“Is it true?” Diamond asked.

“Yes.” He made no attempt to deny any of Sex Piston’s accusations.

“All of it?”

“Yes.” As he stared her straight in the eyes, the true depths of her humiliation hit home.

“Even the part about me being a temporary fuck?” Diamond braced herself for his answer.

This time his answer was slower, but Knox was always bluntly honest. “Yes.”

“I see.” Diamond walked to the door, opening it. “Please leave.”

“Diamond.” She held up her hand, halting any words he may have spoken.

“Leave.” Knox hesitated a minute longer before leaving without looking back at the devastation he had caused. Diamond went to the front door, locking it then went back into her private office. She picked up her cell phone and called Holly.

“Hello?” Holly answered.

“Take the rest of the day off,” Diamond said, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“All right. Thanks.” Diamond disconnected the call then threw her phone against the wall before going to sit behind her desk on shaking legs.

Tears blinded her eyes as she stared at the empty doorway, hoping he would come back and make it all right between them. She began praying that it wasn’t really the way Sex Piston had described. That he had cared for her, at least in a small amount. That his big body would come back and explain everything away, or say that none of it mattered, that he had come to care for her. Anything… she would take any explanation from him…

Her tears flowed faster as the doorway remained empty.

Chapter Sixteen

Knox walked to his motorcycle and got on, putting the key in the ignition. Instead of starting it, his hands went to his head. His mind told him to start the motor and get as far away from Diamond as he could. Another part of himself that he had thought long dead was telling him to get the fuck off his bike and go back inside. He had never meant the good time they were having to get out of control. He should have known the first time he had kissed her to walk away, but again, he had proven how stupid he could be.

Starting the motor, he drove out of the parking lot and out of her life. He had always intended to walk away from the beginning, each time together the last, but each night he had found himself on his bike heading to her apartment.

He had started it angry that every time she saw him she looked at him as though he was beneath her contempt. The first time he had seen her she had curled her lip at him in disgust which had brought back his high school and college days, and the looks the girls had given him; how they had treated him.

When they had begun fucking, he had discovered she was nothing like those women, and despite his best efforts, had felt himself falling for her. Just like... Knox’s mind closed down, refusing to go there. He drove away from Diamond and the resurgence of emotions; that was the only thing that he would back down from, knowing he wasn’t strong enough to win that particular battle.

For the first time, he pulled into the clubhouse parking lot without wanting to go inside. Getting off the bike, he went inside, going to his room. He lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He hadn’t been there long when he heard a soft knock at his door.

Bliss had seen him come in; he had no doubt it was her knocking on his door. Rolling to his side, he ignored the sound until eventually she gave up, leaving him alone.

* * *

Thanksgiving and Christmas passed in a blur for Diamond. She kept herself busy with court cases. For the first few weeks, she had been an emotional mess, eating anything she could get her hands on, unable to sleep because of the memories of Knox’s skills. Her body had shown the effects.

Diamond went to her closet to get the dress she was wearing to her parents’ wedding. Her mother had picked out the dresses for her and Sex Piston, and they’d shown that her mother had no concept of her daughter’s tastes.

Both dresses were a pale yellow that looked amazing with their red-gold hair, but she had picked out two different dresses of the same color for her daughter. Hers was low cut with spaghetti straps and it clung to her body, showing each curve. Thankfully, she had begun to regain control of the weight she had packed on; the dress was still tight, though it was wearable.

In direct contrast, Sex Piston’s dress was more demur yet seductive. The neckline was high in the front while leaving a plunging back that showcased Sex Piston’s best asset. The dress flowed loosely against her body, hinting at the curves that Sex Piston loved to flaunt. Diamond had even asked her mother twice to make sure she had intended those particular dresses for them and hadn’t mixed them up. Her mother had merely given her a sad look, refusing to change her choice of dress.

She had spent the least amount of time as possible with her parents, not even going for Christmas or Thanksgiving, using her caseload as an excuse. Everyone knew she was lying, however they didn’t say anything. She had thankfully also avoided Sex Piston since that day at the office.

Diamond dressed, going to the table to get her car keys and purse. Going out the door to her car, she thought again of going to purchase a new one, yet was unable to bring herself to do so.

Viper had brought the money for Knox’s case, but she had refused all of it except the actual hours she had worked on the case, explaining that she hadn’t been the one to prove his innocence. The State of Kentucky had done the job they were supposed to do.

Viper had argued, but had eventually given up, leaving her with enough to buy a new car. However she couldn’t bring herself to do so, remembering Knox had promised to help her pick one out.

She pulled out of the parking lot, not noticing the lone biker sitting where she couldn’t see him.

* * *

The wedding was being held at her father’s motorcycle club where he used to be president. Diamond pulled into the parking lot, surprised at the number of bikes in front of the small building, wondering who they belonged to. The Destructors’ members would never be able to afford the bikes she was staring at and they sure as hell had never had more than twenty members. She was looking at more than sixty bikes.

Curious, Diamond parked her car and climbed out. She once again studied the bikes as she went inside the club where she came to a stop when recognizing a few of the jackets of the men inside the club. The Blue Horsemen were inside, mingling with the Destructors.

