"Sheldon has killed a lot of people," Trey said, his voice hard. "He's dangerous. He could be dangerous to both of you and he could be dangerous to Teresa and her kids. Whether you believe it or not, I'm looking out for you and anyone else he might get it in his head to kill." He stared at Peter, then turned back to Wanda. "You don't have to call me. Just call the police if you see him or hear from him again."

He turned and went back out to the car, finding Marli sitting in stifling heat, the windows all rolled up, doors locked. Her face, drawn into tight lines, cleared as she saw him.

"So?" she asked the instant he got in.

He started the car and drove slowly away before he told her what had transpired. He was scoping out the neighboring houses, just looking for anything...anything at all.

It was almost seven o'clock. "We can find a place to stay here," he told Marli. "Or keep driving. We can be in Tucson before midnight."

"I don't want to stay here." She shivered. "I'm not getting a good vibe from this place. It's too small, and I feel too conspicuous."

"Fine." Trey had no problem with that whatsoever. "We need gas and food. Once we get away from Brawley, we'll find somewhere to stop, then we'll head for Tucson and spend the night there."

Chapter 16

They drove through the dark for hours. Marli convinced Trey to pull over so they could trade places and she drove for a while. She thought he might doze off like she had earlier, but he stayed alert and tense the whole time.

"Why did you become a cop?"

"My dad's a cop," he reminded her. "I just always wanted to do that. The criminal mind always fascinated me. I wanted to get inside their heads and figure out why they did the things they did. The satisfaction of catching a criminal, prosecuting him, seeing him convicted is amazing. It's exhilarating."

"You love it, don't you?"

"I guess. Yeah. I'm pretty committed."

She shot him an amused glance. "I'm guessing that's an understatement. You're so intense, you probably don't even have a life outside of work, do you?"

He looked uncomfortable. "Maybe."

"Do you have a life outside of work?"

"I don't have much of a life, period," he said quietly. "Not right now."

The curiosity and desire to know what was making him tick burned fiercely inside her. He was so closed off to her, so tightly wound she was afraid at some point he was going to explode.

"You're very...moral, aren't you?"

"What does that mean?" he asked. "Of course I have morals."

"I mean, you want to do the right thing. I don't know what you did that you consider so heinous, but you don't like to make mistakes, do you?"

"Nobody likes to make mistakes."

"True. But I think it bothers you alot."

"Yeah." His voice was low.

"And you have pretty high expectations of other people, too, don't you?"

He was silent, staring out the window at the passing scenery. What was he thinking about? She didn't bother asking him, like he'd asked her earlier, because she knew he wouldn't answer.

He was thinking he'd like to change the subject.

"How about you," he said. "Why photography?"

She considered that. "It's always been something I loved. Capturing images... I can't paint or draw, but I have this need to capture beautiful things, for other people to see. My work isn't important, but it's a way for me to do what I love and actually earn a living. The stuff I do for myself is more creative, I guess. But I also love the technical part of it, the science of it, getting the light right, the exposure, knowing how to translate the image from real life into a photograph that captures it for eternity, does it justice. Does that make sense?"

He nodded. "I think so. You must be good at it."

She shrugged. "I do okay." She glanced at him. "I'd like to photograph you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Your face is so interesting...complex. All those shadows and secrets. But when you smile, you light up like the sun coming out from behind a dark cloud. It's almost breathtaking."

Whoa. Was she talking about him? Clearly, this was a woman who saw things others didn't.

"We're both so lucky," she said musingly.

"Why's that?"

"We both get to earn our living doing something we love."

Lucky. Huh. He hadn't felt lucky for a helluva long time.

When they neared Tucson, they found a decent-looking motel with a vacancy sign.

Inside the quiet, dark motel room, Trey dumped their bags on the floor in the corner. He turned and looked at Marli. She was stretching, arms over her head, her body arched, head back, tits thrust out. Her tank top rode up and revealed her flat belly and the flash of her diamond piercing. Oh, man.

She'd gotten inside his head, somehow, inserted herself in there, and somehow she knew stuff about him he wasn't sure he knew about himself. It was kind of freaking him out. Preferring to deal with the physical rather than the emotional, he went over to her and yanked her against him, roughly, pressing his hard cock into her softness, and kissing her with a bruising, demanding kiss.

A startled sound escaped her, and her hands came up to clutch his shoulders to regain her balance, but then she was kissing him back, just as demanding, winding her arms around him, arching into him. The hunger simmering in him boiled over, and he ground his mouth into her, tongue thrusting inside, taking her with hot urgency.

She had him throbbing everywhere, hot, jolting desire shooting through him. The edginess and tension that had gripped him all day, the pent-up need and adrenaline that had built up in him while he was forced to sit in the confines of the goddamn car all day, rose up in him. His heart was pounding, his ears roared, he had to have her.

His body clenched, craving Marli and the release she could give him. His hands gripped her ass and lifted her against him, and he ground his pelvis into her, hard and horny.

"Trey!" she gasped against his mouth. "Take it easy."

"I can't," he muttered, nipping at her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. "I can't. I'm burning up. Christ, I need you, Marli." He fisted his hands in her hair, yanked her head back and kissed her again, ruthlessly taking her mouth, parting her lips wider.

