to spend time together. Riley got up placing her plate in the sink and came back

for Sam's.

"You cooked, I'll clean up." She told Sam. "Why don't you grab a shower while I finish up here."

Sam wrapped her arms around Riley from behind as she stood at the sink. She

leaned down kissing her neck.

"How about I help you, then we shower together?" Sam offered huskily in Riley's


Riley felt her face flush; she wasn't quite sure how to react. She'd never

showered with anyone before.

Sam sensed Riley's hesitancy. "Come on Babe, it'll be fun... I promise." She

encouraged as she kissed further down Riley's neck. They quickly finished up

the dishes and headed for the shower.


Sam turned on the water than quickly stripped out of her tee shirt and

sweatpants. She turned to find Riley still fully dressed with a nervous look on her

face. She was clutching two bath towels to her chest.

"You haven't got anything I haven't seen before." Sam teased. She leaned over,

her hot breath blowing in Riley's ear. "Up close and personal." She added

tracing Riley's ear with her tongue.

Riley blushed even as she felt a jolt of arousal. She removed her clothes under

Sam's watchful eye. They entered the shower and Riley stood to the back not

sure what to do. Sam reached out and positioned her under the showerhead.

She proceeded to wash Riley's hair. Riley was in heaven, the feel of Sam's

strong fingers massaging her scalp was wonderful. Sam held her as she rinsed

her hair. Sam switched places with Riley so the water poured down her back

blocking Riley from the spray. Sam turned Riley away from her. Riley looked

back over her shoulder at Sam, her gaze questioning.

"Trust me."

Riley relaxed as Sam's soapy hands began to wash and massage her back.

Once she had the back of Riley's body clean she pulled her back against her

naked body and ran her soapy hands down her arms. Riley groaned when she

felt Sam's hard nipples against her back. Sam's hands moved down to her

breasts causing Riley to moan and press into her touch. She poured more

shower gel into her hands and rubbed her hands repeatedly over Riley's breasts

and belly.

"Have to make sure you're clean." Sam breathed in her ear. Riley was already

beyond words.

Sam's hands slipped lower still. "Spread your legs Babe." Sam whispered.

Riley's hips jerked when Sam's soapy hands made their way between her legs.

She pressed forward trying to increase the contact. Sam stroked her, building

the fires higher. Riley's hips began to rock. Sam shifted position slightly then

allowed her fingers to press inside. Riley immediately began to thrust herself

against Sam's invading fingers. Her head began to thrash back and forth against

Sam's chest. Sam held her tightly as she began to thrust in as deeply as she


"Oh God... Sam" Riley cried out as her body went into spasms.

Sam tightened her hold when Riley's knees buckled. Once she'd recovered Sam

turned her back toward the shower and rinsed the soap off her. Riley was still a

little dazed from the strength of her orgasm. Sam quickly washed her hair and

showered before shutting the water off and helping a still shaking Riley out. She

wrapped her in a big towel.

Riley had finally regained her composure. She looked over at a grinning Sam.

"You are dangerous." Riley accused.

Sam threw back her head and laughed, then wiggled her eyebrows at Riley.

"Yeah, but you gotta admit, it was much more fun than showering alone."

Riley couldn't argue with that.


They decided to spend a quiet day hanging out and headed for the living room.

Sam had forgotten just how much she disliked this room. Even though she'd

spent every night over the past week at Riley's they hadn't spent any time

anywhere except the kitchen and Riley's bedroom. Sam sat on the

uncomfortable sofa trying to relax and read the paper. She shifted several times

trying to find a comfortable spot. Riley glanced over the third time Sam shifted


"You don't like it here much do you?" She asked indicating the room.

Sam flushed and started to stutter. Riley placed her fingers over Sam's mouth

stopping her. She looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time.

"I don't blame you." She laughed. "I don't like it much either."

Sam's surprise showed on her face.

"My aunt and uncle picked this place out for me. My aunt hired some prominent

designer to decorate. I was never here very often and when I was I spent most

of my time in the bedroom. It's the only room in the house where I insisted on

picking out everything. I didn't much care for the way the place was decorated,

but like everything else I just let it go to avoid a conflict. I realize now what a

waste of time that was," she acknowledged as she fingered the bruises on her

cheek. "Let's get out of here. Take me to your place."


Sam opened the door to her apartment. She had her arm wrapped around Riley

and they stumbled in the door laughing.

"Nice of you to join us," said a voice from the couch.

Chapter Twelve

Both women jumped and then turned to face the person in the room.

"Hey Jess, what're you doing here?" Sam asked surprised to find her sister in

her living room.

Jess raised her eyebrow at her sister questioningly.

Sam stared at her for a second then remembered. "Oh shit! I'm sorry." She

turned to Riley explaining. "I asked Kim and Jess to come back down this

weekend since we cancelled our plans last weekend."

Riley looked uncomfortable. Sam squeezed her shoulder. "Don't worry about it."

