"Why don't we go somewhere we can be alone?" Annabelle's eyes glittered with excitement and he wanted nothing more than to agree.

Unfortunately he couldn't. "I need to go home and shower." He leaned forward and nibbled on her mouth. "You can join me," he suggested.

"Actually I have a better idea." She stepped back.


"It's all here." She held a piece of paper in her hand and playfully turned it from side to side.

He tried to grab the sheet but she snatched it away, still teasing.

"Are you coming, Annabelle?" Mara asked.

Vaughn glanced over in time to see Mara sweep a hand down Nick's cheek and walk away, his^ friend's hungry eyes following the movement.

Nick had it bad. Not that Vaughn was one to talk.

"I'm coming," Annabelle told Mara.

"Where are you going?" Vaughn asked her.

She pulled on the waistband of his shorts and dropped her note into his pants. She was all sex appeal but in her eyes, he thought he caught a glimpse of something more. Something that made his breath catch and his heart nearly stop.

"Meet me tonight," she said in a husky voice.

He caught her wrist in his hand. "What do you have planned in that mind of yours?"

She grinned. "Something just for you in a place where we're guaranteed not to be interrupted," she promised him.

"Last taxi is pulling out now." Mara's voice interrupted them.

Annabelle waved goodbye to Vaughn with a wiggle of her fingers and a seductive twist of her hips as she took off with Mara.

Nick let out a slow whistle. "Who'd have thought wine coolers could have such a potent effect on women."

Vaughn laughed. "I take it Mara was flashing her wares at you?"

Nick looked up at the heavens. "That's one way of putting it."

"You trusting her now?" Vaughn asked.

"I'm trying."

"You?" Nick asked.

"I've got no reason to worry about that. Annabelle's job will be done and she'll be gone soon."

Nick kicked his sneakered foot against the dirt. "Yeah sure, buddy. That's what we tell ourselves, when we're trying not to fall too hard." He slapped Vaughn on the back. "Just be careful, okay?" "You looking out for me now?"

He smirked. "Actually you can take care of yourself just fine. It's Annabelle I'm worried about." But Vaughn caught the lie in his friend's gaze.

They parted ways in the parking lot, Vaughn's mind on the note in his shorts from Annabelle, when a distinctive blue Chevy pulled into the space beside him.

His day went from promising to crap in seconds flat. He opened his car door anyway, intending to appear rushed and annoyed. Which he was, as his parents climbed out of their car.

"Hello, Mom. Dad." He propped his arm on the window and waited for them to come to him. He'd been dodging their calls and expecting this visit since the vandalism at the lodge hit the local news.

"Hello, Brandon." Estelle stepped forward Vaughn's father at her side, and an awkward silent followed.

"How'd you find me here?" Vaughn finally asked.

"According to most everyone in town, if you aren't home and you aren't at the lodge, you're on the field coaching misfits," Theodore said.

"I doubt those were anyone's words but yours. Vaughn muttered. "But the point is the same. Everyone in town knows where your son is except you."

"Brandon, Theodore, please, don't do this," Estelle said, interjecting between them. "We came have a pleasant conversation."

"Which we tried to do on the phone except you've been ignoring our calls," his father added.

Vaughn pinched his forehead between his fingers "I've been busy."

"Trying to get that godforsaken lodge up and running. We know." Theodore waved a hand dismissively. "Why coach here for nothing when you could have a prestigious job at the college?" his father asked.

Surprisingly his mother shot Theodore an annoyed look. Standing up for Vaughn? Doubtful.

"Brandon, the publicity surrounding this venture is all negative." His mother shook her head. "Your father and I only want what's best for us all. Take the coaching job and let this pie-in-the-sky dream go."

She reached out to touch his arm, but he stepped out of reach, the back of his legs hitting the inside of the car. "The lodge is my dream," he said through clenched teeth. "Just like pro football was my dream. But my dreams don't mean anything to either one of you. Only Dad's dreams do." He shook his head in frustration. "I'm not taking the damn coaching job and Dad can just tell the board that I said to shove it. You're both just going to have to deal with that."

"I told you this trip would be a waste of our time," Theodore said to Estelle.

She shot him a pleading glance and for the first time he saw a glimpse of a caring woman. Too bad the caring was all about them. And they excluded their only son.

He watched them walk back to their car and drive away.

Settled in his vehicle, he slammed a hand against the steering wheel, his parents disapproving faces in front of him. They never gave their support, he knew they never would and yet he wished for it anyway. Like a kid in a candy store, they reduced him to a needy state and he frigging hated how it made him feel.

He shifted in his seat and got stabbed in the gut.

He couldn't help but grin as he pulled Annabelle forgotten note out of his pants. He shook his head laughing, his mood immediately lightening. Leave| to Annabelle to come up with such a unique method of delivery.

He unfolded the paper and read her hastily written words. "Peace, quiet and space. Meet me at the lodge for all three and more. A.

Her timing was impeccable, he thought. She seemed to know what he needed even before he did. And tonight he needed her.


VAUGHN DIDN'T KNOW what Annabelle had planned for tonight but his adrenaline was pumping big-time anyway. He'd returned home, showered and now he was heading for the lodge. He walked out of his bedroom and found Yank waiting for him, suitcase in hand.

"You're leaving?" Vaughn asked, surprised.

The older man nodded. "I'm not getting any work done here and I can't keep avoiding Lola forever."

