"I think they're ads - you know, for beer and cigarettes. It was probably the local seven-eleven of its time."

"You think?"

Brianna shrugged. "Works for me. According to the guidebook, it was a storefront of some kind."

"I would have liked to have visited here then - to have seen this place full of life and vitality. I bet it was a real party town."

"Considering the artwork we've seen? I'm betting you're right." They approached another piece of erotic art, tilting their heads in tandem before glancing at one another. "Is that even possible?"

"I think we'd have to break a couple things or grow some extra appendages to find out."

The two women snickered at the image that thought produced and moved further into the ruins that were Pompeii.


"I can't believe almost two months of our trip are gone," Brianna said as they settled into their overnight berth on the train taking them to Rome.

"I can't believe you bought that book of erotic art. What is my mother going to say?"

"Are you going to show it to her?"

"What?! NO!"

"Then I don't think we'll need to worry about her reaction."

"I think you are discounting the mothers' curse - the part where they always know when a kid has been up to something. But I agree with you about how quickly this trip has gone by. What a lifetime of memories we've already made."

Brianna smiled. "I can't wait to see all the pictures we've taken. As many rolls as we've taken, we should be able to fill a book or two."

"And tomorrow, we'll be in Rome."

Chapter VI

When the train stopped, they linked arms to keep from losing one another in the crush. They stepped out into the sunshine, looking around immediately for a metro line. First stop - the Coliseum.

They spent a bit of time in the outer area, studying the exhibits and the architecture. They marveled at the detail and precision involved in the building before taking the stairs into the stadium itself. When they stepped into the arena area, Brianna shuddered and curled herself into Charisma. Charisma automatically wrapped her arms around Brianna and bent her lips to the blonde woman's ear.

"What's wrong, Brianna Brianna?" blue eyes scouring the area to find what had set off such an alarming reaction.

"I don't know, Ri. I don't like it here. It reeks of suffering and death." She took a deep breath and met Charisma's eyes. "My soul hurts to be here."

"Then we'll go," taking another look around. "C'mon. Let's go see the Arches and the ruins across the way. Maybe we can get a look at the Emperor's Palace or those baths we read about, huh?" Charisma commented as she led them out of the Coliseum.

Brianna gave her a shaky smile. "I'd like that. I hear they sometimes hold concerts there now. I wouldn't mind running into one of those - I bet the performance acoustics are amazing."

"Performance acoustics, huh? I'm telling you, Bri? you shouldn't have given up the theatre for the law."

"I had to - who would take me seriously as your running mate if I was an actor?"

"Two words, Bri - Ronald Reagan."

"I'm not talking to you anymore," Brianna grumbled as they left the Coliseum grounds, walking slightly ahead of Charisma. "This is me not talking to you now."

Charisma laughed and caught up with her, taking her hand as they wandered past the Arch of Constantine and towards the Arch of Titus.


"Okay? can I honestly tell you I never expected to be eating at McDonald's in Rome?"

"I never expected to see a McDonald's like this," motioning to the marble and art that surrounded them.

"All right, I'll grant you that. So after we visit the Spanish Steps?"

"I don't know. There are still plenty of things left to see here."

"As long as we visit the Trevi Fountain, I'll be happy."

"So let's go see if we can find it."


"Is it what you expected?" Brianna asked as Charisma stood gazing at the famous fountain.

"Not at all. It is more and less than I ever imagined." She took Brianna's hand and led them to the edge of the large reservoir. "There is a legend told about this fountain that says that anyone who tosses a coin into the fountain will return to Rome again." She pulled two lire pieces from her pocket. "What do you say, Brianna Brianna? Shall we make a pact to return here together one day?"

For answer, Brianna brought the coin to her lips, kissing it before letting it fly from her grasp. Charisma laughed and did the same. Then Brianna caught her hand and they headed back to the small room they were sharing in the hostel.

"This city is amazing," Brianna commented as she curled up on her bed. "So much history and yet so modern and alive at the same time."

"So no more issues, then?"

"Not really - nothing like I felt at the Coliseum. That was just creepy. Besides, the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican were incredible. I'm glad we came here."

"So am I. I was uneasy about coming here and after your reaction at the Coliseum, I was afraid I might be right in my feeling. I'm glad we proved me wrong. I really wouldn't mind coming here again. But?."


"I need to figure out how to shrink to the size of my four year old niece before we come back."

Brianna's eyebrow went into her forehead. "Why? Most women would kill to look like you do."

"Maybe," Charisma agreed dismissively, "but they don't make clothes for women my size here. Did you see how tiny everything in the display windows was?"

"Yeah, but you don't want to be that tiny."

"Why not?"

"You're better than that. C'mon, Ri? think about this a minute. It may be the eighties, but it's going to be hard enough for you to be taken seriously as a woman in politics. Do you really want to be dismissed out of hand because you look like a four year old child?"

Charisma glared. "You know what I mean."

"Yes, and you know what *I* mean. You're a beautiful woman, Charisma. Don't discount that, and don't pretend like it doesn't matter to the people you'll need to eventually vote for you. Looks may not be everything, but they are part of the overall package."

