Lizzy sat in an identical chair beside her husband with only a small table separating and less than three feet away from the fireplace. She wore Darcy’s old robe belted securely and drawn taut, and burrowed her stocking clad feet between his warm soles on the ottoman.

Normally, Lizzy relaxed into these moments of domestic felicity as thoroughly as did her spouse, but not tonight. She glanced at his intently placid mien, simultaneously amazed and annoyed at his apparent lack of distraction. She too held a book in her hands, but could not focus on the words.

“What do you think the girls are doing now?” She asked suddenly, rupturing the tranquility.

Darcy looked to his wife with a raised brow, eyes glancing to the softly ticking longcase clock in the corner. “Well, let me see. It is nearly eleven, which means that dinner is completed, yet it is not time to crown the King and Queen, therefore dancing is the primary diversion. Consequently, they are most likely standing in an unobtrusive corner talking with a well selected collective of unsociable individuals, praying that the night will end as rapidly and painlessly as possible.”

He turned with a shrug, Lizzy snorting and rolling her eyes. “Somehow I rather doubt that!”

“Then why did you ask me? I can only venture a guess based on personal experience, hence my answer. You would have a far better grasp on the possible activities, which, God help me, undoubtedly include flirting and dancing with lustful adolescent boys.” He shuddered, Alexander startling faintly and releasing a gurgling sigh.

“More personal experience, Mr. Darcy?” She laughed at his flush, then also released a sigh and tossed the unread book onto the floor. “I wish I could observe them dazzling, and I am dying to hear all the details!” She slyly glanced at her smiling spouse. “And do not pretend you are not wishing you could be there as well, to intimidate those lustful boys if nothing else.”

He shrugged again. “I trust Richard and Uncle George. They know I would skin them alive if any harm came to the girls. As for the details, there is no question we will hear all about it, especially you, who will surely be sequestered most of the day in your parlor reliving each second. Thankfully, I have a hunt planned so will only suffer the synopsis.” He too put the book aside, neatly onto the table, holding Lizzy’s gaze with a tender smile. “Perhaps I should relinquish our son to his cradle and engage you in an activity that will divert your attention away from useless pondering.”

Lizzy grinned salaciously, eyes brightening, and ran one foot seductively along his bare leg to inner thigh. “Hmmm… What sort of activity, Mr. Darcy?”

Darcy burst out laughing, again startling Alexander who jerked and fluttered his eyelids, wiggled and rubbed his tiny face into his father’s scratchy, hair-covered skin before capturing the first two fingers of his right hand and returning to slumber happily sucking. Darcy patted the infant’s back placatingly, attempting to croon amid the escaping chuckles.

“You, my insatiable love, have a wicked mind! I was referring to a competition over the backgammon board, as your fangs always come out with that game. However, I suppose my direction could be altered if you so desire. I intend to stay awake until Watson informs me the celebrants have returned anyway.”

Now he was grinning salaciously while Lizzy reddened slightly, but returned his smile. “Well, since we have until then I imagine we can do both. I have not properly trounced you in backgammon for weeks, so a humbling is in order.” She jumped up, leaning over husband and baby and bestowing a chaste kiss to inviting lips. “I will put him to bed while you set up the board. Say your prayers, Mr. Darcy, as I fully intend to spank you until you beg for mercy.”

Darcy grasped behind her neck, halting her mere inches away from his mouth. “Are we still talking about backgammon?”

But she did not answer, smirking instead with a lifted brow and tiny shrug.

The first three games were serious affairs. Darcy had discovered far back in his youth the horrid ill luck he possessed with dice and cards. It was a running jest for as long as he could remember and legendary amongst his peers. That is not to say he never prevailed in the rare game of chance or refused to partake altogether. Rory Sitwell, especially, was fond of gambling card games and Darcy had learned that even though he would likely eventually lose every last pence, the competition and male camaraderie could be moderately amusing. The main problem, aside from inherently being a man of financial sensibility, was that Darcy hated defeat.

Backgammon was a game that required a melding of both skill and luck at dice. Lizzy was blessed with an eerily magical talent for rolling doubles or the precise combination needed to either hit Darcy’s checker and send it to the bar or keep her checkers together. Darcy seldom rolled doubles and was forever forced to separate his checkers into lone blots on a pip just waiting for his ruthless wife to knock them back. Lizzy was a fierce competitor, which Darcy loved, as he was also. His saving grace was a patience and tactical strategy that Lizzy lacked. Her swift, impulsive moves often proved her undoing. Although in the long run Darcy lost more often than he won, the victories were enough to sustain his interest and retard utter humiliation. Plus, he simply adored any entertainment undertaken with his wife.

Darcy surprisingly won the first game, barely. Lizzy won the second by a fair margin and the third was a slaughter with Darcy passing three rolls of his dice unable to release the two checkers captured on the middle bar. Lizzy gloated while setting up the board yet again, Darcy suddenly distracted by the fact that during the intensity of the past rounds, the old, voluminous robe had loosened and was now gaping open to reveal tantalizing glimpses of a succulent bosom. He opted not to point out the fact, praying fervently that she would remain ignorant as the game commenced.

For the first time in a long while, Darcy paid not the slightest attention to plotting and maneuvering. In fact, he barely noticed the fall of the dice, absently relocating from pip to pip before returning his rapt gaze to the ever increasing view of flesh before him. Lizzy’s frown deepened as she studied the board with undisguised chagrin. Her husband was thwarting her every move, rolling the perfect combinations, and clearly on the road to annihilating her! With more than half her checkers still scattered about, Darcy rolled a shocking double six, taking his blood-deprived brain completely by surprise upon realizing that he had just won the game! He blinked several times, Lizzy releasing a snort of disgust as she fell back into her chair.

