“Yeah. I talked to him and the detective in charge of the case back in New York. We’ll be sending them all the information on the bombing as soon as we get a report together. In the meantime, he knows what’s going on.” Nathan hesitated. “I talked to her sister’s bodyguard as well. He answered the phone when I called, so I explained the situation to him. You should probably call them later.”

“I will.” He rubbed his hands over his soot-covered jeans and glanced at the doctor.

“Follow me.” The doctor gave them all a nod and headed back toward the heavy closed door of the emergency room.

“Don’t worry about a thing with the house,” Erin said. “We’ll take care of everything.” He turned and gave Erin a grateful smile as he stepped inside the doors. They swung shut behind him, shutting his family on the other side. He followed the doctor to a room at the end of the hall. A uniformed officer nodded as they passed. That was one of the benefits of living in a small town—a stranger would stand out like a sore thumb.

“She’s a bit groggy, but don’t worry. She truly will be fine.”

“Thanks, Doc.” Jackson pushed through the door, pausing just inside.

Emerald was lying facedown on the pristine white mattress. He could smell the smoke from here. Or maybe it was himself he smelled. He took a deep breath and went to her side. Her face was pale and he could see the smattering of small cuts on her cheek. Her nose looked slightly swollen, but not too bad considering the blood she’d had on her face.

His hand was trembling ever so slightly when he reached out to stroke her hair. The ends were a bit singed, but nothing a trim wouldn’t take care of. He swallowed back the lump forming in his throat. He was so damn grateful she was alive.

She stirred and her eyes fluttered open. “Jackson,” she croaked.

He winced at the sound of her voice. Her throat sounded incredibly sore. “I’m here.” Stroking the side of her face, he leaned closer to her. “Everything is okay. You’re going to be fine.”

“The house?”

“To hell with the house. I’ve got insurance.” He wasn’t sure it would cover a mad bomber, but he didn’t care. She flinched at his harsh words and he gentled his voice as much as he could. “The house isn’t important. The only thing that matters is that you’re going to be all right.”

She nodded, her fingers plucking at the sheet beside her. “I’m sorry.” Her red-rimmed eyes filled with tears.

Jackson eased down onto the mattress next to her, careful not to jar her. “What are you sorry for?”

“I brought all this trouble to you.” A lone tear spilled out of the corner of her eye, nearly breaking his heart.

“I’m not sorry.” He brushed her hair over her shoulder and gently wiped the tear from her cheek. His thumb caressed the side of her face. “I’m glad you came into my life.” Leaning down, he brushed his lips lightly against hers.

Emerald gave a soft sigh and parted her lips. It was a brief kiss, but they both needed the connection, the intimacy of it. Jackson sat back, lightly stroking his hand over her shoulder. “Me too,” she breathed and then started to cough.

“You need to rest.” He started to stand, but her hand shot out, catching his. She winced as the movement shifted her battered body. “Don’t worry,” he promised. “I’m not going farther than that chair.”

Her fingers slowly released his and she sighed. “You should go and get cleaned up. Maybe check on your house. It’s selfish of me to keep you here.”

“If it’s selfish, then I’m selfish too,” he assured her. “I don’t want to leave you.” The memory of hearing the explosion and the realization that Emerald was inside the burning house was still too fresh. He wanted to haul her into his arms and keep her there for at least a month, if not longer.

Her eyes were beginning to droop. Staying awake was becoming more difficult for her by the second. “My sisters?”

He knew what she wanted. “I’ll call them.”

“Don’t let them come here.” He could hear the frantic worry in her voice and sought to calm her.

“I’ll make sure that they stay where they are and that their bodyguards are aware of the situation.” Bending forward, he brushed a kiss over each of her eyes. “You just rest and concentrate on getting better. I’ll take care of things until that happens.”

“All I need is a nap.”

He almost smiled at the fierceness in her voice. He had no doubt she’d be back to her usual independent self in no time at all. In the meantime, he’d watch out for her. “I know,” he soothed.

She snuggled her face into her pillow and sighed. “My work burned,” she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

Jackson winced, knowing that was another blow to her that could be laid at the stalker’s feet. There was nothing more to say, so he stood and watched her until he was sure she was asleep. He was just moving away from the bed when the door opened. A nurse walked in. She was an older lady and had been a friend of his mother years ago. “Mrs. Patterson,” he nodded.

“How are you holding up, Jackson?” By now he had no doubt that everyone in town knew about his and Emerald’s relationship. He’d worry about the implications of that later. Right now, he was more worried about Emerald’s rest being disturbed.

“I’m okay,” he stated briskly. “She just went to sleep.” He could hear the challenge in his own voice and saw the twitch of the nurse’s lips as she tried not to smile. “I’m being an ass, aren’t I?”

Mimi Patterson shook her head. “No, you’re being concerned.” She kept her voice low, which Jackson appreciated. “We’ll clean her up when she wakes. Why don’t you go home and get cleaned up.” She shook her head as she reached out to pat his arm. “Or at least go to your sister’s place if yours is too bad. I’m sorry about the fire.”

“Thanks.” Jackson’s head was spinning with the sudden realization that he might not even have any clean clothing. Even if the upstairs was okay, it was going to smell of smoke. “I’m not leaving her.”

She nodded as if she’d figured that would be his reply. “Then why don’t you at least get someone in your family to get you a change of clothing? You can shower here.” Her eyes were kind and understanding as she gave him a soft smile of encouragement.