Charisma blinked at Brianna's vehement tone. "Where is all this coming from, Bri?"

Brianna blew out a frustrated breath. "It bothers me to hear you talk like that about yourself, Charisma. You have so much to offer the world as the person you are. I hate to hear about you trying to change that to conform to some image you think you should have."

"But I should allow my looks to influence the way people see me."

"You're twisting my words. Your looks *do* influence the way people see you - that is true for everyone. But it is even truer for a politician. You have to present them with the picture you want them to see. You like Italian fashion? Excellent? great - I don't blame you. Have it tailored to suit you. Don't change your whole life for it. You shouldn't have to change your whole life for anything, Ri. Stick to your guns on the things that matter most to you - the rest will settle itself."

Charisma narrowed her eyes before sticking out her tongue. "When did you get to be so smart?"

"I've been smart; it's why they gave me a law degree with summa cum laude after it."


"Better than a dumbass, I always say. Now shut up and go to sleep. If we're going to Florence tomorrow, we need to get some sleep tonight."

"Have you always been this bossy?"

"Yes. It is the sign of a great manager. Now go to sleep."


"I have duct tape and I know how to use it."


"It will fix that pouty lip too, ya know."

"I hate you."

"Goodnight, Charisma."


"Okay, this is kinda gross. I may never drink wine again."

"Why? We washed our feet."

"I know we did. I was thinking more along the lines of the gooshey feeling this is producing between my toes. It's just slimy."

Charisma covered her eyes and struggled to maintain her balance. "Thank you for the visual, Brianna Brianna. I could have gone a long time without imagining that. C'mon," she added, tugging on Bri's arm and easing out of the large vat. "Let's see what else there is to do here."

They had stopped in Pisa on their way to Florence as a matter of course, taking the obligatory pictures and climbing there way up the narrow flight of stairs to look out over the town made famous by its leaning tower. A local wine festival had attracted them and made them impromptu grape crushers, and the locals welcomed them with enthusiasm.

"That was a lot of fun," Charisma commented as she licked at the gelato she held in her hand. "Despite your slimy gooshiness."

"Don't blame me. That's the way it felt."

"You didn't need to share it though. I'm fairly certain the vinters would prefer not to have that image of their wine making process."

"Well, we can say we made wine once. We just won't share the gruesome details."

"I'm sure folks will be glad if we don't."

They were back on the train on their way to Florence. Brianna wanted to see David, to see if it lived up to the spectacle that had been the Sistine Chapel. Frankly, she didn't see how it possibly could, but since it was considered one of the showpieces of the Renaissance?.

She tilted her head to one side and then the other, narrowing her eyes at Charisma when she heard the soft chuckle coming from beside her. "Are you laughing at me?" she growled, though it was a struggle to keep the twinkle out of her eyes.

"Yes," Charisma replied bluntly. "How is tilting your head helping?"

"It's not, actually," Brianna said as she straightened. "I think a grape leaf might be the only thing that could save him."

Charisma couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled over at Brianna's words and she took Brianna by the arm and led her from the building under the watchful stares of the other patrons. "C'mon, Brianna Brianna. I've had enough culture and art to last me for a while. Let's go find some fun."

Fun was fairly easy to find - there were tavernas with good food and cheap beer, squares filled with dancing and a number of beaches along the coast to deepen their tans and erase any tan lines they had left. They met any number of young people, but none more interesting to either of them than the company they were already keeping. So they made their way across the Riviera to Barcelona, Spain and the end of their European journey.

Barcelona was odd and quirky and exciting and in the midst of making their bid for the Summer Olympic Games. Still there was a lot to see and do, though some of it was definitely more fascinating than others.

"Well, I liked Gaudi and that funky church, but I could have done without Picasso."

"Yeah? me too. What about Dali?"

Charisma shrugged. "He was more interesting, but still a little weird. I am beginning to think it's a requirement of all artists."

Brianna laughed. "I'd be inclined to agree with that. Prof Mac preached it, as a matter of fact."

"Weirdness?? Boy, that explains a lot," ducking away from the expected slap.

"No, goofball - thinking outside the box. He believes that any artist - painter, writer, sculptor - has to see beyond what everyone else does to be a true artist."

"Maybe. But it takes real talent to make everyone else appreciate and understand what you're seeing. Some of that?" motioning vaguely with her hands. "I don't think I'll ever get it."

"That's okay - some of that I'd rather not get? ever."

It was quiet for a long time after that and just as Brianna started to fall into a doze, Charisma spoke softly into the darkness.

"I've had a wonderful time on this trip, Brianna. So many good memories."

"For me too, Ri. I will always treasure this time in my life."

Charisma chuckled lightly. "We're acting like this is goodbye forever or something," the thought causing a pang in her heart.

"In a way, it is, sweetie. I'm off to law school for the next three years and you're going to Washington to begin your political career. We'll never have a chance to spend time together like this again. There will always be other responsibilities in our lives from now on."

"Okay? that's it. I no longer want to be an adult. I've decided I'd much rather be a vagabond and wander around the world with you."