“You can take me, just relax.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” she said, trying to ignore the small bite of pain as he began a steady pumping that was driving him deeper within her. The piercings on his cock rubbed the walls of her pussy and it was eliciting a response that had her involuntary moving backwards against her better judgment.
“That’s it, fuck me back.” His mouth found the back of her neck, sucking a piece of flesh into his mouth and biting down.
The slight flare of pain arched her back, driving him further into her. Diamond whimpered as he began to move harder and faster inside her. The stretching fullness of his cock breached her tight opening, arousing her to feelings of lust she had never felt before. Losing control, she began to move back against him in demands of her own as she felt him fill her completely.
Knox controlled her wild movements with his experienced hands, moving her hips in the direction that maximized the feel of those piercing against her g-spot. The pain of the tightness of her cunt only added to the excitement of his cock driving forcefully within her. His mouth sucking against her neck merely stimulated her further as she moaned, trying to find her release.
“You want to come?” Knox’s hand on her clit pressed against her harder, lifting her off the bed as he used his hand against her body to lift her while he continued to fuck strongly within her.
“I’m not ready to come yet; you going to suck me off if I let you come?”
Knox lowered her knees back to the bed. Removing the palm of his hand, he started rubbing her clit as he pumped inside of her. Within two hard thrusts of his cock, Diamond felt her climax strike her in waves of sensations that had her incapable of doing anything except letting her orgasm run its course.
Knox pulled out of her, and with an arm around her waist, he lifted her from the bed. Turning, he sat down on the side of her bed, setting her down between his thighs on the floor.
Still shuddering with her climax, she heard his command. “Take the condom off.” With shaking fingers, Diamond reached out and removed the slick condom, dropping it into the small trashcan she kept by her bed.
“Get on your knees.” Diamond dropped to her knees between his splayed thighs. Knox’s hand went to her now messed up hair, pulling her down to his cock.
“Suck me off.” Diamond took his cock into her mouth, giving him what he wanted, although she had only ever given head a few times and she knew she wasn’t very good at it.
Knox’s hand in her hair took into account her inexperience, showing her what he wanted. Knox was not a lover that took it easy on you; he demanded, going past her defenses to get her to take more of his cock than she thought she would be able to. When he felt her begin to gag, he pulled back, but only gave her a moment’s respite before surging back within her mouth.
His fingers unbuttoned the front of her dress, pulling a breast out of the cup of her bra. Finding her nipple, he pinched until the nub hardened, turning a light red. Diamond groaned around the head of his cock.
“Use your tongue.” Again Diamond followed his instructions, using her tongue to explore the hard flesh and teasing the piercings that had driven her crazy when he had been buried in her pussy.
“Do you know how sexy you look with my cock in your mouth, wearing those uptight business clothes with your tits begging me to pinch them? You look fucking hot.” His praise had Diamond trying harder to please him, endeavoring to take more of him while going up and down his long length.
“That’s it; show me you want it.” His hand in her hair grasped her tighter and his hips began to thrust. Her tongue found the piercings again, playing with them while her fingers went to his balls, feeling them tighten. His length hardened even further as he finally achieved the orgasm he’d wanted.
When she removed her mouth, he picked her up by the waist, laying her on the bed and curving against her. His mouth went to her neck, placing kisses on her. Diamond felt warm and tired. Her eyes closed from the disaster of a day, which hadn’t ended badly.
“Get some sleep. I’m going to fuck you again in an hour,” Knox said, reaching out to turn the light off.
Diamond dozed off, thinking that he was overestimating his stamina, but it was Diamond who spent the night amazed at the amount of times he kept waking her. She found herself continuously submitting to the demands he placed on her body. It was only towards dawn that she felt him climb from the bed, pulling on his clothes. Diamond watched, barely able to move her sore body.
“I’ll see you this afternoon at Viper’s wedding. You better get some sleep; you’re going to need it.” He left her without another word.
Diamond heard the door open and close behind him, wondering what in the hell she had started.
* * *
Diamond soaked her stiff body in hot water until she felt her flesh begin to wrinkle. Her mind was in turmoil at what she had allowed to happen with Knox. The sexual attraction she held for him was nothing she had ever encountered before. Of the few men she’d had sex with, she’d had an emotional attachment to all of them before they had explored the sexual side of their relationship. With Knox, she didn’t know how she felt about him, yet her body wanted his until it almost consumed her with lust.
She admired the things he had done with his life, but she hated that he belonged to The Last Riders and the lifestyle he made no bones about enjoying. Diamond had no illusions; if he wanted to fuck one of the women at the club, their one night together wouldn’t stop him. Feeling a knife of jealousy plunge into her stomach, Diamond rose from the tub, drying off.
She went to her closet and picked out a purple dress that buttoned up the back. It was pretty and sexy. Diamond had picked it out in the department store in town and hadn’t worn it yet because the deep v in the front wasn’t appropriate for the office or court.
Dressed, she put on heels and brushed her red hair until it fell down her back in curls. When she went to get her car keys, she realized she had forgotten her car was still at the office. Not to mention, her keys were now missing. A knock at the door sounded just as she was going to pick up her phone to call and have it fixed.
. With a sense of déjà vu she opened her door to the grinning Rider and an impassive Knox.
“We brought your car back, all fixed with a new tire,” Rider said, handing her the keys.
