“I don’t think that’s what has him excited,” Dana said with a laugh. A holiday wedding. Skye’s daughter was right…it was very romantic. “It sounds perfect. And very you. Imagine the party you can plan.”

Skye looked more worried than happy. She stared at Garth. “Is it a bad idea? I’m thinking about all the things going on with Jed. Should we wait?”

“No. Getting enough on Jed could take weeks, months or even years. Don’t put your life on hold. A Christmas Eve wedding sounds very…nice.”

“Nice?” Izzy straightened. “You are such a guy.”

“Thank you.”

“It would be a small wedding,” Skye said. “Family and a few close friends.”

“Don’t compromise,” Dana told her. She might not be a “fancy party” kind of person herself, but she cared about her friend. “Have the wedding you want.”

Skye smiled at her. “I appreciate that and I know you’re right. We’ve talked and we want something intimate. Special. Just the people we love, at the house. But there isn’t much time.”

“If anyone can do it, you can,” Izzy said. “You’re gifted at the party thing. And I’ll help.” She held up her hands, palms out. “I know, I know. I’m a giver. I can’t help it.”

“I’ll help, too,” Lexi said, resting her hand on her stomach. “As long as I can do it sitting down.”

“I’ll be busy,” Dana muttered, thinking she would rather tackle Jed in a gun battle than address invitations or fold napkins.

Everyone laughed.

Lexi started to say something, then frowned at Garth. “Didn’t you have on that exact shirt and tie yesterday?”

The table went silent. Dana’s first thought was complete panic. Oh God, oh God, oh God! Now what? Everyone would know. What would they think? What would she think? She didn’t know what to say, where to look, how to breathe.

Garth calmly sipped his coffee. “No.”

Lexi squinted at him. “I guess you’re right. They look the same.”

“All men’s clothes look the same,” Izzy complained. “Have you seen their shoes? All those identical loafers. The big question is tassels.”

Just then Renee showed up with breakfast. Dana accepted her plate with a sense of being handed a reprieve. Slowly, carefully, she glanced at Garth, who was watching her. He winked.

AFTER BREAKFAST, EVERYONE went their separate ways. Lexi and Dana walked to Lexi’s car. Dana hovered as her very pregnant friend waddled more than walked.

“How are you going to survive the last two months?” Dana asked.

“I’ll manage,” Lexi said cheerfully. She paused by her car, then said, “He’s not your usual type. Garth, I mean.”

Dana opened her mouth, then closed it. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Lexi raised her eyebrows. “I noticed the tie yesterday specifically because Cruz has the same one. I thought it was interesting. Men don’t wear the same tie two days in a row unless they haven’t gone home to change.”

“Right,” Dana said, struggling to stay calm. “But maybe he wasn’t with me.”

Lexi watched her without saying anything.

Dana collapsed like overcooked pasta. “Okay, it was me. I don’t know how it happened, but it did. And then he wouldn’t leave. He spent the night.”

“Fascinating,” Lexi said slowly. She smiled. “I know we’ve been after you to try someone new, but Garth?”

“I can’t explain it,” Dana muttered. “He’s your brother. Is it too weird?”

“Of course not. Just…” She hesitated. “Be careful. We don’t know that much about him. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Hey, this is me we’re talking about. I don’t get that involved.”

“He’s different.”

“I’m not. I take care of myself.”

“Then go for it. Enjoy the ride, so to speak. And if you want any advice…” She shook her head. “Never mind.”

“Advice? On guys? You’re the one with a ten-year dry spell.”

“That was before Cruz and not what I’m talking about. I meant clothes and makeup.”

Dana glanced down at the shirt she’d pulled on. Izzy had given it to her for her birthday last year. “What about my clothes?”

“Just that he moves in different circles. He’ll probably ask you to some events that require something more dressy.”

Events? As in a date? “We’re not dating.”

Lexi’s blue eyes brightened with laughter. “You’re just having sex?”

“Yes. I would never date him.” She held up her hand. “I’ll admit sleeping with someone you wouldn’t date is probably bad, but I’ll accept the consequences. We don’t actually have a relationship.”

Lexi studied her. “Or so you think. You might want to ask Garth his thoughts on the subject.”

“I’d rather be shot.”

“I’m sure that’s true.”

THAT AFTERNOON Garth found his weekly staff meeting interrupted by the arrival of his three sisters. As they’d just had breakfast together less than six hours earlier, he didn’t know what was so important, but he knew better than to keep them waiting.

He excused himself from the staff meeting, then returned to his office to find them “exploring” everything from the coat closet to several of his drawers.

“Ladies,” he said as he walked in.

Izzy was bent over, looking into drawers in his credenza, Lexi was on his computer and Skye smoothed the coat in his closet before closing it.

They looked at him without a trace of guilt.

“We were making ourselves at home,” Izzy said, closing a drawer.

“So I see. Lexi, would you like my password?”

She smiled and stood. “No, thank you. I was just…checking my e-mail.”

He motioned to the sofas by the window and waited until they were seated before joining them.

“An unexpected pleasure,” he said. “And the reason for your visit?”

“We want to know your intentions toward Dana,” Skye said, watching him intently. “She’s our friend.”

“News travels fast.” He doubted Dana had coughed up the information, so apparently Lexi hadn’t bought the similar tie story.

“She’s a very close friend,” Izzy said. “Practically a sister.”

“You’re not known for having serious relationships,” Lexi added. “You have a broken engagement and a string of abandoned women.”

“Abandoned,” he said. “As bad as all that?”

Skye drew in a breath. “Not that we don’t care about you, too.”

“I can see that. Your concern for me is overwhelming.”

While he found their meddling irritating, a part of him was pleased that Dana had these women looking out for her.

“We don’t want Dana hurt,” Lexi said.

