“What are you saying? You want me to go with them?” His eyes are pure confusion and my heart leaps into my throat.
I nod. I cannot speak.
“Oh.” He turns away from me, and runs his hands through his hair. I want to wrap my arms around his waist and tell him to stay with me, but I can’t. I can’t expect him to change, so I know this is for the best. This will end this little illusion between us before I get really hurt.
There are a million things I want to say to him, but I can’t. I press my lips together and head to the door, leaving Colt standing alone in the center of the room.
On my way into the hall, I pass by Britt and Bria. Together. Coming for him. Wow, they do not fight fair. I shudder picturing Colt with a girl on each arm. I don’t want to wait around to see him leave with them. That visual is more than I can handle.
The next morning, I arrive for training a few minutes early, but Colt is already there. We’re quiet as we go through the moves together, all business, nothing more than small talk and instruction exchanged between us. I have no idea why things suddenly feel so awkward. My goal had been to get things back to normal, not make things worse.
I’m dying to ask him about yesterday, but of course I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t care. “So…” I can’t help it, I know I need to shut my mouth, yet my curiosity wins out. “Did you have fun with Bria and Britt last night?” I offer a weak smile.
His face softens, unsure. He bites his lip, hesitating, then meets my eyes. Oh this is not going to be good. He looks like he’s about to admit to a murder. It was a just a threesome – that I pushed him into. Breathe, I remind myself.
I hold up my hand. “Never mind. Don’t answer that. I’ll use my imagination.” I laugh, but it sounds hollow, even to my ears. I turn away from him, nearly in tears.
“We didn’t. I didn’t,” Colt says in barely a whisper.
“Oh.” I turn to face him again. I want to ask why, but I hold my tongue. Our eyes stay locked on each others, communicating so much without speaking a word. I know he’s drawn to me, just like I am to him. Only I have no idea if it’s because he wants me to be another conquest or something more. I need to stop kidding myself. He isn’t capable of something more. He’s said so himself. I release a deep sigh, letting go of some of the tension I’ve felt since yesterday. Colt looks like he wants to say more, but instead we begin our lesson.
We make it through the rest of the training in silence, neither of us willing to speak what’s on our minds. A few times Colt looks at me like he wants to ask something, but stops himself.
Once training ends, I rush off toward the showers, relieved to have survived another day without saying something that will betray my true feelings for Colt. I cannot let that happen. And with our two-week summer break coming up, it seems I’ll be safe for a little while longer.
Chapter 28
I was sick. I had to be. Or dying. Hopefully dying. I’d turned down a threesome. A fucking threesome.
I throw my fist into the punching bag, slamming the bag away from me, letting a growl rip through my chest.
How can one small, argumentative girl be getting to me so much? It’s infuriating. Annoying. Sexy. Frustrating as hell. I’m fucked. Actually, that was the problem. I wasn’t. I couldn’t concentrate on other girls until I had Taylor. She was like a drug to me. I’d had one small taste and it was nowhere near enough. I was torn in between breaking all my rules about not messing around with younger girls and pursuing her whole-heartedly until she said yes. To me. To everything I wanted.
But as I’d spent more time with her, become friends with her, confided in her about my mom, I knew I couldn’t use her like that. Which made this all the more maddening. There was no way out.
I couldn’t go on acting like a pussy-whipped fool. I had to get her out of system. And I knew of only one way to do that.
My tension faded almost instantly having made that decision. Good. It was settled. I would have Taylor. Soon. Or I’d go crazy.
Chapter 29
MJ pushes up her sleeve. “I think a nice little saying or symbol. Right here.” She touches her wrist. MJ’s been talking about getting a tattoo for the past week and a half.
“Bad idea,” Logan says. “They’re permanent, in case you hadn’t heard. Whatever you like now, you’re not going to like when you’re forty.”
“He’s got a point.” I back Logan up, even though I know there’s no talking MJ out of something she wants. I toss another handful of candy into my mouth. Logan’s mom sent yet another care package, this one filled with every type of candy imaginable and of course he’s sharing with us.
MJ’s head swivels to the door, mid-bite of a large chocolate bar.
“What?” I turn and follow her gaze.
Colt’s striding through the center of the cafeteria, heading straight for our table, his eyes locked on mine, completely unaware of all the others watching him.
He stops at our table, still looking at me.
“Um, hi.” I give a little half wave, my cheeks bursting with fruity candy.
He nods. “Hi. What’s with all the candy?”
Logan holds out a selection of candy bars to him. “Take one. Please. My mom smothers me, treats me like I’m five. She needs to back off.” He rolls his eyes.
Hurt flashes across Colt’s face. “No thanks.”
I have the sudden urge to reach out and take his hand, but of course I don’t. That would just be weird. I swallow down the lump of candy.
“MJ wants to get a tattoo,” Logan explains, motioning to MJ who’s now got her shirt pushed down off her shoulder, inspecting the space there.
“Colt would you ever get one?” she asks, pulling her shirt back into place.
“How do you know I don’t already have one?” he asks.
MJ laughs. “Because something tells me you’re too much of a pretty boy to get inked.”
“I’ve thought about it.” He leans against the side of the table and I have to will my eyes not to travel down the length of his body. “Down here.” He touches just below his belt buckle. Holy God, focus, Taylor. Focus! “I’d get something that says, ‘Thanks for visiting. Come again soon.’”
The table erupts in laughter. But I’m rendered speechless.
“Classy, Colt. Even for you, that’s pretty bad,” MJ scolds.
“Hey, I’ve never had an unsatisfied customer. And in case I forget to say thank you, it’d be covered.” He’s looking at me again.
Gross. “Do you have any respect for women? They’re not your customers,” I say, not bothering to hide the unease I feel.
“I have nothing but respect. I make sure a lady is treated right when she’s with me.”
“So you don’t buy into the notion that the female orgasm doesn’t exist,” Logan asks, his voice scientific and professional.
“Myth,” Colt says absently, reaching down to steal a lollipop that discarded on the edge of my plate. “And I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” he says, looking thoughtfully at the sucker.
I roll my eyes. This conversation needs to end. Now.
“Don’t listen to Logan, he’s afraid of girls as it is,” MJ says.
Logan gives her a look that’s the visual equivalent of stepping in gum.
Colt pops the sucker in his mouth and pats MJ on the top of her head like she’s four years old and just done something amusing. “Okay, kiddos, see you in class.” But before turning away, he bends down near my ear, removing the sucker. “If you’re free tonight, I thought maybe you could come by. We could watch a movie or something before you go away on break.” His breath smells of the strawberry sucker and I want to turn to him and taste it on his lips.
Before I have a chance to answer, Colt strolls away, leaving me looking after him with both intrigue and disgust. I am so screwed.
Chapter 30
I’m a man on a mission, tossing dirty clothes in the basket in my closet, picking up stray socks, making my bed, even dusting with an old T-shirt. I don’t know the last time I dusted my room. Probably never. I search through a box in my closet. I know I have some candles in here somewhere. Finally I locate them.
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