inside as far as it would go and began to pump rhythmically. Riley's hips bucked

in her face and she reached out wrapping an arm over her pelvis to keep her

still. Riley had begun to moan incoherently her head thrashing from side to side.

Sam felt the fluttering around her tongue and knew she wasn't going to last

much longer. She brought her free hand up and rubbed hard against Riley's

throbbing nub. Riley screamed her whole body going rigid as the huge orgasm

hit. Even before the tremors had stopped Sam pulled out her tongue and pushed

into Riley with two fingers. She latched onto her with her mouth as she began to

thrust her fingers deep inside. Riley quickly went back up and over the precipice

again. Her body arched then went limp; she twitched as the aftershocks rippled

through her body. Sam lay with her head against Riley's thigh, her heart

pounding. She'd climaxed with Riley the second time. She had never climaxed

before just from making love to someone. Sam slowly withdrew her fingers

causing Riley to whimper at the loss. She slid up next to Riley and drew her

against her chest.

Sam pulled back when she felt tears dampen her chest. "What's wrong Baby?

Did I hurt you?" she asked in a panic.

Riley's experiences with Linda hadn't prepared her for the incredible intensity of

Sam's lovemaking. Riley smiled through her tears her face shining with love. "I...

I just... never knew it could be like that. You are incredible."

Sam pulled Riley back against her chest. "You're the one that's incredible. I

came just from touching you." Sam admitted as she blushed.

Riley's lifted her head off Sam's chest and grinned at the blush staining Sam's

cheeks. She pressed herself tightly against Sam and ran her hands slowly up

and down Sam's back. The languor caused by their intense lovemaking and

soaring emotions finally over came both women and they drifted off to sleep

wrapped in each other's arms.


Sam woke and gazed over at the clock. It was almost 5 pm. She looked down at

Riley sleeping peacefully on her chest and her heart soared with the feelings she

had for the beautiful redhead. Her mind drifted back to their lovemaking and that

she realized was what it was. For the first time she knew what it was to make love with a

woman and not just have sex with one. Sam felt a burst of panic but one look into Riley's sleeping face and it was gone. This was right; she just knew it. She was aware there was a lot she stil didn't know about Riley but that would come in time. Riley stirred against her. Sam ran her hands slowly up and down Riley's back enjoying the soft silky feel of the o

her woman's skin.

"Hi..." Riley murmured sleepily without raising her head from Sam's chest.

"Hi yourself." Sam responded leaning down to kiss the crown of Riley's head.

Riley shifted until she was fully on top of Sam before lifting up to meet her lips in

a soft kiss. The kiss quickly turned passionate when Riley pushed her tongue

into Sam's mouth. Sam's hands slid down Riley's back, she cupped the firm

globes in her hands and squeezed. Riley moaned into the kiss as she felt her

passion rise again. She broke the kiss and started to slide down. The moment

was broken when her stomach growled loudly.

Sam laughed lightly as she rolled Riley underneath her. "Guess it's awake huh?

Time to feed the beast?" she asked teasingly. She leaned forward, kissing down

Riley's neck.

Riley kissed Sam's neck then suddenly leaned over biting her neck then moving

up to her earlobe and nipping again. Sam groaned and felt her nipples tighten.

"Oh yeah Babe it's time to feed the beast." Riley whispered in her ear, her hot

breath making Sam gasp.

Much to Sam's shock Riley managed to roll her back over and come out on top.

She straddled Sam's hips and took an already hard nipple in her mouth.

Riley spent the next hour explaining in detail just what beast needed to be fed.


Sam lay flat on her back gasping for air, her body covered with a sheen of

sweat. Riley's head was resting on her belly as she too gasped for breath. Riley

finally managed to get the energy to slowly slide up Sam's body and collapse on

her chest.

"WOW..." Sam panted. "WOW..." She didn't appear to be capable of a full sentence. "That was... that was... WOW." Sam was reeling, Riley was the first

woman she'd ever been with who could keep up with her.

"Are you sure you've only been with one woman before?" she asked in a husky

voice, her throat dry from panting.

Riley slid up to tease Sam's ear running her tongue around the rim. Sam

shivered. "Oh yeah I'm sure. I'm a fast learner. I had a good teacher."

Sam stiffened slightly as she felt a surprising twinge of jealousy. Riley felt her

stiffen and realized she was jealous. She smirked as she leaned close again.

"Yeah I had a great teacher... You..." she told Sam nipping the top of her ear.

Sam was surprised at the warmth that spread through her chest with Riley's

admission. Before she could say anything else, Riley began to kiss and nip her

way down her neck. Sam was exhausted and didn't know if she could go

another round with Riley. Usually she wore her partners out not the other way

around. She grinned when she realized she'd finally met her match. Sam

decided it was time for a distraction.

"Aren't you hungry Babe? You haven't had anything to eat since this morning."

Riley lifted her head up meeting Sam's eyes. She wiggled her eyebrows, her

eyes sparkling as she smacked her lips. To her surprise and pleasure, Sam

blushed. Riley couldn't hold back her laughter at seeing the big tough cop blush.

