"Not too many guys that I know of. A jackass or two wanted an in with me. Another couple she dated but if you ask me they were pansies, not worthy of my niece." Yank shook his head. "I shouldn't be telling you any of this. It feels like I'm betraying her."

Damian laid a hand on the other man's shoulder. "You're giving me insight that might help. I'd slit my throat before I'd use it against her," he promised.

Yank nodded, seemingly satisfied. "End result is she's confident in business and one hell of an athlete, but her self-esteem in the female department leaves something to be desired. It wasn't till just recently that she started to make an effort to look more… womanly. Even a blind man like me could see she was tryin' hard."

"She never had to try with me. I knew from the first time we ki-I mean from the first time we met, that she was special," he said, watching his words this time. He opted for specialover hot number since Damian didn't need Yank coming after him with his walker.

"I knew that. She saw the real you, too. She knew you were more than the idiot ladies' man you pretended to be." Yank ran a hand over his straggly beard. "But if I know my Micki, she's only thinking about the kind of women you spent time with before her and she thinks she can't compete."

"She can't," Damian said, slamming his good hand against the window.

"Watch it, wise guy. You bust the other hand and nobody's gonna help you wipe your-"

"I get the picture." Damian cut the older-man off, suppressing a laugh. "But I'm serious. Micki can't compete against those women because she's head and shoulders above them."

Yank pulled him into a hug with one arm, hanging on to the walker with the other hand. "Good luck convincing her of that," Yank said. "Because the one thing Micki learned from me beside sports is stubbornness and once that girl makes up her mind, changing it is some kind of difficult."

Damian glanced heavenward. "Thank you for that advice," he said, sarcastically.

Yank grinned. "My pleasure. Oh and if it makes you feel any better, I didn't screw you. I just wanted to be livin' on my own again before I asked Lola to accept me and my problems back into her life."

Damian could respect and understand the man's position. "I hope you make out better than I did."

"You got a game plan for the future?" Yank asked him.

Damian spread his hands wide before him. "Completely open and in Micki's hands." Too bad she wasn't returning calls or e-mails, not even in the guise of business.

Micki found it too easy to ignore his overtures so Damian was now using the silent treatment. If she didn't mind being ignored, he was out of options and heading back to the island.

Alone this time.


YANK-HATED THE WALKER. He hated not being able to see everything clearly. But he hated being without Lola more. Maybe he'd had to be kicked in the butt a ridiculous number of times and let decades go by before he was ready to see what was in front of him all along. "But dammit I'm seeing it now!"

"Excuse me, sir?" The new security guard who rode the elevator in the Atkins building asked.

"Nothin'. Seventh floor, please" Yank said to the man.

He'd been out of rehab for over a week and now that he was managing to get along, thanks to his driver and walker, he was out of excuses for avoiding his fate.

A series of consecutive beeps let Yank know when he'd arrived on the right floor, as did the sound of the doors sliding open.

"We're here," the guard said.

Yank maneuvered his way out, walker first. He could make out shadows enough to see where he was going and he also knew Spencer's office space well enough to manage on his own.

"Mr. Morgan!" The receptionist at the main desk jumped up from her seat. "We weren't expecting you."

"Good. I like the element of surprise. I want to see Lola."

"She's in her office. Should I tell her you're here or do you prefer the element of surprise there, too?"

"You can tell her I'm coming to talk to her and to clear anyone else out of there."

"Yes, sir." The woman picked up the phone while Yank slowly headed to Lola's small room off Spencer's office.

He knew by the familiar perfume that she was waiting for him in the doorway. She'd used the same scent or something similar since the day they'd met. He smelled it in his dreams, Yank thought.

"I can't believe you're up and around," Lola said.

"Yeah. Time flies when you're havin' fun."

"Well you certainly used the time to get yourself healthy."

He nodded. "I didn't have anything else to do except rehab and think."

"Come on in." She stepped back so he could walk into the office.

He had no choice except to allow her to help him into a chair. He ought to get used to it, he thought and clenched his jaw.

"So what brings you by?" She lowered herself into the seat next to him.

Surrounded by her scent, a warm familiar feeling and unmistakable arousal kicked in. "You're really gonna make me spell it out for you?" he asked, annoyed she couldn't understand that this visit was his way of making a major statement.

She jumped to her feet. "I' m too busy for games so if you have nothing to say, you can leave now."

Yank groaned. "Okay, okay, cool your jets and sit down. Please," he added, afraid she wouldn't even give him a chance.

He wasn't sure but he thought she narrowed her eyes and glared at him. He certainly could sense steely anger emanating from her in waves. Didn't the woman know how hard this was?

But then how hard had he made her life all this time? He'd thought about this long and hard and he hadn't come to her empty-handed.

Yank reached into his pocket and wrapped his hand around a jewelry box. He'd gone shopping alone, not wanting to involve the girls. He hadn't wanted to get their hopes up nor had he wanted to face their pity if Lola turned him down.

Lola slowly eased herself into a seat again, watching Yank warily. She'd known him too long to jump to any conclusions. Just because she'd given him an ultimatum again didn't mean he'd come around. After all, she'd tried once before and she was still working with Spencer and not Yank.

