Random House, Inc.
Danielle Steel - Jewels краткое содержание
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DANIELLE STEEL’SJEWELS“A CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT WHICH REPRESENTS A NEW VITALITY IN STEELS ART. JEWELS IS A WORK OF SPLENDOUR WHICH IS FOREVER CAUGHT IN THE NEXUS OF TIME AND LOVE.”—The New England Reviews of Books“A smashing story of a good woman triumphing over adversity.”—Ocala Star-Banner“ENGROSSING…. Take it on your beach vacation and count the number of others handling the green book jacket. A, lot!”—San Antonio Express News“Dukes … jewels … and French chateaux … JEWELS can be counted on to shoot off the shelves!”—Kirkus Reviews“Our hands-down choice! … JEWELS is a standout.… Steel has established herself as a best-seller author … and the reason is simple enough. She knows how to weave a story and that’s no small achievement!”—BookviewsA MAIN SELECTION OF
DANIELLE STEEL“STEEL IS ONE OF THE BEST!”—Los Angeles Times“THE PLOTS OF DANIELLE STEEL’S NOVELS TWIST AND WEAVE AS INCREDIBLE STORIES UNFOLD TO THE GLEE AND DELIGHT OF HER ENORMOUS READING PUBLIC.”—United Press International“Ms. Steel’s fans won’t be disappointed!”—The New York Times Book Review“Steel writes convincingly about universal human emotions.”—Publishers Weekly“One of the world’s most popular authors.”—The Baton Rouge Sun
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Jewels - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Danielle Steel
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1921With all my heart,
a cognizant original v5 release october 06 2010
Chapter 1
HE air was so still in the brilliant summer sun that you could hear the birds, and every sound for miles, as Sarah sat peacefully looking out her window. The grounds were brilliantly designed, perfectly manicured, the gardens laid out by Le Nôtre, as Versailles' had been, the trees towering canopies of green framing the park of the Château de la Meuze. The château itself was four hundred years old, and Sarah, Duchess of Whitfield, had lived here for fifty-two years now. She had come here with William, when she was barely more than a girl, and she smiled at the memory as she watched the caretaker’s two dogs chase each other into the distance. Her smile grew as she thought of how much Max was going to enjoy the two young sheepdogs.
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