“Thanks, Rider.”
“And before you can mention money…—” he continued.
“I know, Viper took care of it.” Diamond finished for him. “The way it’s going I’m going to owe him money.”
“Cheaper to get a new car than fix everything wrong with that piece of junk,” Knox said.
“I told you that I can’t afford to get a new car yet.”
“Then I suggest you get busy getting me off the hook for Sam’s murder so that you can buy one.”
“Why don’t you make it easy on me and just confess,” she snapped.
Rider burst out laughing. “As much as I’m enjoying this bickering, we’re going to be late for Viper’s wedding. Knowing Winter, she’ll make me take a punishment.”
“Take a punishment?” Diamond questioned Rider, but was ignored as Knox took her hand and pulled her out into the hall. Rider locked and closed her door, following behind.
“Slow down Knox; we’re not that late,” Diamond said, trying to keep up. Knox slowed his steps and Diamond walked between the two men.
A truck was parked by her car. Diamond started to go to her car, however Knox opened the truck door. “Get in.”
“But I was going to take my car.”
“Leave it. I’ll bring you back tonight.” Diamond gave in, sliding into the passenger side of the truck then scooting over as Knox got in beside her. Rider climbed in behind the wheel, expertly backing the truck out and onto the road.
“Did Winter invite anymore unexpected guests?” Diamond asked curiously.
“No, just The Last Riders, you and Lily. Mrs. Langley was invited, but under the circumstances, she declined.”
“I know; Winter told me. I feel horrible that she doesn’t have any family left,” Diamond said, knowing the sweet woman had to be lonely.
“She has a great-grandchild if Sam hadn’t decided to keep it a secret with what she had done with it,” Knox said, staring out the window.
“Vincent Bedford refuses to tell?” Diamond asked.
“Yes. The sheriff is looking into the situation,” Rider answered.
Knox placed his arm against the back of the car seat. Diamond was unsure how to act around him. She didn’t want to act like a girlfriend, but she didn’t want to be the cliché one-night stand, either. She was confused as to what exactly she did want.
Rider pulled the truck into the parking lot of the clubhouse. The huge house sat on top of a hill facing the mountain. Diamond noticed a path being dug alongside the long flight of steps leading to the door.
“You’re putting in more steps?” Diamond asked.
“No, we’re trying to level it off so that a winding path will take you to the back door of the house to make it easier on Winter’s back. Viper worries that she will fall.”
Diamond had come to respect the way Viper treated Winter. During her school board case, he had let her take the lead, supporting her in the decisions she made and had backed her up with the wealth he had at his disposal. He saw her through the violent attack that had cost her several months of physical recovery and even now was making sure her safety was taken seriously.
They climbed the steps, and when they reached the front door, Knox opened it, letting her go first into the huge room. Diamond came to a stop, seeing the inside had been redecorated. The furniture had been changed since she had been to see Winter. The mismatched furniture had been replaced with expensive leather couches and recliners in several groupings. Two long sectionals were also along opposite sides of the walls. The bar where she had seen Knox with the two women stood empty with the overhead lights off; the liquor bottles and glasses gone. It looked like the bed and breakfast it was intended to be, not the motorcycle club that had been evident a few months before.
“What happened?” Diamond asked, amazed at the transformation it had gone from a haphazard assortment of furniture into a casually elegant welcoming environment.
“We redecorated,” Rider said in amusement.
“It looks wonderful,” Diamond said, looking at the shiny wooden floors and plants scattered throughout the room.
“Winter and Beth spent the week getting it ready,” Rider said, taking off his jacket and placing it in the closet. The door opened behind them and Beth, Lily and Razer came in behind them.
“Hi,” Beth and Lily spoke in unison.
“Hello,” Diamond returned their greeting. Beth looked gorgeous in a pretty blue dress and Lily was wearing a pink dress that highlighted the darkness of her long black hair, making her look feminine and graceful. Beth hung up their coats as Lily looked around.
“It’s very nice in here, Beth,” Lily told her sister. The look of relief on Beth’s face brought understanding to Diamond. The redecorating had been for Lily’s benefit.
“You haven’t been in here before?” Diamond asked Lily. Everyone surrounding her tensed. Even Knox stiffened, his hand grasped her upper arm, giving a squeeze. Diamond didn’t understand the secrecy about the change, but decided to ask Knox about it later, instead of making an issue of it.
“No. The clubhouse is off limits to me.” Lily lowered her eyes. Sensing her hurt, Diamond took a step toward her. Knox’s hand dropped away from her as she wound her arm through Lily’s.
“I’d make it off limits to you, too, if you were my sister. Too much testosterone.” Diamond gave a mock shudder, making Lily laugh. Turning back to the men, she asked, “So where’s the wedding?” Diamond twined her arm through Lily’s, and Beth gave her a grateful smile.
Diamond and Lily only managed a brief glimpse of the house as they went through into the backyard. The day was sunny with above-average temperatures for the late fall. The backyard was huge with two picnic tables set up with white tablecloths and flowers. A gazebo had flowers decorating it, which a minister was standing in front of, talking to Viper. Diamond had never met the Pastor who was extremely handsome with a sex appeal that made the ministers from her youth seem old-fashioned.
“Grab a seat; it’s about to start.” Knox ushered the women to a grouping of empty chairs toward the front. Beth had already gone to join Winter as her matron of honor.
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