“Because otherwise it’ll look suspicious,” Janine answers. “This way, it’ll just be like I called another meeting, and these are the people who could come on short notice. Don’t worry—I’ll back you up if you go too deep and start to get sick. Just do your best.”

There’s a knock on the door, and Janine motions to the couch. “Sit over there, and I’ll make sure Giselle is sitting next to you.”

I try to sit back and look casual, but my heart is beating out of my chest. What if Giselle figures this out? Nobody actually came out and said it, but if she’s head of security, then I’m sure she’s got a weapon on her. I have to trust that Janine knows what she’s doing.

Sue walks into the room, and I can see the strain of the past few days on her face. “I’ve only got about half an hour,” she says, checking her watch. “I’ve got another meeting in the city—our intelligence says that there are some deals going down that might have to do with the theft at the lab.” She collapses next to me on the couch and pats my knee. “How are you doing, dear?”

“Fine,” I say, wondering what to do next. If Giselle isn’t next to me, then this whole thing’s a bust.

“Sue, why don’t you take my chair?” Janine says, getting up from the chair she usually sits in. “It’s so much more comfortable.”

“If I get any more comfortable, I’m going to fall asleep.” Her laugh is brittle. “I haven’t been getting much rest lately.”

“Even more reason.” Janine gives her a hand to help her up.

“If you insist,” Sue says, settling into the chair while Janine perches on the edge of her desk. As I suspected, Griffon takes the chair farthest away from me when he comes in, leaving Giselle to take the seat next to me when she shows up a few minutes later.

“So, what’s this about?” Giselle asks. “I thought we had a good update last night.”

“I wanted to include Cole in our meeting,” Janine says. “Let her in on where things stand.”

“She’s not part of the Sekhem,” Griffon says. His tone is angry, dismissive. “Not officially.” I can’t look at him because I’m afraid my anger will overflow, and I need to concentrate and not blow this opportunity.

“True,” Janine says in a calming tone. “But she’s helping us in a way that nobody else can.”

“Like I was saying, there has been some interesting movement with some of the players from North Korea,” Sue says. “I don’t know if it’s about the Akhet formula specifically, but there’s more activity in that sector since the break-in. We’re checking it out now.”

As Sue talks, I cross my arms so that my elbow is just barely brushing Giselle’s. I take some deep breaths like Janine showed me and try to block out everything that’s going on around me. Giselle moves a little bit, but not enough to break the connection. I try to focus on where our bodies meet. It takes a few frustrating moments, but soon I can sense the same darkness that I felt before, as if there’s something she’s trying consciously to hide. I can hear people talking in the room, and I feel Giselle’s heart rate speed up and familiar emotions wash over me. They’re coming from the place she doesn’t want anyone to see, a place that she’s pushed as far from the surface as she can. She shifts in her seat and pulls her arm away from mine, breaking our physical connection, but I think I have my answer.

“Do we have someone watching customs?”

I pull my awareness away from Giselle and see that it’s Griffon speaking. I watch her eyes as she studies him, her pupils large and her breathing shallow. I know without a doubt that this is what she’s been trying to suppress all this time. Giselle isn’t hiding a connection to whoever broke into the lab and killed Veronique—she’s been trying to hide the fact that she’s in love with Griffon.

“Of course,” Sue says. She turns to Giselle. “What’s going on with the analysis of what was left in the lab?”

I can see Giselle pull her attention away from Griffon. “We’ve been able to isolate the mycotoxin,” she says, her voice steadier than I’d thought it would be. “And it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It has similarities to the standard forms of ergo-toxins, but the makeup is different. What we haven’t been able to do is figure out exactly how she did it. There are still some pieces missing.”

“So you can’t replicate it?” Sue asks.

Giselle shakes her head. “Not with what we have.”

“It doesn’t matter what’s in it,” Griffon insists. “What matters is who has it.”

“We know,” Sue says. “Trust me, I’ve got every available detail working on it. I’ve called in everyone with ties to the most likely suspects.”

“But what if it’s someone we don’t suspect?” he asks, his frustration visible. “What if it’s someone who’s flying completely under the radar?”

“We’re using profilers and surveillance everywhere we can,” Janine says. “It’s not like there’s going to be an entire generation of evil Akhet in the next few weeks. It’s going to take decades for the formula to be administered and for the abilities to take effect.”

“By then it’ll be far too late,” Griffon says quietly.

The meeting breaks up quickly after that; there are no good answers to the questions everyone has.

“I’m going back to the South Bay—do you need a ride?” Giselle asks Griffon. Her voice is casual, but now I’m aware of the intent behind the words.

“No,” he says. “I have a few things I need to take care of at home. I’ll meet you tonight.” I try to gauge his words, but either he doesn’t know how she feels about him or he’s not reacting.

I pull my bag over my shoulder. Griffon rushes out the door ahead of me, and I’m sure that’s to avoid any more awkward conversations between the two of us.

Janine looks at me questioningly. “Everything’s fine. I’ll call you later,” I say, leaving her alone with Sue.

I decide to walk to the BART station, because it’s a nice day and I’m not meeting Drew until dinner. I push open the doors of Janine’s building to see Griffon sitting on his motorcycle by the curb out front. I glance at him and turn to walk down the street when he calls me back. I take a few more steps. I don’t want to talk to him right now. I kept it together during the meeting, but the less contact we have, the better for both of us.

