"Then allow me to return the favor. I know you're popular among the constituents of our fair state, but you're seen as aloof and untouchable by a lot of your peers here."

"I know. But I have solid friends in the places I need them." Charisma took one of Brianna's hands in hers and patted it gently with her other one before covering it. "Thank you - for caring enough...."

"I never stopped caring, Charisma," Brianna replied, then bit her lip to keep from saying anything else. Charisma stared at Brianna for a long moment, but when she didn't offer anything further, she squeezed her hand once more then released her hold.

"Me either," she tendered as a parting shot, then turned and entered her office. Brianna waited until the door closed behind her, then blew out an aggravated breath and continued down the hall to her own. There was still work to be done.


"Es? Do you believe in destiny?"

Esmeralda blinked as she got hit with that question the moment she stepped into Brianna's office much later that evening, but she didn't let it slow her stride. She parked her cart and took out the items she needed, setting them on top. She grabbed the duster first and started making her way around the room slowly as she considered her reply. Brianna let her be, knowing she'd been heard and that Esmeralda would give her answer as soon he she had one formulated.

"I dunno," Esmeralda eventually said. "I guess I do about some things, but not so much about others."

Brianna tilted her head and tapped her pen on the blotter, frowning a little. "I don't understand."

Esmeralda chuckled softly. "I'm not sure I can explain it." She cleared her throat. "I absolutely believe Saphira and I were meant to be together - that no matter what reality we'd been born into, we'd have found one another because we're supposed to be. On the other hand, I don't think that our being here... in the situation we're in... is anything other than our choice - the result of the decisions we made."

"So our lives are a little bit of fate or destiny or God and a lot about what we do with what we're given." A statement... not a question.

Esmeralda shrugged. "I think so," continuing to dust - first around Brianna to get to the desk and then back behind it to take care of the pictures that Brianna was apparently studying. Brianna remained silent and Esmeralda didn't pause, not wanting to interrupt whatever thoughts Brianna was having. Instead when she was done, she went back over to her cart and retrieved the polish. She was almost done, packing up her supplies to leave the office when Brianna swiveled in her chair and met Esmeralda's eyes.

"I hear you and Saphira are going to be at Charisma's on Sunday," she said with a light smile, though the twinkle in her eyes couldn't hide her concern.

Esmeralda smiled back. "Yeah - I have been given the impression that Adam covets Saphira as a playmate - he wants to share his toys with her." Brianna laughed.

"I think he just wants another chance to streak through the house naked." She looked at Esmeralda seriously. "Are you sure you're up for it, Es? You seem kind of tired again," not mentioning her sallow skin-tone or her run-down appearance.

"Do you not want us there, Brianna?"

"I am simply concerned, my friend. You haven't been well and I know the cold weather isn't helping. I don't want to contribute to anything that is going to slow down your recovery."

Esmeralda's smile was real and genuine. "I appreciate that, Brianna, but I can't stop living just because my recovery is slower than I want it to be. Imagine all the things I'd miss. It's gonna take time before I'm completely well and there's stuff to do in the meantime. Besides, when the senators go on holiday break, so does the custodial staff," motioning to herself. "I'll have plenty of time then to rest and recover some more."

"If you're sure."

"I am, Brianna, but thank you for caring."


"How do you feel about fate, Es?" Charisma asked as she crossed the threshold. This time she did stop and met Charisma's eyes squarely.

"Did you and Brianna talk recently?"

Charisma chuckled. "She asked you the same thing?"

"Something very similar."

"And what did you tell her?"

"I believe in Fate about some things, but not so much about others."

"How so?"

Once again Esmeralda explained her thoughts as she cleaned the office, noting that Charisma seemed to be intently focused on what she was saying. When she was done speaking, silence reined for some time while Charisma contemplated what she'd said. Esmeralda continued to work, more tired than she'd been willing to admit to Brianna.

"I agree with you," Charisma admitted after a while. "I think there's a little of one and a lot of the other. And it's usually the other that gets us into trouble." She bit her lip. "Sometimes I wonder if mankind would have been better off with a predetermined destiny instead of free will."

"But wouldn't that make us like the animals, Charisma? Having only ingrained behavior without a choice?"

"Maybe." She crossed her arms over her chest and cocked an eyebrow in Esmeralda's direction. Esmeralda returned the look and Charisma snickered. "You're something else, Es. Do you think sometimes Fate gives us a second chance?"

"I know it does," Esmeralda affirmed. "That I'm here is proof of that."

Charisma waited until Esmeralda had put the last of her cleaning tools away, then stepped up beside her. She cupped her cheek and looked into her green eyes. "I'm glad," she assured Esmeralda. "But you're also exhausted, so I'm going to give you a ride home tonight."

"But Saphira...."

"I'll get the number to the diner and we'll call her to let her know we'll be by in a few minutes."

Esmeralda searched the blue eyes that held her gaze and finally closed her eyes in relief as she nodded. "Thank you, Charisma."

"You're welcome, Es," not letting on how disturbed she was that the younger woman was giving in without a fight. "Are you sure you're going to be up to coming over Sunday?"

"As I reminded Brianna earlier - I get to rest when you go on break. I'll be fine as long as you're sure you want us there."