The abrupt movement and contact with the hard chair back caused her breasts to bounce delightfully above their stays, Lizzy flushing as she realized her entire front torso and one shoulder were exposed.

Darcy’s gaze was instantly riveted, the final checker falling randomly onto the board. “Stop,” he commanded when she reached to close the robe. In seconds he was beside her, Lizzy standing without thought, separating the robe completely and running warm hands around her waist toward the short corset’s ties in back. He pulled her tightly into his body and bent to administer lazy licks to her breasts; his pleased wife encircled his broad shoulders and moaning faintly. Darcy skillfully released the undergarment, never halting the delicious and highly arousing oral attention given to each breast.

“Are we finished with backgammon then?” Lizzy whispered in a voice caught between breathless excitement and teasing sauciness, fingers tightly enmeshed in his thick brown hair.

Darcy’s husky voice rose from the depths of her cleavage, words spaced as lips continued their assault, “I am now more than ready to cry for mercy while you spank or in any way choose to exert your superiority over me, Mrs. Darcy. I am utterly at your disposal and in your power.”

“Careful what you wish for, my lover. I am very clever, remember?”

She tugged his head away, meeting darkly glittering orbs of blue before pulling in for a searing kiss, running forceful hands down his robe covered back until encountering a firm derriere.

Darcy’s knees buckled slightly at her rough clench to his bottom, gasping for air as he withdrew an inch or so from her devastating lips while simultaneously crushing her lower body into his with a grinding writhe. “Lizzy! Unbelievable minx and temptress. Anything… anything you want of me and it is yours!”

She answered with a tender bite to his lower lip. “I only want you, Fitzwilliam. Take me to bed.”

Darcy was no longer stupefied by the apparently bottomless depths of amorous arousal they both elicited in the other. He never took it for granted, but had gradually come to accept it as what was obviously a natural offshoot of their tremendous love. Perhaps in some small part of his psyche he sheltered an egotistical sliver of pride at his raging virility, but he gave the credit to her. The undeniable fact was that, although virtuous upon his marriage, Darcy was a functional man and never had he attained the levels of arousal, even when in the first blooms of manhood, that he did with Elizabeth.

Lizzy suffered no shock at her wantonness and was abundantly clear about how smug she was in the power to raise her husband’s passion. She wasted no mental effort in analyzing their desire for each other, simply employing every tactic that occurred to her at any given moment to please him, which always worked and in turn massively pleased her.

Their lovemaking had assumed a life of its own, and tonight they entered a place caught blissfully between wild, animalistic fervor and playful teasing. They reached heavenly completion in unity, their bodies not once more than inches apart and hands constantly moving.

Still gasping, sight and clarity slowly restored as Lizzy stroked the rigid thigh lying alongside hers while his sweaty and shaking body adhered to her backside and crushed her into the soft mattress. Lizzy murmured into the pillow, “This is far better than dancing at a ball.”

Darcy chuckled, breath tickling her ear and hoarse voice reverberating through her back. “No regrets, my lover?”

“Lord no! Only in that I must request you move as I cannot breathe.”

He chuckled again, kissing softly to the luscious bend of her neck before complying. He rolled away from her back, but brought her with him, wide palms supporting full breasts and fingers teasing sensitive nipples. She allowed this erotic after-play for a moment and then turned in his arms.

“I love you, William.”

“I love you, Elizabeth.” He kissed her nose.

“Do you still intend to stay awake until they return? After expending this much energy, I find it difficult to believe you will manage it.” She accentuated her tease with a well placed fondle, Darcy retrieving her gentle fingers with a heavenly sigh.

“You know me well, dearest. It will not be easy at all to hold you in my arms and not surrender to gratified slumber, but I want to make sure they arrive safely. The roads are slick in places.” He embraced her tighter, nestling into the bed as they naturally assumed their customary positions with her head lying perfectly on his inner shoulder with body loosely draped over and molding to his.

She idly played with the damp hairs on his chest, sleep rapidly consuming her malleable flesh, contentment and sheer sexual gratification overflowing. “You are a good man.” She yawned, snuggling even closer. “I fear you have expertly leeched every ounce of energy from my bones so I make no promise to wait with you.”

“Do not try, love.” He kissed her head. “Alexander will have you up soon enough. Sleep, my Lizzy.”

Chapter Ten


The Cole family was a Derbyshire staple for nearly as long as the Darcys. Only slightly less wealthy and with acreage roughly three-fourths the size of Pemberley, the Coles were the second largest landowners of the region. As one of the foremost landed gentry for centuries, the Coles—even without Sir Walter Cole’s honorary title gained as a reward for bravery during the Anglo-Dutch War of 1780—were a prestigious family and their home reflected their prominence. Not quite as grand as Pemberley, Melcourt Hall was nonetheless an imposing structure and currently extravagantly festooned and ablaze with light.

Caroline Bingley did not approach tonight’s ball with the thinly veiled contempt felt at the Meryton assemblies. She had never resided at Pemberley during the winter season so had not attended one of Sir Cole’s masquerades, but she knew the family’s reputation as a distinguished one. Moreover, the opportunity to dazzle and further advance her fame was always grasped onto with vigor. One never knew what possibilities could arise at such an affair.