“Yes,” they both answered at once.
“Have a seat.”
They sat at the kitchen table as Diamond took the pizza out of the oven.
“Got any beer?” Rider asked with hope in his voice.
“No, and I don’t have any wine. Sex Piston and her friends finished it off earlier today.”
“Thank God we missed them.” Rider shuddered.
“That’s her sister, dumbass.”
“Sorry,” Rider apologized as he pulled a slice of pizza free from the tray.
“It’s okay. My sister and her friends are an acquired taste.” Sitting down at the table, she put a pitcher of sweetened tea and glasses on the table before taking a slice of pizza onto her own plate.
As they ate, wiping out the pizza, Diamond barely managed to grab the last slice away from Rider, who gave her sad puppy dog eyes. When she was about to take a bite, his eyes dropped to her mouth as she opened it. Diamond closed her mouth and handed him the pizza.
“That wasn’t fair,” she chastised him. Rider took a large bite of the cheesy pizza, shrugging his shoulders.
“I don’t remember the last time I had homemade pizza. Usually we get frozen from the freezer. I was willing to fight dirty,” Rider explained.
Diamond found herself laughing at the friendly man. Her eyes went to Knox, surprised he had let his friend have the last slice. Her eyes met the heat in his, bringing the desire back into her body that had been missing since he left the other day.
Diamond broke eye contact and then stood to her feet and gathered the dirty dishes. As she turned around to get the glasses, she almost bumped into Knox as he carried the glasses to the sink.
“Let me do the dishes since we invited ourselves to dinner.”
“No, that’s okay.”
Knox ignored her and began doing the dishes as she stood helplessly watching, not wanting to make an ass of herself by throwing out the two men who had temporally taken over her apartment.
Rider went into the living room and turned on her television set, making himself comfortable as he started flipping through her channels.
“Thanks for the pizza,” Knox said.
“You’re welcome.” Diamond moved away to wipe the table down.
“Sex Piston stop by often?”
“Not really. We’re not very close.” Diamond shrugged, folding the dishcloth.
“She have any particular reason for stopping by today?” Knox asked. Diamond watched as he did a decent job at doing the dishes. For some reason she had assumed he would be clumsy because of his size, but his hands were expertly washing and rinsing them.
“We’re having a family dinner on Friday.”
Finishing the dishes, he turned to look at her. “From your expression, you’re not looking forward to it.”
“Not really. I’m not very close to my family.”
“No reason really; we’re just different. We don’t have much in common.” Diamond turned away, determined to change the subject from her family. It merely reminded her that she was stupid even to be talking to Knox. It was not only unprofessional, but it would lead to a road she had no intention of taking.
Pasting her usual plastic expression onto her face, she decided to bring the impromptu evening to an end. Going into the living room, she stood by the couch. “Thanks again for bringing my car—”
“Do you mind if I finish this program? If I leave now, I’ll miss the end.” Rider glanced up from his show, hitting her with another puppy dog look. Diamond tried to stand strong, however Knox took a seat on the couch and then stretched out his long legs in front of him.
“No, I don’t mind,” Diamond found herself saying. She was about to sit down in the chair when she found herself gripped by the waist and hauled to sit between the men on the couch.
“You can see the television better from here,” Knox explained, not taking his eyes off the television.
At first, Diamond sat between the men uncomfortably, remembering that both had been in Knox’s bedroom the day the warrant was issued. When neither man made a move, she gradually relaxed to watch the show. After it ended, both men rose to their feet without any prompting from her.
“Thanks for dinner and the movie,” Rider said with a grin. Diamond smiled back at the friendly biker. He was definitely the flirt of the group and had learned to use his good looks to his advantage.
“You’re welcome, Rider. Thanks again for my car.”
“Anytime.” Rider went to the door, leaving with Knox following, but Knox paused as she came to the door. Expecting him to go out the door like Rider, she looked at him curiously.
As he shut the door and pulled her to him, Diamond immediately stiffened, trying to pull away, yet Knox put his hand on her ass and pulled her against his hard body.
“I’ve had my mouth on your pussy, but I haven’t had your mouth yet.” Knox then lowered his head before Diamond could object, covering her mouth with his. She tried to tear her lips away, but Knox’s hand buried in her hair, tilting her head to the side as he used the tip of his tongue to part her mouth. As he began thrusting into the warm recesses, gently exploring her mouth, her hands flattened on his chest as she stopped resisting.
His body turned, pressing her body against the door as his tongue raked against her own; the ball a reminder of how it felt against her clit. With that thought, Diamond tore her mouth away from his demanding lips.
“Knox, I’m not going to do this—”
He stepped back from her, staring down at her with a hardened face. “Why not? I know you want to fuck me just as much as I want to fuck you.” Diamond winced at his blunt words.
“Because I could lose my license for one, and for another, I’m not going to become another woman in your big bed.”
“Diamond I’m not going to affect your career because I didn’t kill Sam. My bed will have you in it, whether anyone else is in it is up to you.” Taking her by the arms, he set her away from the door before opening it.
“You jerk, I just told you we aren’t going to happen. I have no intention of getting involved with you.”
“Oh, you’re going to be plenty involved when I put my dick up that tight pussy and you’re begging for more.,” Knox answered as he went out the door.
“Jackass.” Diamond slammed the door behind him, furious at herself for letting down her guard enough to even let them in her apartment in the first place.
