down in front of the ER waiting for Sam to arrive. She'd managed to change her

schedule and had both today and tomorrow off with no call. Riley was anxious to

start her weekend with Sam. She turned as the ER doors opened and blanched

when Denny strolled out. She caught a glimpse of Sam's car out of the corner of

her eye.

"Bye Denny, see you." Riley said trying to escape.

"Whoa... where are you going in such a rush?" He asked putting a restraining

hand on her arm. A grin broke out on his face when he figured it out. "Sam's on

her way to pick you up isn't she?" He asked rubbing his hands together in


Riley stopped in her tracks and groaned. "Come on Denny, you promised."

Denny wiggled his eyebrows at Riley and smirked. Riley's eyes widened when

she saw Sam approaching from behind Denny. Sam had seen the man talking to

Riley, when he'd put his hand on her arm; her protective instincts had kicked it.

She'd quickly parked the car and headed for Riley.

Sam walked past Denny and stood at Riley's side. "Everything okay? Ready to

go?" She asked.

WOW! Denny thought to himself. Oh, man... she's gorgeous... Riley you sure

know how to pick 'em. Denny couldn't help but let his eyes admire the tall

woman's dark good looks and beautiful body.

Riley glared at Denny, she didn't like the way he was staring at Sam. Knowing

there was no way out, she made the introductions. "Sam this is my friend Denny.

Denny this is my friend Sam."

Sam smiled in relief that this was a friend of Riley's and not someone harassing

her. She stuck out her hand to Denny.

"Hi nice to meet you."

'Nice to meet you too Sam, Riley has told me all about you."

"Denny!" Riley hissed.

A little half smirk appeared on her face as she turned to face Riley. "Really? All

about me huh?" she purred in a husky voice.

Riley's face flushed bright red and she glared at Denny. Denny was having his

own problems as his body reacted to Sam's sexy voice. Oh, Riley I bet you have

your hands full with this one, he chuckled to himself, thankful he was wearing a

lab coat. He couldn't wait to get a chance to tease Riley.

Sam relented when she saw Riley's expression. She reached out and put a

hand on Riley's shoulder squeezing gently.

"We should get going." She told her. "Nice to meet you Denny."

"You too Sam, maybe you and Riley could stop by the house sometime. I grill a

mean steak. I know my wife would love to meet you too. How about this


Sam looked at Riley to see her reaction. She had a panicked look on her

face. Hmm...I wonder what that's all about. I'll have to ask her about

that. Wanting to let a panicked Riley off the hook Sam turned to Denny.

"Well between mine and Riley's schedule it's hard to find time for much. I'll have

to take a rain check."

Denny looked disappointed and Riley appeared relieved.

Riley saw Denny's disappointed look and felt bad. "Not this weekend, okay

Denny. But I promise we'll come by the house to see Carol and Jeremy."

Denny remembered how new everything was for Riley and decided not to push.

"OK Kiddo, I'll hold you to that."

Denny said his goodbyes and headed back to the ER.


Sam smiled over at Riley, she'd fallen asleep about halfway to the condo. Sam

gently shook her shoulder.

"Come on Babe, we're here."

Riley grumbled and her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Sorry about that." She

muttered in embarrassment. She scrubbed her hands over her face trying to

wake up. She didn't intend to spend her day off sleeping. "Just let me get a

couple of cups of coffee in me and I'll be fine."

Sam reached out and softly stroked Riley's cheek. Riley leaned into her touch.

"Don't worry about it. Did you get any sleep last night?"

Riley thought of the hour she'd spent tossing and turning in the on-call room.

"Not much." She admitted.

"I shouldn't even bother to ask if you've eaten huh?"

Riley shook her head no.

"Come on. I bought breakfast stuff when I went to the grocery store."


Riley used the last bite of pancake to chase the last bit of syrup on her plate.

Sam had insisted on making breakfast while she relaxed with a cup of coffee in

the breakfast nook. Riley patted her full stomach and yawned widely.

"That was really great Sam. I think I need some more coffee." She said as she

yawned again. She glanced over at Sam. She had that little half smirk on her

face that Riley had quickly learned meant she was up to something. "What?"

Sam laughed and poured her another cup of coffee. "Go ahead and drink it but it

won't do you any good... it's decaf."

Riley looked down at her cup suspiciously. Sam laughed at her expression. She

put her fingers on Riley's lips before she could protest.

"You've worked 16 hour days all week; you need to get some rest."

"But I have the day off. I want to spend it with you, not sleeping." Riley whined.

"We will but I couldn't enjoy myself knowing you were exhausted. Just take a

nap then I promise we'll spend the rest of the day together. It's still early." Sam

assured her.

"Okay but only if you take a nap with me." Riley bargained.

Sam started to protest but her own yawn caught her by surprise. They made

their way together up to Riley's bedroom.