“Neither do I,” he told her. “It’s been less than twenty-four hours. Can you give me a week to figure all this out?”

“We’re not asking if you’re planning to propose,” Skye said. “Just be careful. We love her and we don’t want you playing with her emotions.”

“I wouldn’t do that. I respect Dana.”

“Then we won’t have a problem,” Lexi said.

“Good. Anything else?”

When they all shook their heads, he stood. “I have a meeting to get back to. If you’ll excuse me.”

“You’re angry,” Skye said, coming to her feet.

“No, just not sure I’d want any of you at my back during a fight.”

Skye moved toward him and touched his arm. “We’ll love you, too. It’ll just take a little time.”

The words stunned him and burned away any lingering annoyance. He wanted to tell her that he didn’t want their love. He preferred to go it alone. But he couldn’t find the words and by the time he did, she and Lexi had left. Only Izzy stayed behind.

He turned to her. “You have something else?”

She tilted her head. “Maybe we’re worried about the wrong person. Maybe we should be worried about you.”

No one worried about him. “I’m fine. I’m the powerhouse here.”

She smiled. “Okay. But just so you know, Dana usually gets involved with men she can push around. Then she gets bored and leaves. She’s never taken a chance romantically. You’re not her type and I don’t think she’s your type, either. So you might want to think about protecting yourself.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”

She walked to the door, then faced him again. “It’s funny. That’s exactly what everyone thinks right before they fall.”


“THIS IS RIDICULOUS,” Dana grumbled to no one in particular. Which was a good thing. No one was listening. She didn’t know where the idea had come from, but it was totally stupid.

“Where do you want these?” Leonard, Skye’s key IT guy, asked as he walked in with three laptops still in their boxes.

“On the desks,” Dana told him, pointing to where the furniture guys were moving desks into place.

Lexi looked up and smiled. “Oh, you have the computers. Thank you, Leonard. You’ll stay to set them up, won’t you? I’m so not in the mood.”

His gaze dropped to her belly. “Um, sure, ma’am. Shouldn’t you be sitting down?”

Lexi rubbed the small of her back. “Probably.” She sank into a rolling chair and motioned to the boxes the furniture guys had brought in first. “If you bring those to me, I’ll start opening them,” she told Dana.

“Right. And then I’ll be in trouble for making the pregnant lady do the hard work.” Dana crossed to the boxes and pulled out her pocket knife. “I’ll do it.”

“You are so crabby,” Lexi told her.

“We don’t need an office. We’re not selling sandwiches.”

“We need an easy way to coordinate what we’re doing. Garth and I think it’s better to have one central location.”

“As long as you and Garth think it’s the right thing to do.”

Lexi blew her bangs off her face. “Don’t make me roll my eyes. It makes me feel like I’m twelve. With the office, all the information is kept in one place. Leonard is going to put in a fancy firewall so Jed can’t get into our system. If he wants to come after our information, it’s not in someone’s house.”

An excellent point, Dana thought, still wanting to grumble. Opening an office was too official. This was a private investigation. It should be kept private.

“As soon as Leonard gets us up and running, I’ll see if I can access Jed’s private computer,” Lexi said. “I know several of his passwords, or at least I did. Plus I have a few passwords from my ex-assistant.”

Before Dana could remind her how she felt about anyone breaking the law, the front door opened and a petite, well-dressed blonde swept into the room.

“Just so we’re clear,” she announced as she set a black leather briefcase on a desk. “I’m in charge.”

Lexi looked at Dana who was staring at the woman. She recognized the piercing blue eyes, the determined mouth, the flashy diamond cocktail ring.

“Mary Jo?”

“Good morning, Dana. I’d heard you were involved in this mess. What was Garth thinking?”

Dana hadn’t seen the other woman in years. Not since Dana had arrested a bank officer and Mary Jo Sheffield had been his attorney.

Lexi stood. “Who are you?” she asked coolly.

Her tone was “Who the hell are you, bitch?” but Lexi would never say that. Not at a first meeting.

“Mary Jo Sheffield. Garth’s attorney. He told me what you all were planning and I came by to make sure I approve.”

It was the battle of the blue-eyed blondes, Dana thought, not sure if she should back away or pull up a chair.

“Your approval isn’t required,” Lexi told her. “But thanks so much for stopping by.”

Mary Jo didn’t even blink. “I’m Garth’s representative. I’m here to look after his interests.”

“He’s being protected by a girl?” Dana said with a grin. She couldn’t wait to mention that to him.

Mary Jo raised her eyebrows. “Dana, you of all people know what I’m capable of.”

That was true. She’d been in court and watched Mary Jo in action. It had been damned impressive.

“How do you know her?” Lexi asked, turning to Dana. “Who is she?”

“We were on opposite sides of a case. Mary Jo used to work for a big law firm.”

“Now I work for Garth,” Mary Jo said with a smile. “Exclusively for Garth. He has a lot to lose.”

Dana had always liked Mary Jo, but family came first. She moved between the lawyer and Lexi. “The Titan sisters have discovered that not only is their father willing to sell them out to the highest bidder, he arranged for an explosion that nearly killed Izzy. I would say they have a whole lot more to lose than Garth.”

Mary Jo smiled. “That’s my girl. I’m looking forward to working with you, Dana. I know how formidable you can be.”

Dana cocked her head. “Right back at you, Mary Jo.”

“Okay.” Lexi looked concerned. “Can we trust her?”

“I’m standing in the room,” Mary Jo pointed out.

Dana ignored her. “Yes. But she’s not kidding about working for Garth. Don’t for a second think she’s neutral.”

“There shouldn’t be sides,” Lexi said with a sigh. “There should be a single goal.”

“In a perfect world.” Mary Jo smiled. “But we’re in this one. Now where are we?”