The surge of arousal the image caused was painful.

"No really I'm fine." Sam insisted. There was NO way she could let Riley

examine her. She knew she'd never be able to control herself. She reminded

herself this was all new to Riley. She needed to make sure she was serious

about being involved with her. She knew how she was feeling about the little

doctor and knew that if they made love there would be no turning back. Sam's

little voice chose that moment to speak up. Yeah sure like it isn't way too late

already! Shut up, Sam told the voice.

Riley wasn't convinced she was fine but knew that stubborn look on Sam's face.

Riley stepped back into Sam's arms and gently wrapped her arms around her

waist. She looked up at Sam her expression soft and inviting.

"When can I see you again?" Riley asked.

It took all of Sam's willpower not to accept the invitation on Riley's face and kiss

her senseless. She cleared her throat before answering.

"Tomorrow's Sunday, are you working?"

"Nope!" Riley smiled. "I have the whole day off. Not even on call."

"Could I interest you in a baseball game? The team I usually play for has their

last game of the season tomorrow. I can't play but I want to go out and support

them. After the game we could go out for dinner."

Riley grinned happily she hadn't been to a baseball game since she was a kid.

"Sure I'd love to go. What time should I meet you?"

"Why don't you come to my place about noon? We can go from there." Sam told

Riley where she lived. "Do you know where that is?"

"Yes I'm familiar with that area it's near where I grew up!"

Sam couldn't resist any longer she leaned down and gently kissed Riley. She

pulled back before things could get out of hand again.

"I'll see you tomorrow at noon then. Sleep well." She reluctantly pulled away and stepped way from Riley.

"Good night Sam. Thank you for a wonderful evening."

"My pleasure," Sam responded before turning and slowly walking away.

Riley stood in the doorway watching until she couldn't see Sam any longer. She

leaned back against her front door her body still thrumming with arousal. She

played back in her mind the feel of Sam pressing her against the door her leg

pressing between her thighs. I would've let her take me right here. She admitted

to herself shaking her head in disbelief. That woman is dangerous. Riley

chuckled to herself realizing surprisingly she wasn't the least bit upset with what

had happened. She turned and made her way into the condo a big smile on her


Chapter Seven

"Oh... OH Riley!" Sam's back arched as she climaxed. Her eyes slowly blinked

opened as her body slipped back to the bed. She was sweating and panting for

breath. "What the HELL just happened?" she muttered. She could still feel the

aftershocks rippling through her. Sam looked around her bedroom half expecting

Riley to be there. She shook her head in amazement. She'd had erotic dreams

before but never remembered actually physically climaxing from one. Riley what

are you doing to me?

Sam got up on still slightly shaky legs and headed for the shower. As she stood

with the hot water running down her back her mind drifted back to the dream.

Hardly aware of what she was doing her hands began to mimic Riley's in the

dream as she became lost the memories. She quickly climaxed again. Damn, if

she makes me this crazy and she's not even here I'm a dead woman if we ever

actually make love. Sam groaned just thinking about it. Resting her back against

the shower wall, she stood trying to convince her shaking legs to hold her up.

She quickly finished her shower before she could become distracted again.

Sam glanced at the clock on her bedside table as she slipped on some grungy

clothes. Damn it, how did it get so late? Her mind helpfully provided images of

just why she was running late. She quickly pushed the erotic images

aside. None of that, she told her libido. I need to get this place cleaned up before Riley gets here.

She hurried around as quickly as she could on her injured leg picking up clothes,

dusting tables, etc. The phone ringing interrupted her, her first thought

was, Riley's canceling.


"Hi Sis how's it going? How are your therapy sessions?"

"Hey Jess. Therapy's going good; I should be seeing the department doctor to

clear me for light duty in just a couple more weeks."

"That's great Sam; I know you're anxious to get back to work but no need to

push it before you're ready." Jess counseled. "So how did the date go last


Sam told Jess all about her date with Riley and what she'd learned about her.

She tried to downplay her reaction to Riley's condo.

Jess had originally liked Riley and encouraged Sam to pursue her. Now after

seeing how badly she'd treated Sam, Jess was suspicious of her motives and

her sisterly protectiveness made an appearance. She'd been concerned when

Sam told her she was going out with Riley but Kim had assured her this was

something Sam needed to work out on her own. Jess listened to the whole story

before commenting.

"You need to be careful of this woman Sam. This is new for her and you don't

want to end up being an experiment."

"Weren't you the one who said 'If she's the one do whatever you have to do, it's

worth it'?"

"Yeah Sam I was but this woman has already hurt you. I'm just saying be

cautious don't jump into anything. Talk to Riley."

"I will Jess. I have to go. She should be here any minute and I still need to

change my clothes."

Just as Sam finished speaking, the doorbell rang. She walked over with the

portable phone and looked out the peephole.

