They reached the bottom step outside the entrance to the hall. Adela paused. "Lord, I'm so frightened, Madelyne."

"I am too, Adela," Madelyne admitted.

"You? Why, you don't look frightened at all," Adela said, so surprised by her friend's confession, her own fear lessened. "Why are you frightened?"

"Because Baron Gerald surely hates me. I am Louddon's sister. Dinner will probably be a trial to get through."

" Duncan won't let Gerald offend you, Madelyne. You're my brother's wife now."

Madelyne nodded but she wasn't at all convinced. When Adela took hold of her hand and squeezed it, she smiled at her friend.

They stopped again when they reached the entrance. Adela's grip on Madelyne became painful.

The reason was obvious. Duncan and Gerald were standing together in front of the hearth. They were both staring at Madelyne and Adela. Odd, but Madelyne thought they both looked a bit stunned. And neither appeared to be angry.

Madelyne smiled at Baron Gerald and immediately glanced over to look at her husband. Duncan was staring quite intently at her. He wasn't smiling. His gaze made her blush. She recognized the look. Duncan always wore that expression after he kissed her.

It soon became awkward, what with the four of them staring at one another. Madelyne was the first to remember her manners. She made a small curtsy, nudged Adela into doing the same, and then slowly walked into the hall. Adela trailed behind her.

Her expression was serene. She gave the appearance of being most tranquil.

Madelyne walked with a haughty, dignified, ladylike stride, and Duncan immediately knew something was wrong. He met his wife in the center of the room. He stood so close to her, his tunic brushed her arm. "What are you afraid of?" he asked, leaning down until his face was a breath away from hers. His voice was so low, she had to rise up on tiptoe to hear what he said.

She was surprised he knew she was frightened. "Does Baron Gerald know I'm Louddon's sister, Duncan?" she asked. Fear sounded in her whisper.

Duncan understood then. He nodded, giving Madelyne answer to her question, and then put his arm around her shoulders. When she was settled against his side, he introduced her to the baron.

Gerald didn't appear to be the least offended with her. He smiled, a true warm smile it was, and bowed after their introduction.

He was a nice-looking man, but Madelyne wouldn't have called him handsome, not when he was standing so close to Duncan. Why, her husband was much better looking. In truth, he probably overshadowed every other man in England.

Madelyne looked up at Duncan. She was going to ask him to help Adela, in a whisper, of course, so Gerald wouldn't chance to overhear, yet standing so close to her husband addled her thoughts and she could only stare at him. She couldn't even manage a smile. His eyes were the most amazing color of gray, with such beautiful chips of silver.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Duncan asked. His nose almost touched hers. He was close enough to kiss.

"How am I looking at you?" Madelyne asked.

She sounded out of breath, and she was blushing enough for Duncan to surmise her thoughts. He suddenly wanted to carry her upstairs. Aye, he wanted to make love to her until tomorrow.

The tranquil expression was gone from his wife's face now. Duncan grinned with pleasure.

Edmond walked into the hall just as Duncan was about to kiss his wife. Adela was staring at the floor, Gerald was staring at Adela, and Madelyne seemed mesmerized by her husband.

"Good eve," Edmond bellowed out into the silent hall.

Everyone moved at the same time. Madelyne jumped, knocking Duncan 's nose. Her husband took a step back, then hurried to grab hold of Madelyne before she fell to her knees. Adela turned, forcing a smile for Edmond. Baron Gerald nodded his greeting.

"'Tis a fine evening, isn't it, Duncan? Gerald, my God, you've aged to an ugly old man since I last saw you," Edmond stated in a loud, cheerful voice.

Duncan 's head cleared. He still wanted to pick up his wife and leave the hall, but he found enough discipline to see dinner through first. "It's time for supper," he announced. Duncan grabbed hold of Madelyne's arm and guided her toward the table.

Madelyne couldn't understand his hurry. She'd thought they'd have a bit of conversation before dining. But the look in her husband's eyes decided her against arguing the matter.

Duncan sat at the head of the table, with Madelyne seated on his left. He showed his surprise when Ansel appeared at his other side and began to serve him. Though it was the custom for the squires to learn all about the duties required to serve their lord, Duncan had instructed the boy only in defense.

Another change instituted by Madelyne, of course, and without gaining his permission. He shook his head over her breach, nodded to Ansel, and then glared at his wife.

She had the audacity to smile at him. "Did you know, Duncan, this is the first meal we've shared together?" she whispered, trying to take his mind off the squire.

Duncan didn't seem inclined to answer her comment. In fact, he barely spoke during dinner. Gilard was late in arriving, which made Duncan frown. Madelyne was thankful though that Duncan didn't chastise his brother in front of their guest.

Father Laurance didn't come for dinner at all. Madelyne was the only one who wasn't surprised by his absence. She didn't believe he'd taken ill either, although Edmond had given that story. Madelyne thought the true reason was that the priest was frightened of Duncan. She couldn't blame the man. He was terribly young for the duty of advising Duncan on matters of God and church.

Edmond and Gilard kept up a constant chatter through dinner, taking turns questioning Gerald about his past year, for it had been that long since any of them had seen one another.

Madelyne listened to their conversation, fascinated by the easy way they badgered one another. They were insulting one another's looks, ability, too, but it didn't take Madelyne long to realize it was just their way of showing affection. She thought it a most interesting observation.

