time the kiss ended. Riley's eyes were sparkling as she watched Sam try to recover from

the passionate kiss.

"What were we talking about?" Sam asked with a grin when she got her voice back.

Riley laughed and all the remaining tension dissipated. They headed out to meet Thor.


They stepped out a sliding glass door in the family room onto a large screen enclosed

brick patio. Tucked in a corner of the patio was a large jacuzzi with its own redwood

deck. There was a BBQ grill and a redwood table under the large enclosure as well as

several chaise lounges. A large expanse of colored gravel dotted with cactus extended

out from the edge of the patio. In the center of the gravel covered area was another

smaller patio, which had a cement table and benches sitting on it with a large umbrella

over the table. There were large slopes covered with ice plant and at the base of the

slopes, there were several citrus trees. Large pepper trees lined the top of the slopes,

providing privacy for the whole area.

Everyone looked up when Sam and Riley stepped out. Frank breathed a sigh of relief at

the relaxed look on Sam's face and the smile on Riley's. He'd gotten an earful as they'd

waited for the other two women to join them.

"So where's my boy?" Sam asked grinning.

Riley jumped when Jess let out a piercing whistle. She turned at the sound of thundering

feet and gasped. The biggest animal she'd ever seen was charging straight for her and

Sam. She stepped behind Sam in a panic and gripped her belt. Sam merely laughed and

slapped the tops of her thighs.

"Come on boy." Sam encouraged.

Riley was shocked when the dog managed to skid to a halt in front of Sam. She was sure

he was going to run them both down. She hung back fearfully as Sam enthusiastically

greeted the big dog.

Kim got up and came over next to Riley. "I reacted the same way. He is kind of

intimidating but I promise he won't hurt you."

Sam looked up from where she was having her face washed. She grabbed the dog in a

headlock. "You wouldn't hurt a fly, would you boy?" Thor woofed in agreement which caused Riley to jump.

Jess was watching with interest. Thor was normally a very aloof dog. He would greet

people but wouldn't seek them out for attention once the initial greeting was over. He

normally just walked way. Sam had been around Thor since he was a puppy and he

listened and obeyed her just as he did Jess, she was part of his pack. She wondered how

he'd react to Riley. He treated Cheryl and Frank the way he did most people. He greeted

them but that was it, unless they called him over, he ignored them.

Sam stood up and pulled Riley out from behind her back. Riley gulped when she

realized the dog's head came up to her chin.

"Riley this is Thor. Thor this is my girlfriend Riley," she introduced.

Riley stood perfectly still when the big dog stepped forward and sniffed her. She met his

large dark eyes and was surprised to see the intelligence and gentleness shining there.

She reached out to stroke his ears as she'd seen Sam do.

"Hi there big guy." She greeted softly. Her eyes widened further when he moved forward to lay his head on her chest. She continued to stroke his head as he let out a big sigh and closed his eyes in pleasure.

"I'll be damned." Jess muttered.

Riley pulled her eyes away from Thor to see the shocked expressions on everyone's

faces. Sam was grinning from ear to ear. Riley took a step back when Thor pressed his

weight against her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and resumed her caresses.

"What?" she asked with a smile.

"There's only one other person besides Sam and myself he's ever reacted to like that.

Normally he'd just sniff you and walk away." Jess explained.

"That's what he does with Frank and me." Cheryl confirmed.

"Wow...really." Riley smiled brightly as she intensified her rubbing of Thor's head and ears. He groaned in pleasure never moving his head from Riley's chest. "So who was the other person?"

"Me." Kim answered with a smile of remembrance. "I think that's when Jess realized I wasn't her average date." Kim teased. "Alright come on you big moose you're crushing Riley." Kim told the big dog trying to pull him away from Riley. He wouldn't budge.

"Don't get too comfortable there big guy... that's my spot." Sam informed Thor as she helped Kim pull him away from Riley's chest. Riley blushed when everyone chuckled.

"He really wasn't hurting me." She assured Sam as they went to sit down. Thor followed Riley and as soon as she sat down, he dropped down at her feet and put his big head in

the lap.

"You're out of luck Sam, looks like he's claimed her." Jess laughingly told her sister.

Sam leaned down until she was eye to eye with the big dog. "Mine." She growled laying her head on Riley's belly.

Everyone roared with laughter.


Riley smiled and stretched. She was lying in bed waiting for Sam. After working that

morning and then the tension of meeting Frank and Cheryl again, she was exhausted.

The day had turned out wonderfully after the less than stellar start. She'd relaxed and

gotten to know Frank and Cheryl a little better. She was a little concerned about Kim; as

the evening had progressed, Kim had seemed pale and listless. When Riley had asked

her if she was all right, she'd insisted it was from not sleeping well the previous night.

She might've believed her if she hadn't caught Jess's equally worried look. She'd dosed

off waiting for Sam and started slightly when she felt her warm body press against her


"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. You alright?" Sam asked as she curled up around Riley putting her big hand on Riley's stomach and pulling her close.

"Yeah, you were right." She admitted. "Frank and Cheryl are great; I'm glad I got the chance to know them better. It's a shame Kim's brother's plane got grounded in Chicago

by the storm."