Diamond tried not to let her mouth drop open, but was unable to prevent the surprised expression on her face.

Startled, she managed to squeeze through the crowd, searching for her mother. She finally located her in one of the rooms at the back of the club. She was dressed in a cream dress that made her look pretty and carefree, which exemplified her mother. Her sister looked gorgeous as well. The pale yellow dress really went well with her hair and gave her a maturity and sophistication that Diamond had never noticed before.

“You look beautiful,” Diamond said, going to stand by her mother’s side.

Her mother and Sex Piston both turned at her voice.

“You look beautiful, Diamond.” Her mother grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

Sex Piston didn’t say anything, studying her sister’s face with tight lips.

“What’s with all the Blue Horsemen?” Diamond asked.

“The Destructors have merged with them. We’re a big family now.”

“What?” Diamond asked, confused.

“If you ever happened to answer your phone, you would know shit,” Sex Piston said snidely.

Diamond avoided her sister’s eyes, going to her mother for an explanation as she started to pull her hair up off her neck.

“I was doing that,” Sex Piston snapped. Diamond’s hands dropped away and she went to sit on a chair as Sex Piston resumed fixing their mother’s hair.

Silence filled the room as Sex Piston worked her mother’s hair until it was on the top of her head and fell in curls against the back of her neck.

“Why did they merge?” Diamond asked.

“Because Joker and Ace can’t handle the club. They had a couple of fights three months ago and several of the members were seriously hurt. They can’t handle the club without your father and your father doesn’t want the responsibility of the club every day anymore. His heart isn’t as strong as it used to be; the doctors said, if he doesn’t take better care of himself, he’s headed for a heart attack.” Her mother’s voice wobbled on her last words.

“Stud and your pops have been friends for years, and he asked him if they were interested in merging. He said no, but he took the Destructors on as a charter of the Blue Horsemen.”

“So basically the Destructors are no more?” Diamond couldn’t believe it. She had thought they would be like cockroaches who could survive a nuclear blast.

Her mother looked close to tears. “It’s for everyone’s safety. If Joker and Ace can’t protect the club, then someone could get killed with their attitude. They can’t back up their brothers.”

Diamond had known all along that the younger members weren’t up to the standard her father had expected, although she had, of course, kept that knowledge to herself.

“How do the Destructors feel about the change?”

“Oh, I think the men are all happy with the change. Most of them are followers, not leaders,” her mom said, her smile returning as she put on lipstick.

“The women?” Diamond questioned, but she didn’t need to really. Sex Piston’s face said it all. She was the leader of the women. If she wasn’t happy then her crew sure as shit wasn’t.

“They’ll adjust.” Her optimistic mom said, picking up her bouquet from the dresser. Diamond couldn’t help the smile curving her lips at her sister’s mutinous face. “The Blue Horsemen don’t let their women become involved in club business and usually, uh...” Her mother’s face turned red. “They don’t talk back to the men with disrespect.” Her mother cast Sex Piston a censorious look.

Diamond could just bet the hostilities between the women of the Destructors and the Blue Horsemen was quickly becoming legendary. With their father the President of the Destructors since their birth, Sex Piston had pretty much been allowed to do anything she wanted and her crew were just as bad.

Having met the Blue Horsemen when she was investigating Knox’s case, she didn’t think the arrogant bikers were going to tolerate the attitude of the women. It was going to be interesting to see who would win the forthcoming battle. As much as she hated to admit it, from firsthand experience, the Blue Horsemen wouldn’t be able to deal with Sex Piston, Crazy Bitch and they sure as hell wouldn’t be able to deal with Killyama.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Don’t take all fucking day, I got shit to do.” Killyama’s voice on the other side of the door only reinforced her thoughts.

“I’m ready.” Her mother smiled, taking each daughter by the arm. Diamond opened the door, walking slowly down the hallway into the crowded room where one of her father’s friends was going to marry them. Diamond couldn’t help wondering exactly how legal the ceremony they were participating in was; she hoped the man had done the necessary paperwork. Pushing those thoughts away, her eyes drifted to her father as he turned around and Diamond’s breath caught at the expression on his face. All the love he felt for her mother was there for everyone to see.

When they drew near, her mother moved forward to stand beside her father. He turned, hugging Sex Piston as Diamond drew away to go sit down. Her father grabbed her hand, stopping her as Sex Piston stepped away. He pulled her close and Diamond stood stiffly in his embrace before he released her.

“I love you, Diamond.” Her father’s voice sounded strained with emotion. Tears filled her eyes as memories from her childhood surged through her mind, reminding her of the special bond they had once shared.

Diamond didn’t say anything as she stepped back to watch the ceremony.

It was short and sweet, and when it was over, they kissed like they had never kissed before with cheers and raucous comments from the audience. Her parents broke apart with a raucous comment themselves.

Diamond winced, going to get a beer from the coolers set up on tables against the wall. Pulling one from the ice, she noticed Crazy Bitch already had one as she stared back at her.