Amber didn’t answer, but an opposing opinion all but oozed from her pores.

“What?” Stephanie prompted.

“You’re pregnant, Steph.”

“I know that.” Stephanie had tried hard to push it from her mind. But the reality wasn’t going anywhere.

“A husband might not be such a bad thing.”

“I thought you’d be on my side.”

“I am on your side.”

Stephanie snorted her disbelief.

“We’re only suggesting you give it a try.”

“And if I fail?” Which was a foregone conclusion in Stephanie’s mind. And therefore the entire exercise was a waste of time.

“Then you fail. Nothing ventured-”

“We’re talking marriage, Amber.” Stephanie couldn’t believe her future sister-in-law could be so cavalier about something so serious. Maybe Stephanie was a hopeless romantic, but she didn’t want to stand up in front of God and her family and take vows she didn’t mean.

“It doesn’t have to be a traditional marriage.”

“Maybe that’s what I want.”

Amber cocked her head, silent for a few moments. “Are you saying you have feelings for Alec?”

“No!” Stephanie’s denial was quick. Her emotions caught up a split second later. She didn’t have feelings for Alec. She wouldn’t allow herself to have feelings for Alec. “I just want…”


“Normal. I want something about this entire mess to be normal.”

“Define normal.” Now Amber was being deliberately obtuse.

“A date? A candlelight dinner? Maybe a movie? Something, anything even a little bit romantic.”

Amber snorted out a laugh. “What’s romantic? Melissa went undercover and spied on Jared, and Royce picked me up in a bar.” She snapped off a twig and tossed it into the pond. “I was a one-night stand that never went home.”

Despite herself, Stephanie’s interest was piqued. “You and Royce had a one-night stand?”

“Not the first night.”

“Which night?”

“None of your business.”

“Did you know you loved him?”

“Not at the time.”

“Were you a virgin?”


“But you loved him later. So, somewhere, deep down inside, you must have known.”

“Don’t do this, Stephanie.”

Stephanie clamped her jaw. Amber was right. Comparing herself to Melissa and Amber was futile. They were with men that they loved, men who would stick around, share their lives forever.

Leaves crackled on the trail behind them, and Stephanie turned to see Alec emerge from the trees.

His attention was fixed on Stephanie. “Royce told me I’d find you here.”

Amber made to stand up, but Stephanie grabbed at her arm. “Don’t go.”

“You two have a lot to talk about.”

“We’ve already talked.” Stephanie had no desire for a repeat argument. She didn’t have the energy.

Amber glanced up, obviously assessing Alec’s expression. “I don’t think you’re done yet.” She came to her feet, stepping her way out of the pool where she snagged a towel from a rock. Then she stuffed her feet into a pair of bright blue thongs.

Stephanie braced herself as Alec crouched down beside her. He was wearing a pair of lightweight khakis and plain, white dress shirt. His shoes were too formal, but at least he’d forgone the tie.

“Swimming?” he asked conversationally.

“No. Riding a bike.”

“You think sarcasm’s going to help?”

“I don’t think anything’s going to help.”

“Right.” He shifted. “So, your long-term plan is to wallow in self-pity?”

Stephanie refused to answer. Instead she swung her legs back and forth in the water.

She heard a rustle, then he stepped onto the ledge to sit. He’d stripped down to a pair of black boxers, and she quickly shifted her gaze to the other direction.

“You’ve seen me naked,” he rumbled, amusement clear in his tone.

She might have seen him that way once, but she didn’t intend to see him that way again. She scrambled to put her feet under her.

His hand came down on her shoulder. “Oh, no you’re not.”

“You’re going to hold me prisoner?”

“If I have to.” The hand remained firmly in place.

Stephanie gave an angry sigh.

“I was thinking a garden wedding would be nice.”

“What part of no didn’t you-”

“We could do it here, if you like. Or in Chicago.”

“Alec, we can’t-”

“There’s a ring in my pocket. Simple, but a couple of carats. It should impress your friends.” He glanced across the shiny surface of the pool. “Probably not a good idea to give it to you here.”

Despite herself, she turned to look at him. “You bought me a diamond?”

“Of course I bought you a diamond. We’re getting married.”

“You can’t bribe me with jewelry, Alec.”

“I’m bribing you with a name for our baby.”

“I’m hardly a fallen woman.”

“This isn’t about you, Stephanie.”

“Of course it’s about-” She almost said me, but she clamped down her jaw instead. Her jumping career was ruined, and that was that. The baby was her priority now.

He smiled. “Ah. A glimmer of responsibility.”

“Of course I’ll do what’s best for the baby.” Beneath the water, her hand moved subconsciously to her abdomen.

“Marrying me is best for the baby.”

She didn’t answer.

“I’m under no illusions that we can ‘make it work,’” Alec continued.

“Ah. A glimmer of reality,” she mocked.

He frowned at her. “We barely know each other.”

“You got that right.”

“This isn’t my first choice, either.”

She stifled a cold laugh, but he ignored her silent sarcasm.

“I’ll be honest with you, Stephanie. When it comes to women, I’m not a long-term kind of guy. And I don’t see that changing.”

Wow. This proposal just kept getting better and better.

Did he mean he’d continue dating? She supposed there was nothing to stop him from doing just that. He had an apartment in Chicago, and he traveled on business most of the time.

She shouldn’t care. She had no right to care. Though it would be embarrassing if he was seen in public by someone she knew.

“Will you be discreet?” she asked him.

“Excuse me?”

“With the other women. Will you be discreet?”

His brows knit together. “What other women?”

“You just said your lifestyle wouldn’t change.”

