“What does he want?” Emerald barely stifled a groan. She’d grown up with Derek and thought of him as a slightly obnoxious older brother. Because his father had been her parents’ manager, he’d spent a large portion of his childhood in their home. They’d all hoped he’d grow out of his competitiveness, but with his father always pushing him harder and harder to succeed, he’d only gotten worse as he’d grown older.

Still, he was practically family so they all put up with him. Besides, like anyone, he had his moments where he could be incredibly sweet and kind. Like when he’d helped them produce the CD they’d given to their parents as a present. They wouldn’t have been able to pull that off without Derek.

“He’s just worried about you. He calls for an update almost daily, wanting to know if we’ve learned anything yet or if we know where you are.”

“You didn’t tell him, did you?” Emerald’s stomach clenched. It would be just like Derek to rush out here to protect her.

Topaz gave a small chuckle. “No, we didn’t tell him. We both know what he’s like. He’d try to take over your life to protect you.” She paused.

“What?” Emerald could tell there was something her sister wasn’t telling her.

“Beau’s been calling too. He’s been adamant about getting in touch with you. Of course, Derek is convinced that Beau is your stalker.”

Emerald sighed and began to pace. “That’s just silly. It’s been over between me and Beau for months.” She felt Jackson stiffening beside her, but she ignored him. “Derek has an overactive imagination.”

Topaz laughed. “Yes, he does. He’s also convinced that Fred might be your stalker because he wanted you to take his computer game idea to Beau. Fred asks about you every day too.”

They were no farther along in discovering who the stalker was than they were when she had left New York. “Maybe I should just come home.” Tension was rolling off Jackson in waves. She didn’t want to leave, not yet. But she couldn’t leave her own life and her sisters in limbo indefinitely.

“No. You stay right where you are.” Her words were decisive. Clipped. Topaz had gone into full big sister mode. “Derek is also worried about some country boy taking advantage of you in your vulnerable state. I told him he had nothing to worry about.” There was a significant pause. “There is nothing to worry about. Right?”

Emerald avoided the question altogether, very aware of Jackson listening to every word she was saying. “I’ll stay here for a while longer. But you’re left handling everything at the store. That’s not fair.” She stopped pacing and leaned against the wall.

There was a prolonged silence on the other end of the line and Emerald breathed a sigh of relief when her older sister chose not to push the subject. “Sapphire still helps out and I hired a wonderful young art student to help out several days a week.” She hesitated before plunging forward. “I’d been meaning to talk to you about this anyway. I think that you should be concentrating on developing product lines for Sisters’ Jewels and not working in the store. I think that’s part of why you burnt yourself out these past few years.”

Emerald was struck dumb. She pulled the receiver away from her face and just stared at it. She heard her sister calling her name and reluctantly answered. “You don’t want me there?” It had always been the three of them working together.

“Of course I want you here,” Topaz insisted. “But only when you want to drop by, not because you have to work. I’ve already discussed it with Sapphire. She’s agreed to let me hire someone else full-time so that she can work on her jewelry designs. There’s also some talk of her doing a line that would be mass-produced and marketed at some of the better department stores.”

“When did this happen?” Emerald felt like her world was changing around her while she was hidden away.

“We’d been approached before, you know that. Sapphire’s come up with a line that she thinks would work. They’ve agreed to let her have final say over quality control, so she’s happy.” She could hear the concern in Topaz’s voice. “This would allow Sapphire to really get on her feet financially and make a name for herself away from Sisters’ Jewels. I think she needs that.”

Emerald nodded. Her sister, although incredibly talented, had always been the most insecure of the three of them. “Then she should do it. As long as it makes her happy.” It was hard to be making these decisions so far away from her family. Usually, when there were major life or business decisions to be made, the three of them would order in and make a night of it sprawled out in their living room. Tears burned in her eyes. She really missed her sisters.

A large hand rested on the small on her back. She could sense Jackson’s concern when she glanced back at him. His gaze narrowed when he noticed the tears in her eyes, but he said nothing. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tugged her back until she was leaning against his chest.

“Don’t worry, Em.” Her sister’s soft voice washed over her. “We’ll get it all worked out.”

“I know.” Her sister rarely called her by the shortened version of her name anymore. They all used their full names for professional reasons. Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them back as she cleared her throat. “I’ve been working again.”

“Really?” She could hear the pleasure and surprise in Topaz’s voice.


“When can I see it?” The businesswoman was back in full force.

Emerald laughed, as she knew her sister had intended her to. “When it’s done.”

“Well then, why are we still talking?” Topaz softened her voice again. “I love you. Everything will be okay.”

Tears threatened again. She wanted to hug both her sisters so badly at the moment. To feel their familiar embrace. “Mom and Dad still don’t know anything?”

“No, and I think that’s a mistake. Dad is not going to be very happy about this and I don’t even want to think about what Mom is going to say.”

Emerald didn’t want to think about how this was going to hurt her parents. “There’s nothing they could do except worry. They’ve planned that extended trip to Europe for months. Let them enjoy it.”

“For now, I’ll let it go. But if we don’t find any answers in the next few weeks or if something happens, I’m calling them.”

“Okay. I can live with that.”