Baron Gerald was obviously a good friend of the Wexton brothers. He had a nice laugh. When Edmond called him a weakling and repeated a story of how Gerald had misplaced his sword during an important battle, Gerald shouted with laughter and then came up with a story of his own to prove Edmond 's worthlessness.

Adela sat across from Madelyne. She stared at the tabletop, yet Madelyne noticed there were a few instances when she smiled over the ridiculous remarks flying across the table. Gerald didn't speak directly to Adela until dinner was nearly finished. Edmond sat between the two. Madelyne was certain Gerald was going to have a permanent crick in his neck from tilting his head around Edmond in order to look at Adela.

Edmond finally took mercy on Adela's would-be suitor. He stood up and casually walked around the table, pretending to be fetching a jug of ale. No one was fooled by the ploy, least of all Adela. There was another jug right in front of Edmond 's trencher.

"And how are you, Adela?" Gerald politely inquired. "I was sorry I missed you when you were…"

Gerald's face turned red, though not as red as poor Adela's. The baron had inadvertently mentioned the incident.

An awkward silence fell over the group. Duncan sighed and then said, "Adela was sorry she missed you in London, Gerald. Adela? The baron asked you how you were feeling," he reminded his sister.

Duncan 's voice was tender, filled with understanding as he spoke to his sister. Lord, he was becoming an easy man to love. Too easy. Was she in love with her husband and just too stubborn to admit it?

Madelyne immediately began to worry. She sighed as well, a loud, unladylike sound she immediately regretted. Duncan turned and grinned at her. He surprised the worry right out of her when he gifted her with a slow, teasing wink.

"I am very well, Gerald," Adela said.

"You look well."

"I feel well, thank you."

Madelyne watched her husband roll his eyes heavenward, knew he thought all this talk about looking well and feeling well was ridiculous.

"Madelyne, I've never had such a fine meal," Gerald said in praise, drawing her attention away from her husband.

"Thank you, Gerald."

"I've eaten too much of everything," the baron told her. He turned to Adela then. "Would you like to walk with me in the courtyard after dinner, Adela?" He glanced over at Duncan and hastily added, "Gaining your brother's permission, of course."

Before Adela could deny the request, Duncan granted it. Adela immediately looked at Madelyne for help.

Madelyne didn't know what she could do, but determined to find a way to change Duncan 's mind. She nudged his leg with her foot. When Duncan didn't even look over at her, she nudged him again, much more forcefully.

Her patience wore out when he still wouldn't look at her.

Madelyne kicked him then, but all she gained from her effort was to lose her shoe under the table. Yet while Duncan still pretended to ignore her, he did reach under the table and grab hold of her foot, pulling it up onto his lap. Madelyne was mortified by her undignified position and thanked God no one seemed to notice how she gripped the table with her hands when Duncan began to stroke the arch of her foot. She tried to pull away but she lost her balance.

She almost fell off the stool. Gilard was sitting next to her. When she bumped him, he gave her a puzzled look and then grabbed hold of her arm and helped straighten her. She knew she was blushing. Adela was staring at her, reminding her of the dreaded walk outside, Madelyne supposed. She decided it was high time she took control.

Duncan might have hold of her foot so she couldn't kick him again, but he couldn't grab hold of her mind, now, could he? "What a wonderful idea, to stroll outside after dinner," Madelyne said. She looked at her husband when she made the comment.

Duncan frowned. Madelyne smiled, sensing victory.

"Duncan and I would love to join you, wouldn't we, husband?" she asked. One had to be on one's toes around Duncan, Madelyne thought, even when the toes were in his lap. He wouldn't dare deny her suggestion in front of their guest. Madelyne turned to Adela and shared a smile with her. Adela did look relieved.

"No, we wouldn't," Duncan announced to the group in a mild voice.

His denial forced frowns on both Madelyne's and Adela's faces. "Why wouldn't we?" Madelyne challenged.

Madelyne tried to smile at Duncan because she knew Gerald was observing the exchange.

Duncan smiled at her. His eyes, however, told a different story. He was probably wishing he could throw her out a window, she supposed. She had noticed that Duncan didn't like his decisions questioned. Madelyne thought the trait was an irritating one. Aye, irritating for Duncan, she thought with a bit of sympathy, knowing full well she'd continue to question his orders whenever the mood came over her. She couldn't help herself.

"Because, Madelyne, I would like to speak to you in private after dinner."

"Speak to me about what?" Madelyne demanded with a disgruntled look.

"Men and their horses," Duncan told her.

Edmond snorted; Gilard laughed outright. Madelyne gave both of them a good frown before she turned back to Duncan. She didn't believe this nonsense any more than his brothers did. Men and horses, indeed. The real message was clear enough. He was going to strangle her for challenging him. Madelyne thought to give him a saucy retort, couldn't think of any, decided then she'd better not goad him further. He just might say something to embarrass her.

Madelyne decided to ignore him and all but turned her back on him. It was a rude gesture, a mistake as well, because she'd forgotten all about her foot resting in his lap. Gilard had to catch her again.

Duncan knew she was trying to dismiss him. The smile reached his eyes. When he turned to nod at Gerald, he realized his friend had also caught on to Madelyne's game. The baron was trying not to laugh.

"With Duncan 's permission, I've a gift to give you, Adela."

"You do?" Adela was surprised by Gerald's thoughtfulness. "Oh, I couldn't accept anything from you, Gerald, though it was good of you to take the trouble to bring me something."

"What'd you bring her?" Gilard asked. It wasn't a polite question. Baron Gerald didn't seem offended though. He grinned and shook his head.