“Yeah. I can do that.” He glanced over at Emerald’s still form, huddled under the sheet.

“I’ll stay with her until you get back. All of them are still in the waiting room.” She squeezed his forearm and then strode briskly around to the far side of the bed.

Jackson’s hands clenched at his sides. It was hard for him to leave her now that he was finally by her side, but he knew the nurse was right. He’d feel better if he showered and changed. He’d get Nathan to loan him some clothes until Erin could get back out to the house and assess the situation better. If his clothing wasn’t too bad, she could launder some for him and pack him a bag. He wasn’t leaving this hospital until Emerald went with him.

Determined, he strode out of the room and back toward the waiting area.

Emerald slowly became aware of her surroundings. Her head was pounding, her throat was parched and her entire body was one big ache. A moan escaped her lips as she shifted.

A hand brushed the side of her face and she frowned. That touch was very familiar. Forcing her eyelids to open, she blinked when she saw only darkness. It took a few seconds for the eyes to adjust and for her to realize that it was night. The drapes in the room were open and the light of a lone streetlight illuminated the room. She was in the hospital. Memory came flooding back and she moaned again.

“Emerald.” Of course it was Jackson touching her. He’d saved her life.

She licked her lips and tried to speak but all that came out was a croak. The tip of a straw brushed her lips and she latched on to it and began to suck. Cool, refreshing water flowed into her mouth and down her dry throat, the abused tissues sucking in the life-giving fluid.

“Take it easy,” he admonished softly when she began to cough. He eased the straw away until she’d stopped and then pressed it back against her mouth. This time she was more cautious. He patiently waited until she’d had almost two cups of water and was satisfied.

Feeling much better, she stared at him, trying to see his features in the dark. “Why are you still here?” It was obviously the middle of the night. Not that she wasn’t happy he was here. She was, but he had a multitude of problems of his own to deal with.

“I told you I wouldn’t leave you.” His voice was low and deep and filled with determination. Of course he was here. He wouldn’t be Jackson, the man she loved, if he wasn’t here.

“What about the farm?” It was hard to talk, but there were things she needed to know.

“The farm is fine. Erin and Abel will handle things for a day or two. Nothing for you to worry about.” He stroked her hair and her face as if to reassure himself that she was truly okay.

“Of course I’m worried. The apple crop will be ready to start harvesting any day now and your house was just torched by a maniac stalker.” Her voice rose with each word until it was a hoarse shout.

“Erin says that the house isn’t that bad. The main damage is in the kitchen, but the rest of the place just needs a good cleaning.”

Emerald thanked God for small miracles. “I’ll pay for any damages, of course.” She’d have to contact the bank and draw on some of her savings.

“You’ll do no such thing.” Anger, tight and controlled, vibrated in his voice. Uh-oh. Jackson was well and truly pissed with her.

“It’s only right,” she began, but was cut off when he lifted her into his arms. She was so shocked that it took a second to realize that he had avoided the bandages on her back. Even angry, he was incredibly careful with her, concerned about her well-being. He settled back into his chair with the sheet tucked firmly around her, not even disturbing the IV that was pumping fluids and medication in her abused body. She hadn’t even noticed the needle in her hand until he’d moved her. “I’ll take care of the farm, Emerald.” It was said with such finality that she knew the subject was closed. For now. She’d bring it up again when she was released from the hospital.

“When am I getting out of here?” The darkness surrounded them as his arms wrapped around her. She felt safe and cared for. The heavy thud of his heart was a comfort as she leaned her face against his chest. He’d showered and changed. She inhaled clean scent of soap instead of smoke, but beneath it was the unique smell of Jackson—warm, musky and all male.

“Tomorrow afternoon, the doctor said.”

She nodded. “I don’t smell like smoke anymore.” That wasn’t exactly true. There was still a light tinge of it, but it was mostly gone.

“Yeah, the nurse gave you a sponge bath earlier. You were mostly out of it at the time.” Emerald nodded as a vague memory flitted through her brain. “I brushed your hair, but we didn’t wash it. That’s why you still smell some of the smoke. The nurse gave me some dry shampoo, she called it, to brush through your hair. It helped some.”

Conversation lagged as they both enjoyed the pleasure of simply touching one another. Emerald rubbed her hand over his chest, wishing it were his bare skin instead of a soft cotton T-shirt. Jackson ran his hand up and down her arm. The only sound in the room was the gentle inhalation and exhalation of their breaths, punctuated by the background noises of the hospital.

“You should sleep.” The low rumble of his voice made her smile.

“So should you,” she countered.

He gave a short bark of laughter and she felt his lips brush the top of her head. Maybe it was the dark of the night. Maybe it was the intimacy of the situation, but she found herself wanting to talk about Jackson, to find out as much as she could about the man she loved. Finally, she asked a question that had been troubling her since her arrival at the farm. “Why don’t you have any animals on your farm?”

Jackson gave a huge sigh. “If I answer, will you promise to sleep?”

“As long as I’m satisfied with your answer,” she retorted.

He snorted and then rested his head back against the chair. “When I was a kid, my grandfather had a couple of horses. When he died, my father sold all but the oldest one. Nobody wanted him. I loved old Elvis.”

“Elvis?” she laughed. She could sense more than see Jackson’s smile as she tilted up her head to look at him. The light from the window outlined his features, making them appear blunter and more rugged than usual.