Carol glared at Denny for even bringing up the painful subject. "So Sam, Riley

mentioned you're going to your sister's for Thanksgiving. Is that something you do every

year?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"We usually celebrate Thanksgiving at my folks but this year my Mom finally convinced

Dad to take her on the cruise he'd been promising her. So Jess said she'd have the dinner

at her place. It'll be a much smaller crowd than is usually at my folks. Just Jess and Kim, my brother Frank and his wife and I think Jess mentioned one of Kim's brothers might


Carol noticed Riley's face pale at the mention of the family dinner. She quickly changed

the subject again.


Denny and Sam volunteered to do dishes. Riley protested but was overruled. She sat

cross-legged on the sofa with Carol, keeping her company while she fed Jeremy. Carol

glanced around the room; she still couldn't get over how much the room had changed.

Gone was the uncomfortable white couch and wing chair; in their place was a huge

rolled arm burgundy leather sofa. The glass and metal tables had been replaced with

sturdy wood tables with butcher-block patterned tops. There were framed photographs of

Riley's parents including several with Riley as a child on the side table next to the sofa.

The impressionist paintings were gone from the walls and in their place were several

wildlife prints. The mahogany entertainment center was still present but now the doors

were open and Carol could see a stack of DVDs on the top of the TV. It had been

transformed from a cold stark room into a warm inviting retreat.

Riley noted her perusal. "What?" she asked with a smile.

"Nothing," Carol replied. I was just marveling at how much this room has changed in the last few months."

Riley looked around. "Yeah, now it's really a home instead of just a place to live."


Riley lay in between Sam's legs using her chest as a backrest. She had specifically

bought the oversized sofa so she and Sam could share it like this. Carol and Denny had

left shortly after dinner. Denny had an early schedule at the hospital, as did she. They

were both trying to get as many of their routine surgeries taken care of as possible before the holiday. She tensed unconsciously at the thought of the holiday. Sam felt the

stiffening of Riley's body.

"What's wrong Baby?" she asked in concern.

Riley was startled out of her thoughts and jumped slightly.

"Boy you are really tense tonight. I know something's bothering you, you've been quiet ever since dinner." Sam brought her hands up and began to massage Riley's tight


Riley sighed; Sam had just gotten too good at reading her. She knew there was no sense

in pretending nothing was bothering her. Sam would just press until she finally told her.

"I was just thinking about all the work I have to get done in three days this week." Riley tried lamely.

Sam wasn't buying it. "Uh've got lots of work every week and you already told me you normally don't work on Thanksgiving." At the mention of Thanksgiving, Riley

tensed. "That's it isn't it? You're worried about Thanksgiving. I thought we talked about this. There's nothing to be worried about. You know Jess and Kim and are comfortable

with them right?"

"Yeah, they're both great and I do feel especially close to Kim."

"So what's the problem? We'll have a great time. Don't we always have fun when we get

together with them?"

"Yes we do but...they're not the only one's who're going to be there."

"But you've met Frank and Cheryl. I've met Kim's brother. Don't worry you'll like him."

Riley didn't say anything. "Come on Riley tell me what the problem is."

"Frank and Cheryl must hate me." Riley whispered in a tight voice.

"What!" Sam exclaimed in shock. "What would make you think something like that?"

She couldn't believe it when Riley started to cry. She wrapped her arms tightly around

Riley trying to understand where all this was coming from.

Riley finally got herself under control and explained. "The only time I ever met them

was the day you were discharged. I treated you so badly Sam, how could they not hate

me. I just about ran Frank down when I rushed out of your room that day. I saw the look

on your face as they wheeled you out of the room. You looked so defeated and Frank

looked so angry."

Sam had forgotten about that day or more truthfully didn't allow herself to think about it.

It was in the past and best left there. She and Riley were together and that was all that

mattered. Her brother had been shocked when she'd first told him she was dating Riley

but once he realized the depth of her feelings he'd just wanted her to be happy and she

had assured him Riley made her happy.

She pulled Riley into her lap and cradled her in her arms. "That's in the past Baby. We're together now and that's all that matters. You can't keep feeling guilty about that; let it go.

Frank knows how much you mean to me and he's happy for us."

"But it's a family get together..." Sam put her fingers to Riley's lips stopping her.

"Stop right there. We've been together over two months. You're my family! If you don't want to go then I won't go either. This is our first Thanksgiving together and I for one

have a lot to be thankful for and plan on celebrating it with you."

Riley smiled brightly at Sam as her fears eased. "You're my family too Honey. I have a lot to be thankful for as well. I guess I just let my fears get away from me. I haven't been to a family Thanksgiving since I was 10."

"Well you're lucky at least you don't have to face my folks...this year."

Riley gulped. The implication was clear. She glanced up at Sam and saw the

mischievous sparkle in her eyes. She used her free hand to poke her in the chest.

Sam laughed. "See... made you forget all about Frank and Cheryl."

Riley stuck her tongue out at Sam. Sam quickly leaned forward and captured the offered

appendage. Riley moaned into Sam's mouth. Sam pulled way then stood up with Riley in

her arms.