She told her softly.

"So why didn't you just call my cell?" Sam asked.

"Well Kim did, but it wasn't turned on."

Sam blushed, she'd turned the cell off the previous day determined not to have

her time with Riley interrupted. With everything that'd happened, she'd forgotten

to turn it back on.

Kim had been in the kitchen making some sandwiches for her and Jess when

she'd heard Sam's voice in the living room. She smiled when she saw Riley was

with Sam. She noticed their body language. Riley was tucked under Sam's arm

with her arm wrapped around Sam's waist. Sam's arm was wrapped securely

around Riley's back.

"Hi guys." Kim said as she came into the room. She walked over to Sam giving

her a one armed hug. "Hi Riley, it's good to see you again." She greeted before

giving Riley a quick hug.

Riley hadn't said anything so far. She was nervous not knowing how her

presence would be received. It was the first time she'd see Kim or Jess since

Sam was in the hospital. She relaxed just a little at Kim's friendly greeting.

"Hi Kim, glad to see you both too. I'm sorry about messing up your plans last

weekend." She apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're alright." She reassured Riley reaching out to gently squeeze her arm.

"I was just making us some sandwiches. Want one?"

Riley glanced at Sam and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure." Riley told Kim with a shy smile.


Sam had told her and Kim that she'd been spending the nights at Riley's condo

and taking her back and forth to work ever since the confrontation with her

uncle. Uncharacteristically she hadn't provided any real details.

"So where did you two disappear to all day yesterday? Wasn't Riley off?" Jess

asked as they sat eating their lunch. We tried your cell several times and just got

your voice mail. Kim did leave you a message reminding you we'd be down


"I... ah... I haven't had a chance to check my messages."

Kim watched the interplay between Sam and Riley; they shared a quick

meaningful glance. Sam wasn't usually as secretive as she was being.

"So what did you guys spend the day doing?" Jess asked again with a smirk. It

was starting to dawn on her just what they'd been up to. When matching blushes

spread over both women's face, Jess was sure.

"We...umm...we...umm... just hung out at Riley's condo." Sam explained with a

stutter, glancing worriedly at Riley. Everything Riley had shared with her was

very private and she didn't feel comfortable sharing such intimate details of

Riley's life with her sister or Kim. Riley's eyes were glued to her plate.

Now Kim was really intrigued, this wasn't like Sam. She normally had no

compunction about talking about her love life even if the woman in question was

sitting right next to her. She never gave any details but was never embarrassed

to admit she'd been with someone and they'd spent the day making love. Which,

unless she was reading this situation wrong was exactly what Sam and Riley

had done. Whoa, this is bigger than I thought. She's worried Riley will be

uncomfortable and is trying to protect her. I wonder what else happened

between them.

"So Riley we heard on the news about the big construction accident. Did you get

a lot of traumas from that?" Kim asked before Jess could press Sam again. Sam

threw her sister-in-law a grateful look.

Riley looked up from her plate, happy for the abrupt topic change. "Yeah we did.

It was a mess. There were several people with major crush injuries as well as

multiple head trauma patients. We had all five operating rooms going non-stop

for over twelve hours. It really screwed with the rest of the week's schedule, as

we had to bump the routine patients to another day.

They continued to chat about the hospital as they finished their lunch. Much to

Jess's annoyance whenever she tried to steer the conversation back to the

previous days activities, Kim deftly changed the subject.


They settled back in the living room after lunch. Kim and Jess settled on the

couch, Sam and Riley sat on the love seat.

"So what do you say we head for the Quail botanical gardens?" Kim inquired.

They'd talked about it the previous weekend but never made it.

"Yeah, that sounds great; we haven't been there in quite a while." Sam agreed.

Riley leaned close to Sam. "I should get going." She told her softly.

"Why don't you like the Quail botanical gardens?"

"I don't want to intrude on your time with your sister. I already messed up part of

your day. I'll just head back to the condo. I should get some laundry done and

maybe read some journals." Riley told her in a quiet voice.

"You're not intruding on anything. Do you like botanical gardens?" Sam placed

her fingers on Riley's lips stopping what she was about to say. "Yes or No?"

Riley smiled against Sam's fingers and nodded her head.

"Good then it's settled."

Kim and Jess had been listening to the conversation, it was impossible not to.

Kim spoke up when Riley started to protest again.

"We really would like you to come with us Riley. You're not intruding on anything.

Would you please join us at the botanical garden?" Kim asked formally.

"Yeah, come with us... you can keep an eye on Sam she always gets in trouble."

Jess added teasingly.

Riley smiled brightly at both women. "Thanks, I'd love to come with you." Sam

hugged Riley to her chest and stuck her tongue out at her sister.


Riley never realized a botanical garden could be so much fun. Sam and Jess

had kept her in stitches with their antics. It'd been a long time since she'd just

gone out and had fun, not worrying about what other people might think. Though

at one point she and Kim had denied knowing the other two women when Sam