When she finally awoke she was in her own bed, Kaliq sleeping by her side. She wondered how long they had been there. Turning her head, she saw that it was still night outside, and suddenly she remembered the words that had chilled her bones earlier. Durga and Enda were looking for her. Would she ever be free of them? She would die before she let them take her again! But at least now she was no longer a helpless girl. She could fight them with sword and staff. She could fly away from them as a bird if she had to, or better yet she could take a cat’s form, and claw their eyes out of their big heads. She actually shuddered with the pleasure her thoughts gave her.

“You are awake.” Kaliq’s voice broke into her musings. “Did you enjoy the evening? I know my brothers have said your pleasure in your own passion gave them great joy.”

“What happened after I fainted away?” she asked him.

“You didn’t faint, my love. You simply moved onto another plane of existence. Each of my brothers had his delight of you in one way or another when we had finished. You pleasured them between your legs, with your mouth, with your delicate little hands. They said no woman, human or faerie, had ever given them such enjoyment,” he told her.

“Why can I not remember it?” she wondered aloud.

“You may one day,” he said. “Your senses were very heightened, and I suspect they overwhelmed part of you although you were very vocal in your appreciation of their talents, and they were most flattered,” he chuckled. “You have a great capacity for passion, Lara. As much as any full-blooded faerie woman. I brought you from the banqueting hall and bathed you myself so you would not awaken with the scent of desire fulfilled in your nostrils,” he explained.

“It was as if I were saying goodbye to them all,” she said.

“You were,” he replied. “In your time remaining here at Shunnar you will see only me, and of course you will see Lothair for your lessons. Your mother left you a gift he will present you with today, for he says you are more than ready. Now it is still the middle of the night. Go back to sleep.” He kissed the top of her head.

“No. I want to know how you know that Durga and Enda are still seeking me,” Lara said to him.

“They entered the Desert two days ago, Lara. I received word yesterday. It will take them at least another week to reach Shunnar. They have not the advantage of Og’s magical boots. And creatures of habit that these Foresters are, they did not leave their home to come this way until after their Winterfest. You have now been gone from them for more than the required time the law allows an escaped slave. You are free. Now go to sleep.”

“Then why do they insist on pursuing me?” she demanded.

“Your mother told you the answer to that question,” he replied.

“I must remain to face them,” Lara said. “I cannot continue to have them racing behind me like hunting dogs on the scent of the prey. And this is the best and safest place for me to face them down, my lord.”

“It is,” he agreed. “Now go to sleep, Lara. You may not recall all of your vigorous activity this evening, but you body does, and it needs to rest if you are to be strong, and face your enemies.”

“Aye, my lord,” she agreed with a small chuckle, and she snuggled against his shoulder. “You have taken good care of me, Kaliq, my prince. I am grateful.”

“You should be,” he teased her. “Who else could have opened your world for you, and taught you how to love so well, you deliciously naughty creature?”

“Only you, my lord prince. Only you,” Lara replied, and she kissed his lips.

“To sleep, you bold wench!”

“I hear and obey,” she said, and effortlessly fell back into an easy slumber.

The following morning Kaliq decided he would take the shape of a Desert hawk in order to see the progress the Foresters were making as they crossed the Desert toward Shunnar. Lara wanted to join him, but he refused to allow it. “You have not yet held a different shape for a long period of time. I shall be gone the whole day.”

“How can I learn if you will not allow me to accompany you?” she demanded.

“You could fall from the sky, and be injured or killed. No! If you wish to practice shifting you will do it here where you are safe, Lara. Trust me in this decision. Have you spoken with Og yet?”

“No,” she said, disappointed. Then a quick smile lit her face. “I could be a mare amongst the other mares, couldn’t I?”

“Aye, the valley is a good place to practice your shape-shifting. You don’t have to be an animal or a bird, Lara. You might be a piece of the rock walls enclosing the valley. It would certainly be a safe choice,” he suggested. Then he took her in his arms. “I would let you come with me if I thought it safe for you, my love. Your time with me is almost at an end, and I want to spend it all with you. But today I cannot.”

She nodded, but Lara did understand his decision was really in her best interest. “I shall study my lessons, speak with Og and practice being a rock,” she told him with a wry smile.

He laughed and, giving her a kiss, was quickly gone.

Noss brought her the morning meal, and then together the two young women went to await Master Bashkar’s arrival. Then Lara told Noss of the impending arrival of the Forest Lords. Noss grew pale, but said nothing at first.

“I must soon leave Shunnar,” Lara went on. “Will you come with me? You do not have to if you feel safer here among the Shadow Princes, but I should like your company.”

“Will the giant come?” Noss asked.

“I hope so, but like you, the choice will be his,” Lara responded.

“Will it be dangerous?” Noss wanted to know.

“Probably,” Lara answered her.

“Where are you going?” Noss queried.

“I don’t know,” Lara replied. “I just know it is time for me to leave Shunnar, and both my mother and the prince were in agreement.”

“But he loves you!” Noss cried.

“Aye, he does, but he also knows my destiny is not here. In fact, he knows it far more than I certainly do. They all tell me that when I reach my destination I will know it. It’s a bit exasperating to have people speaking in such deep riddles, and hardly reassuring to those I would choose as companions,” Lara concluded.

Noss laughed, to her surprise. “I will gladly come with you. Shunnar is a place of refuge as the Shadow Princes meant it to be, but I would go mad if I had to spend the rest of my life here without you. Surely I must have a destiny, too. And now that I am capable of defending myself, I am not so afraid, dear Lara.”

