He surprised her when he bypassed the bedroom and continued on to the bathroom. “Just a sec.” He released her and grabbed a pack of matches off the counter, quickly lightly the four white pillar candles that were placed there. When they were all lit, he flicked off the light, leaving the room bathed in the gentle light.
She allowed him to tug her into the room. The large bathtub was already filled with water and several thick towels and washcloths had been laid out. Jackson reached for the hem of her top and began to pull it upward.
“The bathroom is much nicer than it was even a year ago. I did a lot of work on the place last winter. I tore down a wall and took part of the guestroom to make the bathroom larger. That allowed me to put in a separate shower stall and this bigger tub.” Emerald tried to nod, but the tank top covered her head as Jackson tugged it off her and let it drop to the floor. Because her top had a built-in bra, she was naked from the waist up.
“God almighty,” he muttered as he dropped to his knees in front of her and buried his face against her stomach. She automatically wrapped her arms around his thick shoulders, holding him to her. She sensed he was in an odd mood but wasn’t quite sure what to do about it.
His lips grazed over her tummy as he nuzzled her. His tongue circled her bellybutton before snaking inside. She sucked in a breath, curling her toes into the mat beneath her feet. “Jackson?”
He muttered a curse and gave her belly one last open-mouthed kiss before surging to his feet. “Bath first.” His fingers went to the button of her shorts, then the zipper. He wasted no time, tugging her shorts and panties down at the same time.
She was now totally naked, but he was still dressed. Yes, it was only his jeans, but it was still clothing. “What about you?” She reached for him, but he sucked in his stomach and took a step back.
“You do that and we won’t make it into the bathtub.” His jaw clenched and she could see the muscles working. The bulge in his pants was rather impressive.
“All right,” she agreed as she stepped toward the bath. He was beside her in an instant, steadying her as she stepped over the side. Once she was settled back against the edge of the tub, he ripped open the front of his pants and skinned them down his legs. He hadn’t bothered with underwear when he’d redressed earlier, so there was nothing holding in his erection. His cock sprang free, hard and ready, and she could see that the tip was already moist.
He took a deep breath, raking his fingers through his hair before stepping into the tub. “Sit up.” She did and he slid in behind her, leaning back against the edge. He pulled her back against him until she was resting against his chest.
“This is nice.” It was better than nice actually. She could feel his erection pressing against the cleft of her behind and it was heating her from the inside out.
He reached out and snagged a bar of soap and lathered his hands. When he was satisfied, he dumped the soap back into the holder. Starting at her shoulders, he began to massage his way down. She groaned as his fingers dug into her tight muscles, loosening then dissolving the tension. “That feels good,” she gasped as he squeezed and released.
“I want you to feel better than good,” he whispered wickedly in her ear. His hands traced the fragile line of her collarbone as his tongue traced the whorls of her ear.
Her legs moved restlessly and he hooked his own beneath hers and then spread his legs as wide as the tub would allow. It opened her completely and kept her from clamping her thighs together to find some relief from the need building inside her.
When his large, soapy hands covered the mounds of her breasts, she arched her hips. And when he traced her swollen nipples with his thumbs, she whimpered. Her pussy ached to have him inside her. Her inner muscles were clenching and relaxing in a rhythmic pattern.
“That’s it,” he all but purred as he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. “You respond so quickly to me. It’s such an incredible turn-on.” He plucked at her nipples again, pinching them a bit harder this time.
“Jackson!” Emerald cried his name as her hips moved ineffectively. Her chest was heaving as she gasped for breath. The air around them was thick with steam and the passion flaring between them. Her body was alive, all the nerve endings tingling as desire pulsed through her. He’d only touched her breasts and she was close to coming.
“Tell me what you want.” He gently bit at her earlobe before soothing the small sting away with his tongue. Water sloshed dangerously close to the edge of the tub as her hips pumped. She couldn’t get much force behind her thrusts because his ankles were holding hers locked to the sides of the tub.
“I want—” She broke off on a moan as he carefully tugged on her nipples again.
“What do you want?” He continued to ply his fingers, teasing her, tormenting her. “Do you want me to touch you anywhere else? Maybe you’d like me to fuck your pussy with my fingers?” He nibbled at the base of her neck. “Would you like that?”
“Yes,” she gasped. Reaching up, she grabbed one of his hands and thrust it between her thighs.
“That’s it,” he crooned. “Show me what you want.”
She clamped her hand around his wrist and tried to get his fingers to touch the places she needed, but it was impossible. “Do it, Jackson,” she demanded, thrusting her hips upward. Her back pressed hard against his cock and it was his turn to groan.
His fingers slid easily inside her. One. Two. Then finally, three. “Yes,” she panted as he began to ease his fingers in and out of her hot, moist sheath. His thumb grazed her clitoris with every thrust of his fingers. It was too much. It wasn’t enough.
She throbbed from head to toe. Even the roots of her hair ached as Jackson pushed her body higher and higher. The hand at her breast continued to pluck and tug at her nipples, first one and then the other. His face was buried in the curve of her neck, his breathing harsh as his fingers moved quicker and quicker in and out of her pussy.
Tension thrummed through her, getting tighter and tighter until she knew it had to snap. One final tug at her breast and a deep thrust of his fingers drove her over. Convulsing, she cried out his name. Mindlessly, she pumped her hips, wanting to milk every last sensation from the orgasm rocketing through her.
