
Riley woke feeling disoriented. She was hot and reached down to push the

covers off. Even uncovered she was still hot, the bed itself seemed to be

radiating heat. That's when she realized her pillow was moving. She forced her

eyes open and found a tee shirt covered breast directly in front of her face. Her

eyes widened in surprise and her head jerked up; seeing Sam's sleeping face

the events of the evening came rushing back. Riley laid her head back down on

Sam's chest. It was still dusky in the bedroom; she looked over at the clock on

the nightstand and saw it was not quite 5am. She'd obviously moved during the

night. She remembered starting out with her head on Sam's shoulder and

pressed against her side. Now her head and upper body was resting on Sam's

chest and belly and her thigh was bent and resting across Sam's legs. The body

under her felt like an electric blanket. Boy she'll be handy to have around in the

winter. Her eyes went back to the breast in front of her. Unable to resist she

brought her hand up and brushed across the soft mound. Getting no response,

she did it again with just a little more pressure. Continuing to gently stroke and

then knead Sam's breast she grinned when the nipple started to harden and

Sam moaned in her sleep. Feeling braver, she slipped her hand under Sam's

shirt that had conveniently slid up during the night exposing her belly. When her

hand closed over her bare breast and squeezed Sam's body jumped and her

breathing changed. Riley knew she was awake. She continued to fondle her

breast and when the nipple hardened further rolled it between her fingers.

"What are you doing Riley?" Sam groaned.

Riley moved until she was fully on top of Sam straddling her hips before meeting

her eyes. She slid both hands under her shirt and kneaded her breasts. Sam's

hips bucked up.

"What's it look like I'm doing." She asked leaning down to gently kiss Sam's lips and being careful of her own split lip.

Sam had wanted this woman for weeks and she was rapidly loosing the battle

against her raging libido. She knew after all Riley had been through she was

very vulnerable and it probably wasn't a good idea to become intimate right now.

She was having a tough time convincing her libido of that.

"This is so not a good idea." Sam gasped when Riley rolled both nipples

between her fingers."

"Really, I think it's a great idea." Riley informed Sam as she pushed her shirt up and replaced her fingers with her lips gently sucking one of Sam's nipples into

her mouth.

"Oh God!" Sam moaned. Every tug of Riley mouth on her nipple sent an

answering throb between her legs. She gripped the sheets tightly. "We have to

stop Riley... We should wait... We need to talk... Sam panted.

Riley released Sam's nipple and moved up to whisper in her ear. Her hands

continued to caress her body. "I'm done talking... I don't want to wait and if you

really want me to stop you better say so fast 'cause I'm not stopping." Riley

whispered huskily in her ear. Her hot breath in Sam's ear was driving her closer

to the edge. Her hand slid down Sam's belly and into her boxers. Sam's legs

spread open without her permission granting access. Riley groaned as her

fingers slid into the wet hot folds. Her hips jerked in response. She tried to push

her own arousal aside wanting to pleasure Sam.

Sam's back arched as Riley stroked her determinately. When Riley moved back

down to take one of her nipples into her mouth Sam knew she wasn't going to

last much longer.

"Riley...please...I'm going to come." Sam didn't know if she was begging for it to happen or pleading for her to stop.

Sam's husky desire laden voice almost pushed Riley over the edge. She

straddled Sam's thigh then thrust her fingers inside her. Sam screamed out

Riley's name and came hard with the first thrust of her fingers. Riley kept her

fingers buried deep inside Sam riding out her climax as she continued to thrust

against her thigh. Only seconds later Riley stiffened and cried out as her climax

rushed through her body. She slumped against Sam's chest her fingers still

inside her. Both women lay panting trying to regain their composure. Riley

moved first gently removing her fingers from inside Sam. Sam groaned loudly as

she pulled out.

Riley lifted up meeting Sam's bright eyes. "I... I lo..." Sam just couldn't get the words out. Riley didn't need to hear the words she could see the love

shimmering in Sam's vivid blue eyes. She leaned forward kissing her softly. "I do

too," she told her. Tears started to track down Sam's cheeks.

"What's the matter Honey?" Riley asked gently. "That's not a bad thing is it?"

Sam swallowed several times before answering. "No Babe, it's not a bad thing. I

just... I just never thought it would happen to me."

Riley hugged Sam as tight at she could in response. "Me either Honey... me


The women lay together each one glowing in the revelation of the other. They

finally drifted back to sleep.


Riley was the first to awaken again. This time when she opened her eyes she

found a naked breast inches from her face. Glancing at the clock she saw it was

just after 9am. A grin spread across her face as she remembered what had

happened earlier. Her hand stroked down Sam's side stopping when she got to

her boxers. She looked down seeming to notice for the first time that Sam still

had her boxers and tee shirt on and she was still completely dressed as well.

She couldn't help it, it just struck her as funny and she started to laugh. Her

laughter woke up Sam. She looked down at the redhead resting on her chest

and kissed the crown of her head. Riley lifted her head up still chucking.

"You find my body that funny." Sam asked.