Vaughn chuckled. "If you want to try, you're welcome to stay here."

Yank's expression softened suddenly. "You're a good man and I've missed you," he said, taking Vaughn by surprise.

"I missed you, too, Pops."

Without warning, Yank pulled Vaughn into a bear hug, squeezing him tight. The gesture meant even more because, like Vaughn, the other man wasn't big on expressing emotion or his feelings.

"At least we've started making up for lost time," Vaughn said, stepping back. He eyed Yank careful wondering how far to push, then decided to go all the way. "You can't really get back time that's long gone Yank. Go home to Lola and make things right."

"When you're single too long you get set in your ways."

Vaughn snorted. "You've been set in your way since the day you were born. Lola knows everything about you and loves you anyway."

"You deserve someone like that," Yank said, pinning him with his blue-eyed stare.

"Yeah, in another lifetime maybe." Thoughts of Annabelle drifted through his mind. She was waiting for him, but she'd understand if he was held up giving advice to her uncle."Did I tell you I met your parents while I was in town getting coffee?" Yank asked.

Vaughn stiffened. Now that was one scenario he hadn't counted on. "How'd you know it was them?

"I was flirting with that pretty girl behind the counter and she laughed 'n said I reminded her of you only older. I said that's because you're my boy. Yank grinned, practically beaming at the notion.

Damned if a lump of appreciation and love didn't lodge in Vaughn's throat. He couldn't speak right now if his life depended on it.

But Yank had no such problem. "That's when I heard it. The snooty voice sayin’, I beg your problem? Brandon's our boy. I turned to see a woman dressed haughtier than Lola at her prissiest and a man in argyle. From your descriptions in the past, I knew they were your folks."

"And they actually claimed me?" Vaughn asked wryly,

Yank nodded. "Long enough to put me in my place and then once Joanne introduced us, to blast me for encouraging your interest in sports. Like you were a little kid they could mold in their image." Yank shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry they never came around."

Vaughn cleared his throat. "Me, too."

Before either man could say more, Vaughn's cell phone rang, interrupting them. Annabelle was right. There was always one interruption or another around here. No wonder she'd opted for privacy at the lodge. A place he was heading to now.

"Listen, Yank I'm late for an appointment."

"Hot date?" the other man asked.

Vaughn's gaze darted from his. "Sort of."

"Annie must be busy working, so tell her goodbye for me and I'll see her in New York for the party."

"Will do," Vaughn said, feeling somewhat guilty for not telling Yank the truth. But what could he say? I'm sleeping with your niece? With a shake of his head, he pushed his uneasiness away and grabbed Yank in a bear hug. "Take care," he said to the other man.

"You, too. See you in a few days."

Vaughn nodded and while Yank headed back to face his problems in New York, Vaughn took off for a promising evening with Annabelle.

AS ANNABELLE LOADED the animals into Vaughn's SUV for her trip back to New York, her heart pounded in her chest and regret filled her. She found it hard to leave Vaughn behind, especially with their night at the lodge so fresh in her mind. She'd intended to take him away from all the pressures in his life and bring him to the one place where he could be himself. Instead she'd found a place where she felt more herself as well. As they'd laughed, playing twenty questions about each other, she'd realized he already knew the answers. The man understood her insecurities and admired her strengths in a way no man had before.

They'd shared the dinner she'd brought along with a bottle of wine and watched the sun set beneath the tree they'd settled under. It was another perfect memory to add to the others. Which only cemented this separation as a dam good idea. She didn't need to get any more attached to the man than she already was.

Their time together had been intimate and special, leaving Annabelle with her needs sated, both physical and emotional. Oh yes, she thought. Distance was very necessary right now. Better she turn her attention to the family fun fest that awaited her. She'd promised her sisters she'd come a couple of days before the party to help with the last-minute details and to shop for something to wear.

"Tell me something," she said as she slammed the trunk of Vaughn's truck closed and tried to sound nonchalant.

Vaughn was lending her his vehicle. He planned to drive down with Nick and Mara the day of the party, so he wouldn't have to leave the lodge for too long a time.

"What?" he asked.

"If this party is something we throw every year, why does it seem to get more complicated and make me more nervous each time?"

He walked her around to the open driver's side door and paused, one hand on the window. "Maybe because this year you invited an extra couple of dozen people?" He brushed her hair off her face. "Which you didn't have to do but I appreciate anyway."

"I know. That's why I did it. For you."

He smiled that killer smile. Not the sinful grin that made her knees melt or the sensual twist to his lips he used on many people but which meant nothing. No, he smiled the one-hundred-percent genuine smile focused on her alone. The one that made her feel alive, special…and even loved. Yet he'd promised her everything but.


She blinked into the glare of the morning sun. The morning after she'd spent the night in Vaughn's bed, his arms wrapped tight around her, her animals surrounding her, and when all had been right with the world. Because she was in love.


Oh, no. She was obviously a complete idiot, she thought. Because she'd gone and done it again. She'd fallen in love when she'd sworn she would keep her heart under lock and key. And she'd fallen in love with Brandon Vaughn of all people, the egocentric, football jock who couldn't see beyond his own self-importance.

Hah. She wished those words were true. If only the description she'd thought pegged Vaughn was accurate, her heart wouldn't be in jeopardy right now.

"Are you okay? You spaced out on me for a minute."

She pasted a sunny smile on her face. "My mind's already on the trip and everything I have to do once I get to New York," she lied.