She gave a small whimper, but she didn't retreat. She clung to him, pressed herself into him as if she couldn't get close enough, one long leg wrapping around his calf. He reached down and grabbed that leg, lifted her thigh over his hip, thus giving him better access to the softness between her legs, and he thrust himself there, his dick so hard he thought he might burst.

"Now," he bit out. "I need to fuck you. Rightnow."

He flicked open the button of his jeans, then let go of her to lower his zipper, thrusting his pants and boxers down past his hips. His cock sprang free, hard, red, throbbing. Then he had Marli's jeans open, too, and pushed them down to her knees. She kicked them off just as he grabbed her ass again and lifted her against him, taking two steps and slamming her against the wall.

She gave a soft gasp, and he covered her mouth with his again as her legs wrapped around him. She folded her arms around him and held on, and he inserted a hand between them to find his cock and shove it into her.

"Trey!" She wrestled her mouth away from his. "We need a condom."

Shit. He paused, gasping for breath, eyes closed. "Yeah. Okay, yeah." He searched his memory and, with immense relief, recalled putting a condom in his pocket. He shoved a hand into his jeans, hanging just off his hips, and pulled it out triumphantly. He handed it to her and, behind his neck, she ripped it open and dropped the wrapper. Between them, they managed to get it on him without Marli falling to the floor, and then he was in her again, hot and hard, thrusting in and up, powerful, fiercely pounding into her.

Her head thunked against the wall as he drove into her, her eyes closed, mouth open. He pressed his face into the side of her neck, gave her a hot, wet love bite there, then inhaled. Then his climax crashed over him and he exploded in her, his hips jerking between her softer ones, and she cried out, her fingers digging into his shoulders in a pain that was strangely satisfying.

His body slowed and then stilled, pressing her against the wall, as he dragged air into his lungs.

"Jesus, Trey." She moaned. "You are so over the top."

He took one more breath in, then lifted his head. "Did I hurt you?"

She rolled her head back and forth against the wall. "No. Yes. I don't know. I've never been fucked up against a wall before."

Her words turned him on all over again and made him shudder. "You didn't come," he said tightly. "I'm sorry."

"I think you know what to do."

She never ceased to amaze him with her honest forthrightness. He couldn't help but smile, his face hot and tight.

"Yeah," he said. "I know what to do." Holding her luscious ass cheeks, he stepped away from the wall. His pants almost tripped him up, but luckily the motel room wasn't big and it was only a few steps to the bed. He tossed her down and she bounced on the mattress with a little squeal. He kicked off his jeans, ripped his shirt off over his head and knelt between her legs.

"I've been dying to taste you again." He parted her thighs, this time with more gentleness, but still with focused intensity.

She shivered and fisted her hands in the bedspread. He leaned in for a taste, a long, luxurious lick, a suckle, a nip. She writhed beneath him, drenched and swollen with her arousal, thighs quivering. The scent of her filled his head--warm woman, her taste like melting honey on his tongue.

He ate at her with insatiable hunger, using his lips and tongue to torment her, bring her up. She arched into his mouth, cried out and went over the edge, vibrating in ecstasy.

He lifted his mouth from her pussy and sat up, wiping his chin.

"There," he said with satisfaction, taking note of the dazed look of pleasure on her face. "That should take the edge off. Now we can take our time."

"You can't possibly--"

He tossed the used condom somewhere toward the waste basket across the room and slid up beside her on the bed.

"Let's get under the covers." He tugged back one corner of the bedspread. Marli rolled away from him, lifted herself up, then rolled back under. She was still wearing her T-shirt and bra, and he carefully pushed the shirt up, then lifted it over her head, deftly snapped open the closure of her bra and tugged it off her, revealing her perfect breasts. They were exactly how he liked breasts--full, round, with high nipples. He leaned down and took one in his mouth, sucking gently on it, wringing a low moan from her.

He wanted to hold her for a few minutes before he made love to her again. He pulled her against him, loving the way she fit herself to his body. Their legs twined together in an instinctive dance. They stayed like that for a while. He could feel her heartbeat, her every breath, like it was his own.

A vague feeling of uneasiness stirred in him. The emotions he'd been repressing earlier were teasing his consciousness: a feeling of tenderness for this woman, a feeling of connection, a faint, growing buzz of vitality.

He closed his eyes and pressed closer to her.

Chapter 17

They might have slept. The lamp glowing in the corner provided the only light, and Marli found Trey's broad wrist and turned it so she could see his watch. It was nearly two in the morning, but time had basically stood still since they'd entered that room.

He taken her so fast and hard her head had spun. Was still spinning. But she'd loved it, loved every rough, hard thrust of his body, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. She'd likely be bruised and sore tomorrow, but she couldn't care less. She loved that she could provoke such strong emotions in him, this man who was so tightly controlled and self-contained. It was in him. She didn't know exactly what "it" was, could only hope, but she knew he had some feelings for her.

She snuggled closer against him, his body radiating heat and energy. His hair-roughened legs were tangled up with hers, and she slid one leg up and down, rubbing him. He stirred against her, his thick penis twitching, and she ran her hands down his smooth back.