"Oh Honey, I find your body lots of things, funny isn't one of them." Riley assured Sam leaning over to kiss her breast. "I was just laughing cause I realized we

were both still dressed.

Riley snickered at Sam's confused look. "I always knew when we finally made

love for the first time we wouldn't manage to get our clothes off and I was right."

Sam laughed. "I guess someone did get a little carried away," Sam teased. "But that can be remedied."

Riley gasped finding herself suddenly on her back under Sam. Her heart rate

picked up and her breath hitched at the burning passion in Sam's eyes. Sam

lifted up enough to grasp the bottom of Riley's tee shirt hesitating until Riley

eagerly nodded her head. Riley helped her pull the shirt over her head.

"Beautiful." Sam breathed. She leaned down to gently kiss an exposed breast.

Riley groaned at the soft kiss. Sam's hand slid down to her boxers. "I want to

see all of you...please." Again, she just nodded. Sam sat up and knelt next to

Riley. She gently lowered her boxers down her legs and off. Her hands were

shaking and she was trembling with excitement.

Her eyes traced Riley's body from her firm full breasts down to her slim waist.

Her gaze traveled further down to the red triangle of hair at the top of

surprisingly sculptured thighs. "You are absolutely gorgeous," Sam said huskily.

Riley felt her heart slam in her chest at the look on Sam's face. She was afraid

she'd come as soon as Sam touched her.

"I want to see you too." She begged.

Sam pulled her shirt over her head then lifted up and removed her boxers.

Although Riley had seen Sam in various states of undress before nothing

prepared her for Sam in all her glory. She was magnificent. Her broad shoulders

were well muscled, her breasts small and beautifully shaped. Her stomach was

rock hard. Her eyes continued downward to the thick patch of black hair

between her legs. She licked her lips unconsciously. Her eyes landed on the

scars on her thigh. She gently reached out and traced the scars with her fingers.

Sam shivered at the touch. Opening her arms to Sam, she urged her back down

on top of her. She spread her legs encouraging Sam to take her place between

them. They both moaned as their bare bodies made full contact for the first time.

Sam's hard belly pressed into Riley's center and she couldn't stop her hips from

pushing up into her. Sam used her arms to support most of her weight not

wanting to crush the much smaller woman.

"Oh god you feel so incredible." Sam groaned leaning down to kiss Riley gently.

She slipped down slightly kissing her neck and upper chest. Riley pushed on

Sam's shoulders urging her lower. Sam was more than happy to comply. She

was finally going to get to taste the breasts that had been taunting her for weeks.

She laved her tongue over the already hard bud before gently sucking it into her

mouth. Riley's hands came up tangling in Sam's hair holding her in place. Sam

brought her hand up to knead the other breast. She could feel Riley's wetness

painting her abdomen as her hips rocked rhythmically against her. She lifted

enough to give herself access and releasing her hold on her breast used that

hand to slip down between their bodies. A shrill beeping sound caused her to

jump before she could reach her goal. She released Riley's nipple to look

around for the source of the sound. Her eyes landed on Riley's pager on the

bedside table.

"NO!" She growled. "This can't be happening." Determined to ignore it she went back to Riley's breast. The shrill beep sounded again.

Riley was so lost in the haze of passion it took her several moments to realize

what was happening. When the pager shrilled the second time, she cursed

pulling away from Sam.

"Damn it. NO! Not now." Knowing she couldn't ignore it, she reached over and

picked up the pager. They wouldn't be calling her to come in early if it wasn't

something serious.

Sam rolled off of Riley and laid on her back trying to get control of herself. She

couldn't remember ever being so aroused and the beeping of the pager had

done nothing to curb that.

Riley glanced at the display. It was the ER's number. Sparing a quick pained

glance at Sam, she picked up the phone and started to dial.

Sam listened to the one sided conversation. It was obvious she was going to

have to leave. I can't believe she's just going to leave. This being involved with a

surgeon really sucks, Sam whined to herself.

Riley hung up the phone and turned to Sam. She had her arm thrown across her

face. Riley reached out a hand to gently stroke Sam's belly. Sam jumped at the

touch and pulled way.

Riley's breath caught at the pain of Sam refusing her touch. Her shoulders

slumped and she removed her hand. "I'm so sorry. That was Denny. There was

a major construction accident downtown. They're sending us several of the

critically injured as soon as they have them extricated. I have to go. Please Sam

I'm really sorry," Riley pleaded contritely.

Sam realized she was being childish. There were people seriously hurt and Riley

was needed at the hospital. She removed her arm and looked at Riley. She

couldn't help the surge of renewed arousal the nude woman caused. Riley was

looking intently at the bed with her shoulders slumped in dejection.

"How soon do you have to be there?" She asked pushing aside her arousal and


"They expect the first arrivals within thirty minutes so I have to go right now."

Riley said, still looking down at the bed refusing to make eye contact with Sam.

Sam felt bad realizing she'd hurt Riley by pulling away from her touch. She

reached out and gently ran her hand up her thigh. Riley's head came up meeting

her eyes. "Grab a quick shower, you reek of sex." She told her wiggling her