Riley's eyes slowly fluttered open. She glanced at the clock on the night side

table. It was just after 3pm. She cursed when she realized they'd been asleep

almost six hours. She gazed at Sam's sleeping face then allowed her eyes to

drift down her body. The shirt Sam was wearing pulled tight across her chest

accentuating her breasts. Riley felt a sudden jolt of arousal and all sleepiness

was gone. She cautiously pushed up Sam's shirt not wanting to wake her. Her

eyes roamed over her exposed breasts and she felt a throbbing begin between

her legs as she watched Sam's nipples harden in the cool bedroom air. Carefully

lifting up she laved one of the tightening buds with her tongue before sucking it

into her mouth. Sam moaned in her sleep but didn't awaken. Riley's arousal

soared. She couldn't get enough of Sam. She switched breasts sucking the

other nipple into her mouth while softly kneading its partner. She was amazed

Sam hadn't awoken yet. Her libido kicked into overdrive as she continued to

suckle Sam's now rock hard nipples. Her hand slid down Sam's abdomen and

into her boxers. She lightly ran her fingers through her thick hair, scratching

softly. Riley grinned when Sam's legs spread open. She glanced up, checking to

see if she was still asleep. Unable to resist any longer her fingers slipped lower.

Sam was so wet Riley couldn't hold back a moan at the feel of her under her


Sam was in limbo between waking and sleep. She thought she was having a

very vivid erotic dream. Her eyes slowly opened and then widened in shock.

Riley was straddling her thigh and her fingers were stroking between her legs as

she suckled her nipple. Sam groaned loudly and Riley felt a sudden flood soak

her fingers. She lifted passion-filled eyes to Sam. Their gazes locked. Riley

leaned up and kissed Sam passionately as her fingers slipped inside. Sam's

back arched and she moaned into the kiss. Riley broke the kiss and went back

to Sam's nipple as she began to thrust in and out of her.

"Oh God Riley..." Sam gasped. She could feel herself nearing the edge. Sam

raised her knee pushing her thigh harder into Riley's center. Her hands came up

and clasped Riley's hips urging her to thrust against her. Riley immediately

began to ride against Sam's thigh as she continued to plunge in and out of her.

Riley felt Sam's walls flutter around her fingers. She ground down into her thigh

and thrust her fingers into Sam as deep as they would go. They cried out each

other's names as they climaxed together. Riley collapsed on top of Sam. Sam

wrapped her arms tightly around Riley holding her close.

As soon as Sam regained her breath, she rolled over taking Riley with her. Riley

gasped at the renewed passion burning in Sam's eyes. Sam pressed the length

of their bodies together.

"My turn." She growled.

Riley's passion quickly rekindled from the look in Sam's eyes. Sam lifted up and

removed her tee shirt and boxers before doing the same to Riley. As she

lowered her weight back down onto Riley, she stopped glaring at something on

Riley's night side table. Riley followed Sam's gaze to see what had caused her

ire. Riley couldn't help laughing when she realized Sam was glaring at her

pager. Riley reached over, picked up the offending object, and made a show of

shutting it off before tossing it to the floor. She wiggled out from under Sam and

getting on her knee's leaned over and unplugged the phone.

"I'm all yours." She said teasingly as she turned back to face Sam. Riley gulped

when Sam's eyes met hers. They had turned an incredible silvery blue and she

could see the fire burning in them. Sam rose up onto her knees and held out her

hand to Riley. She drew her into her arms and pressed their bodies together.

"Yes you are." Sam husked in her ear.

Riley felt an incredible surge of arousal and could feel her juices coating the

insides of her thighs. Sam ran her hands down Riley back to her butt. She took

the two globes in her hands and began to knead them as she kissed Riley

passionately. Her tongue explored every inch of Riley's mouth. Riley had never

been so aroused in her life. Her hips began to press against Sam urgently. Riley

whimpered when Sam pulled away.

"Easy Babe, I'll take care of you." Sam promised in a husky voice.

Sam lowered Riley to the bed and crouched over her. She kissed her deeply as

her hands began to caress her. Riley was frantic, the throbbing between her legs

was making her crazy. She put her hands on Sam's shoulders urging her lower.

Sam slid down to Riley's breasts and stopped. Riley tried to push her lower but

Sam refused. She placed open mouth kisses all over Riley's neck and chest

before finally making her way to her breast. As her mouth worshipped one

breast, her hand attended its twin. Riley's hips jerked and her back arched when

Sam finally took a nipple into her mouth sucking it deep.

"Please Sam... Please. Touch me." She begged.

Her hands went to Sam's shoulders and she tried again to push her lower. Her

hips thrust up trying to ease the ache between her legs. Sam seeing Riley's

frenzied movements moved down a little further. She kissed her way down her

abdomen to the top of her mound. Sam's knees where on either side of Riley's

keeping her from spreading her legs. Sam moved off to the side momentarily

and placed a hand on the inside of Riley's knees. She spread her legs open

slowly. She quickly took her place between Riley's spread legs settling on her

stomach. Her thighs clenched as she gazed at the treasure laid open before her.

Her head lifted and met Riley's gaze, her eyes had deepened to a dark purple

color and were filled with passion. She gently stroked the soft skin of Riley's

inner thighs. Riley's hips bucked up and her expression became pleading. Sam

reached out and gently spread Riley open. Keeping eye contact, she gently ran

her tongue up between Riley's legs. Sam's eyes closed and she moaned at the

exquisite taste. Riley's head snapped back at the first touch of Sam's tongue.

Sam thoroughly explored Riley with her tongue, lapping up her sweet nectar.

She pushed Riley's legs open further and moved down pushing her tongue