"Sam what are you doing?" she protested as Sam's kisses became more insistent.

"Hey Jess got Kim pregnant in my bed. I'm just returning the favor." She grinned as she pressed Riley back into the bed.

"Oh you're going to get me pregnant huh...? Well let's get to it."

Sam knew Riley couldn't be serious but couldn't help the surge of hope her words

invoked. Riley saw the look on Sam's face and decided to take a chance.

"You know your brother will be here tonight. Maybe he'd be willing to help us out." She told Sam in a serious tone of voice.

Sam was momentarily speechless. She felt her chest tighten and she choked up. "You

would have my baby?" she asked tearfully.

"In a heartbeat." Riley assured her. "There's only one problem Sweetheart."

Sam was reeling. Riley really was serious, she wanted her child. It was more than she'd

ever dared hoped for. She fought to clear her thoughts and respond.

"What problem?" she asked nervously.

"A baby needs two parents... two married parents. Will you marry me Sam?"

Sam felt the tears pour down her cheeks. "Yes!" she cried. "Yes I'll marry you."

Tears of joy trailed down both their cheeks as they shared a searing kiss to seal the


The End.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Feedback and constructive comments are always welcome.

You can reach me at rjnolan@gmail.com

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 14 - Conclusion