“You promised not to…” Annie said, and he interrupted her quickly.

“I’m sorry. Okay. Clay and…?”


“Lacey. How old are they?”

“Clay is seventeen, and Lacey is twelve going on twenty.”

Paul pressed the rewind button. “…twelve going on twenty,” Annie repeated.

Paul turned the machine off and closed his eyes. There was only one reason she’d lie. He thought of the girl in Alec’s kitchen, the girl with Annie’s eyes, Annie’s red hair pushing out the black, and once he started thinking, he couldn’t stop.

He’d received his master’s degree in communications when he was twenty-four years old. He suddenly saw his future mapped out in front of him, and there was a gap in it only one person could fill. He hadn’t seen Annie in over four years, not since she’d left him at Boston College to set out on her own. He could not look for a job, he couldn’t commit himself to his own future until he’d made one last attempt to include her in it.

He moved to Nag’s Head in late spring, renting an efficiency apartment two blocks from the water. He auditioned for a role in The Lost Colony, a play on the history of the Outer Banks that ran each summer in Manteo, and easily won a part. He found Annie and Alec’s number in the phone book, but didn’t call. Instead, he drove to the address listed in the directory—a little soundside cottage in Kitty Hawk. He arrived very early in the morning and parked a block away, sipping coffee, his eyes on the house. Around seven, he saw a tall dark-haired man leave the cottage and get into a beat-up truck standing in the driveway. That had to be Alec. Paul felt a mixture of hatred and envy as he watched him drive away. He waited another fifteen minutes to be sure that Alec hadn’t forgotten anything he would need to return for. Then he started his car and drove the block to the cottage, studying himself in the rearview mirror. He hadn’t changed much in the past four years. He still wore the same wire-rimmed glasses. His hair was a little shorter, but that was about it.

He got out of the car and walked quickly to the front door, knocking before he had a chance to change his mind.

Annie opened the door. For a moment, she didn’t seem to recognize him. Then she let out a squeal of delight. “Paul!” She threw her arms around him and he hugged her, laughing with relief. Behind her, a toddler sat quietly watching them from a playpen. Even from this distance, Paul could see the pale blue eyes that he imagined belonged to his father.

He hugged her a fraction of a second too long, and she pried herself free, her face flushed. “Oh, Paul,” she said, holding one of his hands in both of hers. “I’m so sorry for the way I handled things when we split up. Really, it’s haunted me. I’m so glad I’ve got this chance to tell you.” She pulled him into the room. “Come in, come in.” She stood away from him, her hands on her hips, her eyes appraising. “You look good, Paul,” she said.

“So do you.” She looked incredible.

“This is Clay.” She reached into the playpen and pulled the little boy up into her arms.

Paul touched the boy’s hand. “Guido,” he said softly. Annie looked confused, and then she laughed.

“I’d forgotten about that. And Rosa, right?”

“Yeah,” he said, feeling terribly sad. “Rozer.”

Annie looked at her son. “Can’t you say hi, precious?”

The little boy buried his head in the tempting hollow of her throat.

“He’s sleepy,” she said to Paul. She laid Clay back in the playpen and covered him with a light blanket.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. “Are you on vacation? Who are you with?” She didn’t wait for any of his answers. “I’d like you to meet Alec—unless that would be difficult for you.” She plunked down on the sofa. “Oh Paul, how did you ever forgive me? It was terrible, the way I did it, but I was so mixed up with my father being sick and all.”

“I know.” He sat down next to her on the sofa and took her hand. “I’m here at least for the summer,” he said, and there was a discernible crack in her smile that he tried to ignore.

“The whole summer?” she asked.

“Yes. I’ve got a role in the Lost Colony play.”

“That’s wonderful,” she said, but her voice was uncertain.

“And I’m staying in a little apartment in Nag’s Head.”

“Are you alone?”


And then she seemed to catch on. “Why here? Why the Outer Banks?”

“Why do you think?”

She shook her head and pulled her hand away. “I’m married, Paul.”


“Very. I’ve changed a lot. I’m not so…wild anymore. I’m a wife and a mother. I have responsibilities.”

“Well, could I see you sometime? Just two old friends meeting for lunch?”

“Not if you want something more from me.” She had folded her arms across her chest and shifted away from him on the sofa.

“I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give me, Annie. If that means one lunch during the entire summer, then that’s what I’ll settle for.”

He wrote his number on a notepad on the coffee table, hugged her once more and left, determined to wait at least a week before he tried to see her again.

The play was his salvation. His role was demanding, and the camaraderie of the cast absorbed his time during the day when they were rehearsing. At night, though, he couldn’t stop himself from imagining Annie in her little cottage, contentedly bedding down with her tall, pale-eyed husband.

The Lost Colony opened on a steamy night that made the heavy costumes intolerable, but the crowd of tourists was enthusiastic. Paul felt good when he stepped backstage for intermission. He had just taken a bottle of Coke from one of the backstage hands when he spotted Annie by the dressing rooms, her eyes fixed on him. One of the male cast walked past her, reaching out to touch her hair. She smiled at the stranger, absolving him, as though she understood he had been powerless to keep his hands to himself.

Paul walked over to her. “I’m glad to see you,” he said.

“You were spectacular, Paul,” she said. “These tights really do something for you.” She touched his hip, and a jolt of electricity shot through him. He looked into her eyes and saw that she knew exactly what she was doing.


