Chapter V

"Ya know, I knew from reading that Ireland was green, but I never expected it to be *so* green," Brianna commented as she looked at the rolling hills that surrounded their current abode. "I've never seen anything so lush? so vibrant. Have you?"

Charisma looked at Brianna as though she had grown a second head. "Hello? Look in the mirror much?" Brianna frowned. "C'mon, Bri - your eyes rival any shade of green out here."

Those green eyes widened. "Do you really think so?"

Charisma cupped Brianna's face in her hands and stared into her eyes for a long moment, searching. Finally she leaned forward and kissed Brianna's forehead. "Yes," she said bluntly, then stood and offered Brianna her hand. "C'mon. I hear a Guinness calling our names."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful."

And it was - the ale was cold and spicy and both young women had more than a few before making their unsteady way back to their room.

"We're gonna regret this in the mornin' aren't we?" Charisma slurred as she fell gracelessly onto the bed.

"I'm thinkin'," Brianna said with a groan. She tripped over to the nightstand that held a pitcher of water and a washbowl, pouring a glassful and guzzling it before refilling it and handing it to Charisma. Charisma looked at Brianna with disdain when she knocked against her knees, then reluctantly sat up and accepted the water. When the glass was empty, she passed it back to Brianna and flopped back down.

"You want some aspirin?"

"I s'pose we should," Charisma mumbled, one hand over her eyes and the other hand extended. Brianna chuckled and tapped Charisma's lips.

"Open wide and say 'ahh'."

"Yes, mahhhhm," Charisma replied, trying not to choke on the pills or her laughter at the look on Brianna's face.

"I'll mom you in a minute. We could always call your mother."

"Um? NO. I'm drunk, not stupid."

"You're not even good drunk - just a little tipsy."

"Let's hope the hangover tomorrow bears that out."

"Go t'sleep, Ri," Brianna instructed as she removed Charisma's shoes and tucked her erstwhile friend into bed. Then she crossed the room and collapsed on her own bed, kicking her shoes off before falling into sleep.


The next morning they were both moaning, but ambulatory and after a cold shower to wash away the last of their hangovers, they headed out to do a bit of sightseeing.

"Do you think Mama would like this?" Charisma asked, holding up a beautifully cut fruit bowl. Brianna just looked at her in disbelief.

"Ri, it's Waterford Crystal. What's not to like about it?"

"Good point. Are you going to get anything?"

"I'm still looking. I'd like something - I just haven't decided what yet."

Charisma nodded. "All right. I'm going to check out. Meet you outside?"

"Yeah," Brianna replied absently, her mind whirling with possibilities. The truth was, she knew what she wanted. It was simply a matter of choosing the right picture frame and the right Christmas ornament. It took a few minutes, but she finally found the perfect frame - simple in design, yet exactly what she needed to set off a photograph. The ornament was a little more difficult as most were too ornate for her taste. Still, Brianna did manage to find what she wanted and soon her purchases were paid for and she headed out to meet Charisma.

"Guinness?" she offered. "You know they'll never be as good as they are here."

"One," Charisma answered firmly. "I want to remember this trip and too many nights like last night will make it nothing but a haze."

"Agreed. We need to pace ourselves a little better. So, a Guinness and some dinner?"

"You've got yourself a date, Brianna Brianna."


"So, shall we head to the Continent tomorrow?"

"Yes. I promised Mama a postcard from Paris and I really want to see the City of Lights at night."

"You just want to go to the Moulin Rouge."

"Duh!" Charisma exclaimed with a chuckle. "If I don't sow my wild oats now, I'll never get to. It's straight into the political arena for me as soon as we get back home."

"Do you regret that, Charisma? Jumping into politics as a career, I mean. You seem to be giving up so much to ensure your success at it and sometimes I wonder if you really believe it's worth it."

"Becoming President is all I've ever wanted to do, Bri - it's all I've ever really planned for. I've been on this path since I was five years old. It's all I know."

"But is it enough?" Brianna held up a hand. "I'm not doubting you're sincerity or your calling - you're brilliant, and I really do think you'd make an outstanding President. But don't you miss getting to live a little without worrying about how the rest of the world might judge you for it?"

"Nah? that's what I have you for. You do all this fun, crazy stuff and I get to enjoy it without actually having to do it. Except the Moulin Rouge? I really would like to go there."

"If I take you to the Moulin Rouge, you're gonna have to dance. And don't give me that look. I know you can - I've seen you do it."

Charisma huffed. "Fine. Dictator," she grumbled.

"I heard that, ya know," Brianna complained. Charisma just laughed.


"That was fun!" Brianna gushed as they arrived back in their tiny hostel room.

"Except for those jackasses."

"C'mon, Ri - those are everywhere and you're gonna run into them a lot in the political arena. At least you know how to shut them down with a smile. Besides, how many jackasses in Washington are going to proposition you for a three-way with your hot girlfriend? Your 'hot girlfriend'," rolling her eyes, "isn't going to be anywhere near Washington and no one there is gonna ask once you get your reputation back as an Ice Princess."

"You think I'm an Ice Princess?"

"Me? No, Ri? after four years together I know better," glad Charisma was ignoring the 'hot girlfriend' comment. "But you did have the reputation in college. You worked hard to establish it, remember?"

"I know."

