Lady Jenny’s Christmas Portrait
Sourcebooks Casablanca
Grace Burrowes - Lady Jenny’s Christmas Portrait краткое содержание
Lady Jenny’s Christmas Portrait - описание и краткое содержание, автор Grace Burrowes, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LadyLit.ru (ЛедиЛит).
What Lady Jenny wants for Christmas…
For Christmas, soft-spoken Lady Jenny Windham craves the freedom to pursue her artistic ambitions, though it will mean scandalizing her ducal parents and abandoning all hope of a family of her own. She confides her plans to successful artist Elijah Harrison when he’s commissioned to paint a portrait of her small nephews, because assisting Elijah will bring Jenny that much closer to her heart’s desire—won’t it?
…Will break both their hearts.
Elijah Harrison finds in his unlikely assistant not only an inspiring muse and unappreciated talent, but also a lovely and passionate woman. If Elijah supports Jenny’s career, his own professional interests will suffer, but more significantly, he will lose Jenny forever. Both Jenny and Elijah must choose between true love and a lifelong dream.
Lady Jenny’s Christmas Portrait - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию (весь текст целиком)
Lady Jenny’s Christmas Portrait - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Grace Burrowes
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1921Lady Jenny's Christmas Portrait
The Duke's Daughters - 5
Grace Burrowes
To my brother Dick, my first and most enduring hero

Either Lady Genevieve Windham didn’t recognize Elijah Harrison with his clothes on, or she had reserves of self-possession he could only envy.
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