“Shhh.” She touched her fingertips to his lips. “After the show,” she said, smiling. “There’s a place we can go. A friend of mine’s. You can follow me. I have a red VW convertible. You’ll see me.”

He did see her, sitting cross-legged on the hood of the VW under a light in the parking lot. He declined the invitation to go out with the rest of the cast to celebrate. Instead, he followed Annie closely in his own car, hypnotized by the way the air lifted her red hair in the darkness. They drove over the bridge into south Nag’s Head and turned onto Croatan Highway, and he hugged the rear of her car for the next fifteen miles. Where the hell was she taking him? She finally pulled into a sidestreet, where she stopped her car and turned around to call to him.

“Park here and get in my bug,” she said.

He obeyed her and had barely shut the VW’s door before she made a U-turn and was out on the road again.

“Where does your friend live?” he asked as they passed through Southern Shores.

“You’ll see.”

They drove another few miles between dark, shadowy dunes. Paul hunted for a light on the horizon, but aside from the swath of light cut by Annie’s headlights, they were in total darkness.

“Where’s Alec tonight?” he shouted against the wind.

“Working on the mainland. He does a lot of work with farm animals these days.”

“Where’s your little boy?”

“Neighbor.” The car bounced in a rut and he held on to the armrest.

“Where the hell are we going, Annie?”

She pointed into the darkness ahead of them and in a moment he saw a flash of light.

“A lighthouse?”

“The Kiss River Light. We’re going to visit the keeper.”

He fell silent, surrendering. He would let her be his guide.

She turned onto a dirt road and they bounced through the darkness for a few minutes before coming to a clearing. Annie pulled into a small area of packed sand close to the light and closer still to a large white house. Paul got out of the car and looked up at the dizzying tower above them just as the beam of light brushed over his eyes.

“It’s phenomenal,” he said.

“I know. Come on.” She took his hand and they walked up the brick path to the house. Lights were on in a few of the downstairs windows, but he couldn’t get a good look inside.

Annie knocked briskly on the door and after a moment it was opened by a tall, elderly woman dressed in a long dark skirt and white blouse.

“Come in, Annie,” she said, stepping aside.

“This is Paul Macelli, Mary. Paul, this is Mary Poor, the keeper of the incredible Kiss River Lighthouse.”

Paul nodded solemnly at Mary. What the hell was going on? Were they going to spend the evening talking with an old woman?

Annie kissed Mary’s cheek. “Do you need anything, sweetie?”

“No, no.” Mary waved her hand. “You go on up.”

Annie grabbed Paul’s hand and led him up the stairs to a small bedroom with a quilt-covered double bed. She closed the door and swung around to kiss him. “Oh, God, Paul you were so beautiful on that stage. I’d forgotten.” She started unbuttoning his shirt, but he caught her hands.

“Annie, I don’t understand…”

“Shh.” She pulled her own blouse, still buttoned, over her head and took off her bra. “Hold me,” she demanded, and he held her, the sun-filled scent of her hair achingly familiar, and the bare skin of her back warm against his hands. Every few seconds the white light of the beacon flooded the room, catching the red of her hair, the creamy whiteness of her skin, but otherwise it was too dark to see.

“Touch me,” she whispered. “Everywhere.”

He stripped off his own clothes and laid her down on the bed to carry out her order. Her body was more alive than he’d ever known it, and he did not like to think that he owed her new fervor to her husband. She wrapped her legs around him. “I need you close to me, Paul,” she said. “As close as you can get.”

He slipped inside her, briefly aware of the bed creaking, of the old woman downstairs, but surely Mary Poor knew what was going on up here. He put the sounds out of his mind and focused on Annie. He was with her, inside her, after all this time. She rocked with him, but when he slipped his hand between their bodies to touch her, she shook her head.

“Doesn’t matter,” she said.

He was insistent. Persistent. And finally she came, the spasms of her body propelling him over the edge.

He started to roll off her after a few minutes, but she held him fast. “No,” she said. “Stay close.”

“I love you, Annie.”

Hold me.”

“I am. I’m right here.” He concentrated on holding her tightly enough to still the trembling in her body. Then he did roll off her, halfway, so that when the light filled the room he could see her face. “I don’t understand this arrangement, Annie,” he said. “The old woman…”

“Mary. She knows I need to see you. I visit her a lot when Alec works. I’ve told her all about you.”

“Can we meet again?”

“We have to. Afternoons might be better. Can you make it in the afternoon?”

“Of course. But let’s meet at my apartment.”

“No,” she said. “It has to be here. People might see me with you. A lot of people know me, Paul. I’m too familiar a face. Way out here, we’re safe.”

And so it continued. It was Paul’s most blissful summer, with the possible exception of the summer he had spent with her in New Hope. She would let him know in the mornings, by hanging a red scarf from the corner of the little front deck of her studio, whether she could meet him that day. She asked him never to come into the studio—she didn’t want to have to explain his presence to Tom Nestor.

A few times during the summer, he would see her from a distance with Alec. He spotted them together in the grocery store, and once throwing a frisbee on the beach. She laughed a lot with Alec, the dimples deep in her cheeks, and Paul would not be able to get the image out of his mind until he was with her again.

The scarf hung from the deck more often than not. Annie and Paul met at Mary’s house and spent the afternoons in the upstairs bedroom. They spoke often of the past, but never of the future. He was careful of his demands on her, but by the middle of the summer he could no longer tolerate the clandestine nature of their relationship. He wanted more.

“I think it’s time you left Alec,” he said one afternoon, after they had made love.