"Charisma," Brianna addressed her dryly while wrapping her in a hug, "You can't have it both ways, but I hope you never stop hoping for the best from people. I would suggest you keep the Ice Princess persona, though; you're so nice about it, you'll always be popular with folks and it will protect you better than anything else."

"Even you?"

"Even me. I won't always be able to be there, but that persona will be."

"I wonder why we never got those propositions in school."

"We did - you just generally didn't hear them."

Charisma snorted and Brianna looked her question at her. "I was just thinking - if I'm going to start hearing them, I think the Ice Princess may get a black belt in something so she can put her money where her mouth is."

Brianna laughed. "I want pictures." Charisma shook with laughter. "You all right now?"

"Always with you, Bri."


"I never expected the Mona Lisa to be so small. It seems like it should be massive."

"I know. It's been that way with all the masters' we've seen. Maybe it's some sort of unwritten rule."

"Maybe. You ready to head to Switzerland?"

"Yeah? I want to see the Alps."

"Me too."


"It's beautiful. I could stay here for a while."

"We can stay as long as you want, Ri; it's not like we have a schedule to keep other than our own. Maybe we should slow down and take some time to relax instead of pushing to see so much."

"I am relaxed, Bri. And I'm enjoying the trip. This is just a nice break from the hustle and bustle of Paris. I did enjoy the food there though."

"Umm? so did I. I'm gonna have to make sure I make enough money to have a French chef?."

"? and a personal trainer to work off all those butter and sugar calories." Brianna glared at Charisma's laughing comment.

"I hate you. Just for that, no chocolate for you," opening the package she'd been carrying. She deliberately withdrew a piece, sucking it into her mouth with a moan. Charisma narrowed her eyes in calculation before allowing them to widen pleadingly and sticking out her bottom lip in a pout. Brianna huffed. "That's not fair, Charisma."

"All is fair in love and chocolate, Brianna Brianna."


The market in Istanbul was loud and vibrant and unlike any place they had been before. Charisma and Brianna were careful to follow the customs of the region, but it didn't hinder their explorations. The artisans were amazing and they enjoyed shopping to their heart's content.

Then they moved on to Athens.

They spent several days wandering the city, visiting the obvious attractions as well as finding a few well off the beaten path.

"I sometimes wonder if somewhere way back in my ancestry there's a Greek matriarch or something. It feels a lot like home here."

"For me too," Brianna agreed. "Almost like?."

"Almost like we've been here before."

"I wish we had - you know, when this was all new. I imagine it was fabulous."

They looked around at the ruins they were currently standing in the middle of. "Considering how amazing it still is, I'd have to agree. Remember the friezes we saw in the British Museum?"

"Yeah? I wonder what stories those really told, because I don't think the archeologists got it right." Brianna bit her lip pensively, then she shrugged. "But what do I know? I'm a lawyer, not a writer."

"I think an argument could be made about that."

"Don't start." Charisma held up her hands in surrender.

"I'm not starting anything - just making a statement. C'mon, the boat to Santorini should be at the dock soon and we don't want to miss it."


Their days in Santorini were slow and laid back, in complete contrast to their frenzied pace in Athens. Then they were off to Italy on a sailboat that took them across the Mediterranean Sea.

"You do realize that leaving here and going home to weather that is turning cold and will soon be winter is less than appealing, right?" Brianna asked as she lay topless on the upper deck of the bow soaking in the sun's rays. Charisma kept her eyes closed to keep from staring or glaring; she had yet to gather enough courage to remove her top on the boat though she had done it on several of their beach trips together. She didn't care for the looks of appreciation and lust they garnered from men who saw them topless; she wasn't thrilled that Brianna didn't seem to notice them. Still, no one had made any real advances beyond looking, so there wasn't much Charisma could do about it. She turned her attention back to their conversation.

"I know. But at least you'll be going with a tan."

"And no one who will be able to appreciate it underneath all those layers."

"You'll find someone, Bri. You're too special not to. Just remember they have to pass the Tagherty test first."

"Geez, Ri? I'll be dead and buried before I find someone who can meet all that criteria."

Charisma shrugged but there was a wicked twinkle in her eyes. "I don't know - you found me that first day we became roommates."

"Yes, and I think that was more due to Fate and the forces of the universe at work than anything I did in particular."

"Being roommates? Maybe. But sweeping my daddy off his feet - that was all you, sweetie."

"So I need to find someone who can sweep Paddy off his feet?"

"Oh no? it won't be that easy. Not only do you have to sweep daddy off his feet, but mama, Hunter, Rocky, Forrest and of course, me as well. One of the joys of being part of a big family - welcome to the Taghertys."

Brianna sighed dramatically. "Good thing I am happy as a single woman, huh?"

"You'll find someone one day, Brianna Brianna. I have faith."

"I already did," she whispered some time later, secure in the knowledge that Charisma was sleeping. Then she turned over and watched the shoreline grow closer, wondering what Italy held in store for them.


The Isle de Capris was beautiful and they spent a full day exploring before crossing over to Naples. They walked Vesuvius and explored Pompeii, marveling at the life they could still feel in the city.

"I wonder how much of this is actually graffiti?" Charisma asked, motioning to the writing on a wall with her free hand as they walked down a narrow street with their fingers lightly tangled together so as not to lose one another in all the clamoring round them.