Sam was rapidly losing interest in the conversation. The press of Riley's body against

hers was taking her mind to thoughts of other pursuits. She pressed a little harder against Riley's back and slipped her hand under her shirt. Sam was surprised when Riley

stiffened and pulled her hand away. Riley had never refused her advances before.

"What's the matter Babe?" Sam questioned as she tried to slip her hand back under Riley's shirt.

Riley grasped the offending hand and pressed it to her stomach outside her shirt. "Your sister and Kim are right next door and Frank and Cheryl are on the other side of the

bathroom." Riley whispered.

"So what?" Sam leaned down kissing Riley's neck trying to distract her. Riley's grip on her hand loosened and Sam slipped it up to softly cup a breast through her tee shirt.

Riley gasped at the contact but pulled her hand away from her breast.

"We can't." Riley insisted.

Sam rocked her hips against Riley and continued to kiss her neck hoping to change her

mind. When Riley failed to response after several minutes Sam sighed in frustration and


"I'm sorry Honey, I just can't." Riley tried to explain her voice hitching.

Sam tried to force away her rising libido. "It's okay... just get some sleep." Riley dropped off to sleep very quickly. Sam lay for a long time before she calmed enough to follow



Riley's eye's fluttered open. She was disoriented for a moment trying to remember where

she was. Oh yeah...Kim and Jess' . Sam was still wrapped around her from behind. One of her large hands was cupped around her breast. Riley smiled and gently eased away

from Sam putting a pillow in her arms to replace her body. There wasn't a clock in the

room but peeking out the drapes Riley knew it was still early. She put on her robe and

quietly opened the door and stepped out into the hall. She almost ran into Jess coming

from the other direction.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Jess apologized.

"Oh you didn't, I'm just so used to being up early and with staying someplace new..."

Riley explained with a shrug.

"There's a pot of coffee in the kitchen. Just give me a minute and I'll join you."

Riley had already noticed the tea and dry toast Jess was carrying. "That's okay, I'm sure I can manage on my own. Don't let me mess up your breakfast."

"This is for Kim; she's uh... um...feeling a little under the weather this morning." Jess explained uncomfortably.

"Is there anything I can do?" Riley asked concerned for her friend.

"No, she'll be fine. Well I better get this to her. I'll meet you in the kitchen in a bit."

Riley couldn't help wondering what was going on. Just something about Jess' demeanor

was off.


Riley made herself a cup of coffee and sat down on a stool at the counter to drink it. She

heard a sound coming from outside, it sounded like whimpering. She followed the sound

to the sliding glass door they'd gone out last night. Thor was standing on the other side

whining pitifully. His tail began to beat a taboo on the glass when he saw Riley.

"Hey big guy." Riley greeted him as she slid open the door. She blocked the door

keeping him outside. "I'm not sure if I should let you in or not. Are you supposed to stay outside?" She asked him. He looked her in the eye and made a strange woo wooing

sound. "Hush now" she scolded him "You'll wake everyone up." Thor hung his head looking pitiful. Riley felt bad she'd hurt the dog's feelings. She set her coffee cup down

and stepped outside to console the big dog. She jumped at the sound of soft laughter

behind her.

"I swear he must practice that look when we're not around." Jess laughingly told Riley.

"He knows I can't resist him when he looks pitiful and obviously neither can you," She teased.

"I heard him whining but wasn't sure if I should let him in or not."

Jess shook her head still amazed at Thor's behavior toward Riley. He had his head resting

on her chest as she stroked his ears. "Sure he can come in; I just put him out to take care of business while I took Kim her tea. He's a housedog; he doesn't like being outside

alone." She stood next to Riley and joined her in petting Thor. "Come on let's get you some breakfast before everyone wakes up." She told Thor.


Riley helped Jess in the kitchen finishing up the last dishes for dinner while everyone

else continued to sleep. Jess had prepared almost everything in advance and now it was

just a matter of getting everything cooked at the right time. They started working on

breakfast. Jess was going to make pancakes. Riley sat at the counter while Jess gathered

what she needed.

"Jess...I don't mean to pry but um... is Kim really okay? She's looked really tired the last two times we've seen you guys. I just care about her." Riley blushed at her forwardness.

Jess stepped over and hugged Riley surprising her. "It's nothing she won't get over, I promise." Jess told her with a grin.

Riley looked at her questioningly but Jess refused to explain further. She could see the

mischievous sparkle in the eyes so like her lovers.

"We're about done here why don't you go see if you can rouse my sister and I'll wake

Frank and Cheryl.


Riley glanced at the sprawled figures around the room. Frank was on the couch with his

head resting in Cheryl's lap and appeared to be sleeping. Kim sat in the Morris chair with

her feet up on a small footrest. She'd eaten the least of all of them at dinner and looked

tired. Jess lay on the floor near her chair with Thor who had his head resting on her

thigh. They were both asleep. She snuggled closer to Sam where they sat on the love

seat. Sam had her feet up on an ottoman and her head resting back against the couch.

They were recovering from eating the huge Thanksgiving dinner Jess had made.