Knox was the type that, if you gave him an inch, he would take a mile. Because she had been temporally insane letting him give her an orgasm, he felt he was going to take anything else he wanted.
He was going to be disillusioned. She had dealt with arrogant bikers her whole life. She was going to put a stop to his plans before he cost her the career she had worked hard to achieve as well as, most importantly, the heart she had kept protected.
Chapter Eleven
Diamond came out of the courthouse, exhausted from having been in court since morning. Playing catch up after missing the last two days was going to have to wait. She was starving, having given away most of her dinner the night before and missing breakfast. She was more than ready for lunch. Crossing the street, she went to the diner, seeing she wasn’t the only one wanting lunch in the packed restaurant.
Her attention was caught by a hand waving. Winter was sitting at a large table with two other women. Not wanting to encourage a friendship, she looked around the restaurant, but they had the only empty seat available. Her grumbling stomach made the choice for her as her reluctant feet carried her to their table.
“Hi Diamond; want to join us?” Diamond winced at the use of her hated name, although she accepted her invitation. As she sat down at the table, Winter made the introductions.
“This is my friend, Beth Moore, and her sister, Lily.”
Diamond smiled at the pretty blond before turning to catch her first glimpse of her sister. As she had approached the table, she had only seen the black hair, which she had admired for its gleaming length, but she found her breath catching at the young woman smiling at her in welcome. She was beautiful. Diamond had never looked at another woman with such stunning looks, trying to think for a minute if she was a model or actress.
“Hello,” Her gentle voice broke through Diamond’s professional barricade with one word. No one could look at the gentle eyes and give her a set down.
“Hello.” Diamond found herself returning her smile.
“Diamond is the lawyer representing Knox,” Beth explained to her sister.
“I hope you can help him out,” Lily said.
“I do, too. I’m working on it,” Diamond said as the waitress came to take her order.
“So what are you ladies doing in town today?” Diamond questioned the women.
“I needed to pick up a few things that we need for the wedding tomorrow,” Winter said.
Diamond’s face flamed. Winter had invited her to the wedding, however she had declined.
“Are you coming?” Lily asked shyly.
“I—” Diamond felt awful as she was now faced with the three women staring at her. “I have a lot of work to get done on Knox’s case.” Winter stared at her in amusement as Diamond tried to extradite herself from the embarrassing conversation; she had declined the invitation before she’d taken Knox’s case.
“Please come, you can keep me company. I’ve been around a few of The Last Riders since Beth married Razer, but I don’t know them very well. It’s in the backyard of the clubhouse so not many people will be attending because Winter didn’t want a big wedding. It’s going to be informal, so you don’t have to dress up.”
Diamond was going to refuse, but the pleading look on Lily’s face prevented her from outright saying no.
“Lily, I’m sure that Winter doesn’t want an unexpected guest,” Diamond said, trying to get out of it one more time.
“I would like for you to come. There’s plenty of room for another guest. Neither Viper nor I wanted to have a big wedding, just family and friends. I hope you come, Diamond,” Winter said graciously.
Left with no choice, she accepted, not missing the relieved look which crossed Lily’s face. Curiously, Diamond studied the young woman. She was dressed in a pretty blue dress that highlighted her dark hair. She didn’t have on much make-up and she wore no jewelry. Diamond’s eyes were caught by a red rubber band she wore around her wrist. Lily caught Diamond staring at it and self-consciously covered it with her other hand.
Diamond gave her a gentle smile before turning her attention to Winter who was discussing her wedding with Beth. Beth dragged her into their conversation and Diamond was surprised that, once she let her guard down, she had quite a bit in common with the three women.
They were unlike the other women Diamond had known who had been involved with bikers. Both Winter and Beth had careers and had no intention of making the biker lifestyle their whole world as her mother and Sex Piston had.
They were eating their lunch when Beth told Winter that Mrs. Langley wouldn’t be coming to her wedding. It clicked with Diamond she had a resource she hadn’t thought of yet.
“Beth and Winter, you’ve both lived in Treepoint your whole life, so you have an in where I don’t.” Beth and Winter stopped talking, listening to Diamond. “You,” she motioned to Winter, “worked at a high school. Who did Samantha Langley see in Treepoint?”
“There isn’t anyone she didn’t sleep with. Even before The Last Riders, she would go with a boy for a week then move on.”
“Can you make me a list? Go back as far as you can remember? Even if it’s a one night stand that you know of. I have to figure out who wanted her dead.”
“Lily and she were in school together. We’ll come up with a list of names for you and give it to you at the wedding tomorrow.” Winter seemed excited about helping. Diamond smiled at the infectious warmth of the pretty woman. She could understand why Viper would have found her hard to resist.
Curiosity got the better of her. Beth had explained that she ran a business in town, caring for older individuals who needed help with their daily activities.
“Do you work with your sister?” Diamond asked Lily.
“No, I help out every now and then, but I’m a junior at Breckenridge College. I want to be a social worker.”
Diamond stared at the beauty in front of her, the gentleness in her eyes. The world was going to take her in and spit her out. Her sister and she were something Diamond had never met; true humanitarians. Beth’s gentleness was there to see while Lily held back more; her eyes holding secrets that Diamond didn’t want to explore. She almost reached across the table to touch her hand. Bringing her mind back to the topic, Diamond couldn’t believe how the woman affected her.
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