"Come on let's see what else I can make you forget about." She told her huskily as she headed up the stairs.


Sam glanced over at Riley as she shifted in her seat again. It was Wednesday and they

were on their way to Jess and Kim's. Sam was driving Riley's SUV. The closer they got

the more nervous Riley became.

"It's going to be fine. I promise." Sam tried to reassure Riley.

Riley turned in her seat to face Sam. "Um... maybe we should stay in a hotel? I they're going to have kind of a full house."

"Sure...if you want." Sam said agreeably. She pulled her cell phone off her belt and offered it to Riley. "But... you call Jess and tell her we're staying at a hotel." Sam added with smirk.

Riley scowled and pushed the phone back toward Sam.


"We're here." Sam announced as she turned into a long driveway.

Kim and Jess had always come to San Diego. They'd invited Riley to come to Los

Angeles with Sam but with her schedule and duty call, she'd just never made it. Sam

pulled up in front of the first house off the main driveway. The driveway served several

houses with each having a separate drive branching off the main one.

Sam leaned over the console and took Riley's face between her hands. "Relax everything will be fine." She kissed Riley until she felt her relax and start to kiss her back.

"Come on." Sam urged Riley toward the house.

Riley looked around as she got out of the truck. The house was on a good-sized lot.

Riley figured it must be almost an acre. She jumped when Sam's knock caused the

loudest barking she'd ever heard to come through the door. She looked up fearfully at


"That's just Thor."

She'd heard all about Thor but had honestly thought the women had exaggerated his size.

If his bark was anything to go on he must be huge. It sounded more like a roar than a


Jess opened the door slightly. "Hang on a sec...Kim's going to put him out back." Jess pulled the door open. "Come on in." She said reaching out to pick up Riley's suitcase.

Kim came back and greetings were exchanged.

The hallway to the bedrooms led directly off the foyer so they headed for the guest

bedroom. Riley looked around the room. The walls were painted a pale dusty rose. There

was a queen size sleigh bed with a thick crème and rose color comforter. The furniture

was all contemporary wood.

Kim opened a door and showed Riley the connected bathroom. "You share a bathroom

with the other guest bedroom. Kim explained pointing to the door at the other end of the

narrow bathroom.

"Frank and Cheryl are already here, they flew in early this morning. Why don't we head into the living room?" Kim said. As they exited the room, she pointed to the door across the hall. "That's our room." When they got to end of the hall, she gestured to a door opposite the foyer. That's the other guest bedroom that connects to yours through the


Frank and Cheryl were sitting on the sofa when they entered. Both of them stood up to

greet the new arrivals. Riley's body went tense as she entered the room. Sam noticed the

sudden change in body language and wrapped her arm around Riley's shoulder. Riley

looked first at Cheryl and a warm smile welcomed her.

"Hi Riley, nice to see you again." Cheryl greeted.

Sam squeezed Riley's shoulder and she relaxed slightly.

"Hi Cheryl." She reached out to shake Cheryl's hand and was surprised when the woman pulled her into a hug. She turned to face Frank.

Jess had told him all about Sam and Riley's relationship. At first he'd been very unhappy

knowing how the little doctor had treated Sam but Kim had convinced him that was in

the past. His sister was in love with this woman and needed his support, Kim insisted.

Once he got over the shock of Sam actually admitting she was in love, he decided he

wanted to see for himself how Riley treated his sister. Though he had to admit when he'd

talked to Sam on the phone, his sister had never seemed happier. Still he couldn't resist

tweaking Riley.

"Hello, Dr. Connolly. I hope you're not going to try to run me down this time." He said teasingly. He had no idea of Riley's concerns with meeting him again.

Riley's shoulders slumped and her eyes dropped to the carpet. Frank was met with four

very angry glares. His wife added a sharp jab in the ribs to display her displeasure. Frank quickly realized he'd made a mistake. He reached out and tipped up Riley's chin. He felt

terrible when he saw the worry and pain on her face. He pulled Riley out from under

Sam's protective arm. He flinched at the look his sister threw him, she was furious. He

wrapped a shocked Riley up in his arms and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"I'm sorry; I can be such a jerk sometimes. I was just teasing you. Welcome to the

family." He said then gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Riley was smiling when Frank

released her. Sam continued to glare at him.

"Hey Riley hasn't gotten to meet Thor yet. Why don't we go out back?" Jess suggested hoping to defuse some of the tension in the room. She threw her brother one last dirty

look. Everyone exited the room leaving Sam and Riley alone.

"Are you okay Baby? I'm so sorry about my brother. I'm going to kill him." Sam ground out.

Riley smiled at Sam and hugged her tightly. "Don't be mad at him Honey. He

apologized. He had no way of knowing I was scared of meeting him again. Just forget it

okay?" Riley could see Sam was still angry so decided to take her mind off her brother.

She pulled her head down and gently kissed her lips. When she felt Sam start to relax,

she escalated the kiss pressing her tongue into Sam's mouth. Sam was panting by the