"OH SHIT! She's here. I have to go Jess. I'll call you back later." With that she hung up on her sister.

Sam looked down at her clothes and grimaced. She'd planned on changing

before Riley arrived. She was wearing a ratty old tee shirt with sweats that had

the knees worn out of them and barefoot. Well no help for it now.

Riley was getting a little nervous. Sam hadn't answered the door. She already

had a major case of nerves before she arrived. How should I greet her after

making out with her on my doorstep? Should I kiss her hello? Give her a

hug? Before she could come to any decision, the door opened.

Sam couldn't help staring at the vision before her. Riley was dressed in khaki

walking shorts and a tight deep green top. It hugged her curves and full breasts

providing Sam more of a view of her body than she's had before. She knew just

how soft those breasts really were and fought the urge to sweep Riley into her

arms. She gulped before speaking trying not to drool on Riley.

"Hey come on in. Sorry I'm not ready yet." She looked down at her bare feet

blushing lightly in embarrassment. "I got held up on the phone talking to Jess."

"Hi Sam." Riley greeted. When Sam didn't offer a hug Riley hesitated to initiate

one on her own. "How are Jess and Kim doing?" She asked instead.

"They're great though they're up to something with my brother Frank. I still

haven't figured out what yet but they are definitely up to something."

Riley laughed lightly. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, you're a cop after all."

Sam laughed escorting Riley into the living room. She didn't want to hug Riley

while she was wearing dirty clothes. "Have a seat. I'll be ready as quick as I


Riley took a seat on the over stuffed couch sinking into the comfortable

cushions. She ran her hand over the crushed velvet material. She looked around

the room with interest. The room was warm and inviting with a comfortable lived

in look. There were magazines spread across the coffee table, a pair of cross

trainers in front of the loveseat and Sam's cane propped in the corner between

the loveseat and the couch. She glanced over to the end table between the

couches and noticed several photographs. There was a photograph of Kim and

Jess at what appeared to be a commitment ceremony if Kim's bouquet and

Jess's tux were any indication. Also in the group was a wedding picture of Cheryl

and Frank and an older couple, which Riley assumed were Sam's parents. The

man in the picture had the same dark hair and chiseled features of his children,

the woman had blond hair and striking blue eyes. The final picture was of Jess,

Sam, and Frank together that appeared to have been taken on a camping trip.

She marveled again at just how much the three siblings looked alike. She felt a

small stab of envy at the life Sam must've had growing up with her sister and

brother. Riley couldn't help comparing Sam's apartment to her stark condo.

She'd allowed her aunt to furnish the condo as she'd been too busy at the

hospital or so she'd told herself at the time. It's amazing how comfortable I feel


Riley glanced down the hall when she heard Sam approaching. Sam was

dressed in a dark blue tank top and faded jeans. Riley couldn't help but admire

the broad shoulders and well-muscled biceps displayed by the tank top.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked. She was well aware of Riley's eyes on her body.

Riley didn't speak as she walked over to stand directly in front of Sam. She

reached up and ran her fingers lightly over the faint yellow bruises and thin scar

caused by the bullet on Sam's shoulder. Sam shivered at the touch.

"How is this? Having any problems?" Riley asked softly as she continued to

stroke her shoulder.

Sam had some trouble making her voice work. All the blood from her brain

seemed to have pooled further south as Riley continued to caress her shoulder.

Finally, she managed with a slight stutter. "It's good. No problem."

They stared at each other standing close together but not touching. Sam wasn't

able to resist the invitation she read in Riley's eyes. She leaned down and

kissed her softly then pulled her into a hug.

"Hi, I'm so glad you could make it today." Sam told Riley when the kiss ended.

Riley looked a little confused. "I've wanted to do that since you walked in the

door." Sam told her.

Riley chuckled softly. "Thanks for inviting me."

She put her hand behind Sam's neck and pulled her into another kiss. This one

escalated quickly when Riley swept her tongue into Sam's mouth. Sam

reluctantly pulled away before things could get out of control. She'd never been

with someone she could lose herself in as quickly as she did with Riley. It was

kind of scary and Jess's warning was rattling around in her head. She knew they

needed to talk; she had lots of questions but now was not the time. Riley

groaned in protest when Sam pulled away. She rested her head on Sam's chest

breathing heavily.

"We better get going if we want to get good seats at the game."

They headed for the door but Riley stopped before they could exit. She went

back into the living room and picked up Sam's cane. When she attempted to

hand it to Sam, she protested.

"I don't need it; we'll be mostly sitting down."

Riley offered the cane to Sam again. "I know we'll be sitting down but there's the

walk from here to the parking lot and from the parking lot at the ball field to the

bleachers and back again. I saw you limping earlier, use the cane."

Sam shook her head no, a stubborn look on her face.

"Doctor's orders." Riley insisted.

"You're not my doctor anymore." Sam said smirking as she turned to head out

the door.