"Always," without hesitation. "Now come on. It's time to get you home."

Chapter XLIII

The next two days passed without incident or even interaction. Charisma and Brianna were going hard and long both days in opposite directions. Esmeralda didn't actually see either of them either day. While there was evidence that they were both still working when she entered their offices, neither of them made an appearance while she was cleaning and she was too tired to go looking for them. However, since she knew she'd see them on Sunday, she simply did her work and headed out.

So now it was Sunday morning and she and Saphira were sleeping in, knowing Charisma had arranged for Turq to bring them over in time for an early luncheon with Brianna. They had no idea when Brianna was due to arrive, but were happy at this point to cede all the planning to Charisma.

Saphira awoke first, and spent the first few minutes simply holding Esmeralda and breathing her in. She brushed a tender kiss over Esmeralda's forehead and smiled when Esmeralda mewed in her sleep before curling up more tightly into her. She closed her eyes and breathed a prayer before the sound of the bedroom door opening brought her attention back to her surroundings. She craned her neck, brow furrowing when she saw Ruby hesitantly poke her head into the room. Saphira cocked an eyebrow in Ruby's direction, then jerked her head just slightly to encourage Ruby to enter the room fully. Ruby looked at the two of them tangled up together and noted Esmeralda's stillness.

"Is she all right?" Ruby asked in the barest whisper, lifting her hand and gently pushing a lock of hair away from Esmeralda's cheek. She took a seat on the bed at Saphira's behest.

"As well as she has been, Ruby," Saphira replied shortly. Ruby covered Saphira's hand with her own and squeezed it lightly and Saphira dropped her eyes back to Esmeralda. "Sorry, Ruby. It's just...."

"No worries, kid," Ruby said with a teasing grin, eliciting the glare she hoped for though the worry never left her eyes. "At least she's got some serious time off coming up soon, right? She doesn't have to go to work when Congress goes on their holiday break, does she?"

"No, and no one's looking forward to that more than I am. Heaven knows it can't be anything but good for her to have nothing to do for a few weeks but rest and try to get caught up."

"You gonna want me to cover your shifts for you? So you can stay home with her?" Ruby offered.

Saphira tightened her fingers around the hand that still clutched her and shook her head. "I appreciate it, Ruby... more than you can possibly know. But you know and I know that we can't do that. As frustrated and aggravated and furious as I am about everything, I'd never put Es in more danger by flaunting the rules like that."

"I know, Saphira, but I think she might need you to help her heal."

Saphira shrugged as much as she was able. "Maybe, but we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Now was there something you needed?"

"Not really. I wanted to check on the two of you and I needed to let you know that Turq said she was available whenever you're ready to head over to Charisma's, but not to rush. We all know Es needs to rest and I'm sure your friends know it as well - Turq and Jas both told me about bringing you two home this week. The girls and I will be around the house today for a little while at least. With the weather a little warmer today than it's been, we'll probably go out and run a few errands this afternoon."

"You all go do whatever needs doing - even if that just means getting out and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine for a little while. Es and I'll be fine."

"Is there anything we can get you? Anything we can take care of?"

Saphira shook her head. "Not that I can think of, but if Es comes up with anything, we'll let you know. Today is mostly about helping Charisma and Brianna feel more comfortable together," Saphira added with a wry twist to her lips. "Not really sure how that's supposed to work, but then not much about this whole process makes a lot of sense to me either."

Ruby chuckled and patted the hand she still held before removing her clasp. "Honestly, Saphira? I'm not sure the whole process makes much sense to anyone but Him, but we don't question His ways. We simply do our jobs and hope for the best."

"Doesn't that make you nuts?" Saphira asked seriously. "Don't you ever wish you could be more proactive? And what about when things go awry?"

Ruby gave Esmeralda an uneasy glance, noting that she was still sleeping deeply despite the whispered conversation taking place around her. She wondered briefly how she'd ended up as part of this particular discussion, knowing better than most what a hot-button topic this could easily become.

"Sometimes," Ruby responded thoughtfully. "Sometimes it would be very satisfying to go in and beat a couple heads in to get the results we wanted without all the games and politics involved, for lack of a better way to put it," she confided. "Because there are politics involved in every mission... just usually not overtly or to this degree," she added with a small smile. "But since human beings have free will, we don't get the option to do that - we can only put forth the opportunity... they have to make the choice. Even if we *were* able to compel the consequence we desired, free will means they could easily reverse any outcome we achieved by force."

"Well I have to tell you, Rube - I pretty much think this way sucks. Especially since you can't even guarantee the outcome to be what you want it to be."

"I know. And it's harder for an avenging angel like yourself to appreciate this kind of work. It pretty much goes against the grain of every instinct you've got."

Saphira snorted... then stilled when Esmeralda shifted against her. "No kidding," she finally muttered when Esmeralda settled against her again. "But I'll do it for Es for the rest of my eternal life if it means we stay together."

Ruby cocked her head. "Maybe that is what Charisma and Brianna need to discover." She rose and backed away from the bed slowly, finding the doorknob unerringly without moving her eyes from Saphira's. "Go back to sleep, Saphira. Es needs the rest and it won't hurt you any either."