“I have to go. My bodyguard is getting antsy. He says we’ve been on the phone for too long.” Emerald could hear impatience, annoyance and something else that she couldn’t quite place in her sister’s voice.

“You sure you’re okay with him?”

“Don’t worry,” Topaz replied dryly. “I can handle John Knight.”

They said their goodbyes and Emerald hung up the phone. She’d barely had the receiver back in the cradle when Jackson scooped her into his arms and carried her straight upstairs to bed. She hadn’t had time to think, let alone worry about anything.

The sound of a vehicle approaching broke into her reverie. Jumping from her chair, she hurried into the house, swearing under her breath when she realized that she’d left her glass outside. There was nothing to be done about it now. She closed the back door and locked it. It was probably only Erin or Nathan. She saw quite a bit of both of them these days. They were always checking on her to make sure she was okay. But she couldn’t take any chances. As far as the rest of the town was concerned, she was long gone.

She went into her room off the kitchen and carefully tugged back a corner of the curtain. She tensed when she didn’t recognize the vehicle, but relaxed when she saw the familiar logo on the side. It was the mail truck. Sweat trickled down her back, partly due to the heat, but partly due to fear. It was so easy to relax and feel safe, but there was still someone out there who meant her harm.

Watching from the window, Emerald waited as the mailman climbed out of his truck clutching a box. He ambled over to the door and knocked. He tried the handle, jiggling it several times before just leaving the package on the porch. Turning, he strolled back to the truck and hauled himself back inside. Seconds later, the truck was barreling down the road. She was alone again.

Unease filled her as she went straight to the door and unlocked it. It was just nerves, she assured herself as she tugged the door open. The package was indeed addressed to Jackson and the tension seeped from her body.

Shaking her head at herself, she leaned down and picked up the box, carrying it in and laying it on the kitchen table. She’d barely laid it down when the phone rang. She always let the answering machine pick up. Always. She wasn’t supposed to be here. But she was so rattled by what had just happened, she didn’t think. It was an automatic response that had her lifting the receiver and saying hello.

Dead air met her. She chewed on her bottom lip, not knowing if she should just hang up or continue talking. She could always pretend it was a wrong number. “Hello.”

“Whore,” the distorted voice spit at her. She froze, the receiver glued to her hand. “Did you think I wouldn’t find you?”

“Who is this?” Anger surged through her blood, driving out all thoughts of caution.

Laughter filled her ear. Something was being used to distort the voice, but she could tell it was male. She pressed down the record button on the answering machine and prayed that it would work.

“I bought you that beautiful dress and you ran from me. That,” he paused and it seemed even more menacing than his words, “displeased me.”

Shivers raced down her spine. This guy was crazy. “Why would you send me a wedding gown? I don’t even know you.”

“Don’t you?” His words were eerily calm. “Come home and all will be forgiven. Stay there and face the consequences.”

“What consequences?” Fear for her sisters shot through her. Her hands shook as she clutched the phone.

“You’ll see,” he continued in that placid, almost pedantic tone. “Oh, did you get the package I sent you?” He was laughing when he hung up on her.

She turned to face the brown-wrapped package sitting in the middle of the table. It was addressed to Jackson. Terror unlike any she’d ever known filled her. Her stalker had found her. He knew where she was and he was threatening Jackson. She had to warn him first. Then she had to leave, and quickly. It was the only way to protect him.

But first, there was something else she had to do. Her fingers dialed the number posted by the phone. She felt detached, somehow removed from the situation. Logically, she knew it was from shock and fear, but she couldn’t seem to care. When a man picked up on the other side, she didn’t speak at first but could hear his deep voice on the other end.

“Who is this?” he repeated.

“Nathan?” she managed to push the word past her frozen lips.

“Emerald? What’s wrong?”

She was trembling so hard that she had to lean against the wall for support. “He called here.”

Nathan was quickly putting things together. “The stalker?”

She nodded until she remembered he couldn’t see her. “Yes.” The ice that had been encasing her began to thaw as anger began to flow hotly through her veins. “He sent a package too. And Nathan,” she didn’t quite know how to tell him this.

“I’m on my way there now, Emerald. Lock the doors and stay inside. Keep away from the windows.”

“Nathan,” she yelled. “The package was addressed to Jackson.”

There was silence for a second on the other end and then Nathan continued as if she hadn’t said anything that was particularly upsetting. “Where is the package?”

“On the kitchen table. Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes.” His voice was clipped. “Go upstairs. Get as far away from the package as you can without leaving the house.”

“Ohmigod. You don’t think it’s dangerous, do you?” Stupid question. Of course he thought it was dangerous. He wouldn’t have told her to get away from it if he didn’t.

“We’re not going to take any chances. I’m going to have to call in the bomb squad. We don’t have one here in Meadows, so it’s gonna take a while to get them here.” She could hear the sound of traffic and knew Nathan was moving as he talked to her. “I’ll be there as quick as I can. When you see me, come downstairs and wait by the back door.”

“Okay.” From the noises she was hearing, she could tell that Nathan was in his vehicle and already on his way.

“Hang up this phone and go upstairs. I’ll call back and you can answer on the cordless phone in Jackson’s room.”