Suddenly he pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket.A jewelry box if she wasn't mistaken, and she began to shake. Her palms grew damp. And despite the evidence in front of her, she still refused to believe. Who knew what was inside? He could have bought her a necklace or something.

"Well aren't you going to take it?" Yank asked.

She accepted the box. Hands shaking, she turned it over and over again, almost afraid to open it. "It's got teeth marks," she said, recognizing the inane comment.

"I don't think the girls fed the dog too well while I was in rehab. She's picked up some awful habits I'm gonna have to break."

Lola laughed and ever so slowly opened the box. Inside was a huge pink sapphire stone set in white gold and surrounded by diamonds.

She sucked in a startled gasp. "It's… It's…" For the first time in her life words failed her.

"It's five karats and each diamond is pretty damn big. I can't remember the size. But I can get bigger. Or green if you'd prefer an emerald. Or one large diamond. We can do that, too. Whatever you like, the jeweler said he'd get it for you," Yank said, rambling.

Also a first, Lola thought. Tears streamed down her cheeks and Yank reached out and wiped her face with his hand. "How'd you know I was crying?" she asked, knowing he couldn't possibly see her tears.

"Because after all these years, I know you," he said in a gruff voice filled with more emotion than she'd ever heard from him before.

Lola swallowed hard. "So is this a friendship ring?" she joked for lack of knowing what else to say.

Yank had never been an eloquent speaker, and now he'd handed her a box with the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen inside. Yet he hadn't explained its significance. Just like the man, she thought with exasperation, the tears still flowing.

"Well here's the thing. I'm no bargain. I'm getting closer to being legally blind. I've got a bum hip and use a walker, though it'll soon be a cane."

She leaned forward, holding her breath.

"I'm grouchy on a good day and my dog craps and sleeps wherever she wants. You can blame the girls for that. I had Noodle trained."

"Somehow I doubt that," Lola said. "Now quit getting off the subject and go on."

He shook his head. "Right. Well I probably waited too damn long and I no longer look like the prize I once was-"

She snickered and he shot her a dirty look.

"And a part of me thinks you gave me this ultimatum so I'd say what you want to hear just so you can dump me on my good-for-nothing, arrogant-"


"Yeah, yeah. Well I was wondering if you'd like to marry me. I'd say raise my kids but you already done that. I'd say for better but there isn't much of that these days. I can definitely offer you for worse and know you'd have that to look forward to-"


"What?" He blinked, obviously stunned by the one little word. "Yes what?"

"Yes, I'll marry you, you stupid fool. I'll take you half-blind and limping and obnoxious. I'll even accept your foolish dog just as long as you really want this, too," she said, unable to turn off the waterworks. She sniffed and reached for a tissue on the corner of her desk.

Yank grabbed for her hand. "I'd get down on one knee but I'd never get up again. I wasted years of our lives and I got no excuse for it. I can't believe you'd take me now."

Lola pulled him into an embrace. "Yank Morgan, you've always been mine and I've always been yours. It's just taken you longer than most to come around."

He chuckled. "What can I say? I'm special."

"That you are," she whispered. And she intended to spend the rest of her life making sure she took good care off him each and every day.

"You're no slouch yourself, Lola. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I'm the luckiest man alive. Do you know how much I love you?"

She shook her head. "I don't think I do, but you can spend the rest of your life showing me."

He grinned. "You gonna put that ring on now?"

"No, you're going to do it for me." She placed the ring in his palm and held out her hand.

By sense of touch, he easily slid the ring onto her finger.

She raised her hand to admire the stone and the way the sun shining through the window highlighted all the perfect facets. "It fits!"

He chuckled. "I told you I know you."

And she knew him. He was a unique man, one who'd given up his bachelorhood and raised his three nieces. Lola had gone through periods of frustration and yet she'd never regretted devoting her life to Yank and his family. Not even after she'd decided the time had come to move on without him.

And now all of her dreams had come true.

MICKI BLEW OFF an afternoon PR function and had one of the staff pinch-hit for her, heading home to the comfort of her apartment instead. She took a hot shower and didn't even pay attention when Noodle licked the droplets of water off her legs. While using his walker, her uncle had nearly tripped over Noodle, who lacked the brains to get out of the way. So until Uncle Yank was more mobile, she'd agreed to keep the dog with her. Micki hated to admit it but Noodle was good company, especially since she was feeling lonely right now.

A few short weeks ago, Damian had offered her everything she'd dreamed of and she'd pushed him away. She'd never thought he'd actually say he loved her, but he had. Had he meant it or did he just believe it for now because she'd become his safety net? Those were the thoughts that haunted her day and night.

Along with thoughts of her own past and future. Thanks to her uncle and her sisters, Micki had always known love and security. They'd cushioned and protected her, too much at times. As a result, she was insecure when it came to trusting her instincts. Oh, she could handle herself professionally because there she'd been given free rein. But personally and emotionally, sometimes she felt ill-equipped to handle things.

Was it any wonder that at her age she'd had to turn to Sophie for advice on dressing and acting more femininely? Was it any wonder she couldn't bring herself to believe a sexy jock like Damian Fuller would really be in love with every guy's friend, Micki Jordan?

And really, those were the truths at the crux of her turning Damian away. It was easier to continue to pull back now than to take a chance with him only to have her heart broken when Damian finally realized his true feelings and walked out on her later.