Sam growled and rolled over taking Riley with her. She pinned Riley to the bed,

drawing her arms over her head and holding them with one hand. Sam rose up

on all fours, hovering over Riley. She still had her arms pinned above her head.

Her heated gaze traveled down the length of Riley's body. Riley swallowed hard

as Sam continued to leer at her. She could see the fire burning brightly in her

eyes. She looked like a panther ready to devour its prey. Sam licked her lips and

started to lower her head down to Riley's breast. Sam's stomach picked that

moment to growl loudly, Riley's stomach growled as if in answer shattering the

moment. Riley started to giggle. Sam collapsed back down onto Riley laughing.

She hugged the smaller woman tight.

"So what do you say we go get something to eat?" Sam finally asked.

Riley didn't want to share Sam with anyone and really didn't want to end their

time together in bed. Her stomach protested again.

"Come on..." Sam said as she started to climb out of the bed. Riley put a

restraining hand on her arm stopping her.

"No... You stay here and relax. You made breakfast. I'll make us some

sandwiches and be right back." She told Sam as she climbed out of the bed and

grabbed a robe off the back of the bathroom door."

"I'll help." Sam offered.

"Let me take care of you for a change." Riley insisted.

Sam nodded and settled herself against the headboard as Riley headed for the

kitchen. Riley came back shortly with sandwiches, chips, and a pitcher of ice tea

on a tray. She stopped in the doorway taking in the sight of Sam sitting against

the headboard with the sheet pooled around her waist. Riley was surprised at

the flash of arousal the sight caused. She placed the tray over Sam's lap and

quickly shucked her robe before moving up next to her. They laughed and joked

as they enjoyed their meal. Riley put the tray on the floor when they were

finished and cuddled up under Sam's arm resting her head on her shoulder.

Riley was amazed at how relaxed they both were with their nudity. She would've

never pictured herself sitting in bed nude, eating and laughing with another

woman. It was so different from her experience with Linda. They had never

cuddled or were never nude around each other except when they were actually

having sex. They certainly never hung out in bed together.

Sam relaxed back against the headboard enjoying the press of Riley's soft body

against hers.

"Tell me about the woman... the one in medical school." She inquired suddenly.

Chapter Eleven

Riley stiffened at the mention of Linda. She looked up at Sam trying to gauge

her mood. Sam looked calm, her eyes reflecting her genuine curiosity. Riley took

a deep breath deciding now was the time to tell her the whole story.

"You know I was raised by my aunt and uncle."

Sam looked confused wondering what this had to do with the woman in medical

school. She decided to just relax and let Riley tell the story. She nodded her


"Well once I went to live with my aunt and uncle they decided I needed to be

more refined. They took away all the things I enjoyed, my clothes, my sports

equipment that type of thing. My aunt was appalled by my tomboy nature and

dress. She made me change how I dressed and how I acted. She insisted I

attend comportment classes and take ballet lessons. My uncle made it clear to

me at ten that I was being groomed to follow in his footsteps and become a

surgeon. Nothing was ever good enough for him. If I got an A, I should've gotten

an A+. I was always under great pressure to measure up, make him proud of

me. He always told me 'don't disappoint me Riley'. It was always assumed I

would go to college and take pre-med. In college a new kind of pressure started.

My aunt and uncle began harping about how I needed to be seen with the right

people and date 'appropriate men'. I just never felt anything for the guys my

uncle pressured me into dating. I finally met a guy on my own and started dating

him. I kept hoping I'd feel something, anything for him when he touched me."

She glanced up at Sam. "But I never did." She blushed and looked down at the

sheet, her hands twisting the material. "Mike had been pressuring me for a while

to sleep with him. Whenever we went out his touching got more and more

insistent. I went to a party with him and intentionally got drunk. It was the only

way I could let him touch me. He took my virginity in one of the bathrooms with a

bunch of people outside the door waiting to get in." She admitted sadly. "I

continued to date him for another two months but finally broke it off. He kept

demanding sex and I just couldn't pretend any more. I never felt anything and

had to get drunk so I could stand for him to touch me. I told him I needed to

concentrate on my studies."

Sam gently stroked Riley's back. She cursed, what kind of slime would take his

girlfriend in a bathroom at a party and she's a virgin. Bastard had to have

known. She mentally shook her head in disgust. Riley finally worked up the

courage to look up at Sam. She was sure she would see distaste and

condemnation in her eyes. She was surprised to find love and compassion

burning brightly in Sam's vivid blue eyes. Sam leaned down and placed a kiss

on her forehead.

"I'm sorry your first time was such a horrible experience Baby."

Riley smiled and hugged Sam before continuing with her story. "When my uncle

started up again about my dating I told him I wanted to get into medical school

with top grades. I knew that would feed into his ego. He stopped trying to set me

up and I graduated Magna Cum Laude. I wanted to apply to several medical

schools but my uncle decided I'd be attending his alma mater. I got accepted

right way and was excited to be moving out of my aunt's and uncle's for the first

time. Little did I know my uncle already had plans for me. He knew an alumnus