She gave an experimental tug and shook her head. “No.” Her voice was low and he detected a note of fear as well as arousal.

He climbed back on the bed, sitting between her spread thighs. “Remember, this is all about pleasure. If I do anything you don’t like, just tell me. All right?” He wanted her excited but not afraid, never afraid of him.

“I trust you.”

Jackson felt like yelling in triumph. His chest swelled. His cock twitched. She might not stay with him forever, but while she was here, she was his. Totally and without reservation. A man couldn’t ask for more than that.

He scooted down slightly and picked up her right foot. “Even your feet are feminine and sexy.” He firmly stroked the bottom with his thumb and watched her toes curl. “The arch is graceful.” Raising it to his lips, he kissed the delicate curve.

“Jackson!” she shrieked, tugging at the bindings.

“Ah, you’re ticklish.” He moved upward to nibble on her toes, before sucking one into his mouth. Her cries turned to moans as his teeth lightly scraped over her toe.

He slowly kissed and nipped his way up her calves, first one and then the other, taking care to pay special attention to the dimples of her knees. Her breathing was getting faster. He glanced up and she was watching him with rapt attention. Her breasts were swaying with every gasp of air she pulled into her lungs. He’d taste them, and soon.

Her thighs were next. His fingers grazed the creases at the top as he licked the soft skin on the insides. He could feel her heat. Smell her arousal. Cream had already seeped from her slit and he sipped it from her thigh. She dug her heels into the mattress and arched her hips toward his mouth. He pulled back and blew gently on her heated core.

Her head thrashed on the pillow as she pulled on the bindings holding her captive. “Jackson,” she breathed his name. His cock jerked in response.

Leaving her pussy behind, he rubbed his face across her softly mounded belly. He loved the feel of her skin against his face. He hadn’t shaved and there was stubble on his jaw so he was careful not to press too hard against her flesh. Instead, he used it to tease her.

He nipped at the flare of her hips and the dip in her waist, moving ever upward. “I’ve been wanting to taste your nipples all night long. They’re like juicy little strawberries just waiting to be eaten.”

Emerald whimpered as he lowered his face, brushing his jaw over the soft mounds. “I love your breasts. They’re large and firm and absolutely perfect.” He straddled her torso as he plumped her breasts in his hands. Leaning forward, he nestled his cock between them and then squeezed them together.

He thought his head might explode, it felt so good. He moved forward, letting his cock slide between her breasts. “Open your mouth.” Her eyes widened as she realized what he wanted, but she parted her lips, licking at them in anticipation. “I love your hot mouth and your sweet lips. Let me fuck your mouth.” He released her long enough to pile several pillows behind her head to prop her up comfortably.

He positioned himself again, cupping her breasts in his hands and pressing them around his cock as he thrust. Her mouth opened, her tongue licking at the head as it passed. Jackson gritted his teeth as he jerked his hips back and forth, driving his cock deeper with each plunge. He thumbed her nipples as he continued and she moaned. The vibration almost sent him over the edge. If he wanted to finish this inside her tight pussy, he had to stop now.

He pulled back, but Emerald sat forward, trying to reach him. He gave a half-groan, half-laugh as he shifted out of her reach. He grabbed the open packet off the nightstand, pulled out the condom and rolled it on. “I want to be inside your hot pussy when I come this time. Your sweet mouth will have to wait for another time.”

He positioned himself between her thighs, slid his hands under her ass and lifted her to his mouth. “First I’m going to eat you until you come. Then I’m going to fuck you until you scream.”

Her eyes glazed over. “Yes,” she hissed as he licked up one side of her slick folds and down the other. He flicked his tongue over her swollen clit before sucking it into his mouth and tugging. He could feel the cream seeping from her body, but it wasn’t enough. He needed her to come again.

Holding her with one hand, he stroked the other one over her labia before sliding two fingers inside. He widened them inside her as he circled her clit with his tongue. Emerald cried out, her hips jerking as she came. Shocked by how quick she’d reached orgasm, he released her and stared down at her flushed face. Her hair was mostly out of her ponytail. Some of it was spread across his pillows while the rest of it was plastered to her face, neck and shoulders. Her hands were clenched into fists around the fabric of his tie and he wondered if it would hold, she was pulling it so tight.

When she sighed and relaxed, he positioned the head of his cock at her opening and pressed inside. Her inner muscles were swollen from her two orgasms, but he kept up a steady pressure until he was seated to the hilt. Reaching up, he tugged at the tie binding her to the headboard. He wanted his hands on her. Wanted to feel the bite of her nails in his skin as he fucked her.

Emerald helped and soon the silk tie was forgotten against the pillows. She groaned as he helped her lower her arms and he leaned down, planting kisses on her forehead, her cheeks, her nose and her chin.

Reaching up, she grabbed his head in her hands and kissed him. Hard. Jackson slid his tongue into her mouth and stroked it against hers. Now that he was inside her the sense of urgency that had been driving him was strangely missing. He was still balanced on a razor’s edge and that was why he hadn’t thrust yet, but he was content to just be inside her.

Gradually, the kiss gentled. Jackson raised his head to stare down at Emerald. “You’re a very special lady.” He brushed a damp curl off her forehead. Both their chests were slick with perspiration so they slid easily as he pulled back and then pressed forward again. “I know I said I wanted to fuck you until you screamed, but I’ve changed my mind.” Pulling back, he pressed forward again. “I want to take it slow and easy and make it last.”