“Wait!” he calls again.

I can’t exactly ignore him, so I turn and take a few steps back. “What?” I ask, glancing down the street to show him I have somewhere else to be.

“What was all that in there?”

“All what?”

“You were reading Giselle, and Janine set it up.” He shakes his head. “Neither of you is as sly as you think you are.”

“Maybe you should ask Janine about it.”

“I’m asking you,” he says. “What’s going on?”

“If I tell you, you have to keep it to yourself.” I sigh and force myself to look at his face. There are dark circles under his eyes, but aside from that, he looks as good as always. “I felt something dark in Giselle’s essence, something that she was trying to hide, and we needed to figure out what it was.”

Griffon looks surprised. “You thought Giselle had something to do with the theft of the formula? I could have told you both you were wrong. I’ve known her for centuries—she’d never go to the other side.”

“Maybe you’re a little too close to the subject to see it clearly,” I say.

Either he doesn’t get my implication or he ignores it. “So what was it? What did you see that made you change your mind?”

I hesitate. He’s not mine anymore, but that doesn’t mean I want to help Giselle. “It’s not my secret to tell.”

“Fair enough.” Griffon nods to the bike. “I’d give you a ride to the station, but I don’t have an extra helmet.”

I look down at the single helmet strapped to the side and wonder what he did with mine. “That’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

“I can walk with you if you want.”

I glance at the crowds of people on the street. I remember shopping on Telegraph with him before, eating pizza and buying records. The difference between where we were then and where we are now is almost unimaginable. Part of me wants to say yes, to have him walk down the street by my side again, but I know it won’t mean anything in the long run. I have to keep my promise to Drew. And to myself. “No. Thanks. I’m just going to go alone.”

He hesitates for just a moment. “Okay. Guess I’ll see you around.”

I try not to watch the familiar motion of him straddling the bike and pulling the helmet onto his head. My heart is heavy as I watch him stand up, kick the bike into gear, and rev the engine. That sound is always going to mean long rides up the Great Highway to me, feeling free and confident as I sat behind him. He flips up his visor and looks at me. “You were right, back at the hospital. When you said I didn’t give you any choice between me and Drew.”

Even now, the memory of that conversation hurts. “I wasn’t with him then.”

“But you are now.” Griffon doesn’t flinch at the words.

I pause, choosing my words carefully. “You left,” I say to him, watching his face. “Drew stayed.”

Griffon nods his head slowly, flips the visor back down, and guns the engine, pulling the bike away from the curb and into the stream of traffic.


This time, Larry the security guard waves me through the lobby and toward the elevators. He must have buzzed Drew, because he’s waiting for me as the doors open.

“Hi,” I say, stepping into the apartment and trying to gauge his mood.

“Hi,” he says, hesitating just a second before he leans down and kisses me. He closes his eyes and shakes his head, holding one palm up against my cheek. “I want so much to be mad at you. But I don’t want to waste precious time on pointless emotions.”

“Good,” I say, reaching up to kiss him again, surprised at the relief I feel.

Drew steps back and takes both of my hands in his. “But no more holding things back, okay? Promise me you’ll tell me what’s going on. No more secrets?”

“Right,” I nod. “No more secrets from now on.”

“So, where do you want to eat?” he asks, keeping one of my hands in his and leading me into the living room.

“Doesn’t matter to me.”

Drew sits down on the big brown couch and pulls me down with him in a long kiss. We don’t say anything as we finally pull apart, each wrapped up in our own thoughts. I look at Drew’s hand in mine. His arms are tan with a sprinkling of blond hairs. I picture them gliding through water, the sun glinting down on the surface as the waves break into spray. “Did you ever surf?”

“Of course,” he says, laughing a little. “Still do when I go visit the folks. Why?”

I shrug. “There’s just so much I don’t know about you. Like, what did you do when you left home? Where did you go?”

“I went where all good Akhet go when they come of age. First I went to Alexandria to retrieve some things, then it was on to New York and then here.”

“So you were loose in the big city as a sixteen-year-old with a huge amount of money?”

“I told you, it wasn’t a huge amount then. Just enough to get me started.” He smiles, and I can tell he’s remembering things I’m probably not going to get to hear about. “I actually did eat a lot of my meals at Maria’s place in the beginning, out of necessity. But yeah, it was fun.”

“How did you get all of your money to Alexandria? I mean, most of the time you don’t know when you’re going to die. You can’t exactly stop time and say ‘hang on, I just have to go to Egypt real quick and stash some things.’ “ My mind flashes back to the hillside in England where fires were crackling over the screams of the condemned. There’s no way he would have had time to hide things before the soldiers took him away during that lifetime.

“If you have the means to get to Alexandria, you stash things there whenever you can, over your entire lifetime. Most recently, I kept most of my money in a safe-deposit box in New York. My ‘grandfather’ left it to me,” he says, putting air quotes around the word. “It’s so much easier now to pick up where you left off. Used to be, you had to basically start over each time.”

I play with his fingers, trying to remember what he looked like as Connor, but all I get is a fuzzy picture of blond hair and green eyes. His image is hiding in the corners of my mind, like a ghost. “How did we meet?” I finally ask.

Drew props himself up on one elbow against the back of the couch so he can look at me. “We met at the store. You know that.”

“No, not this time. The last time.”