“I didn’t-”

“I assume that means I’m free to see other men,” she added defiantly. “Although it would be more complicated for me to-”

“Whoa,” he roared. “You are not going to be seeing other men.”

“Isn’t that a double standard?”

“Double standard?

“I’m trying to understand how this will work.”

Perhaps refusing Alec had been the wrong strategy. Maybe agreeing to marry him and pressing on the details would be more effective. She’d bet it wouldn’t take him long to back out.

“Well, one way it will work, is that my pregnant wife won’t be sleeping with other men.”

“So, I’ll be celibate then?”

“Damn straight.”

“For how long?”

“For as long as it takes. It worked just fine for the first twenty-two years of your life.”

“That was before.”

“Before what?”

Frustration goaded her. “Before I knew how much fun it was to have sex.”

Alec’s eyes frosted to pewter. His mouth opened then closed again in a grim line.

She didn’t care. Let him think she was embarking on a spree of debauchery. So long as it changed his mind about the wedding.

“You’re lying,” he finally said.

“That sex is fun?” she deliberately misunderstood, crossing her arms beneath her breasts. “You were there, Alec. Do you think I’m lying?”

“You are impossible.” But his gaze dipped to her cleavage and the clingy one-piece bathing suit.

The heated look brought a rush of memories, and she realized that talking about their sex life might not be the brightest move. It had been far better than mere fun. And the experience was still fresh in her mind. And, given different circumstances, she’d definitely be in favor of repeating it.

“I’m merely pointing out some of the impracticalities of your master plan,” she told him.

“Stephanie, in five or six years, you are going to have a child in your life asking about their family. Do you want to tell them Daddy was a one-night stand, or do you want to tell them Mommy and Daddy had a fight and don’t live together anymore.”

Stephanie’s brain stumbled on the picture of a five-year-old. There would be a five-year-old. And she’d be solely responsible for raising him or her.

Panic rose inside her. How would she manage? Her only role models were a grandfather and two teenage boys.

“I can’t-” She came to her feet, water rushing down her legs and dripping from her suit.

Alec rose. “Don’t you dare-” But then her expression seemed to register. “Stephanie?”

She was going to have a baby. She was honest to God, going to have a baby.

She felt the blood drain from her face.

She’d never fed a baby, burped a baby, changed a diaper. What if she did something wrong? What if she forgot something important? What if she inadvertently harmed the poor, little thing?

“Stephanie,” he sighed in obvious exasperation. He reached for her, pulling her to his body. His bare chest was warm from the sun, and his arms were strong around her. She had a sudden urge to bury her face and hide there forever. His deep voice vibrated reassuringly in her ear.

“Marry me, Stephanie. It won’t be perfect. It won’t be romantic. But we’ll at least be honest with each other.”

His sincerity touched her and, miraculously, she didn’t feel so completely alone. She let herself sink into Alec’s strength. Then she gave in and nodded against his chest.

Stephanie had preferred to hold the wedding at the ranch, and that was fine with Alec. He’d done his duty and informed his father, omitting the fact that Stephanie was pregnant. History might be repeating itself on one level, but the unplanned pregnancy was the only thing his marriage would have in common with his parents’.

Jared and Melissa had flown to the ranch. Then Melissa and Amber had joined forces to convince Stephanie to put on at least a cursory show for the ceremony. It would only be the six of them and a preacher, but they couldn’t completely hide the event from the ranch workers, nor should they. It was better if it looked natural.

In the end, they’d chosen a quiet spot by the river. It was a couple of miles up a rutted, grassy road from Stephanie’s house, out of sight from the working areas. A field of oats rippled behind them, while horses grazed on the hillside, and the river burbled against a backdrop of cottonwood trees.

Alec and the preacher arrived first, but within minutes, Jared’s SUV pulled up with the rest of the party. The men all wore suits, while Amber and Melissa chose knee-length dresses, Amber in bronze, and Melissa in burgundy.

Stephanie was the last to emerge from the backseat. But when she did, Alec couldn’t stop staring.

Her white dress was simple, strapless with a high waist and a sparkling belt below her breasts. The skirt fell softly to her knees, showing the curves of her slim, tanned calves. Her shoes were pretty, white satin ballet slippers against the long green grass.

Her hair was upswept, brilliant auburn under the deep, blue sky. She wore diamond earrings and a delicate, matching necklace, and subtle makeup had toned her freckles to nothing. His gaze was drawn to her graceful neck and smooth, bare shoulders.

Alec was far from a romantic man, but he was forced to fight the urge to sweep her up in his arms and carry her off on a honeymoon.

She took a tentative step forward, and then another.

It was no traditional march down the aisle, and she seemed uncertain of what to do.

Alec moved forward, meeting her halfway, taking her hand so that they approached the preacher together. Her fingertips trembled ever so slightly against his skin, and he fought a thickness in his chest and the desire to pull her tight against him and reassure her. His reaction was ridiculous. The ceremony was as simple as they could make it. They were here to get the job done, nothing more.

The preacher began speaking, and everyone went still.

Stephanie stared determinedly at Alec’s chin while she spoke her vows.

Alec by contrast watched her straight on, continuing to marvel at how stunning she looked. He realized that he’d never seen her in a dress, never seen her in jewelry, or with her hair in such a feminine style.

He’d known she was beautiful. He’d been physically attracted to her from minute one. But this incredible creature standing in front of him surpassed any dream or expectation he’d ever had. Once again, he found his imagination moving to a wedding night and honeymoon.

He ruthlessly shut that thought down. He had to keep a distance between them. Royce and Jared’s plan to make her fall in love was both foolish and dangerous. Alec’s mother had loved his father, and his father’s indifference had destroyed her.