She blinked, dizzy with how fast her life had turned around. “I just called my old boss and asked him to find me a concierge position in Vegas.”
Mike shrugged as if there was no problem. “Call him back and tell him you need a hotel in Boston instead.”
She laughed. “I think I’ll do that. I just hope there’s an opening available.”
“There will be,” Mike said as he looked into her eyes.
She frowned, not as certain. “How do you know?”
“Simple. We’re on a lucky streak, sweetheart. Nothing’s going to stand in our way.” He sealed his certainty with a kiss that left no doubt in Amber’s mind.
They were meant to be.
AMBER THREW a belated wedding reception for herself and Mike. Family only and extremely casual, the event took place in Edward’s backyard. With the lake in the background, the early fall provided a beautiful backdrop of green leaves that hadn’t yet been touched by color. Amber couldn’t wait to experience her first autumn season out East. For now, though, she was happy just to celebrate the present.
True to his word, Mike had presented her with a list of facilities for her father. They’d visited all and chosen one, settling him in with no problem. Things in the job department had also gone well. The Crown Chandler corporate offices had been so excited to have Amber back on board, they’d created an executive position in Boston just for her. Her increased salary enabled her to choose one of the better homes where she knew her father would be cared for and she’d be able to visit often.
Since his move to Boston, Sam hadn’t been so agitated, which Amber took as a sign her father was content. In a new suit, he attended today’s reception along with a private nurse she’d hired for the occasion. Amber wanted to believe somewhere inside him, her father understood what was happening and he was not only happy for her, he heartily approved.
Mike’s family was more complicated, but then they always had been. Gabrielle, now safely out of her first trimester, had begun to show and beamed with happiness. She also arrived in her favorite pair of heels, prompting Derek to remain close by with a hand beneath her elbow to steady her. As much as the other woman claimed to hate his hovering, she clearly reveled in the attention.
Derek’s daughter from his first marriage, Holly, had come for the party. She wore skinny back jeans with a T-shirt that emphasized her teenage body, along with a fringed linen scarf wrapped around her neck. A minifashionista at thirteen, and already beautiful, she clearly idolized Gabrielle. Derek definitely had his hands full with the two women in his life.
Jason Corwin had turned into a sullen man, frustrated by the turn his life had taken, and angry that he hadn’t made any progress in clearing his name. With the Olympics only a few months away, it looked as if he’d never have his chance to compete. The family tried to fix him up with women, but he wasn’t interested. Not that they’d stop trying, anyway. The Corwin women liked to defy the curse and they were determined to find Jason his own happily ever after.
Then there was the older generation.
Amber had been horrified to find out about Edward’s panic attack, but it had all worked out in the end. He was responding well to his new medication and life was starting to look much brighter. Unfortunately, like all Corwin men, he liked to hold a grudge for too long. Though he’d agreed to all the psychiatric tests at the hospital, he was still annoyed with his son for imposing the psych consult on him at all. Even if he was improving daily.
Clara had moved in with him, a situation that necessitated daily adjustment on both Clara’s and Edward’s parts. And as Edward emerged from the fog he’d lived in for years, he had trouble coming to terms with his lost years and past behavior. His embarrassment led to angry outbursts, something Edward, his doctor and Mike were dealing with.
Amber’s only concern with today’s party were Edward’s brothers. She and Mike couldn’t exclude them, but when all three were in one place, trouble was likely to follow.
So when Hank Corwin arrived along with his brother Thomas, Amber prayed that common sense would win out.
But Hank immediately zeroed in on Clara and Edward, and headed their way. Thomas walked after him.
Amber quickly followed in an attempt to head off a confrontation that would ruin the family gathering. She hadn’t forgotten Thomas’s interest in Clara or how fragile Edward still was.
She intercepted them before they reached the couple. “Hi, Hank, Thomas. I’m so glad you could make it,” Amber said, greeting them each with a kiss.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Hank said. “We’re all still praying the curse won’t touch you and Mike, or Derek and Gabrielle-”
Amber cleared her throat. “We don’t discuss the curse here. House rules,” she reminded him, as she had each time she’d seen him since her return.