“First, however, I must face Durga and Enda. They must understand that the curse cannot be lifted as my grandmother is now dead. They must know that a faerie woman will not give a child to a man she doesn’t love. They must be made to face the reality of their situation, and cease the pretense of their blood purity.”

“I’ll just wait in the next chamber while you have that conversation,” Noss said.

“Good day, my young ladies.” Master Bashkar entered the chamber where they studied each day. He set several scrolls down on the table he used. “Today, we shall learn about the Coastal Kings. They are the true aristocrats of Hetar. They are richer than the Midland Merchants, for they sail our Hetarian seas in search of adventure and wealth. They are a great tall people with blond or red hair in various shades. Their eyes are all light colored. They keep much to themselves, but it is said they are well-spoken, well-educated and clever. A most unique society indeed.”

“Have you been to the sea?” Lara asked him.

“Never!” the old man said. “But I have heard that the waters of it spread farther than the eye can see, which I find amazing.”

“With whom do they trade?” she asked him.

“Everyone! The Taubyls who carry their luxury goods across our world, the Midland Merchants, the Outlanders whom they even welcome into their palaces and villages,” Master Bashkar said. “They are certainly brave men.”

“Perhaps the Outlanders are not as bad as we have been told,” Lara suggested.

Master Bashkar looked at her strangely, then said, “They can be fierce. I hope that you never have to meet up with them but if you do, you will be prepared.” He unrolled one of the scrolls. “Now this is the land of the Coastal Kings, the only one of the four provinces of Hetar to even have a coastline. Outlanders possess the remainder of it, alas.”

“Why is the coastland so valuable?” Lara asked him.

“Because it offers an outlet to the rest of our world. Hetar is growing, my child. The population increases daily. They need new lands to house the people. New natural resources that can surely be found in the Outlands. Gold! Precious gemstones! Some in Hetar have traveled the Outlands. It is a place of great beauty, with wide grasslands and great mountains. But alas! It is controlled by the clan families of Outlanders, and the Coastal Kings protect them, refusing access by either land or sea. But the Coastal Province is the smallest of our states. One day Hetar shall have to force the Kings aside and invade the Outlands if they are to gain its land and its resources,” Master Bashkar said.

“But you are an Outlander,” Lara noted. “You would advocate this against your own people? I do not think that is right, and I am surprised, for I have thought you a most wise man, Master Bashkar.”

“No Outlander believes in loyalty except perhaps to his own clan, Lara,” he explained. “Because I wished to travel I was driven from the Devyn by my own father, who had expected me to become a great bard as he was. It was many years ago, but had not one of the Coastal Kings taken me into his care and educated me, I do not know what would have happened to me. My only loyalty is to myself, and so should your loyalty be to yourself, first and always. Now, we have strayed from our subject. The coast is responsible for most of the luxury goods made available to Hetar. While they trade with the Outlands for some of it, they do harvest the sea around them for fish and pearls. And they mine salt from the sea for all of Hetar.”

Lara half listened as the old man droned on. She did not agree with him about loyalties. Yes, she must be loyal to herself, but what of those around her whom she loved? What of Noss and Og? Poor old fellow, Lara thought. He has probably never had a peaceful moment in all his life for fear of letting his guard down. Then suddenly she felt a hand slip into hers and, looking up, her eyes met Noss’s in total understanding.

That afternoon they attended their class with Lothair. They worked with him in a large open chamber just off the valley floor. Noss practiced with her bow on an open terrace just beyond the columns, for since she was so good at it, it had been decided that it would be her only weapon except the dagger. But Noss had proved herself with the small blade, too, being agile and quick. She ceased her practice briefly to watch Lara and Lothair as they fought with blunted broadswords. Lothair was a good swordsman, but Lara had obviously inherited her father’s knack with the weapon. She blocked her opponent’s moves swiftly and easily, anticipating his every move. Lothair was grinning, obviously well pleased.

“Why do you grin like some loon?” Lara demanded, her blade slamming against his to prevent him bruising her.

“Because you have become so good at this,” he chuckled.

“I am my father’s daughter,” Lara said.

“I agree. John Swiftsword would be proud of you,” Lothair said, attempting to block, but being hindered by her faster blade. “You are, it seems, good at everything.” And he leered wickedly at her. “How sweet you were in my arms last night.”

“How could you notice? Was it not for a brief time?” she teased him.

He laughed aloud. “Aye,” he admitted. “I cannot, I fear, resist your charms.” Then he put down his sword. “It is enough for today, Lara. Practice is all I can do for you now. I have nothing more to teach you.”

“Nothing at all?” she grinned. “I am disappointed, my lord.”

He laughed again. “Put your sword down, wench, and come see what your mother has left you.” He set his own weapon aside now, and walked across the large chamber.

Curious, Lara lay her own weapon down, and joined him. The Shadow Prince reached into the corner and drew forth a beautifully carved staff of ashwood. He handed it to Lara.

“Your mother promised you this, I believe,” he said.

Lara took the staff in her two hands. She ran her hand down the smooth polished wood. She turned the rod in her hands until she was looking into the carved face on the staff. It was a long face with a long nose, a narrow mouth, and beneath that mouth a long curl of beard. The eyes in the face were closed. “Greetings, Verica,” Lara said softly.