“Slow can be good,” she murmured as she clutched at his shoulders.

He continued the leisurely rocking motion, his eyes never leaving hers. Every now and then, he’d have to kiss her lips or her forehead or some other part of her face. There was no part of her that didn’t fascinate him.

Her body clasped his cock in a tight blanket of warmth, the muscles contracting and relaxing around him. His release, when it came, was long and slow and he felt it in every cell of his body. His cock spasmed, filling the condom instead of her sheath. Emerald wrapped her arms around him and arched up. He felt her reach her own release, her pussy milking his cock until every drop of him was drained.

Totally spent, he collapsed. He managed, at the last second, to avoid completely squashing her into the mattress. He was still nestled inside her, but the bulk of his body was angled off her. It wasn’t comfortable, so he dug his hands into the bed and pushed back. They both groaned when her body reluctantly released him. He rolled off the bed and staggered to the bathroom to clean up. When he returned, he blew out the candles and tugged the covers out from under Emerald before climbing into bed next to her.

She rolled into his arms, throwing one leg over his thighs and wrapping her arm around his chest. Her nose nuzzled against his chest hair before she finally settled down with a huge sigh. Her soft, even breathing told him that she’d fallen asleep that quickly.

Tucking her tighter against him, he ignored the heat and listened to the sounds of the night filter in through the open window. Totally relaxed, he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Fifteen

Three days later, Emerald was still walking around in a daze. She’d spent each successive night in Jackson’s bed. The man was insatiable, which was just fine by her. Shaking her head, she stared at the blank screen of her laptop. She was supposed to be working, but all she could think about was how yummy Jackson had looked when he’d left this morning.

She’d already been up and in the shower when he’d joined her. Jackson had made sure he’d washed every inch of her skin before he’d backed her against the tiled wall and taken her. Showering had never been so much fun.

Pushing out of her chair, she went to the refrigerator and grabbed the large container of iced tea. She’d consumed gallons of the stuff since she’d come here. The heat was still stifling and she knew that Jackson was beginning to get very worried about his trees and the crop.

She took a glass from the cupboard, as comfortable in this kitchen as she was in her own back in New York. As she poured herself some of the iced tea, she glanced out the window. New York didn’t have a view like this. It wasn’t just the scenery that drew her to this place, but the man who lived here. She wondered if, when this was all over, she might come back here for an occasional weekend or holiday. Maybe Jackson would enjoy that, maybe he wouldn’t. Perhaps this was a time out of time for both of them and when it was over, it would be over for good. Only time would tell.

Deciding that she wasn’t going to get any work done at the moment, she strolled out onto the back porch and sat in one of the chairs. It was a bit cooler here in the shade, but not by much. It was one of those summer days where it was so hot you could see and hear it.

Waves of heat shimmered in the air, which was thick and heavy. Even the insects seemed weighed down, moving slower as they buzzed around the flowers in the garden. A butterfly flitted by, landing on the porch railing not three feet from her. It slowly opened and closed its beautiful black-and-orange patterned wings. An idea for another line of products flitted through her mind as she watched a yellow butterfly glide past.

Sitting back, she rested her hands on her stomach and tilted her head back. She was wearing her usual uniform of jean shorts and a tank top. Her feet were bare and her hair was piled in a knot on the top of her head. It was the only way to survive the heat. Truth be known, she was actually enjoying it. Summer in New York was not pleasant when the temperature rose, but here it was different. There was no smog, no exhaust fumes from cars and no people with short tempers screaming. If she looked at the situation in a positive light, this was really a nice working vacation.

Thankfully, her sisters were both doing fine. Emerald still couldn’t believe she’d forgotten all about calling them that first night. Okay, so she couldn’t really blame herself, not with Jackson loving her so long and so…she didn’t really have the words. He was wild and earthy one moment, sweet and sexy the next. Whatever he did, whichever way he made love to her, she was powerless to resist.

She squirmed in her chair as her panties dampened. Raising her glass, she had a long swallow before placing it down beside her chair. She ignored her pebbled tight nipples. What had she been thinking about? Oh yes, her sisters.

It had been the following night before she’d gotten the opportunity to call them. Jackson hadn’t been pleased about her contacting them. Although the risk was minimal, he still felt that it was too much. He’d hovered around her while she’d been talking, glancing at the clock every two minutes. She’d ignored him and chatted with both Topaz and Sapphire.

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

For the third time, Emerald reassured her older sister, “I’m fine. I’m perfectly safe. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

“If you’re sure.”

She didn’t lose patience with Topaz because she could hear the underlying worry in her sister’s voice. “How about you two? Are you being careful?”

Topaz gave a most unladylike snort. Emerald laughed because it was so unlike her sophisticated older sibling. “I can barely go to the bathroom without him following me.”

Emerald chewed on her bottom lip. She knew that Topaz was finding it very restrictive to have a bodyguard, but the Knight brothers were two of the best and Emerald was happy to have them guarding her sisters. “Any word from Dane yet?” She’d been praying that their investigator would turn up something. Anything.

Topaz sighed. “Nothing yet. But he’s still looking. Oh, and Derek’s been making a nuisance of himself.”