but she knew it for what it was.

So it was with a big smile on her face that she entered the dining room on Thursday afternoon to find Brianna there ahead of her and waiting at what was quickly becoming their usual table. She nodded to their regular attendant and made her way across the room....

... only to be stopped by a junior senator from one of her committees that wanted her input on a late piece of legislation he was putting together. Brianna watched the exchange with interest, knowing from their long history together that Charisma was politely flaying him alive. Given the expression on the man's face when he turned - a mix of fury, embarrassment and humiliation - Brianna glanced to see if there was a wet spot on his trousers. Then she turned her attention to Charisma whose appearance was one of supreme satisfaction.

"Should I ask?" Brianna queried as Charisma pulled out her chair and took a seat.

"Depends," Charisma smirked. "Do you really want to know?"

"If I was a gambler," Brianna commented slowly as she sipped from her water glass, "I'd say he was asking for inappropriate favors."

Charisma snorted. "He's not quite *that* stupid. He just doesn't seem to think the rules of courtesy should apply to him." At Brianna's interested look, Charisma sighed and crossed her legs before leaning back in the chair and propping her face on her fingers. "He believes he can demand because he thinks he needs and everyone around him will capitulate."

"He expected you to have lunch with him at a moment's notice?"

"Uh huh," Charisma drawled as their server approached the table. She motioned him forward. "And I wasn't going to give up the time with you because he waited until the last minute to decide he wanted input so he could offer some legislation for consideration."

"Was it important... the legislation?"

Charisma shrugged. "No more or less than anything else we're deliberating at the moment." She turned and gave her order to the young man and waited for Brianna to do the same. Then they waited for him to scurry off before resuming their conversation.

"So how've you been otherwise?" Brianna asked seriously. "Indi told me it was like pulling teeth to get this lunch scheduled."

"You'd know... your schedule has been about the same as mine."

"Without the child and the marital responsibilities," Brianna pointed out, but before Charisma could comment on either of those, she continued speaking. "But yeah - it's been a little nuts."

This time Charisma's laugh was full-bodied and caused several heads to twist in their direction in surprise. Brianna noted the looks of amazement that she was given, but they had all gone back to their own business by the time Charisma calmed enough to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

"Oh my God, Bri... I had forgotten what a master of understatement you were. And that reminds me," she added, staring at Brianna and watching the blonde brow go up in question. "Rumor has it you're stirring up quite a pot lately."

Now both brows jumped into her hairline and Brianna wanted to pat the top of her head to ensure that they didn't actually leap off her head and go running out the door. Instead she frowned, scrunching them together just above her nose.

"I beg your pardon?"

The waiter chose that moment to make an appearance and they waited for him to deliver their food and move away from the table. Charisma picked up her fork and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully and motioning Brianna to do the same. Brianna picked up her fork and arched her brow.

"It's making the rounds that you told Scott Patterson to get over himself."

Brianna choked on the food in her mouth and quickly snatched up her water and took a swallow, hoping to force the bite down the correct hole. Fortunately for her it worked, and after a couple deep breaths, she set the water back on the table and raised her napkin to her lips.

"Excuse me?" she croaked. "I never told Scott Patterson any such thing."

"You must have said something."

"Oh, I said plenty. I told him if he wanted to know how I melted the Ice Queen - that would be you, in this case - he'd have to ask you himself. Because I certainly wasn't going to explain to him or anyone else here that you've never been an Ice Queen as far as I'm concerned. Then I told him to get over the fact that this job isn't the be all and end all for me." Brianna absently chewed on the tines of her fork as her eyes went distant. "He seemed a little offended by that, actually." Charisma's grunt brought Brianna's attention back to the table and she shrugged. "Well, it's true... all of it."

"Oh I know... better than most actually. I still wonder how you ended up here if you want to know the truth. Not that you're not completely qualified or that you're doing a poor job," added quickly when she saw Brianna's brow fly upwards. "It's just you made it clear in college you had no interest in this life. It's just a little weird is all... especially after you just disappeared."

"I didn't disappear, Charisma," Brianna stated sharply, eyes burning with a hint of anger.

"You did," Charisma argued, but held up her hands in a sign of peace to keep Brianna from replying. "But that's a discussion for another time and place. Besides, you don't think it's a little odd how we ended up here together... despite everything?"

Brianna bit back the anger and frustration she felt and tilted her head at Charisma as she observed her thoughtfully. "Do you believe in fate?" she finally asked.

Charisma used the time it took for their server to clear the table and pour them cups of coffee to consider her answer. When he left, she stirred it slowly, watching the swirls absently for a long time before meeting Brianna's eyes. "I don't think there's a good way to answer that question. I don't believe in predestination, but I do believe fate occasionally takes a hand in our lives."

Brianna blinked. "You do realize you just contradicted yourself, right?" she asked drolly. "If something is fated, it's predestined - you can't escape it."

"I don't believe that," Charisma frowned. "Sometimes fate taking a hand means giving us a choice. But we have to make the choice... and we have to live with the consequences that follow."

"Perhaps," Brianna conceded, pushing back her chair and rising from the seat. "However, that discussion will have to wait as well," glancing at her watch. "I've got to get back to work and I imagine you do as well."

Charisma blew out a breath. "Yes, actually," she agreed a little shortly. "We'll see you on Sunday?"

"Of course," Brianna concurred. "I told you I'd be there."

"Good - Adam's excited," Charisma confessed as they started making their way out of the dining room. "He reminded me again this morning that you were good."

Brianna crinkled up her nose trying to contain her laughter in her wide smile. "What does that mean exactly and where did he get it?"

"I don't know, but my son does seem to be an inherently excellent judge of character, so enjoy it. Oh... and you might want to watch your back."

"Okay," Brianna drawled slowly, glad they were currently alone in the hall. "Why?"

"That response you gave Patterson? It's not the best way to win friends and influence people in this town."

"And do I want to do that?"

"If you want to survive, you're going to have to at some point."