Jackson didn’t stop, but kept up a steady rhythm until she was laughing and crying and begging him to stop. He slid his fingers from her core and wrapped his arms tight around her, hugging her to him.
Knowing he’d take care of her, she closed her eyes and lolled against him.
Jackson took one deep breath and then another. He was a hairsbreadth away from coming, and the last thing he wanted to do was spill his seed in the bathtub. But it wasn’t easy. Emerald was so damn sexy. She gave everything to him whenever they came together. He’d never known another woman like her. The way she responded to him, it was if she’d been created especially for him. He touched her and her body immediately reacted.
Her cries and breathy moans had almost driven him over the edge. He grunted as she shifted slightly, pressing more firmly against his straining erection. She tilted back her head and when he looked down, she was smiling at him. It wasn’t a big smile, but a sleepy, satisfied one.
His heart thudded heavily even as his cock throbbed. He didn’t have any more time to waste. He shifted her from his lap and gripped the sides of the tub, hauling himself out. She gave a small shriek and a laugh as water sloshed everywhere, including over her. So much for being romantic. “Sorry about that,” he muttered as he grabbed a towel and gave his body a few quick swipes.
“That’s okay.” Her dark brown eyes were soft and her lashes were spiky from where she’d grabbed the washcloth and given her face a quick wash.
What little makeup she’d been wearing had long disappeared. Not that she wore much. He was no expert, but he’d never noticed more than some lipstick and maybe some mascara, but he couldn’t even be sure about that. She had such thick lashes naturally that she probably didn’t need any. The fact that he was even thinking about women’s makeup told him he was quickly losing his mind.
“Time to get you out of the tub.” If she didn’t get out soon, he’d climb back in and fuck her in the tub and he didn’t want to do that. This time he wanted to take things slow and easy. That is, if he could manage to maintain enough control.
Reaching down, he helped her stand and then step out of the tub onto the thick bathmat. He flipped the plug open so that water would drain before grabbing a fresh towel and stroking it over her body. He wanted to linger, but he knew that he couldn’t. His balls were so tight against his body they ached.
Tossing both towels aside, he blew out all the candles, grabbed Emerald’s hand and tugged her behind him, leaving the bathroom behind. He could sense her confusion, but she went easily, not asking him any questions, for which he was very grateful. He wasn’t sure he could actually explain the sense of urgency driving him. Ever since this afternoon at the pond, he’d had a need to join his body with hers and claim her.
Deep inside him there was a place that still held out a tiny hope that if he bound her to him physically with sex, then she might want to stay. Even as he thought it, he dismissed it. She had a life. He had a life. All they had was now. And by God, he planned to enjoy every moment of the now.
Entering his room, he led her over to the bed. She sat on the edge, never taking her eyes off him as he lit several candles he’d placed on the dresser and nightstand. He’d never tried his hand at being romantic before, but something about Emerald made him want to try. And he knew that women found candles romantic. Luckily for him, Erin had liked candles but hadn’t taken them when she’d left home a year ago. He’d been able to find some tucked away in the storage closet.
He strode back to the bed, determination in every step. A condom was already on the bedside table. He ripped the packet open so he wouldn’t have to waste time doing it later. This way, when he was ready to claim her, the condom would be ready and there would be no waiting.
“Lie back on the bed.” He stood with legs braced apart, wanting to reach for her but knowing he wouldn’t have much time once he touched her.
Emerald scooted up on the bed, reclining against the pillows. Something inside him relaxed slightly as she reclined. She looked incredibly right in his bed. Then she opened her arms to him and he was lost.
Kneeling up onto the bed, he braced himself over her and kissed her. Her lips always tasted sweet and he loved to lick and nibble them. They parted immediately and he stroked his tongue inside. Her hands clasped his shoulders, her nails digging into him. Just that slight touch made his cock jerk and he pulled back.
“What is it?” He could see the worry in her eyes. “Is there something wrong?”
He nodded. “Yeah.” He took a breath and tried to ignore the pulsing of his cock. “If you touch me, it’s gonna be all over before it really gets going.”
“Oh.” Her eyes widened, but he could see the pleasure in them as well. It was obvious that she liked knowing he wanted her that much.
“Yes, oh.” An idea came to him as she stretched her arms over her head. “Leave them there.” He sat back on his heels and watched her.
“Leave what where?”
Her breasts were firm, her nipples red from his earlier attention. He couldn’t wait to taste them. “Leave your hands over your head and wrap your fingers around the slats in the headboard.” He stroked a finger up the inside of her thigh, pleased when she gasped and opened her legs wider. “You can’t touch me or I’ll come too quickly. But I want to touch you.” He paused for emphasis. “Everywhere.”
Her fingers closed around the slats, but they were so thick she couldn’t get a good grip on them.
“Can you hold them or do you need help?”
She licked her lips and he swallowed a groan as he followed the path of her clever tongue. “What kind of help?”
Jackson surged off the bed and hauled open a dresser drawer and pulled out a silk tie. It was one of two ties he owned. He stood at the head of the bed and stared down at Emerald, the gray silk in his hand. “It’s up to you.”
She stared at him for the longest time before giving a small nod. Quickly, he looped the tie around her wrists and then anchored them to the headboard. “Not too tight?”
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