A quick glance at Edward told Amber he wasn’t paying attention to his brothers. He was looking out toward the lake. He still tended to withdraw into himself. The doctor explained his behavior as being a combination of fear, anxiety and embarrassment. And they were still trying to get the right medication for his conditions. Therapy and medication could take a long time to work correctly and in sync.
“Is everything okay here?” Mike walked over to his family. He placed an arm around Amber’s waist.
“We’re all great!” Amber said. “Isn’t that right?”
Hank nodded. “Where’s the beer?” he asked.
Mike gestured to the bar area they’d set up, and Hank ambled over. “Uncle Thomas, thank you for coming.”
“I couldn’t be happier for you two,” he said sincerely. “How’s your father doing?”
“It’s a slow process, but he’s coming along.”
“Would it be all right with you if I said hello to them?” Thomas tipped his head toward Edward and Clara who sat a few feet away.
“As long as you behave,” Amber warned him in her sternest voice.
Thomas gave her a salute and a kiss on the cheek. “I do like this lady,” he said to Mike.
“Me, too.” Mike squeezed her tighter.
Thomas turned and walked away. “Edward, Clara, it’s so nice to see you!” He headed straight for Clara first, kissing her on the cheek a bit too long.
Amber took a step toward them, but Mike held her back. “It’ll be okay. Let it play out,” he said.
She narrowed her gaze. “I don’t like how Thomas gets around Clara. It’s as if some kind of spell or something comes over him and he can’t resist her.”
“Like I can’t resist you?” Mike asked, nuzzling her cheek with his lips.
“Mmm,” she murmured, loving the feel of his warm touch. Her body tingled in anticipation. “Stop trying to distract me or I’ll have to lure you to the boathouse so I can have my way with you,” she said, only half-kidding.
“Promise?” He slipped his hand beneath her shirt, easing his fingers into the waistband of her jeans.
Like newlyweds, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Amber hoped the honeymoon period never ended.
“No! I’m kidding. We’re surrounded by family.”
“I forgot what a prude you are when there are people around.” He often teased her about the way she’d acted the first time she stayed in this house. Because now that they were happy and officially together, he knew she’d have her way with him anywhere, anytime, as long as they were discreet.
She turned into his arms and a feeling of pure happiness and contentment washed over her. Surrounded by their family, the people who meant the most to them, and secure in each other, Amber’s lucky streak had indeed continued.
“I love you, Detective Corwin.”
He grinned. “I love you, too, Amber Rose.”
Her entire body melted at his words.
Until a loud shout interrupted them. When they turned to look, they saw Edward standing on a chair, shouting at Thomas. “You want her so badly, take her. She’s yours. Maybe then the damn curse will leave me alone and start working on you!”
“Eddie, you get down at once before you fall and break your hard head,” Clara yelled up at him.
Amber grabbed Mike’s hand and they ran toward the ruckus.
“Dad, I warned you not to go near Clara,” Jason said, approaching his father.
“I didn’t do anything except compliment the lovely orange color of her dress, dammit,” Thomas exploded.
Mike rolled his eyes and glanced at Amber. “Are you sure this is what you want to deal with for the rest of your life?” he asked his wife.
The woman he’d traveled across the country to reclaim.
A female shriek reverberated around them.
Amber and Mike turned fast.
“Daddy, that’s a skunk!” Holly shouted as she leaped onto the rectangular buffet table. The extremely portable, unstable table came crashing to the ground, the food along with it. Holly got up, fine but embarrassed.
Mike winced.
Amber laughed.
“Just what is so funny?” he asked, tension mounting.
Amber placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him. “Your question? You wanted to know if I wanted to deal with this for the rest of my life.”
Mike clenched his jaw. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.”
She shook her head. “I’m glad you did. Because you need to know, I love our loud, crazy family and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My old life was sad and lonely.” She met his gaze with a warm, reassuring one. “I’m lucky to have you.”
Relieved, Mike shook his head and tipped his head toward hers. “I’m the lucky one.”
And that was something he never intended to forget.
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